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Esoterical Mantra of Leviathan

Tohu Tehom Theli Than Leviathan Tanin'iver Taninsam

This is the esoterical formula that awakens (internally and externally – macro and
microcosm) Leaviathan and other black dragons manifested in the Kliphotic Spheres. This
formula is a manner of “opening the gates” of Sitra Ahra, to guide the adepts through the
structure of the Black Light.

Tohu has a similar meaning to “no form”. As described in the hebraic scriptures, “Toho wa
bohu”, literally means “without form and empty”, and describes the condition of Earth before
the supposed apparition of the hebrew demiurge saying “fiat lux”. According to the Torah,
Tohu is the meaning to “residues” – “span”. Therefore, Tohu is a force that englobes the
emanations of the Black Light.

Tehon possess multiple meanings. Firstly, it is one of the forms of manifestation of Tiamat

(seven heads – seven infernal worlds), since the acadian word “Tantu” has a meaning
similar to Tiamat. Tehom is also the manifestation of the deep primordial waters (abyss)
described in the Torah. Therefore, the “amorphal chaos”, the force that has generated all
the gods.

Theli is the imaculated serpent. In ancient Caldeia, Theli was the name that meant the
Ouroboros, the dragon that bites its own tail and create the Cosmos. An androgenous
shape that awakens consciousness and knowledge. “…It is the Great Naga, the Great
Serpent that ‘attracts the tail to its mouth in the endless search of the negative for the
positive’ and bites ‘with his active head the passive tail, from whose emanations worlds,
beings and things were born” (The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnet). Theli is the path of the
great motherly uterus, the power that finds no limitations and always will be the primordial
mistery. As guardian of the infernal gates, Theli is above the understood polarities, being
the initiatic serpent in the eternal search for knowledge.

Than is the perfect sense of things. It is the quiet of the mind, the Silence of Gougiel. As if
the body was the food of the ignorant mind, intoxicating the “self” with its false lights.
Leviathan is the Black Dragon described, a Demon of Water and of the North.

Tanin’iver is the name given to the “horse of Lilith” – “Blind Dragon that makes possible the
opening of spiritual sight”, that makes possible the coupling of Lilith and Samael, that brings
chaos to the world. Might be an alusion of male and female in a Kliphotic form, where the
male (positive-dynamic) and the female (negative-static) act to begin the generation of
shapes. When Tanin’iver is invoked, awakens the supreme spiritual sight and the
manifestation of the 11 heads of the Dragon, the Azerate (the eleven Qliphas of the Tree of

Taninsam are the shapes of dragons, crocodiles and reptiles. These animals possess
venom and this venom in the Qliphotic states are used to kill the inside of men. It is also the
way we call the “Black Mother Lilith” in its draconian and ophidic aspect. When Taninsam is
invoked, its venom kills the weak being that inhabits inside you and makes the Strong be
born, with its refined concepts of the Dark Gnosis.

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