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Department of Surgery

Learning outcomes

Semester 7: Seminars

Pre-operative management

1. Discuss the routine preoperative workup for a patient who is undergoing surgery under general
anesthesia.( History/ Physical examination/ investigations)
2. Discuss antibiotic prophylaxis in a preoperative patient. ( Indications/ route and time of
administration/ choice of antibiotic with dosage)
3. Outline the measures used to prevent DVT in a surgical patient. (Risk stratification/ non
pharmacological methods/ Drugs to prevent DVT.)
4. Preparation of a nutritionally challenged patient for major surgery.
5. Discuss process of taking informed consent for a surgical procedure.

Post-operative management and complications

1. Describe how to manage and monitor post-operative patient.

2. List, diagnose and manage common post-operative complications.
3. List and suggest management strategies for general and common specific post-operative
4. Able to list the causes and suggest management options for ‘post-op fever’.

Breast Cancer

1. List and discuss risk factors for breast cancer.

2. Discuss epidemiology of breast cancer.
3. Enumerate methods of breast cancer screening and discuss their merits and demerits.
4. Describe clinical features of breast cancer including impalpable, imaging detected lesions.
5. Discuss histology & receptor status and staging of breast cancer.
6. Enact Breaking bad news, counselling and other communication skills.
7. Discuss Surgery for breast cancer-mastectomy vs. breast conserving surgery.(indications,
advantages, disadvantages and limitations).
8. List modalities of Adjuvant therapy (chemotherapy, endocrine (types), radiotherapy biological
therapy, immunomodulators ) and discuss indications for the same.
9. Discuss the palliative care for advanced breast cancer.
Obstructive jaundice

1. Describe the anatomy of the biliary system and physiology of bile formation, storage and flow
including enterohepatic circulation.
2. Describe pathophysiology of different types of jaundice-pre-hepatic, hepatic and post-hepatic
3. Describe the pathophysiology of gallstone formation.
4. Describe the complications of cholelithiasis.
5. List the conditions leading to obstructive jaundice.
6. Differentiate medical from surgical causes of jaundice with justifications based on clinical
features, biochemical investigations and imaging studies
7. Describe pathology of carcinoma head of pancreas.
8. List the common biliary tumours.
9. Discuss the preparation and endoscopic and surgical management of carcinoma of the head of
pancreas and choledocholithiasis.

Lower Limb Ischemia

1. Discuss the anatomy of the vasculature of the lower limb.

2. Describe the common causes of acute and chronic limb ischemia.
3. Describe the presentation of acute and chronic limb ischemia
4. Discuss the diagnostic tools used to assess a patient with limb ischemia.
5. Discuss the management of the acute embolic lower limb.
6. Discuss the conservative management of chronic limb ischemia.
7 Outline the interventional and surgical management of limb ischemia.

Acute Pancreatitis

1. Discuss the clinical presentation of Acute pancreatitis comparing it with other causes of upper
abdominal pain
2. List causes of Acute Pancreatitis and highlight the common causes and aetiopathogenesis of
3. Describe pathophysiology of Acute Pancreatitis, include both local and systemic effects
4. Discuss investigations to confirm the diagnosis of acute pancreatitis. Compare and contrast with
other surgical emergencies and discuss role and limitations of serum amylase
5. Discuss management of Acute pancreatitis
6. Discuss the prognosis including the various prognostic criteria used.
7. Briefly outline management of gallstone pancreatitis
8. List and describe complications of acute pancreatitis including the causes of death

Oesophageal diseases and surgical nutrition

1. Discuss causes and differential diagnoses of dysphagia (hint: luminal, intramural and extramural)
2. Discuss surgical anatomy including lymphatic drainage, distances of various landmarks during
3. Outline applied physiology of oesophagus including that of the sphincters
4. List common benign causes of dysphagia. Give a brief account of benign oesophageal disorders
with particular reference to motility disorders
5. Discuss methods to assess malnutrition in a patient with dysphagia (history / physical exam /
anthropometric measurements / laboratory investigations). Critically evaluate significance of
serum albumin with that of serum transferrin in the nutritional assessment.
6. Discuss methods to optimize nutritional deficiency (hint: oral / enteral / TPN)
7. Give a brief account of TPN
8. Give a brief account of causes, risk factors, pathology and spread, clinical features, investigations
and management of oesophageal cancer. Add a statement on overall prognosis (hint stagewise)

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