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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 4, Issue 43 29 July 2022

Useful Links Editorial


Blog Welcome to the forty third issue of very busy thinking about what I would
my newsletter for Volume 4. like to grow in summer and autumn
Newsletter back issues this year. The commercial catalogue is
I hope you have all had a good week. available only by request and is what
Facebook commercial nurseries and cut flower
I am still a bit ahead of myself but
have decided to release future issues growers use as they purchase on a larg-
early as some of you may have some er scale and require speciality seeds.
Twitter spare time on your hands if the This is my fourth year of purchasing
weather is horrible and you are stuck from the Commercial Catalogue and
Pinterest every year I discover new gems. A re-
indoors. Just bear this in mind if you
are contemplating any tasks, as they cent discovery is ornamental kale (see
are written with the date of the news- the picture on page 2). I also managed
Contact me
letter in mind. At this time of the to propagate bedding begonias from
 Feedback year though, I don’t think it will do seed, which I planted into troughs in
much damage being a bit ahead of autumn. There is also a great range of
 Newsletter input myself. I might have to rein myself in veggie and herb seeds.
(tips, recipes, gar- during spring, although that is such a
den photos etc) Don’t forget that Italian Seeds Pronto
busy time for me that I can’t see my- has a great range of veggie and herb
self pumping out lots of issues in ad- seeds, including the Italian heirloom
 To be added to my
vance! Franchi Seeds Range.
mailing list
I have spent a great deal of time tidy- Blog
ing up the property infront and also in
our patio. There is so much to do! At You can read my gardening blog here.
some point, I need to prune one of our My latest post is about my winter gar-
Inside this issue: camellia trees (I did the other at the dening activity.
time I planted spring bulbs as the tree
was crowding the area I was going to Social media
plant them). I also need to extract I have a Facebook page called Anita’s
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2
Anita’s Garden seeds from our chillies and dahlias, Garden and maintain an active Insta-
which have been drying inside. On gram account, too.
rainy days, I am going to wash plastic
punnets and rub the writing off plant Collaborations
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 labels so they can be reused. I also
for the week need to check on my potted dahlias I have the following collaborations:
and lilies. I might need to lift the
 Italian Seeds Pronto
dahlias as they could rot over winter.
I’m not sure if I will divide and repot  Awapuni
Collaboration news 2 the lilies. I might leave them in con-
tainers for another season but will  Bulbs Direct
add a scoop of bulb fertiliser. I also
need to check on my calla lilies and If you are interested in collaborating
will probably do the same for them. with me, please get in touch by email.
Anita’s guide to growing 3
dahlias: Part III Have a great weekend.
I have been busy thinking about seed
orders. I received a copy of the Eg-
Anita Kundu
mont Seeds Commercial Catalogue in
the mail. Thanks John! I have been
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 4 , I S S U E 4 3

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Our miniature daffodil Sun-

disc has started flowering! I
Here are some more jonquils I planted the bulbs in a small
picked from our garden. They This is our ornamental kale. It is a plastic terracotta trough. My
started flowering for us in May mix of Crane White and Bicolour. I other favourite miniature
and I have been picking and bring- grew these plants from seeds sown daffodil is tete-a-tetes.
ing them inside since then. in autumn in our patio.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

Bulbs Direct have a great range
1. Keep on top of weeds ready to go in spring.
available on their website.
I have been doing quite a bit of 3. Wipe plant labels for re-
5. Order dahlias and other
weeding lately to try and keep on use
summer bulbs
top of the weeds in our garden.
I save all my plastic plant labels
Bulbs Direct have released their
2. Wash plastic punnets and scrub them with a little Jiff (a
summer catalogue online. Be
cleaning product in NZ) so they
Winter is the perfect time to wash quick, as popular varieties tend to
can be used again.
all your plastic punnets with a sell out fast. It does pay to revisit
little bleach diluted in some warm 4. Plant lily bulbs the website from time to time as
water. This means you will be stock does get added.
It’s not too late to plant lilies.

Collaboration news
Spring isn’t too far away and Ital- Bulbs Direct have a great range of Awapuni have all your winter fa-
ian Seeds Pronto have a great dahlias available for you to order vourites in stock right now: garlic,
range of seeds for your spring gar- online. Don’t worry if you missed strawberries, red onions and
den. I highly recommend the rock- out on the first round. Kayne and brown onions. Strawberries and
et seeds. I have grown the variety the team will be uploading more garlic come in convenient mega-
Coltivata in the past with great varieties so keep an eye on the bundles of 50 and 100 plants,
success, both in the ground and in website. You do have to be quick which are ideal for large gardens.
pots. There are four other varie- with purchasing dahlias, as popu- Awapuni also have a great range
ties of rocket available on the web- lar varieties tend to sell out very of winter flower, veggie and herb
site too, which are well worth quickly. Have your wishlist ready seedlings in stock.
checking out. to go!
V O LU M E 4 , I S S U E 4 3 PAGE 3
A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N

Anita’s guide to growing dahlias: Part III

This is the third part in a series plant and write the name of the
about growing dahlias. I know it variety with a marker
is very early to be thinking about
growing dahlias. In fact, I only just
 Because dahlias are prone
finished lifting mine last month. to rot, I don’t recommend
What prompted me to write this watering them after you
article was Bulbs Direct, who re- have finished planting
leased their dahlia catalogue Aftercare
online on 1st July. Kayne and the
team have an even bigger selection  To encourage branching,
this year and there are tons of ex- pinch out the bud of the
citing new varieties available. main stem before it flowers
Kayne told me that this is because
they have brought a new supplier  As your dahlias begin to
from the Netherlands on board to bud, you can sprinkle a little
help satisfy customer requests for sulphate of potash around
highly sought after varieties. They the base of your plants to
will be adding more varieties to Labyrinth Twotone, another excit- encourage flowering
the website, so don’t worry if you ing addition to Bulbs Direct’s new
missed out in the first round. catalogue  To encourage further flower-
ing, dead head plants regu-
Following on from last week’s arti-  Don’t plant dahlia tubers larly
cle, I just wanted to mention that too early! If there are frosts
it is not obligatory to divide your and/or cool weather, they
 You can take cuttings from
dahlias every year. Some garden- may rot or die. It’s best to your dahlias either when
ers prefer to leave them in the wait until at least Labour they are in pots or when
ground for a few years before di- Weekend. I only started they are planted in the
viding them. I do tend to divide planting mine from mid- ground. For the best chance
mine every year as I lift them for November onwards after of success, it is recommend-
storage purposes and it makes some heavy rain subsided ed to take cuttings in spring.
sense to divide them when they That way your cuttings have
start shooting away in spring as I  As mentioned in last week’s a chance to grow a bit before
can see where the eyes are and newsletter, it’s up to you if the cooler weather sets in
where to make the divisions. Some you want to pot your dahlia during autumn
varieties such as Penhill Water- tubers up first and then
transplant them, or plant  As the foliage begins to die
melon are such monsters of a tuber
the tuber direct to the at the end of the season,
that it is a good idea to divide it
ground sprinkle a little bulb fertilis-
every year. I personally find that
er around the base of the
lifting and dividing my dahlias
 I don’t usually use compost plants so that the tuber
every year makes the task of both
or sheep pellets when plant- stores all the nutrients for
lifting and dividing them much
ing flowers as I find they do the next season and flowers
easier, as they are not as big. If
better without it. I do like to well
the tubers are allowed to get very
big, I think there is a greater risk sprinkle a little bulb fertilis-
er in the ground prior to  You can save seeds from
of damaging them in the process of your dahlias but beware
lifting them, no matter how careful planting my dahlias
that they may not come true
you are. And the bigger the tuber,  Stake dahlias at the time of to type ie be identical to the
the more difficult it will be to di- planting to avoid damaging parent plant
vide it. It’s up to you. You can try the plants later on
both ways and see what works for  Dahlia pre-orders occur
you. But as I mentioned in last  You may wish to plant taller throughout the year so keep
week’s article, if your tubers are varieties eg dinner plates at an eye on when suppliers
very precious and you anticipate a the back and shorter dahlias have pre-sales. I have al-
lot of rain over winter, it might be at the front ready written a wish list for
safer to lift and store them so they next year!
don’t rot in the ground over winter.  Label dahlias at the time of
planting. I tie some flagging Happy gardening!
Tips for planting dahlias tape around the base of each
Have a great weekend

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