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No 1ific o tion

Educa tion Dep ortm e nt .

Sa c hivo loyo, Gcrn d llinagor .
Do led lhe 2 l sf Decernbe,, 20 12.

Co ns1i1ution o f No .KH/S~/8~-EDl-_1075-C/ 1969-L :- In exerc ise of fhe pow er confeH ed by

India the proviso lo article 309 of th e Constitution o f Indio and in supersessior,
of a ll rules made in this behalf, the Governor ·of Gujora1 hereb y makes
the following rules to pro'vide for regula ting th e conditions of service of
persons appoinl'ed to the pbst o f Assis tant Educatio n lnspec lor a nd
Assistant Teac her, c;._iass Ill in th e subord ina te services o f the Ed uc ofio r:
Department for promotion fo the Gujara!· Educa tion Service. C oss 11 posi
so far as they relate to the departmental Examination namely :- -

1. (1) These rules may be called Assistant Educat ion Inspector on -::
Assistant Teacher, Class Ill (Departmental Examination) Ru/es 2012.

(2) They shall come 1nto force on the date of their publication in the
Official Gazette. ..<:.,

(3) They shall apply to the persons appointed to the pos t of

Assistant Educatton Inspector Inspector and Assista-nt Teache~, Closs
,ii in the subo~dfnate-servic'e under the Education Departmen t.
l • • •

· Provided that where any such person has, before the

appointment date, passed the examination or has been exempted
from passing the examination under the old rules, he/she shall not
be requi~ed to pass the examination under these rules .

(4) They shall also apply to the Assistant District Education Inspector,
Extension Officer (Education) and Kelavani Nirikshak, Class Ill, of
Panchayat Servi~e who are eligible for promotion to the post or
posts belonging to the cadres in the state service (Class-II posts)
under the Education Department in accordance with the provis1ons
of the GPanchayat Service (Eligibility for promotion to cadres in
State Services) Rules, 1966.

2. In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, -

(a) "Appendix" means an appendix Appended to these rules;

(b) "Apr:z>ointed date" means the date on which these rules

shall come in to force;

(c) "Assistant Education Inspector" means the Assistant

Education Inspectors in the office of the Commissioner,
Schools and other subordinate offices under him;

(d) "Assistant Teachers" means the Assistant Teacher in the

Secondary Schools under the cbntrol of the
Commissioner, Schoo/ and other subordinate offices
under him; ·

(e) "Assistant District Education Inspector" means Assistant

District Education Inspector of Panchayat Service .
_ ho is appointed to th e
(f) "Ccrndldc;i te" rneons O pe,~on 1 pecfor and Assistanl
pos t of Assistan t ~duca tron ~~ina te service of !he
l eocl1e r, class Ill, ,n l he s~bo . Assistan t Distric l
Educa tion Department ; and includes ihe . r -) rl
Educ a llon Inspec tor, Ex tension Officer. (Ed uc a ,on on_)
Kelovu ri i Nlrlkshak In !he pan choyot Serv ice ;

(,,) "Exo mlncrlion", means the "departmental examinat ion for

promo tion to the Gujara t Educ



, c Iass II, posi
, ·
prescribed .under these rules as speified in Appendix A ;

(17) "Specified chan ce" means th e number of c hances

speci fied In these rules within which a person is r-equ ired
to pass th e examination;

(i) "Specified period" means the period · spec ified "under

these rules within whic h a person is required to pass the

U) "Chairman" means the Chairman, of the State

Examination Board;

(k) "Old rules" means the rules of the departmental

~.xamination whi€~ere in force immediately before the
app'dtnted date.

v-3. ( l) Ev~ryCandidate shall require to pass the departmental

examination within three chances and within a period of three years .
(four 'chances within a period' of four years in the case of candidate
belonging to Scheduled Castes and ·Sche·duled Tribs) from the date of
his appointmemrn fhe respective cadre':"""'~--~---__ ,· ... ---·

/ Provided that the chance for passing the relevant examination

/ under the old mies shall be deemed to have availed under these rules
·\ and a person who before the appointed date has been provided any
/ chance under old rules shall be allowed to avail the remaining
¼::hences under these rules: -

Provide.d further that in the case of a .person who has a last chance

and if the period' '.f6r passing the examination as provided in these rules-
expires before .the date of holding the next examination, the · said
perioa shallbe deemed to have been extended up to· the' date of the
declaration of the result of the examination so held. ·

- (2)1f he/she tails to pass the examination within the specified chances
and speGified period.
his/her increment
shall be withheld;1

Provided that ~:my increments so withheld shall become payable to

him/her .trorh . the dote on
which he/she, passesl the examination
and all
further increments shall: occrue to him/her if no increment has been
withheld: •

Provided further that candidate shall not be entitled to claim the

arrears of the incremerits having withheld.

4. The candidates who fails to pass the examination within the

- specified chances and specified period shall, notwithstanding such
failure , be eligible lo appeor a l a ny lime in suc h exomin,
paymen1 of the examina tion fee as m a y be d e term ine d hv
Govemmen J from time to lime a nd if he / she shull b e 0 /i
promotio n ir1 Gujara t Educ a lio n Servic e (Adm inistrol ive Brand
post :

Provided tha t suc h ca ndida te shall no t be e ntitled to cla im

in the Gujara t Educ a tion Service (Adm inistra live Bran c h ) Clo:
those p ersons who ma y ha ve bee n a lready promo ted b e k
candidate bec om es eligible for promo tion o n a ccount his
passed the departmental examina tion later.

5. :_J 1) A candidate who intends to appear in th e Exam inati<

~ .

send his/her applic ation to the Chairman, Sta te. Exa minatior
through the office of the Head of the Departme nt _a tleas1
before the date of the commencement of the examinatior
form as specified in the Appendix B, for enlisting his/he r nor
candidate for the relevant examination.

(2) The respective Heads of the Department shall scru tir ~

application with regQ[_ds to his/her eligibility for appearing
examination and forward the same to the chairma n.
-: ....fxqmination Board.

(3) . The Chairman, State Examination Board shall adn

candidates to the examination on strength of the e
certificate given by the respective Head of the Department.
. .
(4) If the applioont subs.e quently deddes not to appear
examination he/she shall give intimation thereof to th<:; Ch e
state Examination Board through his/her heads of the Departrr
least thirty days before_the date of the commencemen t

(5) In the event of 9ny person failing to appear at an examii

after hdving enliste.d his/her name as a candidate for app<
thereat but withourintimatlng as referred to sub-rule(4) he/sh1
C be deemed to have lost one chance for passing the exa m ina ti
Provided that the State Government may condon·e the failL
the part of the candidate to give intimation as referred to in thi
rule (4) and the consequences arising there from if it is satisfiec
the person had failed to give such intimation within time for re
beyond his/her control.

(6) The Examination shall be held by the Chairman .

Examination · Board twice in a year, generally in the m on

v1 January
,. ..... and July on the date notified by him.

6. The syllabus of the examination shall be as 1 specified in the

Appendix "A" ·

.7. (1) The standard for passing the. examination shall be fifty perce
the total marks assigned to each paper.

(2) The candidates shall be allowed to answer the papers of c

subjects with the help of books.
!<)(: ' ", o f th(; rr,:lr; vc'. '

I x1ilrn 10 !10 11 : "W illi ! J( )()k'.," lf l( J( Jl'l \ rlli< Jir1 ul I'


\ l ii 11c)l :h , Lime: /\c, l'i, ru ins rn 1d ICJXI wl

liirnJ 1 C(Jrn rnr.n lrny rA ui ,r, l<J /./,
lll 1cJ I n( ·111 t 1n lr; l•,i,uo c l r 11 I ll ii 111 '> 110 d I 1y
II 1u c icwo rrim o n I

pr; rcc ril of rn~ ;rr:

(:1) /\ 11 u,:-,su c m~. ful u 11 1rlld o lo w ho S<J<.tHO~ sbdy
n r1lo d rr c;m CJr;r1rJrmnrJ
n1< 11 !s.:, i11 a ny 0 11 0 u 1 11 10 1<! ! J< JrHll ~, sho ll l1u oxor
in tl 1use pcip ors a l 111 u rn l ;sr.qu e ttl r;xu rnl r1
u lio n :

h c cm d in l h~;
P1ovid ed Iha ! a ny cxe rn p l'ion ob la in ed by suc
t; m n- 1 o f /\pp eridi x-- C
pape r· unde r 1ho old rules speci fied in c olo
sha ll be d eem ed 1o have been ob1ain
ed in lhe corre;,pon dinrJ
-2 o f App e nd ix-C.
pa pers spec ified und er these rules , in colo u rnn
hly perc e nt or rnore
(4) A c a nd id a te who has sec ure eig
paid an omo u ril in
ag gre ga te mark s in 1he exam lna lion sha ll be
c a sh a s an ince n1ive as may be d eterm ined by th e: Gov
ernm e nl. •


($ee rule 6)

Syllabus of the Depa rtme ntal Examination. _

Paper I Duration 3 hours

Service matt er 100 marks

and The Gujara t

1. The Guja rat Civil Services {Con duct } Rules, 1971 ).
(Who le Book
Civil Services (Discipline and Appe al} Rules, 1971
Rec ruitm e nt (Gen eral)
2. The Guja rat Civil Services Classification and
Rules, 1967 (Wh ole book ) :
, 3. Guja rat Civil Services Rules, 2002 Vol. I to

Paper-II Duration 3 hours

Accounts Matters 100 marks

foll owin g )
1. Guja rat Fin'ancial Rules , 1970 (Exc ept _the

Cha pter 2:General Syste m of Fina ncial Man ag~me nt and

Cont rol.

C hapt er 3: Works -and Public Building.

the fo llowing)
2. The Guja rat Treas ury Rule s, 2000 (Exce p t
r '1 . l 17~ Gujai a f Budg e ! M a nnu a l, (Wh o le~ Vo lurnn-7 cmcl 1hr1
following Chap fe1'.> o f Volume- I)
Chapter-~, 5, 6, 7 and 18 o f Volume- I .

5. _ The Bombay General Providen1 Fund Ru les (whole book) .


Paper -Ill Duration: 3 Hours

Rulesand Regulations of the 100 marks

Education Department.

I_ The Bombay Primary Education Act, 1947 and The Bombay

Primary Education Rules, 1949.

2. The Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Act, 1972

(Guj. 12 of 1973).
3. The Secorioort Education Regulations, 1974:

4. Grant-in-aid code (Except the .rule 85 of the Code and the

provisions contained in, the books mentioned at 'd and 'd' ) .

5. Education and Labour Depari'rrient Resolution No. GAC-1067,

dt. 08/10/1968 relating to the Grant to Secondary Schools.

6. General knowledge of the Bombay Education MannuaL


_Paper-IV Duration: 3 hours

Miscellaneous 100 marks

1. Current education problems concerning the administrative

branch of the Education Department.

2. A general knowl~dge of five year plan with spedal reference

to th~ development schemes of the Education Department.

3. A general knowledge of rules regarding scholarship dnd other

education concessions.
C llt i p fc ,-7 l1 0.u<,u1v ,,vo1ki11r 1

. ___~hop fc-1- -4 C us1ody o l m m 1cy ,elo lill !;,/ lo 0 1 '> IC1n ( l 111q i 1 1 ;h e
Co ve, nm e n1 /\ cco un1 s.

C h a p te l--5 Wi thdrawal fro m ll1e Gove rnm e n1 /, cco un ts.

C llop ter-9 Co n tinge n t C harges l~ules 220 l o 225.

C l1apter- l O Wl11,drawal from f·he Governm e nt /-\cco unl s-·

Pens io n Payme nt .

C hapter- 1 l With drawal from th e Gove rnme nt Acco u nts- work s


C hap ter-: 12 Withdrawal from the Government Ac co unts-


C hapter-13 Special Rules for Banks, Treasuries. I I

Chapter- 14 Special Rules for Particular Department.

Chapter-15 Public !Tubt, Transactions.

Chapter- 16 Deposits Transactions .

3. The Bombay Contingent· Expenditure Rules, 1959 {Except the


Section X Inspecting officer's bill.

Section XII . Special Rules for the Public Works Departm~nt. ·

Section XXI Medicine and Tin Medicine Boxes.

Section XXV Clothing.

Section XXVIII Tents.

Section XXIX Rewards.

Section XXX Diet and road money to witnesses.

Sectio~ XXXI Fees to pleaders and law charges.

Section · XXXII Arts and Account rements.

Section ·XXXIII Epidemic charges.

section XXXIV Stores.

Section XXXV . Repeals and Savings.

&?p endlx 'B'
See rule 5/ l J

Forrn o f App lica tior,

App /ic a1io n for app e _.

to be held b th
Examina tion Board rn,ng a l th e exam ina tion Y e Sta te
. ·

1. App lic ant's Nom e /in full/

/Surname first) /in English
and Gujarati) .

2. Designation (in English

and Gujarati)

3. Nam e of the Office in which

at present serving. t'.::.'•

4. B!rth Date and Ag_e at the

time of this
, i-: -

5 . Date of App ointm ent and

Total Year of Service.
6. Whether he/she has ap-peared :
at the examination previously?
If so -

(a} Mon th and Year of the

Examination at which he
app eare d.

(b) Whe ther any exemption

is earn ed?

If so, details of marks, Year of

. Examination and subject should
be give n .

(c) Whether:- .
he intends to avai l :
of exe mpt ione arne d? State ·
Yes or No.
(The opti on will be trea ted as
final and no cha nge will be allow ed .}

7. Authority of the rule und er llv'hich :

he has to app ear for the examination.

8. Num ber of chances and time limit : . ·

w ith in whic h he is required to pass
the exam inati on. (Dat e of eligibility
and expiry fora ppe arin g at the
examination should be men tion ed} .

• I / \
N t1111 IJO I o l 1riuls I xl in uslc. d

l11 \Vl1t, IIH.,I nclrli lio 11C1i (Sp oc iul)

' 111111 ( (·~ / 1(1\ I H"!C' ll urun led.
(Nt 1111 11cr u11d ,Jcrf P o f o rd er under
vvh1 1... l1 file oddilionol (sp ec ro l)
( :ll<1n c~· 110s been gro n1e d lo him
should b e specified and o copy
!h e reof sho uld b e sen 1) .

11. Number and Da le of ord er relaxing:

age and/or service lim ifs from
compelen 1authority /Coples of
orders should be se n!) .

12. Purpose of passing f he examina tion:

(e.g . con firma tion in govt. service)

13. Whether he is eligible to appear at :

the examination according to the
Departmental Examination Rules.

1-4 . Whether he intends to answer all his:

papers in En~r Gujarati, If so,
give details regarding papers in
which he desired to answer in
English and in Gujarati.

15. Remarks if any.

Place : _ _ _ _ __
(Signature of the Applicant)
Date : _ _ _ _ __

Certified that the above particulars are verified and found

correct. · Shri
(Name, Designation and name of the office) is eligible to appear at the
examination to be held in - ~ -' 20_.

Place : _ _ _ _ __
(Signature of the Applicant)
Date: _ _ _ __
(Name and Designation of the
He ads of Department/ O ffice)
•-J ·-

App endix 'C'

(See rule 7 (1) )

Sr. Papers in whi c h 1he exemplion Corresponding paper in vJtw-:i--.
No. was e arned under !he o ld rules . exemplion admissible occ,rJrcl
ing fo the rules.
2 3
. ----..-- .. - . ·-
Paper-I Paper-I

2 Poper-II Paper-ii

• 3




By Order and in the name of the Governor of the Gujdrat,

. ~(l
· Joint Secretary to the Government


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