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2035) . assistance, B s 40, to\ 2, Complete the sentence. Henry told... A) his fiiends when he has gonesightsecing B) his friend he would do his best to help me ©) if were swimming and boxing his hobbies D) if had the contract been signed E) whether cam the recognize the signature 4, Choose the comect variant, “To...” means to produce or design somet not existed before. A)yalue B)accept D)reveal E)invent C) cancel 5. Choose the correct negative sentences. 1. Mother doesn'tany shopping on Sundays too. 2, He atten snor seminars. 3. None of them never watches TV. 4. Thadn’t to make a decision. 5. OnlyT other didn't drink or eat at the party, 6. Choose the correct sentences, - Neither have my colleagues. 1. Mr. Clinton’s already decided to move, Nick'sneverliedtome. |] 3. Mike's never late for we ce 4. Helen hasn'th ingitis dilini biima saviyyasini Yoxlayan test tapsiniqlart GoF5 th Sorter questan tothe por ofthe sentonen inertia | Its hae heen here fee en sas 1) fet long hve teen the cteqaten ee? How any dagn were ths depts Deen ©) When have tne 7 Tipit the dclopuccters peep How long have the dccgates ci herd? 77. Chopse tne scien logically corre ‘at uy tha dete Die is very tia for you 8) tis to toons tor you Gitvou dot nec Dit docs ist ru ata OPiisjust year ace TA. Choose uke correct varia We col get rout the vooned shin 1A te 1 ©) another tion, B) a few informations the sentence in the the ra spoa al he pleasere? the pleasure spoilt by We rath? Have all Ui peanure been spall? G) Has alt the pleasure been spoilt by the rain? 1D) Were all the plessitre spot by the rin? E) Was the rain spoilt all Uie pleasure? | 80. Choose the correct word. "Ts..." means to produce or clesign something that has not existed before [Alsatue Bjcancel gece | by reveal re 81. Cheese the corrtet tense form Wher Wick. home tied that aftemoon his Imgthier him @ letter. eame, gave B) will come, has given FS CG) cine, wilgive —D) came, han en LB came, Had sven 82: Choose the words which are nat antonyms. Co ee fee 83. D) openly secrth ‘Choose the correct translation, Fogg br mvt agg yon flare Ita i carmen ncn dill Sramilesi. A) Research is carefully used to discover new facts or information about a siabject. By Posen bw esctl sid of mow fara Smornale 1D) cients resarehe ©) To alaiveer new tacts or taformaiion a A) you have: unbearable neighbours neon 8) you aren fe ) telephone cali disturb yo Jf. Dr y0u have al modern conveniences. E) sou have no peace heeatne of chikiten’ 88. Choose the mvnonon ofthe undertined word He wos lal, but the teacher eacesed i ‘praise Diet EY fence 1D) reed ©) punished 86, Choose the tons. tea ¥ i. anubody isto. ©} wihou o.t0 Dy with, for, for Eby. tos to 87. Complore the nentesive Henny told Al.his leds when he has gone sightaceing: ik fiend he would do ils best to elp hi if were swimming an! boxing hia hobbies, ‘D)ithad the contract been sige E) whether can't he. cecogrize the algnatute (68; Choose the correct wasnt fey Ocoee ieee eee fie oh as oa | @ Dt ara £89, Make up a dialogue, 1: Haw Jong are you jing to stay in this couittry? 2, = Where are fot going? = About two onthe. 4) Your passport, please. 5, -To London. 6; Here you are N46 1;3,5,2 ‘90, Chonss the correct conjunction As... the room... the hotel was comfortable, [ 1o-stay there. wllher nor either «or ©) =... and D) either .. oF ion in order to discover a Subject. his a careful study ofa subject in der to discover new faets or information about it. ) both... and. Saye yor becoming "a miliondire sere determined to make the van ccess in business depends on solutions to problems or satisfying @ pati need I also depends on marketing somethin creative way so that people will want hie i takes creativity, They 94. The word “to persuade™ means. A) to manage to achieve what you want B)\to make somebody believe th; “true, €) to study something carefully andtryto | @ discover new facts about it f D) to prepare or arrange something to be ready for use. E) to succeed in reaching a particular goal, status or standard. 7 ‘at something is 92. Choose the correct si passage. 1. Trying to find a solution to problems is the main key to becoming successful in business, 2. Only when Jermaine Griggs was 23 he started ‘out with the goal of achieving success. 3. None of these people had a goal of becoming a millionaire when they took first steps in business. 4, The young millionaires’ main purpose was to find ways of becoming millionaires. A)i,4 B)1,2 €)2,3 Cys 6)3,4 93. Choose the correct variant. The young millionaires A) have some good ideas, but they don’t insist. on. getting their aims. B) have goals, but they are hesitant about ichieving their aims. are self-confident and hard-working. ratements according to the Neither of them wasn't able to explain i) Gere is nothing to do, but wait till he comes. Why don't you want to wait no longer? 97. Choose the correct sentences. = Neither have my brothers. Nick's been walting for you since morning, {22Mr. Brown’s never seen such a play. ‘Gp Merlin hasnt been invited to the party 4: Tom's never ready for bis lessons. 98. Choose the correct words Neither of them is... and both of them aleways Widle, work hard diligent, avoid work 3. idle, avoid work 4! diligent, work hard 99. Make up a story. 1. "wasn't asleep,” the man protested. 2. Once a group of women got on a bus and saw hhat every seat was already occupied. 8, "But your eyes were closed,” the conductor said, 4, At that moment the conductor noticed a man who looked asleep. 5. "I know. I just hate to look at ladies standing up in a crowded bus,” the man answered. 6. ‘Thinking that the sleeping man might miss his stop, the conductor woke him up. 100. Make up a sentence. 1. translated 2. my uncle 3. alot of 4, an interesting novel and 5. stories 6. and published them. 98. 246195 ingitis ditini bilma soviyyasini yoxlayan test tapsiriqlan the arrest translation pany vp valve alae irr etmek prone the process of findtn so ut something that Fa to find or learn what | : pr Ojry—« p earning. about €) as . 90, Choose the Protection of nan ct Aisin deans no ; Pxhnt everybody at be kwotvod feach Sceither | Coy whic dors harm to the future generation: ©)1,2 D) which pollutes environment around/us, E) which never needs special attention. ea 13 Read the passage and answer questions 91-95. Today's inex are you Many am in their late te Mark Zuckerberg started networking site Facebook before N Michael Dell, who star eanipruters vermaine Griggs bece fuer teas 23, person 4 milliona’ willionaire weral common. hwentie poplar gock ached 20 eenpeniy thabasel! to nun their business well. They study # Successful poople. But none of 1 with the goal of becoming a milliona were determined to make their vision. Success in business depends on findma ‘Solutions to problems or satisfying a particular need. it also depends on marketing something in a creative way 20 that people will want it. This marh: the passage? 94, Which question has now a im tee A) Was these young poople'y mu ee a millionmire? gun inillionaires bani? ) What does it bere D) What ermuch ke for a young person to naire? aracteriatics have these tive sentences. The passengers had te wait no longer. No words can't describe it, you must sexe it. 3. Neither of them wasn’t able to exy ait. (>There ia nothing, to-do, but wait till he comes. 3. Why dan? you want to wait no longer? ‘97. Choose the correct seritences. = Neither have my brothers. PT zt Pa 8) Afisa e) plogkanm 9) bee ess £) QE ‘es ) =(202) a. | A) As i ie. ae Pa pai s/f- Ze\ Sh c) E é td iN Riz G OAb-0 24! a. : Li = oA 5 Py OLE D)104 E) (Crolele rer omovies y ie 1e | M\irelcmareltha Onell = a aceboo Pt a | i 43 - 45 sayh suallart eyagedahs motns saan cavablandirin. Sinfin yeddi mozunu (4, B,C, D. FB. F, Gytibb universitetinin “Moalico iyi”, ~Pediatriya” ¥> “Stomatologiya™ fakGltolorina qobul oldular. «A vo E cyni fakiltays qabul oldular. ¢ -Pediatriya” fakiltasina mozunlardan yale f oldu. 8, Dvo F mixtolif fakiiltslare qabul oldular, — ® G-nin gabul oldugu fakiltsyo bu sinifdan 2 Theat wasn't able toexplaln it io, but walt till he come. wre ny Recomilig” a mlliahiiine. Gf itera detertied ta make sir ve TH Soh ESS business depends on fin meinins to problema or asin a pclteat Reed. It also depends on marketinyy somethin Creative wey 0 that people will want thie take creation POOP wT wnt Tis Nici been waiting for you since mornin shaver boon Bich AE: GP Merin hamn't been invited to the party 81. The word “to persuade” t Bhi make somebody b that etbringy is 4. Tom's never ready for hia lessons, “tru. : ©) to study something carctully and try @ | 98. Choose the correct words. acts ubOUL IL ver of them is ... anel both of therm always iFranige semething, to be reiidy ced in reaching a eal or stundlare 82. Choose the correct s meni according, to th pansy D7 the man pr ing to find a sol ns J the 2 goton a bus and maw key to bee tates 2. Only when Jermain 6 23 h 2. “But your eyes were clo out with. the mace said 3. None of the: nda goal af bocomin 4, At that moment the conductor noticed a man millionaire when they to in % who looked asleep. business. 5, "I know. | just hate to look at ladies standing 4. The young millionaire: in purpose was to up in a crowded bus,” the man answered. find becoming millionaires, b. Thinking that the sleeping man might miss AL 2 62.3 /D\3 Bae eanductor woke him up. pa couces tne conect Variant: 100. Make up a sentence geht fonts : 1, translated 2. my unéle A) hire some good ideas, but they don't insist Bua tat “on getting their aims. Boab aan B) have goals, but they are hesitant about eving their aims, v ‘are self-confident and hard-warking. Dy daow hawe characteristics in common, and ele Aes been Se aay 4 ‘eleugee, P, A, TmaBiaren sheeg alc sorpedakarian bana mitog GoroiorT @ee00 BAKCELL > 23:12 © 33% < Film Rulosu 2.055 / 2.058 —_Diizenle @ m-facebook.c 2 7 Ms | Se i) m.facebook.c <> 1h Hpasntca 3 nonbsoBatenaM - 31 KOMMeHTapun Hpasutca Kommentapnit ingitis dilini biima saviyyasini Yoxlayan test tapsiniqlart GoF5 th Sorter questan tothe por ofthe sentonen inertia | Its hae heen here fee en sas 1) fet long hve teen the cteqaten ee? How any dagn were ths depts Deen ©) When have tne 7 Tipit the dclopuccters peep How long have the dccgates ci herd? 77. Chopse tne scien logically corre ‘at uy tha dete Die is very tia for you 8) tis to toons tor you Gitvou dot nec Dit docs ist ru ata OPiisjust year ace TA. Choose uke correct varia We col get rout the vooned shin 1A te 1 ©) another tion, B) a few informations the sentence in the the ra spoa al he pleasere? the pleasure spoilt by We rath? Have all Ui peanure been spall? G) Has alt the pleasure been spoilt by the rain? 1D) Were all the plessitre spot by the rin? E) Was the rain spoilt all Uie pleasure? | 80. Choose the correct word. "Ts..." means to produce or clesign something that has not existed before [Alsatue Bjcancel gece | by reveal re 81. Cheese the corrtet tense form Wher Wick. home tied that aftemoon his Imgthier him @ letter. eame, gave B) will come, has given FS CG) cine, wilgive —D) came, han en LB came, Had sven 82: Choose the words which are nat antonyms. Co ee fee 83. D) openly secrth ‘Choose the correct translation, Fogg br mvt agg yon flare Ita i carmen ncn dill Sramilesi. A) Research is carefully used to discover new facts or information about a siabject. By Posen bw esctl sid of mow fara Smornale 1D) cients resarehe ©) To alaiveer new tacts or taformaiion a A) you have: unbearable neighbours neon 8) you aren fe ) telephone cali disturb yo Jf. Dr y0u have al modern conveniences. E) sou have no peace heeatne of chikiten’ 88. Choose the mvnonon ofthe undertined word He wos lal, but the teacher eacesed i ‘praise Diet EY fence 1D) reed ©) punished 86, Choose the tons. tea ¥ i. anubody isto. ©} wihou o.t0 Dy with, for, for Eby. tos to 87. Complore the nentesive Henny told Al.his leds when he has gone sightaceing: ik fiend he would do ils best to elp hi if were swimming an! boxing hia hobbies, ‘D)ithad the contract been sige E) whether can't he. cecogrize the algnatute (68; Choose the correct wasnt fey Ocoee ieee eee fie oh as oa | @ Dt ara £89, Make up a dialogue, 1: Haw Jong are you jing to stay in this couittry? 2, = Where are fot going? = About two onthe. 4) Your passport, please. 5, -To London. 6; Here you are N46 1;3,5,2 ‘90, Chonss the correct conjunction As... the room... the hotel was comfortable, [ 1o-stay there. wllher nor either «or ©) =... and D) either .. oF ion in order to discover a Subject. his a careful study ofa subject in der to discover new faets or information about it. ) both... and.

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