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(1) Introduction
Lokapala Dhamma is a Pali word. So in accordance with Pali grammar, it can be analyzed thus, Loka=the world, Pala= guardian. Dhamma=the Buddhas word. According to the Buddhas teachings, Lokapala Dhamma is Hiri, shame to do evil and Ottappa, tear to do evil. So Lokapala Dhamma means The two great guardians of the world or principles. These principles which are moral shame and moral dread are the immediate cause of morality. Without Hiri or Ottappa, all mankind in the world, will fall in the evil depths and all humanity will sink to the level of animals, bringing about utter chaos. When all humanity are reduced to the state of animals, among men, there would not be such distinction as mother, as mothers elder and younger sister, as uncles wife, as teachers wife and as a respectable persons wife. Lacking Hiri and Ottappa, relationship between the sexes would go away so much. In that case, this human world would be mixed up with the world of goats, sheep, chicken, pigs, jackals and so on. 1

If these two Dhammas do not guard the world, there cannot prevail in the human world any sense of prosperity between mother and son, or between brother and sister, or father and daughter because these two Dhammas guard the world as mentioned above. Therefore Hiri and Ottappa protect all mankind from immorality. And they are regarded as two great guardians of the world- Lokapala Dhamma, on people from misconduct with each other as mother and son etc, so that they are pure and wholesome ideal. That is why those two great guardians of the world, Hiri and Ottappa, keeps human beings moral discipline and moral restrain that distinguishes them from animals are also known as Sukka Dhamma Another pali word for Lokapala Dhamma and Sukka Dhamm is also called Deva Dhamma and means the doctrine of celestial beings which is practiced in the celestial realms.2 In this paper, I will clarify these two Lokapla Dhamma how to apply properly.

(2) Research Problems and Hypothetical Statement

Today, physical development is incredible such as in the fields of science, information and technology, etc. On the other hand, the spiritual development is obviously down to the level of animals. Such situation creates more dispute and disharmony among the societies. The reason why society becomes unstable is nothing but lacking of the two Lokapala Dhamma, Hiri and Ottappa. For that, each and every individual has responsibility to know how important these two Dhamma are and to apply in daily life.

(3) Research Aims and Objectives

For the above mentioned situation which is happening in these days in the world, I decide to do my research under the area of these two Dhamma. To some extent, the attempt of this paper will bring about the solution to the problem which we all are facing in our daily life.

(4) Operational definitions of terms and concepts

The terms definition and concepts of this paper will be taken out from the Theravada Pli canon, its commentaries and sub-commentaries. The words, Hiri and Ottappa will be defined in detail and translated into English as good as possible. As these two Dhammas are the qualities and virtues of human kind which each and every individual is supposed to have according to the Buddhas teaching, we can find out the definitions of them in the Buddhist Texts. Moreover, I will use linguistic approach to expound these two Lokapala Dhamma.

(5) Research Design and Methodology

Regarding the research design of this paper, firstly, the definition of the two terms of Lokapala Dhamma, Hiri and Ottappa will be presented in detail in according with both the Pali canonical texts and their commentaries. Secondly, the applicability of these two Dhammas for the welfare of the whole world will be clearly explained in this research. Furthermore, the various opinions of many scholars on this issue also will be discussed in a separate section.

The methodology which will be applied in this paper will be critical rather than the analysis. Still, the method of analysis also will not be ignored.

(6) Scope and limitations of Study

The focal study of this paper will mainly base on the original references of Theravada Pali canonical texts and their commentaries as these two Lokadhamma, Hiri and Ottappa are concerned with the teaching of the Buddha. However, the divergent opinions of many scholars also will be discussed comparing with the original Theravada Pali canonical texts.

(7) Tentative scheme of Chapterisation

To cover the whole research, the tentative scheme of chapterisation for this paper will be as follow.

Chapter (1)
- General Introduction to the Lokapala Dhamma, Hiri and Ottappa Under this chapter, the detailed definition of the two Lokapala Dhamma will be explained in accordance with the Theravada Pli canon, its commentaries and sub-commentaries. In this regard, some of Pali + English dictionaries are helpful to translate these two words, Hiri and Ottappa. Moreover, the views of Burmese scholars also will be presented in order to the compare with other.

Chapter (2)
The First Lokapala Dhamma, Hiri Here, the main focus will be entirely connected with the first Lokapala Dhamma, Hiri. Its detailed explanation, its applicable value for the world, its profound meaning, etc. also will be considered as a fact that should be paid more attention.

Chapter (3)
The Second Lokapala Dhamma, Ottappa In the same way to the previous chapter of Hiri, the main attention will be paid on the second Lokapa Dhamma, Ottappa. Consideration will keep on the top of such cases how important Ottappa is for the welfare of the world civilization, how it can be applied in the practical field of daily activities.

Chapter (4)
The various scholar views on Lokapala Dhamma, Hiri and Ottappa In this chapter, the various views regarding with these two Lokapala Dhamma will clearly bring out comparing with one view to another. Moreover, the examination of different opinions which are held by the different scholars will be very helpful for this study.

Conclusion In this section of conclusion, the clearcut message of the Buddha regarding with these two Lokapala Dhamma will be presented in detailed.

Concluding that these two Loakapala Dhamma are worthy to apply for everyone who wants to guard the world, this research will be pointing out these two Lokapala Dhamma as the guardians of the world. Furthermore, the section will show the method how to apply properly these two Lokapala Dhamma for the well being of all the sentient beings living in this very world. Bibliography
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