11 - Effects of Parasitic Helminths

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Parasitol Res (2006) 98: 582–587

DOI 10.1007/s00436-005-0099-2


Jorge R. López-Olvera . Ursula Höfle .

Joaquín Vicente . Isabel G. Fernández-de-Mera .
Christian Gortázar

Effects of parasitic helminths and ivermectin treatment

on clinical parameters in the European wild boar (Sus scrofa)

Received: 2 November 2005 / Accepted: 24 November 2005 / Published online: 26 January 2006
# Springer-Verlag 2006

Abstract Limited information exists on serum biochem- were also highly correlated with the variation of Meta-
istry and haematology of the European wild boar, and few strongylus sp. eggs. Clinical parameters were thus in our
correlations have been found between parasitic burden and study affected by helminth parasitism in the European wild
clinical parameters in this species. Naturally infected wild boar, particularly those related to nutrients uptake, physical
boars were experimentally treated to study the effect of condition and immune response. Therefore, they could be
nematode parasites and ivermectin treatment on phyto- useful in studies on subclinical effects of parasites, and
haemagglutinin (PHA) skin reaction and haematological parasitic burden must be considered when assessing the
and serum biochemical parameters. White blood cells physical condition of European wild boars through
decreased in untreated wild boars, whereas triglyceride, haematological and serum biochemical parameters.
lactate and creatinine concentrations increased in ivermec-
tin-treated wild boars, and total protein and aspartate
aminotransferase activity increased in both groups. Band Introduction
neutrophils variation was positively correlated with the
number of total adult parasites. Band neutrophils, creati- The European wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) is one of the most
nine and total protein variations were negatively correlated important game species in Europe, with populations that
with both total egg counts and Metastrongylus eggs per are increasing continuously (Gortázar et al. 2000). Par-
gram variations. Alkaline phosphatase activity showed a ticularly in the Southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, high
negative correlation with Ascaris sp. eggs. The PHA skin densities occur locally, and populations are often inten-
reaction was positively correlated with the number of total sively managed to increase the hunting harvest (Rosell et
adult parasites in untreated wild boars and with Meta- al. 2001). Management includes fencing of hunting estates,
strongylus sp. eggs of all wild boars at time 0. Two models feeding, semi-intensive breeding and translocation of in-
including leukocytic and serum biochemical parameters dividuals and has been shown to imply sanitary risks, es-
pecially when densities are high (Vicente et al. 2004).
Particularly in farm-like situations, medical treatment may
J. R. López-Olvera (*) become necessary in relation to disease outbreaks or to
Departamento de Medicina y Cirugía Animal,
Facultad de Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salud, prevent risks associated with translocations, such as the
Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU, introduction of parasites or pathogens into naive popula-
Avda. del Seminario s/n, 46113, Moncada, tions (Fernández de Mera et al. 2003; Höfle et al. 2004).
Valencia, Spain Both in domestic and wild animals, including the European
e-mail: elrebeco@yahoo.es wild boar, antiparasitic treatments have been proven to
Tel.: +34-961369000
Fax: +34-961395272 decrease parasitic burden and ameliorate body condition
and productivity of the treated populations (Reina et al.
U. Höfle 2000; Rajkovic-Janje et al. 2004). Wild boar parasitology
Centro de Investigaciones Agropecuarias Dehesón del Encinar, is currently a matter of concern, as well as the effectiveness
Consejería de Agricultura,
Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, 45560, Oropesa, of different drugs to reduce parasitic burden in this species,
Toledo, Spain as shown by a number of previous studies carried out on
this subject (Kutzer et al. 1974; Kutzer and Prosl 1979;
J. Vicente . I. G. Fernández-de-Mera . C. Gortázar De la Muela et al. 2001; Shender et al. 2002; Fernández de
Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos IREC
(CSIC-UCLM-JCCM), Mera et al. 2003, 2004; Rajkovic-Janje et al. 2004).
Ronda de Toledo s/n, 13071, Haematological and serum biochemical values have
Ciudad Real, Spain been considered useful for the evaluation of body condition

and the nutritional and immune status in live wild animals Ivermectin (Ivomec premix for pigs, Merial Sharp and
where other tissue-related measurements are not available Dohme, Netherlands) was orally administered to the wild
(Franzmann and LeReche 1978; DelGiudice et al. 1992; boars in the treatment group, included in commercial post-
Wolkers et al. 1993). In addition, physiological parameters weaning domestic pig feed at 2.4 ppm of ivermectin in food
have been proposed as a means to assess the effect of par- (a normal to high dose according to the manufacturers).
asite infections and the effectiveness of antiparasitic treat- Medicated feed was offered ad libitum and exclusively for
ment in wild boars, but few correlations have been found 7 days (from days 1 to 7) according to the manufacturer’s
between blood parameters and parasitic burden in this instructions for domestic pigs.
species (Zajicek et al. 1976; Wolkers et al. 1994a; Shender Controls were fed the same commercial feed without
et al. 2002). ivermectin and were administered in the same way. Clean
The variation of clinical parameters and their relation- water was available for all the animals during the ex-
ship with parasitic burden and an anthelminthic treatment periment. Five faecal samples from the floor of each pen
with ivermectin in the European wild boar are presented (for treated and control animals, respectively) were col-
here. The two main objectives of this study are to assess the lected daily to monitor the excretion of parasite propagules.
effect of nematode parasites on clinical parameters in- On day 10 after treatment, blood and faecal samples
cluding haematology, serum biochemistry and cellular im- were obtained (time 2), and all animals were euthanized.
mune reaction of the European wild boar, and to evaluate The animals were weighed and measured, and a complete
the effect of the ivermectin treatment and the related de- necropsy was performed immediately in the estate facili-
crease of parasitic burdens on the same clinical parameters ties. During necropsy, the gastrointestinal tract was ligated,
aforementioned. removed and separated for parasitologic examination, as
were the tongue, liver and lungs. In the laboratory, the
tongue, oesophagus, stomach, intestines, liver and lungs
Materials and methods were processed for the detection of parasites as described in
Fernández de Mera et al. (2004). Parasitological parameters
The study was carried out on 21 farm-bred juvenile European analyzed included total number of adult parasites found at
wild boars with a mean body weight±SD of 26.72± post-mortem examination, total egg count variation and
11.39 kg. These animals were part of a lot that had been variation of Metastrongylus sp. and Ascaris suum egg
imported from a French game farm into the quarantine counts (expressed as eggs per gram or EPG) between
facilities of a Spanish hunting estate and were destined to times 1 and 2. The carcasses without organs were weighed,
be slaughtered by the Spanish authorities to prevent and performance (carcass weight/live bodyweight) was
sanitary or genetic risks. None of the authors of this calculated.
study recommended or were responsible in the capture and Blood samples were transferred into sterile tubes with
subsequent slaughter of the wild boars, or were the lithium heparin and, at sampling after treatment, also into
specimens paid for. sterile tubes without anticoagulant, immediately after ex-
Boars were acclimated to their environment for 1 month traction. All samples were maintained at 4°C during trans-
before starting the experiments. The boars were divided port and centrifuged immediately after arrival at the
into two groups (treatment, n=12; control, n=9), and each laboratory (about 4 h after sampling) after realizing two
group was kept in separate pens. No boars had previously blood smears from heparinized blood. Serum was sepa-
occupied the facilities, and they had been thoroughly rated and frozen at −20°C until further analysis.
cleaned and disinfected previous to the experiment. On Haematological parameters analyzed included total red
day 0 (22/02/2002), wild boars were immobilized by blood cell (RBC) and white blood cell (WBC) counts,
physical restraint and weighed. Blood and faecal samples packed cell volume (PCV) and differential leukocyte count.
were collected (time 1), and animals were individually Serum biochemical parameters measured included total
marked to recognise them in successive manipulations. protein, glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, total bilirubin,
Five animals of each group were injected intradermally lactate, creatinine, urea, chloride, alanine phosphatase (AP),
with 0.1 mL phytohaemagglutinin (PHA; Sigma-Aldrich) alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransfer-
diluted in phosphate-buffered saline at 2.5 mg/mL at either ase (AST), creatine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase
the base of the ear or the inner side of the thigh after (LDH) activities. Total RBC and WBC counts were per-
shaving and measuring three times the thickness of the skin formed in a haematocytometer (modified Neubauer’s cham-
fold. Skin-fold thickness at the injection site was again ber) after staining with Turck’s and Hayem’s solutions,
measured three times at 72 h post-injection. The difference respectively. PCV was determined by the microhaematocrit
between the means of the two respective measurements method, and differential leukocyte counts were realized
was considered a value for the increase in skin-fold under oil immersion (×100) after staining the smears with a
thickness and was analyzed against parasitological infor- quick panoptic stain (Química Clínica Aplicada, Amposta,
mation collected on day 0 and the number of total adult Spain). All biochemical parameters were determined by
parasites found at necropsy of the untreated animals means of an automated analyzer (Cobas Mira, Roche,
(control) at the end of the study (see statistical analysis Nutley, USA) using ABX diagnostics reactives (Montpel-
below). lier, France), except for chloride, which was analyzed with
Gernon reactives (Lindau, Germany).

The statistical analysis was divided in four steps rameters, could not be performed, because PHA skin re-
action was determined only once at the beginning of the
First, to assess the effect of ivermectin treatment on study (a second determination within such a short interval
haematological and serum biochemical parameters, a re- would have produced unreliable results).
peated measures analysis of the variance was performed Third, to evaluate the effect of the ivermectin treatment
using the PROC MIXED procedure of SAS System for and the related decrease of parasitic burdens on the
Windows V8 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA). The haematological and serum biochemical parameters, the
main factor was treatment (ivermectin-medicated feed or correlation between the variation of these parameters
unmedicated control), and the repeated factor was time. between times 1 and 2 and the variation of parasitic burden
Least-square means were used due to the unbalanced dis- during the same period was determined. Pearson’s corre-
tribution of animals in the groups. The minimum accepted lation coefficient was determined using the PROC CORR
significance level was p<0.05 for all parameters. procedure of the SAS System for Windows V8.
Second, to determine the potential effects of parasitation Finally, to reduce the possibility of statistical correlation
and parasitic burden on cellular immunity in the European due to chance alone, avoiding multicollinearity and to
wild boar, the correlation of skin reaction to PHA and determine the most reliable combination of clinical pa-
parasitic egg count at day 0 was analyzed, as well as the rameters to assess parasitic burden and ivermectin effect in
correlation between PHA skin reaction and total number of the European wild boar, the clinical parameters were di-
adult parasites found at post-mortem examination in non- vided in three clusters (erythrocytic, leukocytic and serum
treated animals only (because PHA test was performed biochemical parameters). A multivariate regression analy-
before the ivermectin treatment). A comparison between sis between each one of these clusters and the variation of
the variation of PHA skin reaction and the variation of parasitic burden was performed with the PROC REG
parasitic parameters, as well as the remaining clinical pa- procedure of the SAS System for Windows V8.

Table 1 Haematological and serum biochemical values of treated and control wild boars at the beginning and at the end of the study
Parameter Initial control Initial treated Final control Final treated
N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD) N Mean (SD)

Red blood cells (×1012/L) 6 8.76 (1.26) 10 8.54 (1.15) 5 6.4 (0.96) 13 7.87 (2.64)
White blood cells (×109/L) 6 16,483 (4,947)a 10 18,390 (3,197) 5 6,900 (2,944)b* 14 13,800 (6,983)*
Packed cell volume (L/L) 6 0.51 (0.03) 10 0.48 (0.05) 5 0.44 (0.06) 14 0.48 (0.04)
Lymphocytes (×109/L) 5 9,757 (3,385) 10 11,928 (3,279) 4 3,963 (2,641) 11 8,303 (6,586)
Monocytes (×109/L) 5 502 (317) 10 594 (308) 4 91 (63) 11 559 (413)
Neutrophils (×109/L) 5 4,935 (2,765) 10 5,241 (3,717) 4 3,330 (3,482) 11 5,334 (4,032)
Band neutrophils (×109/L) 5 110 (165) 10 21 (67) 4 113 (106) 11 51 (74)
Eosinophils (×109/L) 5 359 (640) 10 483 (376) 4 170 (174) 11 385 (363)
Basophils (×109/L) 5 36 (81) 10 123 (156) 4 58 (68) 11 40 (49)
Total protein (g/L) 9 68.1 (6.9)a 14 69.7 (7.8)a 5 81.8 (9.4)b 15 76.4 (7.5)b
Cortisol (nmol/L) 2 1,318.1 (1,087.7) 3 296.7 (321.6) 6 318.3 (316.8) 11 418.5 (365.5)
Glucose (mmol/L) 8 5.26 (1.73) 13 6.05 (1.92) 2 4.02 (0.76) 7 7.68 (3.45)
Cholesterol (mmol/L) 8 3.95 (0.69) 13 3.47 (0.64) 7 5.48 (3.43) 14 4.12 (0.87)
Triglycerides (mmol/L) 8 0.98 (0.4) 13 0.95 (0.35)a 6 1.93 (2.08)* 12 2.29 (1.19)b*
Total bilirubin (μmol/L) 5 1.20 (0.92) 8 1.50 (0.47) 2 2.65 (1.57) 8 2.20 (1.72)
Lactate (mmol/L) 5 22.05 (1.85) 11 18.49 (6.20)a 6 33.28 (11.91) 13 37.11 (14.80)b
Creatinine (μmol/L) 8 128.18 (20.60) 13 131.24 (28.15)a 7 198.27 (100.64) 14 211.53 (127.61)b
Urea (mmol/L) 8 5.18 (2.24)a 13 3.55 (0.67) 7 9.56 (6.92)b 12 4.59 (1.58)
ALT (UI/L) 8 38 (18) 13 38 (18) 7 318 (332) 14 114 (141)
AP (UI/L) 8 95 (26) 14 103 (51) 5 161 (87) 15 110 (63)
AST (UI/L) 8 57 (15)a 13 116 (191)a 7 2,256 (2,066)b 14 921 (986)b
CK (UI/L) 9 3,106 (7,672) 14 3,239 (6,103) 7 158,716 (198,558) 15 53,598 (127,226)
LDH (UI/L) 8 791 (114)a 13 973 (642) 5 35,734 (52,079)b 14 9,668 (16,665)
Chloride (mmol/L) 8 107.3 (4.3) 13 107.8 (4.8) 5 99.5 (32.5) 12 111.6 (9.0)
Sodium (mmol/L) – – – – 4 162.8 (17.4) 8 157.3 (19.2)
Potassium (mmol/L) – – – – 3 15.5 (4.0) 7 11.0 (4.6)
N sample size, SD standard deviation
*Means are statistically different between the treatment and control groups at the same time
Means with different superscripts are significantly different in the same treatment group between the beginning and the end of the study
Table 2 Correlation between R2 p Value Correlation sense
clinical and parasitological var-
iations of wild boars
Total adult parasites
Band neutrophils 0.7556 0.0023 Positive
Phytohaemagglutin* 0.8897 0.0161 Positive
Total egg burden (EPG)
Band neutrophils 0.9324 <0.0001 Negative
Creatinine 0.4228 0.0047 Negative
*Correlation has been deter-
mined for the variation of the Total protein 0.4000 0.0049 Negative
parasitic parameters during the Metastrongylus sp. eggs (EPG)
studies for all the clinical Band neutrophils 0.9774 <0.0001 Negative
parameters, except for hae- Phytohaemagglutinin* 0.8352 0.0015 Positive
magglutinin, the correlation of
which is analyzed against final Creatinine 0.4798 0.0042 Negative
values of untreated wild boars Total protein 0.3310 0.0197 Negative
(adult parasites) and initial Ascaris sp. eggs (EPG)
parasitic values of all animals AP 0.3666 0.0129 Negative
(Metastrongylus sp. eggs)

Results Carcass performance was statistically higher (p=0.0403)

in the treated wild boars (0.655) than in the control ones
Parasite egg count was significantly lower in the treated (0.613).
group after treatment (Fernández de Mera et al. 2004). No differences in clinical parameters were observed
The prevalence and the intensity of Metastrongylus sp. between animals handled for PHA injection and animals of
parasitation and the prevalence of A. suum were also sig- both groups that were not injected with PHA.
nificantly lower in the treated wild boars than in the control Band neutrophils showed a statistically significant pos-
ones after the ivermectin treatment (Fernández de Mera et itive correlation with the variation of total number of adult
al. 2004). parasites, variation of total number of eggs and variation of
WBC statistically decreased (p=0.0084) over time only Metastrongylus sp. EPG. Total protein and creatinine
in the untreated group, reaching statistically significant concentrations were negatively correlated with total egg
(p=0.0373) lower values than the treated group at the end count and Metastrongylus sp. eggs variations. Variation of
of the treatment. Total protein and AST activity increased AP activity was negatively correlated with Ascaris sp. eggs
significantly from the beginning to the end of the treatment variation. PHA skin reaction was positively correlated with
in both the control (p=0.0308 and p=0.0106, respectively) total number of adult parasites in untreated animals and
and the treated groups (p=0.0097 and p=0.0099, respec- Metastrongylus sp. eggs number at time 0 (see Table 2).
tively). Triglyceride (p=0.0013), lactate (p=0.0032) and The statistical regression study proposed two statistically
creatinine (p=0.0237) concentrations increased signifi- significant models highly correlated with the variation of
cantly over time only in the treated group, and after the Metastrongylus sp. eggs, one including leukocytic param-
ivermectin treatment, triglyceride concentration was statis- eters (variation of band neutrophils, eosinophils and neu-
tically higher (p=0.0057) in the treated group than in the trophils) and the other including biochemical parameters
control group. Urea and LDH increased during the study (variation of triglycerides, CK, ALT, AST, LDH and AP)
only in the control group (p=0.0379 and p=0.0321, re- (see Table 3). No statistically significant model was found
spectively) (see Table 1). for the erythrocytic cluster.

Table 3 Correlation between blood clusters and Metastrongylus sp.

EPG variations in wild boar Discussion
Analysis R P value
A number of studies have reported effects of parasitation
Leukocytic cluster on different blood constituents in domestic, laboratory and
Band neutrophils 0.9998 <0.0001 wildlife species (Herd and Kociba 1985; Ubelaker et al.
Eosinophils 1993; Sartorelli et al. 1995; Kolb et al. 1996; Hanni et al.
Neutrophils 2003; Purohit et al. 2003). However, this relationship has
Serum biochemical cluster
not been demonstrated in the European wild boar in spite of
previously conducted studies (Zajicek et al. 1976; Wolkers
et al. 1994a; Shender et al. 2002).
Ivermectin treatment has shown to reduce the prevalence
ALT 0.9320 0.0086
and intensity of parasitation in domestic pigs and wild
boars, although it proved to be less effective against whip-
worms. As previously reported (Fernández de Mera et al.
2004), treated wild boars in our study had lower egg and

worm (Metastrongylus sp. and A. suum) counts than before response related to the parasitic burden. Similar increases
treatment and than untreated controls after the treatment related to parasite infestation have been reported in rats and
(Fernández de Mera et al. 2004). As a result of this domestic goats and were attributed to the stimulation of the
significant reduction in parasite burdens in treated wild immune system by parasite antigens (Yong and Dobson
boars, we expected haematological and serum biochemical 1984; Fernández del Palacio et al. 1985). However, the
parameters to change, as well as finding statistically sig- decrease of the WBC count during the study only in the
nificant differences for these parameters between treated control wild boars with significantly lower values at the end
and untreated wild boars. of the study in this group (Table 1), together with negative
Several haematological and serum biochemical param- correlation of band neutrophils and total protein with total
eters (numbers of band neutrophils, eosinophils and neu- and Metastrongylus sp. EPG variation (Table 2), suggests a
trophils, activities of CK, ALT, AP, AST and LDH and stronger immune response in treated animals. Higher
trygliceride levels), as well as the reaction to the PHA immune responses after ivermectin treatment have been
injection, varied with parasitation or were correlated with reported previously and were considered to be related to
its intensity. Increase over time and statistically significant massive release of antigens due to synchronous death of
higher values of serum triglyceride concentration after treat- parasites, although the type of immune changes seems to
ment in ivermectin-treated wild boars (Table 1) seem to depend on the type of parasite and the host species (Uhlír
indicate an enhanced fat absorption in the gut in treated and Volf 1992; Njoo et al. 1994; Savanur et al. 1996; Cooper
animals that may be due to the decrease of parasite com- et al. 2002). Moreover, the effect of ivermectin seems to
petition and parasite originated lesions. Although higher depend not only on its parasiticidal action but relies also on
triglyceride values have been related to higher helminth an activation of host immunocompetence (Wildenburg et
abundance in free-ranging Alpine ibex (Capra ibex) due to al. 1998; Ali et al. 2002, 2003). The tendency to a heavier
mobilization of stored fat (Sartorelli et al. 1995), lack of spleen (mean±standard deviation) in treated wild boars
parasite-induced fat mobilization has been reported in the (112.35±38.74 g) in comparison to untreated ones (72.78±
wild boar (Wolkers et al. 1994a). During our study, the wild 48.45 g), although not significant (p=0.0632), agrees with
boars were kept in captivity and fed ad libitum, which an increase of immune response in treated wild boars.
could explain that triglyceride levels in both treated and The apparent improvement in parameters related with
control animals increased over time, while differences in the immune capacity after ivermectin treatment opens the
triglyceride levels between both groups at the end of the discussion on the convenience of anthelminthic treatments
study could account for reduction in parasite burdens in the in captive reared (overdense) wild boars, where other
treated wild boars. Serum creatinine concentration is di- disease agents such as Porcine Circovirus type 2 can reduce
rectly correlated with muscular mass, although it is also the immune capacity of young animals, possibly contribut-
influenced by creatinine dietary intake and rate of synthesis ing to piglet mortality (Vicente et al. 2004). Our results also
(Finco 1997). Serum creatinine increase in treated wild underline that parasite burdens need to be taken into
boars (Table 1) seems to further indicate better dietary account in studies on haematological and serum biochem-
performance with increase in muscular mass during the ical parameters and PHA reaction. This is important, for
study in these animals. Negative correlation of creatinine example, in relation with skin testing of wild boar for
with total and Metastrongylus sp. egg burden variation tuberculosis.
(Table 2) further suggests an increase of muscular mass in Ivermectin treatment significantly reduced EPG but had
ivermectin-treated wild boar. Higher values of serum non- an incomplete effect on adult parasites (Fernández de Mera
esterified fatty acids and creatinine concentrations due to et al. 2004). This could explain the variations in the degree
food restriction have been previously described in wild of correlation of clinical parameters with the different par-
boar (Wolkers et al. 1994b), which agrees with our results. asite parameters (namely, adults and egg output), in ad-
ALT and LDH are found in skeletal muscle (Kramer and dition to the independent immunostimulant effect of
Hoffmann 1997), and their negative correlation with egg ivermectin. However, the statistical correlations found
burden variation (Table 2) seems to corroborate creatinine for leukocytic and biochemical measures with total
data, indicating muscular increase in treated animals. Cor- Metastrongylus sp. eggs (Table 3) indicate that there is a
relation of serum AP activity variation with Ascaris sp. direct effect of parasitation on clinical parameters in the
EPG and total EPG variation (Table 2) is more difficult to wild boar, in contrast to previous results from other
explain, because it is a non-specific enzyme widely dis- authors (Zajicek et al. 1976; Wolkers et al. 1994a; Shender
tributed in the organism (Kramer and Hoffmann 1997). et al. 2002).
Nevertheless, it could also be related to a higher diet In conclusion, we show for the first time a relationship
absorption and growth activity in treated wild boars. The between clinical parameters and parasitic burden in the
higher carcass performance of treated wild boars seems to European wild boar. Haematological and serum biochem-
further indicate their higher dietary absorption and growth ical changes found according to parasitic burden and/or
activity. antiparasitic treatments are probably mainly related to dif-
Band neutrophil and PHA skin reaction positive corre- ferences in nutrients uptake and growth activity and in their
lation with the number of total adult parasites and PHA immune response. When interpreting clinical and haemato-
skin reaction positive correlation with Metastrongylus sp. logical parameters for European wild boars, parasitic
eggs (Table 2) seem to indicate an active cellular immune

burdens or recent antiparasitic treatments have to be taken Kramer JW, Hoffmann WE (1997) Clinical enzymology. In: Kaneko
into account. JJ, Harvey JW, Bruss ML (eds) Clinical biochemistry of
domestic animals, 5th edn. Academic, San Diego, pp 303–325
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Acknowledgements This study was carried out according to Fenbendazol (Panacur) bei Rothirsch (Cervus elaphus) und
current legislation. It was supported by project AGL2001-3947, Wildschwein (Sus scrofa). Wien Tierarztl Monatsschr 66:295–
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Santiago Lavín and the Servei d’Ecopatologia de Fauna Salvatge of Njoo FL, Hack CE, Oosting J, Luyendijk L, Stilma JS, Kijlstra A
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