CST 338

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//STUDENT: Sergio Quiroz

//COURSE: CST338-30_SU19
//EXERCISE: Mod 2 Casino

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.Math;


public class Assign2
static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);

public static void main(String[] args)
int bet = 0;
int multiplier = 0;
int winnings = 0;
int numPulls = TripleString.MAX_PULLS;

TripleString game = new TripleString();

//getBet() will prompt the user to enter a value between MIN_BET
//and MAX_BET and return a number between those values.
//Those values are currently MIN_BET 0 and MAX_BET 100
bet = getBet();
numPulls -= 1;

//A bet of zero ends the game per the specification

if (bet != 0)
game = pull();
multiplier = getPayMultiplier(game);
winnings = bet * multiplier;
if (game.saveWinnings(winnings) == true)
display(game, winnings);
System.out.println("saveWinnings write to array failed");
while(bet != 0 && numPulls != 0);

//If the user enters a bet of zero before they exceed MAX_PULLS
//displayWinnings(), otherwise they have reached MAX_PULLS and
//the game displaysWinnings() and ends.
if (numPulls > 0)
System.out.println("\nYou reached the maximum number of 40 pulls!");

public static int getBet()

// getBet() prompts the user for an integer between MIN_BET and MAX_BET
// as defined in the casino specification and returns the value of thisBet
// if it is in the valid range.
int MIN_BET = 0;
int MAX_BET = 100;
int thisBet = 0;

System.out.print("How much would you like to bet (1 - " + MAX_BET + ") or "
+ "0 to quit? ");
thisBet = keyboard.nextInt();
while(thisBet < MIN_BET || thisBet > MAX_BET);

return thisBet;
public static TripleString pull()
// use the randString() method to populate the strings in an instance
// of the TripleString class
TripleString pullString = new TripleString();


return pullString;

private static String randString()

//assign BAR, Cherries, Space, or 7 to a string based on the probabilities
//provided in the specification. BAR = 50%, Cherries = 25%, Space = 12.5%,
//and 7 = 12.5%
String randomString = "";
double randomNum = Math.random() * 1000;

//12.5% = 125 of 1000

//25% = 250 of 1000
//50% = 500 of 1000
if(randomNum >= 0 && randomNum < 125)
randomString = "Space";
else if(randomNum >= 125 && randomNum < 250)
randomString = "7";
else if(randomNum >= 250 && randomNum < 500)
randomString = "Cherries";
randomString = "BAR";
return randomString;

public static int getPayMultiplier(TripleString thePull)

//According to the specification a multiplier is determined according
//to the pattern of the three strings.
int multiplier = 0;

if (thePull.getString1() == "Cherries" &&

thePull.getString2() != "Cherries")
multiplier = 5;
else if (thePull.getString1() == "Cherries" &&
thePull.getString2() == "Cherries" &&
thePull.getString3() != "Cherries")
multiplier = 15;
else if (thePull.getString1() == "Cherries" &&
thePull.getString2() == "Cherries" &&
thePull.getString3() == "Cherries")
multiplier = 30;
else if (thePull.getString1() == "BAR" &&
thePull.getString2() == "BAR" &&
thePull.getString3() == "BAR")
multiplier = 50;
else if (thePull.getString1() == "7" &&
thePull.getString2() == "7" &&
thePull.getString3() == "7")
multiplier = 100;
multiplier = 0;
return multiplier;

public static void display(TripleString thePull, int winnings)

//Show the results of the specific pull after each pull
if(winnings > 0)
System.out.println("\nwhirrrrr...and your pull is...\n" + thePull +
"\ncongratulations you win: $" + winnings + "\n");
System.out.println("\nwhirrrrr...and your pull is...\n" +
thePull + "\nsorry, you lose.\n");
//END Assign2 CLASS

//START TripleString class

class TripleString
//The maximum number of pulls allowed as defined in the specification
public static final int MAX_PULLS = 40;
private static int numPulls = 0;

//The maximum length of a string allowed as defined in the specification,

//and the three strings representing the wheels on the slot machine
public static final int MAX_LEN = 20;
private String string1, string2, string3;

//Store the winnings from each pull into an array, up to MAX_PULLS

private static int[] pullWinnings = new int[MAX_PULLS];

//Default Constructor
string1 = "";
string2 = "";
string3 = "";

//validate that a string is within the specification and doesn't exceed

//MAX_LEN and is not null.
private boolean validString(String str)
if(str != null && str.length() <= MAX_LEN)
return true;
return false;

//Mutators and accessors one each for string1, string2, string3

//mutators should be booleans and call validString() per the specification
//START mutators
public boolean setString1(String str)
if (validString(str))
string1 = str;
return true;
return false;

public boolean setString2(String str)

if (validString(str))
string2 = str;
return true;
return false;

public boolean setString3(String str)

if (validString(str))
string3 = str;
return true;
return false;
//END mutators

//START accessors
public String getString1()
return string1;

public String getString2()

return string2;

public String getString3()

return string3;
//END accessors

public String toString()

//concatenate the three strings into a single string per the specification
//this represents the three wheels of the slot machine spin
String pullString = string1 + " " + string2 + " " + string3;
return pullString;
public boolean saveWinnings(int winnings)
//Save the value of winnings to the appropriate index in the array,
//index comes from numPulls
if(numPulls < MAX_PULLS)
pullWinnings[numPulls] = winnings;
numPulls += 1;
return true;
return false;

public String displayWinnings()

//At the end of the game, triggered by either the player entering 0
//or, the player reaching the maximum number of pulls NUM_PULLS
//summarize the results of each spin by displaying each element in the
//pullWinnings[] and sum and display their totalWinnings
int totalWinnings = 0;
String gameResults = "\nThanks for playing at the Casino!\n"
+ "Your individual winnings were:\n";

for (int i = 0; i < numPulls; i++)

gameResults = gameResults + pullWinnings[i] + " ";
totalWinnings = totalWinnings + pullWinnings[i];

gameResults = gameResults + "\nYour total winnings were: $"

+ totalWinnings;

return gameResults;

//END TripleString class
/***********************SAMPLE RUN*********************************************
How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 5

whirrrrr...and your pull is...

Cherries Cherries Space
congratulations you win: $75

How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 55

whirrrrr...and your pull is...

BAR BAR Cherries
sorry, you lose.

How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 555

How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 555
How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? -2
How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 5

whirrrrr...and your pull is...

Space Cherries 7
sorry, you lose.

How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 5

whirrrrr...and your pull is...

sorry, you lose.

How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 5

whirrrrr...and your pull is...

BAR BAR Cherries
sorry, you lose.

How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 5

whirrrrr...and your pull is...

sorry, you lose.
How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 5

whirrrrr...and your pull is...

Cherries BAR BAR
congratulations you win: $25

How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 5

whirrrrr...and your pull is...

congratulations you win: $250

How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 5

whirrrrr...and your pull is...

congratulations you win: $250

How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 5

whirrrrr...and your pull is...

BAR 7 Cherries
sorry, you lose.

How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 5

whirrrrr...and your pull is...

BAR 7 Cherries
sorry, you lose.

How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 5

whirrrrr...and your pull is...

BAR Cherries Cherries
sorry, you lose.

How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 5

whirrrrr...and your pull is...

BAR Cherries Cherries
sorry, you lose.
How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 5

whirrrrr...and your pull is...

congratulations you win: $250

How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 5

whirrrrr...and your pull is...

BAR Cherries Cherries
sorry, you lose.

How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? 0

Thanks for playing at the Casino!

Your individual winnings were:
75 0 0 0 0 0 25 250 250 0 0 0 0 250 0
Your total winnings were: $850


How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? t

Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException
at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Scanner.next(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source)
at Assign2.getBet(Assign2.java:79)
at Assign2.main(Assign2.java:28)


How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit? !

Exception in thread "main" java.util.InputMismatchException
at java.util.Scanner.throwFor(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Scanner.next(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source)
at java.util.Scanner.nextInt(Unknown Source)
at Assign2.getBet(Assign2.java:79)
at Assign2.main(Assign2.java:28)


How much would you like to bet (1 - 100) or 0 to quit?


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