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Blood Sorcery Adapted

Potestas Motus (Movement of the Mind)
Potestas Elementorum (Power of Elements)
Potestas Excecrablis (Curses)
Levinbolt (Everyone’s Favorite)
Path of Mars
Ritualised Paths
* Creation Ignis (Lure of Flames)
* Potestas Tempestatum (Path of Storms)
*Spirit Manipulation

Setite Sorcery (Akhu)

Immanece of Set
Path of Duat
Revelations of Duat
Revelations of Midgard
The Serpent Inside
Ushabti Ritualised

Assamite Sorcery
Awakening of the Steel
The Hunters Winds
Music of the Spheres / Ritualised

Necromancy / Oblivion (Ritualised)

Bone Path (Giovanni)
Path of Woe (Giovanni)
Vitreous Path (Nagajara)

Path of Haunting (Giovanni)
Grave’s Decay (Cappadocian)
Corpse in the Monster (Cappadocian)
Path of the Skulls (Cappadocian)

BLOOD SORCERY ADAPTED, V5 EDITION – HAVE FUN! – Every Power in this article
can be acessed by Blood Sorcery or Oblivion Discipline, only with the right Mawla, clan or
ancient dark books of course!
of blood magic practiced by the vampiric clan Tremere. Created by exhaustive research and
extensive experimentation, Thaumaturgy utilizes the principles of Hermetic magic used by House
Tremere when it was still a cabal of mages, adapted to be fuelled by the inherent magical power
of Vitae rather than Quintessence. While it is certainly powerful and versatile, it is nrganized very
differently to the Spheres; Thaumaturgy is largely unknown to mages, and universally distrusted
and reviled by those who have encountered it.
With concentration and simple gestures, the Thaumaturge who studies this path can lift and
manipulate objects at a distance for a brief time. The amount of control is the same as if they
were held, and objects suitable for use as weapons may be employed as such so long as they
remain within the vampire’s line of sight. Masters of the path can use it to carry themselves or
others through the air, or even to hurl objects more violently than they could through physical
strength alone.
Level one
The Far Reach
■ Cost: One Rouse Check to Activate
■ System: Each success on a Resolve + Blood Sorcery allows the character to manipulate the
object for one turn. At the end of that time, she may make another blood Sorcery roll at the
same difficulty to extend the duration without making any more Rouse Checks. If the initial roll
achieved five successes, however, the power can be maintained for the entire scene without
need for further checks. At this Level the thaumaturge can only manipulate things of a
maximum of one-half kilogram of objects, with no Finesse and Speed, like using a broom to
clean the house while on the coach
Level Two
Autonomous Intrumetns
Pre-requisite: (The Far Reach)
■ Cost: One Rouse Check to Activate
■ System: Each success on a Resolve + Blood Sorcery allows the character to manipulate the
object for one turn. At the end of that time, she may make another blood Sorcery roll at the same
difficulty to extend the duration without making any more Rouse Checks. If the initial roll
achieved five successes, however, the power can be maintained for the entire scene without need
for further checks. At this Level the thaumaturge can Manipulate a maxumim of 10 kilograms of
Objects with Finesse but not Speed, being Able of writing, cooking, or even manipulating

dangerous ingredients for a safe distance, maybe avoiding checks to escape from the dangers of
the item, or even manipulating Keys, candles and others objects to cause a enormous variety of
Level Three
The Power of the Mind
Pre-Requisite: (Autonomous Objects)
■ Cost: One Rouse Check to Activate
■ System: Each success on a Resolve + Blood Sorcery allows the character to manipulate the
object for one turn. At the end of that time, she may make another blood Sorcery roll at the same
difficulty to extend the duration without making any more Rouse Checks. If the initial roll
achieved five successes, however, the power can be maintained for the entire scene without need
for further checks. At this Level the thaumaturge can Manipulate a maxumim of a 100 kilograms
and aditionally can can manipulate weapons and objects well enough to use them to attack, using
them with Weapon Skill + Blood Sorcery, The effective Strength of the attack is equal to the
caster’s Blood Sorcery Rating. The Caster can also Hurl objects from the ambience against a
target with Perception + Blood Sorcery check, causing superficial damage also equal to the
caster’s Blood Sorcery Rating.
Level Four
The Movement of the Mind
Pre-Requisite: (The Power of the Mind)
■ Cost: One Rouse Check to Activate
■ System: Each success on a Resolve + Blood Sorcery allows the character to manipulate the
object for one turn. At the end of that time, she may make another blood Sorcery roll at the same
difficulty to extend the duration without making any more Rouse Checks. If the initial roll
achieved five successes, however, the power can be maintained for the entire scene without need
for further checks. At this Level the thaumaturge can Manipulate a maxumim of a 250 kilograms
and aditionally to The Power of the Mind power, can levitate himself or another and fly at her
unmodified running speed. If the target is unwilling, the caster and subject make opposed
Willpower rolls each turn.
Although the Tremere’s transformation caused them to lose much of their mastery over spirits,
thaumaturges who study the path of the elements can still call upon the lesser entities that inhabit
natural phenomena. It is a popular form of magic among those stationed in more isolated
chantries, ones where the exploration of nature is readily done, but its secrets are just as useful to
urban Tremere.
Level One
Strenght of the Earth
By drawing on the power of the earth beneath her feet, the thaumaturge can temporarily increase
her physical might with only a fraction of the cost in Hunger that another would require.
■ Cost: One Rouse Check to Activate

■ System: Use the bonus effects of a Rouse Check to subsequent checks for a number of tests
equal to the successes Rounds on a Resolve + Blood Socery Check. The duration may be extended
at a cost of one point of Willpower each turn, but the power cannot be “stacked” by using it again
while one invocation is still in effect. It ends instantly if the thaumaturge is completely separated
from the ground.
Level Two
Pre-Requisite: (Strenght of the Earth)
Wooden Tongues
By coaxing the minor elemental spirit of an inanimate object into awakening, the thaumaturge
may converse with it briefly to discover what it has experienced of its surroundings.
■ Cost: One Rouse Check to Activate
■ System: The number of successes on a Intelligence + Blood Sorcery determines the extent and
relevance of the information that the thaumaturge gains. One success is enough to learn of major
events nearby, three successes can focus the spirit’s attention on the presence or absence of
creatures during those events, and five successes is enough for it to describe creatures in
comprehensible terms.
Level Three
Pre-requisite: (Wooden Tongues)
Animate the Unmoving
The thaumaturge learns to awaken elemental spirits further, imbuing them with limited powers
of movement. Objects animated in this way cannot bend or warp in any radical way, but can
shift and twist themselves by degrees in order to move. A door could open or shut, a chair could
pull itself across the floor, a statue could walk slowly, or a sword could shudder to cause itself
to be dropped.
■ Cost: One Rouse Check to Activate
■ System: The thaumaturge must expend an additional point of Willpower to use this ability in
addition to the standard Rouse Check a Wits + Blood Sorcery Roll. Success allows him to animate
one object for up to an hour, so long as it remains within his line of sight. Multiple uses of the
power allow for the animation of more than one object, but a thaumaturge cannot control more
objects at a time than he has points in Intelligence.
Level Four
Pre-Requisite: (Animate the Unmoving)
Elemental Form
The thaumaturge can transform herself into na inanimate body of earth (metal, dirt, or stone),
air, or water (liquid, ice, or fog) roughly equal in size to her own volume. She cannot take the
shape of any crafted object.
■ Cost: Two Rouse Checks to Activate
■ System: Resolve + Blood Sorcery; One success turns the thaumaturge into the appropriate
substance, but keeps her shape the same if the form is a solid one. Two successes allow her to
mimic any natural formation of the element, such as a small boulder, pool of water, or chunk of

unworked iron. Three or more successes allow her to use her Disciplines while transformed, so
long as they do not require eye contact or movement. The power lasts until sunrise, but the
thaumaturge may dismiss it at any time.
In elemental form, she cannot move of her own accord and is largely impervious to harm, but take
one unhalved level of Superficial damage each turn that the form is disrupted in any significant
way. Regardless of the amount of disruption, however, the body will remain coherent. (You
cannot put part of a watery thaumaturge in a bucket and carry it away from the rest. The water
will seep back to join with the main body.)
Level Five
A master of Potestas Elementorum can summon one of the four classical elementals: a sylph
(air), gnome (earth), salamander (fire), or undine (water). Although potentially a powerful ally,
elementals are notoriously difficult to control. The Tremere who teach this art tell cautionary
tales of summoned elementals turning on their summoners.
■ Cost: Two Rouse Checks to Activate
■ System: Intelligence + Blood Sorcery; In order to manifest an elemental, the thaumaturge must
be near some source of the elemento from which the entity is to be summoned. The process of
calling the elemental is separate from that of binding it into service, making it a risky enterprise
unless the caster is confident in her knowledge of the arcane arts.
An elemental has a base score of three in all Physical and Mental attributes. For every success on
the initial roll to summon it, the caster may add one dot to one of those attributes. The elemental
may also possess other powers at the Storyteller’s discretion, like fortitude for a Earth elemental,
Obfuscate for a Wind Elemental, or even a Lure of Flames “like” effect for a Fire Elemental.
Once she has summoned the elemental, the thaumaturge must roll Manipulation + Occult
(difficulty 4 + the number of successes on the summoning roll) to command it. The possible
outcomes are as follows:

Botch The elemental immediately attacks the thaumaturge.

Failure The elemental either leaves or attacks those nearby, at the Storyteller’s discretion.

1 success The elemental does not attack the thaumaturge and can be talked to, but not
commanded. It vanishes at Sunrise.

2 successes The elemental performs one service in exchange for appropriate payment (one Extra
Rouse Check Worth of the Thaumaturge Blood).

3 successes The elemental performs one service that is reasonable for its nature.

4 successes The elemental performs any one task that does not endanger it.

5 successes The elemental performs any task it is commanded to, even if it takes several nights
or puts it at risk.

Early in the history of Thaumaturgy, the Path of Curses was developed and refined. It is still
known by its early names in certain circles: Maleficium, Hexen-Kraft, the Evil Eye. Victims
of this path are subject to extreme treatment and psychological feelings of inadequacy, often to
the point of becoming social outcasts. Friends tend to distance themselves from the
victim, creating a social schism and driving the accursed toward alienation. All curses use the
following Ingredients, Process and overall System.

■ Ingredients: Hair, blood, flesh, ash or any other part of the victim (which depending of the
age of the vampire decay pretty quickly), as well as clay or other malleable material and a Rouse
Check worth of the Thaumaturge Blood.

■ Process: The thaumaturge creates an effigy using the clay and the parts from the victim. When
directly seeing the target she then proceeds to curse it in whispers. The curse must be chanted for
a minute per level and often consists of dead languages. They use the Difficulty system of Rituals.
Any interruption during the process automatically counts as a fail.

■ System: Even if the ritual like check is successful, the target may cancel its effect. Once she
knows which specific malady has been inflicted upon her, usually requiring an Intelligence +
Blood Sorcery roll against a Difficulty equal to the level of the “Path” Level + 1, or contacting a
specialist on the matter, she then can spend a Willpower point per level of the Curse to negate the
effect. This is the victim asserting his own strength of will and personality to throw off the yoke
of anathema. The thaumaturge can lift the curses that she brings down at any time she wishes,
which makes an excellent bargaining chip.
Level One
The most basic of curses, the victim is stricken with an invisible stigma that manifests only in the
eyes of those around them. Few can describe its actual form. People shy away from interacting
with the marked victim and will have a hard time taking him seriously. Social
interaction becomes difficult, and frustration quickly follows for the accursed.

■ System: The stigma lasts until the next sunset or for a week with a Critical Win. The
victim is doomed to frustration when performing any Social actions. All of the victim's
Manipulation and Charisma rolls are at +1 Difficulty.
Level Two
Pre-requisite: (Stigma)
The thaumaturge causes the victim to suffer intense illness and discomfort, not unlike the
plagues and pestilences of history. During the Dark Ages, this power was used to strike down
rivals and force them into subservience to the thaumaturge. Cainites likewise feel the pain
and suffering from the sickness instilled by this curse, only with its fluids now changed to blood,
what can be masquerade breaching at least. For elder Kindred, this is one of the
worst curses - to be stricken down with illness as if a common mortal! For roleplaying purposes,
the intensity of this sickness worsens the better this ritual is casted, varying
from a headache to a strong flu.

■ System: If this power is successfully invoked, the accursed suffers the effects of
severe illness for a day per success. It reduces the victim’s Physical dice pools by one.
Level Three
Pre-requisite: (Malady)
This curse touches upon one of the most feared elements of society, that of becoming an
outcast. This power goes beyond cursing the victim with simple social ostracism - while
under the effects of Pariah, the accursed appears to be the most hated of enemies to everyone they
encounter. This alteration of perception is only in body and form, the victim still acts and speaks
as normal. But then again, few are willing to listen to the ranting and ravings of a despised foe.

■ Ingredients: Blood from a Obfuscate user on top of the regular ingredients.

■ System: Upon a successful Manipulation + Blood Sorcery roll the subject suffers the curse for
a period of one week, a month on a Critical Win. Similar to the power Mask of a Thousand Faces,
this power influences the perceptions of those around the accursed, leading observers to believe
that the subject is a dire rival. This will not necessarily result in attack indeed, in most cases, it
shouldn't - but will cause antagonism in whatever way is most appropriate to the onlooker. Most
people will just leave the accursed's presence with a look of disdain, but some may snub her,
insult her or even throw the first punch. Sense the Unseen can see through this involuntary
disguise for the duration. This ritual does not work on people that already know the accursed
Level Four
Pre-requisite: (Pariah)
Corrupt Body
This powerful curse is invoked by the thaumaturge, who approaches the victim and denounces
his physical form. Over the course of seconds, the victim's body distorts and perverts into a parody
of itself. During this transformation, the victim suffers extreme pain that wracks his body. This
defilement leaves behind a victim scarred both physically and mentally. Some Camarilla princes
have had this power used upon violators of the Traditions to enforce their will; a graceful Kindred
dancer reduced to an uncoordinated oaf is not likely to forget his mistakes.

■ System: During the three turns that the physical change occurs, the target suffers a three-dice
penalty to dice pools. For the duration of the Corrupt Body, the accursed suffers a one-die penalty
to all dice pools, as if she were wounded. This is cumulative with other wounds. Additionally, the
thaumaturge chooses Strength, Dexterity to warp. This drops the appropriate Attribute to 1 for the
duration. The Storyteller should add any additional effects to aid in how nasty this power is. Only
one Corrupt Body can affect a victim at any one time. The power stays in effect for one day per
success of a Week for 5+ Sucess.
Level Five
Pre-requisite: (Corrupt Body)
Fall From grace
The Thaumaturge is now able to curse his victim with supreme ineptitude, causing a loss in
confidence and failings in any and all tasks. Striking a combination of mystical dread and self-

loathing in the victim, failure becomes almost a certainty. Fate and circumstance now conspire to
prevent prosperity. Victims of this power often retire from the normal activities of their lives as
nothing goes right; relationships fall apart, jobs crumble around them, and accidents seem to
become commonplace.

■ System: While under this curse, all failures count as a Bestial failure. Additionally, even the
most menial task become more difficult to accomplish. Add a +2 Difficulty to all the rolls the
target makes. In case of opposing disse pools the enemy gain 2 automatic successes. The power
stays in effect for a day per Success.


Lightning has long been considered the dominion of the gods but has traditionally been
out of reach of thaumaturges due to a lack of understanding of the principles of electricity. As a
result, this Path remained relatively obscure until the birth of modern science and the efforts
of John Blackwood. The ample supply of electricity in the late 19th century meant that
thaumaturges no longer had to wait until a convenient storm to charge their powers but
could gather the required electricity in mere seconds to direct as they chose. Practitioners of
Levinbolt learn to generate electricity with their vitae, use the flow of electrons as a means to
influence the world around them or power up their undead nerves and brain as auxiliary “meat
Level One
The vampire draws in ambient charge from around her; static electricity and ambient
electricity in the air, or actual electricity from nearby outlets and devices. The effect is not
obvious, only visible in the snap of static electricity from her fingertips. This charge can be used
to cause glitches in machinery and other devices or to directly fry it.

■ Cost: Free

■ Dice Pools: Intelligence + Blood Sorcery

■ System: No additional test is needed to create the glitches. Any use of a device or machinery
within a 10 meter radius of the vampire removes dice equal to half the Blood Sorcery rating
rounded up, as the electricity causes things like systems slowdown, glitches etc. The vampire
can attempt to 'discharge' the electricity into a machine, frying it. This requires a roll of
Intelligence + Blood Sorcery vs a Difficulty determined by the Storyteller based on the
machine's size, surge protection and other factors, being 2 a regular laptop. In case of portable
electronics, the Storyteller can opt to make the roll against the Resolve + Stamina of the target.
If successful, the electricity arcs from the caster's fingertips, frying the machine.

■ Duration: One scene or until deactivation.

Frictionless Mobility
The vampire forces the electrons of the outer layers of her body or clothing to avoid reacting

with others, due to this, nearly imperceptible sparks travel her body at intervals. This lack of
interactions eliminates friction for the vampire, allowing her to slide across surfaces as if having
rollers or treat a steep slope as her personal slide. This power does not prevent damage from
direct falls but depending on the angle it can redirect it to a slide, maintaining the
momentum and potentially bumping into things.

■ Cost: Free

■ Dice Pools: Wits + Survival or Dexterity + Athletics

■ System: If the vampire has time to prepare, no roll is required. As a reaction, such as during a
sudden grapple, activating the power requires a Wits + Survival roll at Difficulty 3. As long as
the power is in effect, the vampire becomes slippery. Pushing or grappling her becomes
impossible, but regular Brawl attacks still work. Additionally, maintaining the balance while
this is power active becomes tricky. The character needs to make a Dexterity + Athletics roll vs
a Difficulty dictated by the Storyteller, to avoid stumbling and falling. On a Win, the vampire is
able to move with grace and ease until the surface she’s moving changes significantly. On a
failed roll, she falls and continues moving in the direction she was trying to move.

■ Duration: One scene or until deactivation.


■ Amalgam: Auspex 1

The vampire detects the electric fields generated by living beings and modern technology or
machinery. This allows them to “see” these fields even through walls, effectively adding a new
sense to her arsenal.

■ Cost: Free

■ Dice Pools: Resolve + Blood Sorcery

■ System: No roll is required to activate Electroreception. While active, the user senses
electrical fields related to electronic devices and living beings as part of their standard
perception tests. This power also allows the vampire to perceive objects, animals and people
otherwise hidden from the naked eye (such as behind a wall or in supernatural darkness) as long
as they have electricity. Anything that has a perceptible electrical charge may be found with this
power, at Storyteller’s discretion, including radio waves and other electrical signals. In the
modern nights, radio and similar signals saturate the city. Discerning between the multiple
signals requires a Resolve + Blood Sorcery vs a Difficulty decided by the specific signal.
Deciphering walkie talkie or radio signals is usually rolled vs Difficulty 2, while cell phone
communication is rolled at 3. Landline or more encrypted methods involve higher Difficulties at
Storyteller discretion.

■ Duration: Passive.
Level Two
Synaptic Enhancement

Pre-requisite: (Electroception)

Widely used for those that consider themselves Technomancers, this power uses the dead brain
as an auxiliary computer. The vampire draws in ambient charge from around her, and
immediately applies that charge in na unorthodox way: channelling it into her mental faculties,
essentially giving herself medical electrical brain stimulation and increasing cognitive function.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: Add your Blood Sorcery rating to one Academics, Science and Technology roll.

■ Duration: Until used or dismissed.

Electrical Stimulation

Pre-requisite: (Electroception)

■ Amalgam: Fortitude 1

The vampire draws in ambient charge from around her, and immediately applies that charge to
attempt normal body functioning under extreme circumstances, like making broken muscles
work as intended or to ready one's mind after mental defeat, effectively negating the effects of
the impairment of choice.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: No roll is needed to activate this power. When activated, the vampire chooses its
Willpower or Health tracker, ignoring the penalties from impairment for the duration. This
power does not prevent penalties from Crippling Injuries. Only one instance from this power
can be active at any time.

■ Duration: One scene.

Level Three


Pre-requisite: (Flicker)

Rather than drawing in ambient charge from around the area; this time the effect is much
more pronounced, as their body takes on a deep blue hue as energy arcs across them, making
this an obvious breach of the Masquerade. The vampire immediately discharges this as a burst
of electricity from their hands, either in the form of an arc of blue lightning from their
fingertips, or a full-body discharge of deep blue electricity. Upon impact, the muscles of the
target stiffen up, making it hard to move.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ Dice Pools: Intelligence + Blood Sorcery vs Dexterity + Athletics or Strength + Stamina.

■ System: Channelling the raw energy of electricity involves an Intelligence + Blood Sorcery
attack roll (which can be dodged like any ranged attack) with +2 to damage bonus. This causes
the crippling injury stunned for a turn and causes Aggravated Health damage to mortals and un-
halved Superficial to Kindred. Alternatively, if the character is being touched by the target (such
as in a Grapple) this becomes a full-body discharge, resisted by the target's Strength + Stamina.
It is possible to use this power on humans in a non-lethal way, removing the damage but not the

■ Duration: One use

Electromagnetic Shielding

Pre-requisite: (Frictionless Mobility)

Channelling the electricity produced by her undead body as well as the ambient charge with
great precision, the vampire creates na electromagnetic field strong enough to stop bullets.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ Dice Pools: Composure + Blood Sorcery.

■ System: The vampire creates a vertical, rectangular field of crackling electricity that has
a maximum length in yards/meters equal to the Blood Sorcery dots of the user. The size and
width of the field can be modulated once per turn to cover other teammates inside the range
at the cost as risking more damage to it. The vampire can do nothing else except control the
field and walk while this power is active. Anyone attempting a Ranged attack against targets
protected by the field roll against Difficulty +1 and subtracts the margin to the field’s Health.
The field has a Health equal to three times the Blood Sorcery dots of the user and receives
damage like mortals. The user can opt to redirect the bullets trapped in the field to attack with a

roll of Composure + Blood Sorcery, with normal damage, this attack has the effective range of a
shotgun. Attempting such action makes the field collapse.
■ Duration: One scene or until collapse.

Level Four

Eye of the Storm

Pre-requisite: (Electromagnetic Shielding)

The vampire draws in so much ambient charge that her body becomes the centre of a veritable
electrical storm, with significant electrical charge enveloping her body and fluctuating
constantly in blinding flashes of light.

■ Cost: Two Rouse Checks

■ System: Anyone attempting to make a Ranged or Thrown attack against the caster suffers a
penalty to their pool equal to the Blood Sorcery rating of the vampire. When fighting in Close
Combat, the attacker suffers 3 Superficial Health Damage as the electricity reacts to the
stimulus and 'lashes out' at the attacker.

■ Duration: One scene or until dismissed.

Level Five

Zeus Fury

Pre-requisite: (Discharge)

An advancement of the Discharge power, the strength of the vampire's bolts are such that the
damage is an order of magnitude higher, lightning arcs and bursts from where the vampire wills
it to strike, more in line with 'real' lightning'.

■ Cost: Two Rouse Check

■ Dice Pools: Intelligence + Blood Sorcery vs Dexterity + Athletics or Strength + Stamina.

■ System: This power uses the same base system as Discharge, with increased damage. The
lightning does Aggravated Health damage to mortals and vampires alike. If the target receives
any point of damage, the lightning discharges electricity around them. Anyone within three-
meter radius of it must make a Dexterity + Athletics roll vs Difficulty 3 to avoid the bouncing
lightning. Failing the roll causes the Crippling Injury Stunned for a turn.

■ Duration: One use.

Redirect Lightning

Pre-requisite: (Eye of the Storm)

Channelling the electricity of a nearby source, like electric lines or during a storm, the vampire
can “call the lightning” to strike her enemies in a blinding flash.

■ Cost: Two Rouse Checks

■ Dice Pools: Resolve + Blood Sorcery

■ System: Given the erratic nature of this power, the opponent makes no roll to dodge or
defend. Roll Resolve + Blood Sorcery against Difficulty 1 and Causes Aggravated Health
damage to mortals and Superficial un-halved to Kindred equal to the margin. When the
lightning smashes, anyone within three-meter radius of the striking point receives the Crippling
Injury Stunned for a turn.

■ Duration: One Use.

Those rare Sabbat who have retained Thaumaturgical talents, like members of House Goratrix
have turned their focus to the assistance of the Sect in times of war. This path has proven useful,
turning the tides of several confrontations with elder vampires. The path adopts a very martial
stance, whereas other blood magics tend to have subtler, less violent effects. It is rumored that
some Camarilla Tremere have learned this path, but very few of them have the right
temperament to wield this path effectively.

Level One

War Cry

A vampire on the attack can focus his will, making him less susceptible to battle fear or the
powers of the undead. The vampire shouts a primal scream to start the effect, though some
thaumaturges have been known to paint their faces or cut themselves open instead.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: No Skill Check is Necessary. For the duration of one scene, the vampire adds one to
his checks to resist mundane and supernatural fear (intimidation to even a Dread Gaze.
Additionally, for the purposes of hostile effects, his Willpower is considered to be one higher
(though this bonus applies only to the Trait itself, not the Willpower pool).

■ Duration: One Scene.

Strenght of Mars

By drawing on the power of her Blood, the thaumaturge can temporarily increase her physical
might with a burning wrath.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check to Activate, for a additional cost, the Thaumaturge must have fed on
Sanguine Blood the same Night.

■ System: With a Resolve + Blood Sorcery check, the Thaumaturge generates a “Ghost Pool”
and can add the number of Successes as bonus dices on any Physical roll to a Maximum of Blood
Sorcery per check. The Pool cant be incriesed until every “Ghost Dice” have been spent.

■ Duration: Until Spent.

Level Two

Pre-Requisite: (Strenght of Mars)

Strike True
The vampire makes a single attack, guided by the unholy power of her Blood. This attack
strikes its foe infallibly

■ Cost: One Rouse Check to Activate, for a additional cost, the Thaumaturge must have fed on
Sanguine Blood the same Night.

■ System: By invoking the power of its blood, the Thaumaturge infuses one single strike with a
terrible Strenght and Precision, it gains the effects o one Rouse Check for the Attack.
Additionally, if Superficial, the damage of this attack cannot be halved.

Level Three

Wind Dance

Pre-Requisite: (War Cry)

The thaumaturge invokes the power of the winds, moving in a blur. She gains a preternatural
edge in avoiding her enemies’ blows, moving out of their way before the enemy has a chance to
throw them on a supernatural speed

■ Cost: One Rouse Check to Activate

■ System: he player can dodge any number of attacks with her full dice pool in a single turn.
This advantage applies only to dodges — if the character wishes to attack and dodge, the player
must still split her dice pool. This power lasts for one scene.

Fearless Heart

Pre-Requisite: (Strike True)

The vampire temporarily augments his abilities as a warrior. Through the mystical powers of
blood magic, the character becomes a potent fighting force infusing the sanguine nature of the
ingested blood on its movements.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check to Activate, for a additional cost, the Thaumaturge must have fed on
Sanguine Blood the same Night.

■ System: Fearless Heart grants the vampire an extra point in each of the Physical Attributes
(Strength, Dexterity, and Stamina). These Traits may not exceed their generational maximums.
The effects last for one scene, and a character may gain its benefits only once per scene. The
vampire must spend two hours in a calm and restful state following the use of Fearless Heart, or
lose a blood point every 15 minutes until he rests.

Level Five

Comrades at Arms
This ability extends the power of the previous abilities in the path. It allows any of the earlier
effects to be applied to a group such as a pack or War Party.

Pre-requisites: (Wind Dance and Comrades at Arms)

■ Cost: One Rouse Check to Activate, for a additional cost, the Thaumaturge must have fed on
Sanguine Blood the same Night.

■ System: Resolve + Blood Sorcery; The player chooses one of the lower-level powers in the
path, invoking it as normal, paying its costs in addition to this power costs. Afterward, he touches
another character and (if the roll for Comrades at Arms is successful) bestows the benefit on her
as well. The same power may be delivered to a number of packmates equal Sucesses on the
activation roll of this power, as long as the rolls for Comrades at Arms are successful and the
thaumaturge pays the appropriate blood costs.

Ritualised Paths
The Lure of Flames is the thaumaturgical embodiment of victory over fear. Pioneered by
vampires of Clan Tremere, it is both a way to protect oneself from the bane of fire and a
weapon used to instil both injury and terror in the enemy. With this power, the thaumaturge
conjures an eerie flame in his palm that sheds light but offers no warmth and does not provoke
frenzy in other vampires while held. When he releases it at a target within sight, however, it burns
like any ordinary fire and is beyond his control.
■ Ingredients: A pound of charcoal dust, a bowl, a single ray of sunlight.
■ Process: The caster mixes the charcoal dust with his own Vitae in a bowl while chanting
during sunrise (which usually require a roll to avoid falling asleep), then she lets a single ray
of sunlight in, which ignites the contents of the bowl and forces a Terror Frenzy roll (Difficulty
3). If the caster fails the Frenzy roll, the Ritual ends. If the caster does not enter Frenzy, they
make the Ritual roll and continue chanting until the fire dies. The resulting ashes can be
collected. Upon necessity, the vampire cuts her palm and grabs a fistful of ashes, concentrating
on the fire that once was, calling back its spirit. Once complete, the cold flame will not manifest
until the sorcerer opens her fist and channels, however long that takes.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check to Activate
■ System: Each success on the ritual roll grants one use of the ashes oro ne Greater Potence of
the Flames, which conjure up a bright, cold flames on her palm. The flames do not harm the
caster and give off no heat while held in the caster's hand. The caster may release the flames
with Composure + Occult or hurl it against a target with one attack roll of Wits + Awareness.
■ Botches: A botch when using Creatio Ignis after the ritual means that the conjured flame is not
under the thaumaturge’s control. It immediately affects any adjacent flamable object and causes
the caster one level of aggravated damage before extinguishing itself, generating the need for a
Rothshreck Check!
■ Potence Table:
• Candle (difficulty 1 on Terror Roll, one health level of aggravated damage/turn)

•• Palm of flame (difficulty 2 on Terror Roll, one health level of aggravated damage/turn)

••• Campfire (difficulty 2 on Terror Roll, two health levels of aggravated damage/turn)

•••• Bonfire (difficulty 2 on Terror Roll, two health levels of aggravated damage/turn)

••••• Inferno (difficulty 3 on Terror Roll, three health levels of aggravated damage/turn)
The power to influence weather is one of the oldest and most powerfull of magical techniques
common among Tremere.
■ Ingredients: One Rouse Check worth of Blood and a Attuned Crystal. – To attune a Crystal
the Thaumaturge need to spend one entire night in meditation under Moonlight on a stormy night
with no Skill Check Necessary.
■ System: The number of successes on the Ritual Roll determines how quickly the desired
phenomenon can be conjured from otherwise neutral conditions, with one success being a gradual
shift over the next day, two to three, one to two hours and four successes being an instantaneous
change, after that ritual can be reactivated on better terms to achieve greater effects.
Minor changes or changes that build upon existing conditions (such as directing lightning while
a thunderstorm is already in progress) allow the difficulty of the roll to be reduced by one or two
at the Storyteller’s discretion, while rolls to enact wholly unnatural changes (a downpour in a
parched desert) should have their difficulty increased by two or three.
Rolls to use Potestas Tempestarum indoors Always have their difficulty raised by two. Rain,
snow, storms, and thunderstorms cannot be conjured anywhere but outdoors, but fog, wind, and
temperature changes may be created anywhere. Changes in weather last for one scene per success
before reverting to their former state.
■ Botches: A botched attempt to influence the weather triggers a backlash from the local
elemental spirits. Winds whirl around the caster, raising the difficulty to Perception and ranged
attack rolls by two for the duration of the scene unless he spends a point of Willpower to compel
the spirits to relent. Conjured lightning immediately targets the thaumaturge.

■ Potence Table (The Thaumaturge is Never Affected):
• Fog or light breezes (+1 difficulty to appropriate Perception checks, weapon ranges halved),
minor temperature changes
•• Rain or snow (+2 difficulty to appropriate Perception checks, weapon ranges halved)
••• Dangerously High winds (+2 difficulty to ranged attacks, weapon ranges halved, make a
Dexterity + Athletics check [difficulty 1] each turn to remain standing), moderate temperature
•••• Storm (combines effects of rain and high winds)
••••• Thunderstorm (roll Wits + Occult to strike a target with lightning for 10 dice of Unhalved
Superficial damage)
This bizarre path reputedly has its roots in the secret tomes of the inscrutable Black Hand.
Over the past few years, its esoteric secrets have spread among certain cabals of Tremere, House
Goratrix in particular, who regard it as a curious mixture of Hermetic science and genetics.
Biothaumaturgy concerns itself with the manipulation of life energies. In the laboratories of
inspired Biothaumaturgy may be found strange creatures almost out of myth, veritable
Frankenstein's monsters and less wholesome creations. Although it is not considered a "taboo"
path, Biothaumaturgy is nonetheless strange and unsettling to those who observe its results.
Biothaumaturgy also requires the thaumaturge to have a laboratory where she may conduct her
experiments. This need be nothing more complex than a doctor's table and a few sharp knives,
but it may be as complex as the "mad scientist" affairs of pulp fiction, with steaming alembics
and crackling generators. The Storyteller should feel free to modify a character's Biothaumaturgy
Difficulties if she has excellent laboratory resources or her facilities are utterly lacking. Working
with a crude lab may add two to the difficulty while a high-grade facility may lower the difficulties
by two. Because the way this specific concept works, the Storyteller might decide that you need
the ritual from the previous level to purchase the next.
Level Two
Thaumaturgical Forensics
The thaumaturge may take a tissue sample from a living, dead, or undead creature and ascertain
its distinguishing characteristics. A wealth of information may be gleamed from this sample,
including information that "normal" forensics and genetics would not yield, such as age, clan,

■ Ingredients: A sample from an organic tissue (or ash), a monocle, several microscope slides
and a scalpel.

■ Process: To produce the means to analyse the sample, the biotharumaturge first needs to
incantate the monocle for about an hour. The scalpel is “inked” with the blood of the vampire
and used to scribble runes and symbols on the metal part of the monocle while chanting. Once
completed, the monocle acquires a red tint on the glass and the metal blackens, while the runes
start glowing a visible red. The artifact maintains its properties until destroyed and thus this part
of the ritual does not need to be performed every time. To prepare the samples, the
biothaumaturge slashes the tissue into a thin laminar shape and mounts the microscope slides
around them as she would do with any other sample. Using the blood from a selfinflicted wound

as a staining method on the slides, she then proceeds to examine them.

■ System: Each success on the activation roll yields one piece of simple information about the
subject, which may be any living, unliving or dead entity (but not an inanimate object),
including plants. This information is limited to physical characteristics of the subject -
Thaumaturgical Forensics can be used to determine gender, clan, traces of diablerie and the like,
but it will not reveal if a given subject killed an individual or where she kept her trove of
personal belongings. A critical roll may yield the knowledge of a weakness to exploit at ST
discretion while a complete failure yields the destruction of the sample. If the microscopes
slides are prepared correctly, they can be used again for further examination up to half the
Science rating of the user rounded up without the need of additional Rouse Checks.

Level Four
Brainwashed Drone
The thaumaturge cracks open the skull (or equivalent) of a live organism and brainwashes it
with surgery tools and magical energy. This imparts to it a rudimentary set of instructions. The
resultant creation carries out their orders to the letter. Biothaumaturgy use this power to
populate their havens with guard dogs and other, quirkier "pets". Even human and large animals
may be brainwashed with this ritual. It is rumoured that one biothaumaturge in Egypt has a pair
of animated elephants which he uses to terrorize his enemies.

■ Ingredients: Any level surface (preferably elevated like a table), scalpel, a live organism,
narcotics or other restraining methods, surgery thread and needle.
■ Process: After using the same principle for preparing the tools as the ritual Thaumaturgical
Surgery, the biothaumaturge cuts open the live organism and starts to meddle with the brain (or
equivalent). The surgery takes three nights, needing to dedicate two hours of chanting per night
and a total of two Rouse Checks, one at the first night and one on the last.

■ System: If the ritual is successful, the animated creation may be given a onesentence
command, which it will fulfil until destroyed. Certain life forms are probably beyond the
capacity of this ritual, but the only limit is what the Storyteller decides. This ritual also allows
minor changes to be made to the subjects. For example, an animated human may wield a metal-
hook instead of a hand. These physical changes should always be Frankensteinian in nature,
meaning obtainable via crude surgery rather than mystical fleshweaving. Extra limbs or major
changes to the initial form of the creature are outside of the realm of this ritual. Prosthetics and
similar implants might be possible at Storyteller’s discretion. Creatures animated in this manner
keep their original Physical attributes. Social and Mental Attributes are at zero. Each creation
has a number of Health levels equal to those it had plus half the Medicine rating of the user
(rounded up). They also gain a dot from a Physical Discipline and a single level 1 power
known by the biothaumaturge. Brainwashed Drone suffer damage like mortals and cannot be
mentally dominated or influenced. They are effectively “meat” machines. A human animated in
this manner retains none of their original "self." The biothaumaturge can maintain a number of
Animations equal to their rating in Blood Sorcery, however if they wish to keep them beyond
the end of the story they must invest Experience Points like any other Background, else they die
of malnourishment.

Level Five

Cognizant Drone
The pinnacle of Biothaumaturgy, this power bestows a creature brainwashed with the previous
ritual with a semblance of the intelligence it had in life. Animated animals possess a malicious
cunning while higher life forms gain the ability to reason deductively rather than satisfy one

■ Ingredients: An organism animated by the ritual Brainwashed Drone and the ingredientes
needed to cast it.

■ Process: Using the same principle for preparing the tools as the ritual Thaumaturgy Surgery,
the biothaumaturge cuts open the head of the animated creature without stopping the chanting.
She then proceeds to heal part by part the brain of the creature, slashing and tearing apart what
she cannot mend. This involves an elaborate precision and knowledge of the brain of said
creature and might need several nights of hard work. The crucial part is the final connexion of
all the parts of the brain. In total, this ritual takes two Rouse Checks worth of Blood from the
caster, but the time is decided by the Storyteller.

■ System: The creature restores its Mental and Social Attributes. This won't be creating any
geniuses, but the story effect is that it creates a monster capable of reasoning. A Cognizant
Drone won't mindlessly fight to its death if it sees a better or clever way of routing foes, and it
will be capable of other deductive tasks as well. They also gain a dot from a Mental or Sorcery
Discipline and a single level 1 power known by the biothaumaturge on top of the one from the
previous ritual.

The Spirits interacted with in this path can be treated as Spectres or even Faeries of the
V5 Book
Created to replace the rituals practiced by Clan Tremere in the days when it was a band of
mortal wizards, Spirit Manipulation is the art of forcing spirits into actions and situations that
would normally be contrary to their nature. These spirits are not the wraiths controlled by
Necromancy, but a manifestation of the great powers of the universe that the limited humanoid
brain perceives as spirits. Some believe that spirits are tulpas — constructs of human will
created by faith to explain how the universe manages to function. Spirit Manipulation forces
these spirits into a grotesque mockery of their normal behaviors to achieve magical results in the
material world.
Level One

Hermetic Sight
The vampire can perceive the spirit world, either by gazing deeply into it or by seeing the
presence of nearby spirits as a hazy overlay on the material world.

■ Ingredients: Any Reflective Surface like a mirror or even a polished dagger, plus One Rouse
Check of blood of the Thaumaturge.

■ Process: The Thaumaturge takes the reflexive object of choice and stay one Night
concentrating on a ritual place and cannot be interrupted or the ritual fails, from the beggining
of the Night until Sunrise, the Thaumaturge keep concentrating and when it feels the day rising,
infuses de blood on the item, making it a particular useful artifact that reveals the imaterial on
its reflexive surface.

■ System: On a Succesful Ritual Roll, the Thaumaturge infuses its artifact with the Hermetic
Sight propertues, allowing it to reveal the spiritual nature of things aroud with the reflex of the

Level Two

Astral Chant
The languages of the spirit world are infinitely varied and mainly incomprehensible to mortal
(and immortal) minds. Astral Cant does not teach the thaumaturge the tongues of the spirits, but
it does allow him to understand them as they speak to him and to reply in their own languages.
The use of this power is not always necessary; many spirits speak human tongues, but choose to
feign ignorance when dealing with vampires. Spirits are not affected by Dominate, but may be
manipulated by Presence. Some thaumaturges theorize that this is because spirits are not actually
sentient as a vampire would understand the concept, but are manifestations based on the
perception of those that are self-aware.

■ Ingredients: One Rouse Check Worth of Blood, painted with thaumaturgical sigils on the
hands and forehead of the caster and a Artifact made with Hermetic Sight.

■ Process: The Thaumaturge concentrating with the artifact of a Hermetic Sight, slices its wrists
and paints with blood thaumaturgical symbols on its own hands and forehead, concentrating on
the spiritual world for some minutes, at the end if succesful being able to speak directly to the
creatures that can be seen on the reflexive surface of the Hermetic Sight Artifact.

■ System: On a Succesful Ritual Roll, Astral Cant allows the thaumaturge to speak to any spirit
visible via Hermetic Sight for fifteen minutes. Each additional level of success on the activation
roll increases the duration of this power by an additional fifteen minutes to the duration.

Level Three
Voice of Command
This is perhaps the most dangerous power in the Spirit Manipulation arsenal, for the consequences
of failure can be particularly unpleasant. Voice of Command allows the thaumaturge to issue

orders to a spirit, compelling it to heed her bidding whether or not it desires to do so. Spirits
compelled by this power are fully aware that they are being forced into these actions, and may
well seek revenge on their erstwhile masters at a later time. Thaumaturges who issue commands
above and beyond what their spirit servants are compelled to perform may find themselves
ignored or mocked. A trickster spirit may agree to a situation to follow orders only to betray its
master, leaving the thaumaturge in a situation of potentially fatal embarrassment.

■ Ingredients: One Rouse Check Worth of the Thaumaturge Blood, a silver recipient and a
human Heart and must be swallowed by the vampire (and after the ritual ends imediately

■ Process: The Thaumaturge Holds the silver recipiente with a bloody human Heart, mixing its
own vitae with it and after a little time ingesting it, capturing for a moment the spark of human
magical potential, and with thaumaturgical chanting, attuning to the spiritual world enough to
compel with its mystical claws the will of a Spirit.

■ System: On a Succesful Ritual Roll against the spirit. That can resist with a Willpower Check
The degree of success the thaumaturge attains determines the complexity and severity of the
command that she can issue.

Number of Successes and Effect

Botch The spirit is immune to the character’s commands for the rest of the night. It reacts
however the Storyteller deems appropriate. Typically, the spirit is angry enough to seek revenge
at the first opportunity. It may ignore, taunt or even attack the character, at the Storyteller’s

Failure The spirit is unaffected, and further attempts to command it are made at +1 difficulty

1 success The spirit obeys a very simple command that is of no great inconvenience to it.

2 successes The spirit heeds a relatively straightforward command that it is not innately opposed
to performing.

3 successes The spirit agrees to perform amoderately complex task that does not violate its

4 successes The spirit consents to an extended or intricate task that does not place it in
immediate danger.

5 successes The spirit accepts a lengthy or nighimpossible task, or one that means its

Level Four

Entrap Ephemera

This Ritual allows a thaumaturge to bind a spirit into a physical object. This can be done to
imprison the target, but is more often performed to create a fetish —a artifact that grants
mystical benefits powered by the spirit. Fetishes created by this power are often unreliable and
fail at inopportune moments, as the spirits within are understandably displeased with their
situation and will take any opportunity to escape or thwart their captors. Lupines find it
offensive for vampires to possess a fetish, and often they will frenzy simply at the sight of a
vampire wielding one.
■ Ingredients: Two Rouse Check Worth of the Thaumaturge Blood, and a a vessel
symbolically aligned with the targeted spirit that will become the spirits prison.

■ Process: The Thaumaturge Holds the Object while chanting and painting a summoning circle,
and focusing on the image of the entity seen with Hermetic Sight, after one hour of concentration
and ritual chanting the vampire puts the object of the ritual inside the circle and pulls the spirit
inside it with spiritual chains of its own cursed blood.

■ System: The thaumaturge must first locate a vessel symbolically aligned with the targeted
spirit that will eventually become the fetish. Then she must command the targeted spirit to enter
the vessel via an opposed Willpower roll from the entity. Should the thaumaturge succeed, she
can create a fetish of a power level based on the number of successes achieved over the spirit,
up to a level five fetish. For example, if the thaumaturge wins the opposed roll against the spirit
by three successes, she creates a level three fetish. Creating and maintaining a fetish is difficult;
because of this, the number of fetishes a thaumaturge may create is limited by her Willpower. If
the thaumaturge gives away said fetish, it still counts against her total available slots. She may
only create an additional fetish when one of her previous fetishes has been destroyed. A fetish
grants a number of bonus dice to a specific skill comparable to the level of the fetish. For
example, a healing spirit trapped inside a scalpel would grant extra dice (the level of the fetish)
for any Medicine roll. The Storyteller always has final authority on what sort of fetish can be
made. A fetish is activated by rolling the user’s Intelligence + Occult (difficulty equals the
fetish’s power level + 3). A botch on this roll destroys the physical component of the fetish and
frees the vengeful spirit that was trapped within.

The newest collection of Rituals to be accepted by the Tremere hierarchy as part of the Clan’s
official body of knowledge, the Path of Technomancy is a relatively recente innovation,
developed in the latter half of the 20th century. The path focuses on the control of electronic
devices, from cellphones to laptops, and its proponentes maintain that it is a prime example of the
versatility of Thaumaturgy with regards to a changing world. More conservative Tremere,
however, state that mixing Tremere magic with mortal science borders on treason or even
blasphemy, and some European Regents have gone so far as to declare knowledge of
Technomancy grounds for expulsion from their chantries. The Inner Council did approve the

introduction of the path into the Clan’s grimoires, but after the evento of the Second Inquisition,
most of the Camarilla chantries have banned completely or only uses this path to sabotage enemies

Level One

Mortals are constantly developing new innovations, and any vampire who would work
Technomancy must be able to understand that upon which he practices his magic. The most basic
power of this path allows the thaumaturge to project his perceptions into a device, granting him a
temporary understanding of its purpose, the principles of its functioning, and its means of
operation. This does not grant permanent knowledge, only a momentary flash of insight which
fades within minutes.

■ Ingredients: One Rouse Check Worth of the Thaumaturge Blood, infused on the
technological item.

■ Process: The Thaumaturge Holds the item and seeps blood on it, while chanting
thaumaturgical words.

■ System: A character must touch the device in order to apply this power. The number of
successes rolled determines how well the character understands this particular piece of
equipment. One success allows a basic knowledge (on/off and simple functions), while three
successes grant competence in operating the device, and five successes show the character the
full range of the device’s potential. The knowledge lasts for a number of minutes equal to the
character’s Intelligence. This power can also be used to understand a nonphysical technological
innovation — generally a piece of software — at +2 difficulty. The character must touch the
computer on which the software is installed — simply holding the flash drive or CD-ROM is
not enough. Software applied remotely to a device (such as through an app store) also cannot be
analyzed until it is installed.

It is usually easier to destroy than to create, and sensitive electronics are no exception to this
rule. Burnout is used to cause a device’s power supply (either internal or external) to surge,
damaging or destroying the target. Burnout cannot be used to directly injure another individual,
although the sudden destruction of a pacemaker or a car’s fuel injection control chip can
certainly create a health hazard.

■ Ingredients: One Rouse Check Worth of the Thaumaturge Blood, infused on the
technological item.

■ Process: The Thaumaturge focus on the item and seeps blood on it, while chanting
thaumaturgical words, the blood will misticaly moves to the item if it is not directly touched,
risking a greater masquerade breach.

■ System: A character can use this power at a range of up to 10 times her Willpower in yards or
meters, although a +1 difficulty is applied if she is not touching the target item. The number of
successes determines the extent of the damage:

Successes Result

1 success Momentary interruption of operation (one turn), but no permanente damage.

2 successes Significant loss of function; +1 difficulty to use using the device for the rest of the

3 successes The device breaks and is inoperable until repaired.

4 successes Even after repairs, the device’s capabilities are diminished (permanent +1 difficulty
to use).

5 successes The equipment is a total write-off; completely unsalvageable.

Large enough systems, such as a server cluster or a passenger aircraft, impose a +2 to +4

difficulty (at Storyteller discretion) to affect with this power. Additionally, some systems, such
as military and banking networks, may be protected against power surges and spikes, and thus
possess one to five dice (Storyteller discretion again) to roll to resist this power. Each success
on this roll takes away one success from the Thaumaturgy roll. Burnout may be used to destroy
electronic data storage, in which case three successes destroy all information on the target item,
and five erase it beyond any hope of non-magical recovery.

Level Three

Encrypt / Decrypt

Electronic security is a paramount concern of governments and corporations alike. Those

thaumaturges who are techno-savvy enough to understand the issues at stake have become quite
enamored of this power, which allows them to scramble a device’s controls mystically, making it
inaccessible to anyone else. Encrypt/ Decrypt also works on electronic media; a DVD under the
influence of this power displays just snow and static if played back without the owner’s approval.
Some neonates have taken to calling this power “DRM.”.

■ Ingredients: Two Rouse Check Worth of the Thaumaturge Blood, infused on the technological

■ Process: The Thaumaturge scribes with its unholy blood thaumatugical symbols on the device
derised to be affected, while the ritual is ongoing, the liquid will fuse with the device, becoming
part of its circuits, and wires, what can be detected if opened.

■ System: The character touches the device or data container that he wishes to encrypt. The player
rolls normally. The number of successes scored is applied as a difficulty modifier for anyone who
attempts to use the protected equipment or access the scrambled information without the
assistance of the character. The caster can dispel the effect at any time by touching the target item
and spending a point of Willpower. This power may also be used to counter another thaumaturge’s
use of Encrypt/Decrypt. The player rolls at +1 difficulty; each success negates one of the
“owner’s.” The effects of Encrypt/Decrypt last for a number of weeks equal to the character’s
permanent Willpower rating.
Purity of the Flesh – Level One
This ritual slowly purges the caster of all foreign physical impurities. Dirt, alcohol, drugs, poison,
and disease, weapons impaling the vampire, body piercings lodged in the flesh, and tattoo ink are
all equally affected. Items thus expunged fall to the ground beneath the caster or sweat out of her
skin. Purity of Flesh does not remove mystical mental enchantments or compulsions. This ritual
requires one hour of calm meditation to enact.
■ Ingredients: One Rouse Check Worth of blood on Thaumaturgical Symbols around the Caster
meditation spot.
■ Process: The caster makes the meditation circle and rests in the middle of it, making the ritual
check to enter the purifying meditation state.
■ System: As in Description.
Cure of The Homeland – Level Three
The caster may make a healing paste by mixing a handful of dirt from the city or town of his
embrace with his imortal blood.
■ Ingredients: A handful of Earth from the town the target kindred was embraced and two
Rouse Checks Worth of blood.
■ Process: The Caster mixes on a traditional stone bowl his blood and the Earth from the target
homeland until it becomes a dark red paste.
■ System: One handful can be used per night and heals one aggravated wound.
Bind the Familiar – Level Three
Though the Blood Oath is far easier than ritual binding (allowing Cainites to transform mortals
and beasts into ghouls with a draught of vitae), some thaumaturges yearn for more enlightened

■ Ingredients: A animal that will become the Familiar and One Rouse Check Worth of Blood
that will be feed to the animal.
■ Process: Beginning at dusk, the caster paints a circle of sigils in fresh human blood, finishing
the last symbol at the stroke of midnight. The caster drains a beast intended to host a familiar
spirit entirely of blood, then feeds it vitae in a parody of the Embrace while incanting.
■ System: eds it vitae in a parody of the Embrace while incanting. If the ritual succeeds, a
familiar spirit is drawn to the animal and captured within the confines of the warding circle; it
eventually succumbs to its new body as the ritual fuses it with the beast to restore the animal to
full health. The familiar spirit may resent its bondage at first, but it can be mollified with good
treatment. A familiar is identical to its animal counterpart in every way but has the following
additional characteristics:
• It is immune to the Blood Oath, mental or social compulsion or a supernatural nature(such as
and may not be made into a ghoul.
• It gains one additional dot of Intelligence, possessing roughly the same intellectual capability
as a 10-yearold child.
• It may verbally speak the native language of its máster and communicate telepathically with
him, regardless of the distance separating them.
• Pain (though not actual damage) is mutually felt by and shared between the caster and the
• The caster may make one rouse check to adopt the perceptions of the familiar at the expense of
his own, allowing his consciousness to reside within its body and experiencing through its
• All familiars are loyal as if bound by the Blood Oath, and so long as they are properly fed
their normal diet, they never age and remain perfectly healthy. At Storyteller discretion, casters
may increase the strength of a familiar as a Background through spending their own experience
points to improve the creature’s statistics.
Domino of Life – Level Four
For one entire night, the caster can display all traits associated with being a living human,
including eating, breathing, body temperature, and flesh tone. By casting this ritual, she can
even circumvent Humanity/Road restriction normally preventing her from achieving these
■ Ingredients: A Vial of fresh Human Blood.
■ Process: The Thaumaturge must ritualistic extract blood from a living Human and put it into a
simple Vial, the ritual takes 15 minutes, after it the Vial must be with the caster all time.
(Pocket, Necklage, but never on a backpack or similar).
■ System: This ritual does not restore life back to the caster; it merely allows her to appear alive
with all described characteristics. For the remainder of the evening, the vampire must carry a
vial of fresh human blood on her person to maintain the façade.
Blood Contract – Level Five
This ritual creates an almost unbreakable agreement between two or more parties who sign it. The
contract must be written in the caster’s blood and signed in the blood of whoever applies their
name to the document.
■ Ingredients: The Contract must be signed with the participants blood, and must be infused with
One Rouse Check of Blood from the Sorcerer who made it.

■ Process: The Thaumaturge infuses the paper with one Rouse Check of his Blood wich formes
various thaumaturgical symbols of binding and then the participants just need to Sign.
■ System: No roll is required. Those who Sign the Contract permanentl increase their Hunger by
one for each contract, wich can only be diminished for one scene after feeding, returning
automatically, the Hungr goes away after the completion of the contract but if it is broken it
increases PERMANENTLY on the indicated way, if broken the extra Hunger will forever torment
the victim like a terrible curse. The Only way to break the Curse is to the Contract (or most part
of it) being Burned during the day or suffering Daylight.

before its conversion to Christianity at the hands of the Roman Empire, magic was commonplace,
practised by mortal and vampire alike. Egyptians had several words for magic; the Setites
used Heka (literally "magic") to refer to mortal magic, and Ahku ("spells") for their blood magic.
By the Middle Ages the practice had been nearly been wiped out, however, and was incredibly
rare until the 19th century when Champollion's translation of Egyptian hieroglyphs allowed for
its rediscovery.

Practitioners of Akhu are known as Lector Priests, and they believe their magical power is drawn
from Set himself. Their practices are near-identical to those of mortal Egyptian sorcerers,
involving images, effigies, stories, names and words. Their most important tool, however, is the
blasphemy-shrine, a ritual chamber in which the lector-priest defiles the bodies and belongings
of the dead in an emulation of Set's blasphemous dismemberment of his murdered brother Osiris.
This perversion of traditional Egyptian burial customs unleashes power which fuels the lector-
priest's spells, allowing them to perform sorcery without the expenditure of Vitae. The magic need
not be performed at the shrine, but it must be maintained for the magic to work.

The sacred book of Set's lore, the Book of Going Forth by Night, contains only a few key
instructions for performing Akhu. Most importantly, it details how to construct a blasphemy-
shrine, and some of the rituals that can be performed on the dead and their grave goods there. It
also contains rituals for creating consecrated copies of itself, for brewing sacramental blood
beer, and to "open the gate", or draw directly on the power of the dead to grant energy to the
lector-priest, rather than power spells. All other knowledge of Akhu is drawn from the magical
lore of Egypt, preserved by the Setites.

The knowledge required to make use of Akhu is vast: not only must a lector-priest understand the
Egyptian lore of death, but also know the names of hundreds of gods, seek out the proper
knowledge of the ancient Egyptian language, and must honour Set at least once a month in their
properly constructed blasphemy-shrine.

Recently, branches of the Clan have tried to adapt Akhu for their own mythologies by drawing on
mystic parallels of a primordial confrontation between rival gods within different mythologies.
One example of such an adaptation is the confrontation between Loki (in the role of Set) and
Baldur (in role of Osiris). Others branches simply leaved behind for the their elders these
complicated sorcerys to focus on the more subtle and fast discipline powers at their disposal.

The Blasphemy Shrine: Created by the Akhu Ritual “Opening of the Portal” the Shrine is
essential for the workings of the setite sorcery, normally well guarded within a temple, it allows
the Lector Priest to wield its magic anywhere, but must return at least one time a month to make
rites of respect and devotion to Set from wich the power come from. If the Shrine is destroyed,
all of the Setite’s paths lose its effects and cannot be used until another Shrine is properly made.
A Blasphemy Shrine can give other dark boons to the children of the Dark God, but it will be seen
on the rituals section.

The Immanence of Set is one of the oldest Paths of Setite Sorcery that there is, and it is today very
hard to find outside the Old World, at the point wich to learn the abilities of this accursed path,
one must first have heard of it, normally with a Mawla of at least 4 dots and a Occult rating of at
least 4 too, so that the Lector Priest is able to understand such ancient and old lore. The Setite
clan is founded solidly in the conviction that its creator is nothing less than a god, and the blood
that runs through your veins is the essence that Set Himself shared among his Folowers to grant
them power far above any mortal. throughout this conviction comes the sure knowledge that they
became houses of the god they are fully united with their creator and he can touch HIS children
no matter where they are. Setites employ this path of sorcery to summon the energies of the god
to communication, manipulation and undoing.
Level One

Whispers of the Sands

The shared blood of Set that runs through the veins of all Setites creates a bond among them
allowing a Serpent communicate ones thoughts to his servants and descendants, no matter how
far they may be. This power allows let the sorcerer share his ideas on the around the world and
implement the plans for Set.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: Manipulation + Blood Sorcery; if succeeds the lector priest can communicate with any
of his Progeny or Ghouls, no matter how far they are. For each test performed, a target can receive
the message, however, all targets receive the same message. Communication lasts for one turn,
and can consist of no more than two short sentences. Players can maintain the connection and
Vampire can communicate longer by spending a Willpower point to each successive turn.

Level Two

Tongue of the Tempter

Many Setites are chosen for their skills in manipulating both the minds of mortal as that of the
Cainites, and this skill enhances these qualities for the extreme, giving your words a sweetness
hypnotic tone that can loosen the lips and can release the intimate desires of a victim.

■ Amalgam: Presence 3

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: Manipulation + Blood Sorcery; The Setite must invoke this power immediately after
sunset. That night the Setite must seek out his victim and engage in conversation with him for at
least half an hour. If the prayer is successful, the victim lets out one of her secret fears or desires
without remembering doing so. The number of successes may indicate the importance of the
secret at the Storyteller's discretion. If this Check Critically fails, the victim is visited inside a
dream by a entity that resembles the Egyptian God Thot, that warns the victim that the Priest is
trying to entrance him ... By using the Powers of the Dark God Set, the Lector Priest open the
gates for the interfearence of other beings.

Voice of the Prophet

■ Amalgam: Presence 3

In ancient times, the powers of oracles could change a mortal life forever, even bringing the
greatest heroes to the glory or ruin depending on how they interpreted the words of the gods. The
Setites are very often prolonging the serpent in the shadows of prophetic temples like Siwa or
Delphi, sharing the corrupted words of their god and seeking confirmation of your fears or
ambitions. When a Setite employs this power he is supposedly communicating with the your akh,
while wandering in Duat and utilizing the supernatural knowledge there available.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: Wits + Blood Sorcery; In the presence of the victim, the Lector Priest can make the
Check, resisted by Willpower, If successful, the Setite delivers a secret message to the victim,
speaking directly with your innermost desires. The nature of this message is determined by the
Storyteller, and may mean little or nothing for the setite who uses power. However, the victim
will take the message as confirmation of his secret ambitions, and will be guided to act in them
regardless of apparent risks or disadvantages, but never on a suicidal or autodestructive way. It is
skill can be unpredictable, turning a complacent pawn into a mad madman (or vice versa). A
pretender may not attack the prince on the Elysium, but will start conspiring to make his move
sooner than planned, a move that the Setite can imediatly if known use to his benefit.

Level Four

The God the Storms

Times before his incarnation as a tempter, Set was the god of darkness and storm. This skill allows
the priest to convene a sandstorm (or thunderstorm) of fierce intensity, blocking out the sky and
guiding any sane person to cover themselves, but allowing the Setite to move quickly and easily.

■ Cost: Two Rouse Checks

■ System: No Skill check Required; The Lector Priest summons a raging storm that covers the
area within one square mile (1600 m²) of the indoctrinated priest who invoked it. It can increase
the area of the storm spending Willpower additional bonus, increasing the area by 10 miles per
point of Willpower. While the howling winds and sand (or rain) are severe enough to guide the
most sensible creatures to cover (as in the Intermediate level of the Thaumaturgical Ritual
POTESTAS TEMPESTATUM, the time to call the storm is based on the same table), the Setite
(and anyone in his immediat surrounding) can travel intact through the furious torm, as if it were
a calm and clear night. The effects of the storm last for less one scene, but can last longer, at the
Storyteller's discretion. More than one Setite used this power to impede the movements of his
enemies while making an escape timely, notably during the catastrophe from Tanis.

Level Five

Word of the Dark God

For thousands of years the people of Egypt protected their tombs and treasures underground with
curses of infractions calling the gods to avenge. It is ability allows an indoctrinated priest to place
a curse on a die place, or direct something harmful against a enemy in particular.

■ Cost: Three Rouse Checks

■ System: Resolve + Blood Sorcery; To put the curse against a person, the Setite must know the
name of the victim, and in the case of a Vampire, he must have a drop of the kindred’s blood. The
Setite has to invent the nature of the curse first has to have a specific effect and a duration exact,
none longer than a lunar cycle on supernatural creatures. The effect can be virtually anything: let
his strength wither like reeds parched; let his mind be numb as if through wine strong; let his
tongue speak no more than the truth; let his skin fall off their bones, etc. Once the curse has been
created, the Check is made and resisted by a testo f the victim Willpower. The curse can be
permanente on any common mortal, but it affects any supernatural creature for a day per margin
of Success. The Curse can cause the Temporary loss of any dots of Atribute to a number os
successes, can create e compulsion like “dont lie” and even make de victim contract a temporary
flaw of looks or linguistics, the successes of the activation check must be “allocated” to the
Successes can be used to
Subtract atributes of the victim one to one.
Create a new and additional Compulsion two to one.
Make the Victim cotract a Linguistic or Looks Flaw, Successes equal the cost of the Flaw.

Make the time of the curse on a Supernatural Being, one to one day, to a maximum of a Week and
a Minimum (no investment) o fone Night.
If successful the curse takes effect immediately. In case of a curse to help protect a place or object
in appropriate circumstances, the Setite must specifically state the “trigger” that would activate
the curse, as also its effect and duration, these informations have to be inscribed around the place
or object in question in any language the Setite understand.

Through the Path of Duat the practitioner of Akhu conjures the attributes of the Egyptian
Primordial Darkness and directs them to the enemy. The effects are more mental and hypnotic
than physical and observers do not see physical causes for the victim's discomfort. the effect will
last as long as the magician are concentrating on maintaining the effect. This means that the priest
cannot participate in no physical activity violent or busy with another track or ritual. The character
can, however, use passive amulets. None of the powers of Duat costs Rouse Checks: the magician
counts only with the power of the Blasphemous Shrine. To harness the power of the Path of Duat,
the magician will need to carry a black onyx magic talisman carved like the image of a mummified
man - the shape of Sokar, the god of Duat. Some minutes before using the trail, the magician will
soak the image with a drop of your own blood as an offering to Sokar, and will whisper a little
prayer. the Path of Duat can affect anyone the magician can see with his eyes. – If the Talisman
is taken from the Lector Priest all effects cease.

Level One

The Sending of Snakes

■ Cost: Free

■ System: Charisma + Blood Sorcery, Difficulty 2 if the victim cant see the Setite and the
Talisman of Sokar; Snakes are the offspring of Apep, and haunt the 12 caves of Duat. They swim
in the river and curl up on the limbs of unredeemed dead. Through that power the magician can
make the victim witness snake-related hallucinations. Initially the victim will see a small snake
nearby. No matter what the victim does, the snake will come closer. If he runs, a snake will jump
on him or come out from behind a piece of furniture. If he attacks the snake, it will disappear, but
another snake will take its place. After a while, more snakes will appear and one will manage to
wrap itself around your body... Although snakes look real and dangerous, they never really bite.
They can only scare and torment the victim. Of course, other people don't see these ghostly snakes,
and will deduce that the victim is under the influence of some drug. The victim is affected for a
scene, in wich time it cannot recover willpower while under the stress of the spectral snakes, at
the power end, the victim receives one agravated willpower damage.

Level Two

The Darkness of Duat

■ Cost: Free

■ System: Charisma + Blood Sorcery the Setite must keep wathcing the victim, if it escapes line
o sight, the power stops; if the roll is a success, the victim cannot see anything while the magician
is concentrating on him, its eyes becoming a milky white while de blindness affects him as per
blindness rules of the V5 Core Rulebook.

Level Three

Suffocation of the Tomb

■ Cost: Free

■ System: Composure + Blood Sorcery, Sorcery the Setite must keep wathcing the victim, if it
escapes line o sight, the power stops; In addition to the other torments, the dead of Duat also
cannot breathe or speak. The funeral ritual "Open the Mouth" had aiming to rid the deceased of
this terrible condition. Through this power the magician makes the victim mute and breathless,
like a corpse. If the player succeeds on the roll, the victim cannot speak or breathe for as long as
the magician concentrates on him. For vampires, mutism is a mere inconvenience, as they don't
need to breathe. For a living being, however, lack of breath can lead to death, and he will indeed
end up in the Underworld if the magician persists long enough. The Suffocation of the Tomb
reaps the air from the victims Lungs, causing the need for a stamina check per turn and if the
victim fail, she receives a unhalved level os superficial damage.

The Narrow House

The dead of Duat rest in coffins that only open during passage night of the sun god Ra. At this
level the magician makes its victim feel trapped as if in a coffin, unable to move.

■ Cost: Free

■ System: Composure + Blood Sorcery, Sorcery the Setite must keep wathcing the victim, if it
escapes line o sight, the power stops; A paralyzed victim does not can move at all while the
magician is concentrating on it, unless it spend a point of Willpower. In this case, the victim may
act for only one turn and with a penalty on dice pool equivalent to the number of successes that
the magician achieved in making the test. This power is able to affect vampires, other corporeal
supernatural beings and Wraiths, but not other types spiritual entitys.

Obs: A Victim can still act with disciplinas that do not require complex movement, they really
are like if they where inside a coffin, wich dont stop a tremere from casting blood sorcery or a
toreador from using Dread Gaze.

What the childer of Sutekh know of Duat is what draws us to their bosom. Their faith propels
them to moments of great revelation in the study of death and rebirth. We study at their feet. We
watch. We learn. — Lazarus, exiled Cappadocian Methuselah
The Spell of Life is the purview of those dedicated to Set’s ancient enemy, Osiris. While Witches
of Echidna are unable to replicate the powers of the Spell, they long ago forged the first steps on
a Path of Akhu; named The Revelations of Duat. After teaching Orthodox Setites from Saqqara
to Luxor in the precepts, the Gorgons abruptly abandoned Egypt and retreated to Greece. The
reasons behind their departure have fallen into apocrypha, if ever they were known.
Shortly after the Gorgons departed Egypt, Cappadocians in the cult of Lazarus arrived to seek
sanctuary with sympathetic Setites. The Setites — novitiates in the promising Revelations of Duat
— turned to Lazarus’ get for further tutelage. The result is a Path of Setite Sorcery tainted with
the gifts of Necromancy, often shared between Setites and Cappadocians willing to devote
themselves to the study of death and — at the very least — lip service to Anubis or Hades through

Level Two

Sight of the Jackal

Sorcerers with Sight of the Jackal immediately identify ghosts who resist the call of Duat, spying
free dead as they ride living vessels or hide in objects and structures. The sorcerer’s eyes gain a
translucent grey film until the duration of the power concludes.
■ Cost: One Rouse Check
■ System: Wits + Blood Sorcery; Additional successes allow greater perception of the strength,
shape, and eve the nature of the ghost. The power lasts for the remainder of the scene. Ghosts
become aware of the sorcerer on a botch, and depending on their temperament they may attack
the vampire. Sight of the Jackal does not allow sorcerers to communicate with the dead.

Weight the Virtues

To judge the dead, Anubis must weigh virtues and sins. The Setite practicing Weigh the Virtues
is able to identify any morally compelling deeds performed by a once-living being, whether
they’re using this power on a ghost, a corpse, or a vampire. Knowledge of these deeds is key to
practicing the further powers on this Path, as Imbue with the Grace of Anubis is predicated on
understanding the deceased’s crimes.
■ Cost: One Rouse Check and a Human Heart
■ System: For each success, a different deed — from saving a child from a crocodile’s jaws to
murdering a rival over a lover — appears to the sorcerer in vivid detail as spectral images. On a

botch, this power reveals one of the sorcerer’s sins to everyone around the Caster. Through the
Spell, the caster holds the human heart that will wither and become dust as the sins of the ghost
are shown to the Setite.

Level Three

Pharao’s Sentry
Unthinking, unemotional, unyielding sentries are the best guards a Prince could want, but to create
them a sorcerer requires a dead body and a dispossessed spirit. Pharaoh’s Sentry creates an
emotionless automaton who forever serves the sorcerer’s edict, acting as a warrior and vigilant
guard with no moral qualms against killing, or fear of dying in service.
■ Cost: Two Rouse Check and a recelnty deceased body
■ System: When a sorcerer practices Pharaoh’s Sentry on a corpse dead for a single night in a
place a ghost haunts, a fragment of the ghost’s soul moves to the corpse and causes its
reanimation. The sorcerer must have used Weigh the Virtues previously to identify a spiritual
hook with which to snare the spirit. Each success allows the power to be used on a corpse dead
for an additional night. The sorcerer’s edict must be a single sentence, i.e. “You must guard this
tomb from all intruders but me,” or “You must follow this man to his house, and kill him inside”
Ambiguity leads to grave mistakes. In the previous examples, “You must guard this tomb from
all intruders,” would lead to even the sorcerer being attacked should he attempt to enter the
tomb; and “You must follow this man to his house and kill him,” may lead to the victim’s
murder at a premature point, rather than inside the hoped-for building. The animated corpse
remains active permanently without succumbing to decomposition. A botch on attempting the
Pharaoh’s Sentry causes the corpse to rise and mindlessly attack its summoner until destroyed.
The Sentry – Model
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina4
Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Composure 1,
Intelligence 1, Wits 2, Resolve 2
Abilities: Awareness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Intimidation 2, Melee 2, Firearms 2, Stealth 2

Disciplines: Fortitude 1 + 1 of the Creatror Disciplones (1)

Willpower: 5

Health: 8
Notes: The Sentry can make Rouse Checks and if not infused with blood from its creator
will wither and die again if it gets to Hunger 5.

Level Four

Imbue with the Grace of Anubis

An unthinking guardian is a potent defender for havens and temples, but sometimes a sorcerer
requires Anubis to return more than a flicker of life. By the jackal god’s grace, a sorcerer taps into
the good deed or sin identified through Weigh the Virtues, and imbues the corpse animated
through Pharaoh’s Sentry with a compulsion based on that deed. The animated corpse is still
victim to the one-line edict, but now harbors emotions and inclinations based on the harvested
spirit’s former deeds and will act on them when not specifically directed to do otherwise. These
inclinations always manifest themselves violently. The utility of this power comes through the
chaos it causes. A sorcerer who sends a horde of corpses possessed by violent emotion into a
town, knows the domain will come apart at the seams.

■ Cost: One Rouse Checks and the ashes of a Heart used in the power Weight the Virtues that
will be fed to the Undead target.

■ System: A sentry with basic memory of its defining deeds will act impulsively in ways similar
to its former life; i.e. a former murderer who cut the throats of merchants will always slay any
traders it meets with attacks to the neck, while a priest who assisted the poor will target the homes
of the wealthy, burning them down and massacring the inhabitants. A single success plants the
memory of one deed in the mind of the sentry, with each additional success giving the sorcerer
the option to place another. The spirit from which the deed is drawn for the creation of this
powered sentry is aware of its virtues or sins being drained, but without the sorcerer’s aid cannot
recover the piece it loses to this power. The sorcerer must spend a blood point to return the deed
to the spirit from which it originated, at which point it becomes an unthinking sentry retaining the
same statistics, but none of the freedom of thought. The sentry attacks its master on a botched

The Sentry in Grace– Model

Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina5
Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Composure 1,
Intelligence 1, Wits 2, Resolve 4
Abilities: Awareness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Intimidation 2, Melee 3, Firearms 3, Stealth 2

Disciplines: Fortitude 2 + Potence 1 + 1 of the Creatror Disciplones (1)

Willpower: 5

Health: 9
Notes: The Sentry can make Rouse Checks and if not infused with blood from its creator
will wither and die again if it gets to Hunger 5.

The cult is family. Family is all. As Jörmungandr eats its own tail to ensure the world survives,
we give of ourselves to ensure our family flourishes. — Edla Olavsdatter, Priestess of the Hall of
The story of Arnulf “Jörmungandrsson” is infamous among Setites. A Norse merchant turned
cultist, ghoul, and ultimately a vampire, Jörmungandrsson was Embraced in Egypt with great
pomp and ceremony. His return to the Kingdom of Norway was predicted by the Witches of
Echidna to spawn a new front in Typhon’s battle against the Aeons. Instead, Jörmungandrsson
formed a new cult dedicated to the Midgard Serpent as an aspect of Apep; antithetical to the
majority of Setites, but far enough away to not be immediately destroyed by the Theophidians.
The Jörmungandrsson imbroglio is a sore point among Orthodox Setites, who swiftly erased
record of Arnulf’s Embrace, but could do little to remove the widespread word of the prodigal
son who abandoned his clan. For centuries the Hall operated its cults in pleasurable
isolation from other members of their clan, their philosophers following a version of the Path of
Apep) they call the Path of Jörmungandr. In recent years, members of the cult traveled beyond
Scania and encountered the Witches of Echidna in the Courts of Love and Fiefdoms of the Black
Cross, suffering persecution from the clan’s Orthodoxy. In solidarity, the Hall granted the Witches
alms, and in turn were taught the principles of a sorcery they call The Revelations of Midgard.
The Gorgons were impressed by the Hall’s devotions to its cultists, seeing in the Norse vampires
a devotion to family once shared by the Setites of the Nile. The Revelations of Midgard allow
members of the Hall of Jörmungandr to draw on their inner faith, and with it bolster their ghouls,
beasts, and mortal servants. While their faith is inarguably debased, the powers gifted to them by
the Gorgons reinforce followers’ devotion to the cult.

Level One

Bestowment of Scales
Perhaps more than any clan, the Followers of Set value the worth of their cultists. Many see little
difference between the status of a mortal, ghoul, or vampire, in service to their
god. This is a belief permeating the clan in all its varied forms. For the love of their cultists,
practitioners of Bestowment of Scales may absorb harm dealt to their favored servants, who gain
patches of serpent scales on the flesh that would have otherwise been harmed. These scales never
disappear, evidencing the grace of Set or the Midgard Serpent.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: Composure + Blood Sorcery; Bestowment of Scales affects any living creature or
ghoul from whom the Cainite has fed, within Line of Sight. When such a cultist incurs harm, the
sorcerer can reflexively apply her undead endurance to the cultist’s body, the damage being
transferred to the vampire. The Cainite can halve and resist this damage in the normal way with
any powers, though any damage not resisted by the vampire is suffered by the cultist. The cultist

develops scales in the place they would have suffered harm. Depending on the location, this can
generate on the cultist’s Appearance Flaws, though Setites acknowledge the deformity as a
blessing. A botch on this power allows the vampire to absorb the damage, but prevents her from
halving ot using fortitude on any of it.

Level Two

Suffer for Jormunganrd

Pre-Requisite: (Bestowment of Scales)

Above all else, the Followers of Set are a clan of faith. Belief inspires its bearers with the ability
to perform great deeds, both noble and destructive. The Hall of Jörmungandr teaches all its cultists
to suffer for their beliefs; with sacrifice comes reward. Those who give of themselves for faith
will surely receive spiritual recompense. Vampires who use Suffer for Jörmungandr put this belief
to the test, as for their own survival, they bestow heinous wounds on their cultists. The cultists
suffering in this way gain serpentine features — a narrowing of eyes, flattening of a nose, webbed
fingers, and loss of hair.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: Stamina + Blood Sorcery; When a Cainite schooled in Suffer for Jörmungandr
receives physical harm, she may apply that harm to a mortal servant from whom she has taken
blood, and to whom she has given vitae. The cultist must be within eyeshot of the sorcerer.
Suffer for Jörmungandr is activated reflexively unless the vampire chooses not to use it. For
each success accrued beyond the first, the vampire may inflict an additional level of the damage
that she has incurred on her chosen cultist. Damage acquired in a single turn may not be
distributed among multiple cultists, and any damage exceeding the cultist’s health track will
return to the vampire to resist or incur. The manifestation of this power reduces the cultist’s
Appearance rating gradually, at Storyteller discretion. A botch on the roll for this power still
transfers all damage to a cultist, but each point is converted to aggravated if it’s not already so.

Level Four

Swallow the Tail

The Hall of Jörmungandr believes in the pre-eminence of the Midgard Serpent, fated to ingest its
own tail until it rears and devours the world. This strange power’s symbolically similar to the
myth, allowing the vampire to replenish any blood spilt in battle. Whether pouring from a lesion,
staining clothes, or pooled on the ground — sorcerers are able to draw the blood to them in
dancing rivulets. Setites are known to take grievous injuries, their vitae scattering around them,
before locking their foes in a hypnotic gaze as the blood upon the earth crawls its way back into

their mouths like tiny snakes. Any cultists in the presence of the Setite practicing this Discipline
find the blood in their veins bulging to escape. It does not, but forever after the cultists bear
snakelike blood vessels prominently marking their skin.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: Resolve + Blood Sorcery; This power is always activated as the final action of a turn.
Blood within eyeshot of the vampire slithers towards her, taking a turn to reach her mouth and
replenish hunger as if feeding. It is the Storyteller’s discretion how much blood are in the
surrounding area, but each success rolled allows the vapmpire to slake one of Hunger to a
maximum of limit per feeding rules. On a botch, the power forces the vampire vomit blood,
gaining one of Hunger that cannot be slaked with the expelled Blood. This power cannot be used
to drain blood from a living or undead vessel.

Cycle of the Midgard Serpent

The Hall of Jörmungandr places family upon a high pedestal. Sorcerers know the importance of
mortals and ghouls; cultists sustain their efforts. As they drain blood from the kine, the sorcerers
return terrible, poignant gifts to the cult as proof of their god’s pleasure. Setites who learn Cycle
of the Midgard Serpent impose one of the greatest gifts of blood magic possible on their cultists
— the ability to draw on their masters’ Disciplines. Cycle of the Midgard Serpent allows sorcerers
to vicariously act through their followers, though they have no control over how their cultists use
the powers imparted.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check + One Rouse Check consumed by the target.

■ System: Manipulation + Blood Sorcery; A Setite using this power may impart points in
Disciplines to a ghoul who’s consumed at least One Rouse Check of Blood. The number of
Discipline points bestowed is equal to the number of successes rolled. The power remains until
the sun next sets. Some powers are dangerous or actually self-destructive if a mortal uses them.
The Storyteller has the final ruling on whether a ghoul can use a given Discipline. For the purposes
of Disciplines that require the use of blood Worth a Rouse Check, the ghoul possesses a equal
Reserve of Blood (Worth Rouse Checks each) to those consumed from the regnant on the night
the power is activated. A botch on this roll results in the ghoul gaining the points in Disciplines
until the next sunset, but the blood bond to his domitor breaks. The breaking of this bond is not
known to the vampire.

Level Five

Apep Transformation

■ Amalgam: Protean 4

To some carrying Set’s blood, their epithet as Followers of Set is inaccurate. The Witches of
Echidna did, in recent years, come to the suspicion that while their founder may be a monstrous
demigod of capricious and devastating power, the name Set is incorrect. Whatever their founder
was, it posed as Set, Typhon, Apep, and even the Midgard Serpent in efforts to achieve worship
and slavish adherents. Something in the blood of this Mother of Monsters manifests through
Setites using high levels of Protean to change form. Apep’s Transfiguration allows a Setite to
inflict this change — one the Gorgons claim is Set’s true form — on a loyal follower. The change
is wracking, and painful, but the glorious physique achieved quickly converts or consumes non-
■ Cost: Three Rouse Checks Worth of blood that seeps inside de victim and painfully changes
their body.

■ System: Composure + Blood Sorcery; This power only affects a mortal or ghoul cultist who’s
imbibed the blood of the vampire sorcerer. On a successful roll, the cultist’s body spends ten turns
— minus the number of successes rolled — contorting and shifting into a limbless serpent, its
arms and legs sloughing off as an amalgamation of dead skin, tissue, and bone. The Apep cultist
bulges into a serpent form approximately the size of its previous body. It cannot speak, but can
understand its creator’s language. The change into an Apep cultist is permanent. The serpent
remains loyal to the vampire as a bestial ghoul, still requiring regular doses of vitae. Any
Revelations of Midgard powers usable on followers remain usable on the Apep cultist. A botch
on the roll to perform this power kills the cultist and provokes a frenzy test for the sorcerer, as
she’s presented with a humiliating failure of faith.
The Apep cultist has the following statistics:

Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4,
Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Composure 2,
Resolve 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3

Abilities: Awareness 4, Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Intimidation 5, Performance 3, Stealth 4, Survival


Disciplines: Fortitude 2, Potence 2, Presence 2

Willpower: 5

Health: 9

Notes: The Apep cultist commonly has a reserve of blood enough for three “Hunger Points”,
and sinks into a torpid state without blood. They can acquire further blood and slake their

hunger through drinking from a victim or from their Domintor. Apep cultists can resist
Superficial Damage like a vampire. Its bite attack uses (Strength + 3) and it bites without the
need of a grapple or similar move.


Some Setites love humiliation of all types, but have developed a special taste for the self-
destruction of others. Although the modern concept of addiction exist far from the ancient
Egyptian world view, Current Night Setites strongly believe that your god would approve. even
if he doesn't like your favorite hobby, they don't are about to stop. After all, it's a habit formed.

Level One

The First Taste

■ Amalgam: Presence 1 (Awe)

The Setite uses this power while her target is taking some secondary action, repetitive. Power
makes you associate unconsciously your action with pleasure, then he will want to do it again,
and again, and again. Creative Setites can addict your victims in substances or behaviors
completely strangers.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: Manipulation + Blood Sorcery; The number of successes determines the strength of
the compulsion created. Whenever the victim sees another chance to repeat the behavior triggered,
it must make a check of Composure + Resolve (difficulty the Sucesses of the Compulsion) to stop
himself from do that. The victim loses his compulsion completely if she succeds five times while
trying to resist.

Change of Vice

■ Amalgam: Presence 1 (Awe)

The Setite temporarily changes the focus of an addiction or compulsion for a substance or
behavior of your own choice. For example, a cocaine addiction can be changed into craving the
act of sex while on the urge, or a compulsive gambler can become a kleptomaniac as well.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: Manipulation + Blood Sorcery; While in the presence of the victim, the Lector Priest
makes the Check. If successful, target fixations reverse for a number of scenes equal to the Setite's
successes. By making a new Rouse Check, the vampire can extend the period to the same number
of scenes.

Level Three

The “Jones”

■ Amalgam: Presence 3 (Entrancement)

The Setite reinforces an addiction or compulsion Already existing of the victim, so that he puts
aside all her moral impulses and ethical convictions to satisfy her desire.

■ Cost: At Least One Rouse Check, plus a new check per scene.

■ System: Manipulation + Blood Sorcery; While in the presence of the victim, the Lector Priest
makes the Check. If successful, any qualms that the victim might have about breaking the barriers
to fulfilling your desires disappear, she can't even spend points of Willpower to overcome
addiction and compulsion, and she will happily leave her office during the means of work to
satisfy himself. The effect lasts for one scene per Rouse Check.
Level Four

Fatal Addiction

The Setite perverts dependence on a victim, making it a literal hunger. If the subject does not
satisfy his addiction, he starves until death.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: Manipulation + Blood Sorcery; While in the presence of the victim, the Lector Priest
makes the Check. If Succescul the victim suffers a terrible wave of hunger for its vice for weeks
equal to the Successes, a true fatal addiction, Whenever he gets to three successive nights without
satisfying his addiction or compulsion, the target suffers one health level of superficial damage

that cannot be resisted. The only way to recover levels of Health lost in this way is to satisfy the
compulsion; the character recovers all them immediately and the influence of power ends


The Ultimate Power of the Inner Serpent intrigue Setites who don't understand completely the
seductive ways of your Clan. What is the use of preventing addictions? To force an addict to
deprive himself, however, can break too many habits and forcing a lifestyle (or afterlife)
completely mute not only an easily visible vice. Temperance leaves a victim unable to derive
pleasure from satisfying an addiction. The physical or psychological desire still exists, but the
substance or behavior that once gave such pleasure now causes pain and heartbreak.

■ Cost: Two Rouse Checks

■ System: Composure + Blood Sorcery; While in the presence of the victim, the Lector Priest
makes the Check. If Succescul The number of successes determines the Temperance effect
1 Success - one scene
2 Successes - one night
3 Successes - one week
4 Successes - one month
5 Successes - one year
The victim suffers a unhalved health level from superficial damage due to nausea and pain when
satisfy your addiction. Storytellers can impose other problems, too, based on the nature of the
victim's addiction. For example, a forced alcoholic to take a few drinks could need a Willpower
roll well successful to avoid vomiting when drinking. Storytellers may still wish to impose
symptoms in those whose addictions could likely to produce such a result by "exiting from the
trash." The sorcerer must select only a wish for Temperance to affect. However, the character can
use the power more than once to block multiple vices. Temperance does not work on
physiological needs true as food (for mortals) or blood (for vampires).


Level One

Typhons Brew
Most alchemy preparations Setite starts with this magic beer mixed with vitae. a lector priest who
doesn't know how to make Typhon's Drink can give up seeking knowledge deeper alchemicals.
this drink sustains ghouls as if it were the real vampiric vitae. Vampires can too drink it. By itself,

this drink has no other properties. It cannot be used for to embrace a mortal nor to impose on him
a Blood Bond. The distillation process neutralizes these aspects of vitae

■ Ingredients: Any Alchoolical Brew, Beer, Whiskey, etc, and Rouse Checks Worth of Blood,
that must be mixed under the light of the New Moon with Unholy chants to Typhon Set.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check Worth of blood, per 1L bottle.

■ System: The production process of Typhon's drink takes a month, starting and ending at the
new moon. Every bottle of drink produced the magician will add the equivalent of one Rouse
Check of your own blood. The distillation process multiplies the vitae, so a Ghoul can be fed for
every 1/4 of bottle of drink ingested. However, Vampires get only one hunger slaked per bottle
ingested and it Works like a Blood Bag, but slakes hunger like Kindred’s Blood. For vampires
the magic of the drink becomes the fact that they can drink it without having to regurgitate it
seconds after being ingested. Vampires can even stay intoxicated with the mixture and then suffer

Seal The Portals of Blood

The Egyptian Priest-Doctors prescribed amulets of Set to prevent miscarriages and excess flow
menstrual period, because the image of the Dark God frightened the sick womb that then it
contracted and the flow ceased. Setites Egyptians still trade the favors of this enchantment, though
they don't count to your customers about one of your powers.

■ Ingredients: One Rouse Check of Blood infused within the carved amuleto of any material.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: The amulet does not require any special care to be enrolled and consecrated. The
woman who carries the amulet will not run the risk of miscarriage and their menstruations will be
tremendously reduced. But in fact, menstrual blood will be passed on to the lector priest; a one of
hunger slaked point per month as if feeding without killing, but never more than that, even if the
character passed many amulets, he can only consume the blood one time per night. If the wielder
does not wear the amulet during a menstrual cycle the magic is broken. The spell lasts for one
month per success. The caster can use until his Resolve in number of amulets, being able to use
the effect one time per month per woman with the artifact. Blood not used is lost.

The Milk of Set

This ritual is a pretext for a range of very numerous rituals, however, many Setites have their own
names for mixtures created in this way. In each the Setite creates an ointment with magical

properties. The exact details of the ritual and ointment ingredients vary, while depending on the
desired effect.

■ Ingredients: Varies greatly (Honey, herbs, drugs, venoms, corporal fluids of a servant) plus
One Rouse Check of blood and One Bottle of Typhons Brew.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check and One Bottle of Typhons Brew.

■ System: Each effect must be learned as a separate ritual. When he wants to gain a new ritual,
the player specifies a desired effect and buys the as if gaining a ne ritual. He must first determine
any effect that resembles an existing ritual or from any other source, unless the effect is already
common and available for other Disciplines. Each dose of ointment or ointment takes one week
and have potence equal to successes to produce, and works for two weeks per potence of effect
of the ritual, and then becomes a useless substance.
The Substance aways resembles a milky oil, with taste varying greatly with the ingredientes,
normally transported in small bottles or vials.
Ritual Effects:
• Add the Milk of Set in a fuel tank, so that the vehicle take the Setite where he wants to, not
where the driver is driving (3) – The driver can perceive this effect with a sucessful Wits +
Awareness – ■ Ingredients: Iron Powder and herbs.
• Change a lock for the model of the Setite's key (1) - ■ Ingredients: Corporal Fluids of a Servant
and Herbs. Plus One Rouse Check of Blood and Bottle of Thypon’s Brew.
• Melting steel and concrete (2) - ■ Ingredients: Venom of a Snake and Honey. Plus One Rouse
Check of Blood and Bottle of Thypon’s Brew.
• Making a drug more strong and addictive (2) - ■ Ingredients: Herbs, Honey and doses of the
desired Drug. Plus One Rouse Check of Blood and Bottle of Thypon’s Brew.

•Change the information in a hardware (1) - ■ Ingredients: Iron Powder. Plus One Rouse Check
of Blood and Bottle of Thypon’s Brew.
• Pour the mixture on the floor so that it follows a specific target (2) - ■ Ingredients: Corporal
Fluids of the Target (blood for a kindred). Plus One Rouse Check of Blood and Bottle of Thypon’s
• Allow Natural Foods, like meat and grains to be consumed by a vampire if mixed with the
substance - ■ Ingredients: Honey and Herbs. Plus One Rouse Check of Blood and Bottle of
Thypon’s Brew.

Level Two

Oppening of the Mouth

This magical ritual mimics one of the rites common Egyptians executed before burial. The funeral
rite conferred upon the deceased the ability to breathe and speak in the Underworld. The Akhu
ritual allows a ghost speak through its own corpse. Mouth Opening only works if the corpse still
possess a head and tongue intact. The magician sprinkles the corpse with water and natron (a
natural salt used in the mummification), places three amulets on the body and recites a funeral
prayer. In the end the magician touches the corpse's mouth with the wand ceremonial while
commanding him to speak.

■ Ingredients: Water, Natural Salt and One Rouse Check of Blood, plus One Bottle of Typhon’s
Brew that must be introduced in the cadavers mouth.

■ Cost: One Rous Check and one Bottle of Typhon’s Brew.

■ System: If the priest performs the ritual correctly, the dead can hear and talk for a minute per
success, but he won't be able to perform no other type of action. The ritual does not forces the
corpse to speak the truth; not even he knows nothing more than what he already knew before to
die. He, moreover, will not be able to speak of the the afterlife or the Underworld (if questioned
about the motive, he will reply that Osiris forbade him to speak on such topics... even if the person
has never heard of in Osiris during his lifetime. magic is something mysterious). This ritual only
Works once for each particular magician about a certain person.

Oppening of the Portal

This ritual prepares a corpse in a that he becomes a focus for the Setite's magic, effectivilly
creating a Blasphemous Shrine and allowing even greater benefit from it. If the corpse is not
mummified according to Egyptian tradition ancient, it must be submitted to the procedures before
the ritual begins. This one solitary process can take several nights and is usually performed by
convention of Setite priests and sorcerers.

■ Ingredients: A Traditionally Mummified Corpse and One Rouse Check Worth of Blood.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: Intelligence + Occult to prepare the corpose and after the preparation a normal
ritual roll; Once the body is prepared, the ritualist begins the ceremony verbally recounting Set's
victory over Osiris and informing the corpse of Set's subsequent penetration into the Lands
Westerners and the ineffectiveness of Osiris to stop his progress. He organizes the jars of canope
in reverse order, placing the jug which is supposed to be positioned to the West of the body on its
east, that of the north on its south, and so on. The magician opens fractures in the box chest, cuts
the cadaver's spine and pierces dozens of hooks on it. On the hooks he threads catgut threads
(material made from sheep's gut, it is used in ligatures and surgical sutures), which he then fastens

to a metal frame around of the mummy. The sorcerer pulls the threads, forcing the body in a
torture position. The ritual takes 12 hours to complete. The player takes care of a challenge that
goes from one to fice sucesses, succeeding only in one win (mummification test). Every success
in these challenges gives to the corpse one degree, reaching the degree to which their funeral
arrangements satisfied the requirements of The Book of the Dead. None success do not bear any
resemblance, and five successes marks the greatest loyalty to those possible rituals in modern
times. If successful, the Setite now has a means of siphoning energy from the Earths Westerners.
he can anytime increase recover his Willpower or Slake Hunger equal to the level the Narrator
classified the mummy. After spending several hours equal to his successes in the ritual, he loses
the willpower gain, and must teste for frenzy as he gains one hunger from the ausence of the
energies consumed. He can do this once per story and may have only one mummy ritually
desecrated in use at any temple. If anyone destroys the corpse or untie it from the frame, the Setite
loses Willpower equal to the mummy level and tests for frenzy as if extremily hungry, plus he
cannot perform Akhu. This is always the first ritual learned in the same way as the Tremere always
learn the Rite of Introduction. Without this ritual the sorcerer cannot perform the necessary spells
with the energies of the Westlands cannot be accessed.

Level Three

Sending of Scorpions

Set sent a scorpion to poison the infant Horus. This ritual simulates the myth by creating a magical
scorpion that will attack a single predetermined target. Scorpion's magical venom has a great
chance to kill a mortal and can cause serious inconvenience to a vampire. The magician will make
a model of wax from a scorpion that will also contain a fingernail, hair, spit or any other anything
else that comes from the victim's body. She writes Set's name in green ink on the body of the wax
scorpion and recites the myth of Horus poisoning (but omits the passage where the god was
healed). So he leaves the scorpion model in a place frequented by the victim. THE next time the
victim gets close to the scorpion, it will turn into a scorpion real scorpion and will sting the victim.

■ Ingredients: Wax for the Scorpion and a part of the victims body like a hair, a fingernail and

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: Scorpion venom causes one point of unhalved superficial damage every 15 minutes.
The damage is stopped if the victim does well successful on a Stamina check with difficulty of 3
(although vampires can use blood surge to increase their check). This poison also affects Lupines,
Changelings and other supernatural races that have physical bodies. The victim can see the
scorpion before it he attacks (Wits + Awareness, difficulty 2 due to his being small, or 3 if the
victim is not looking for it). If the victim kills the scorpion before this one stings her and he will
turn into a broken model of wax. If the scorpion dies after having stung it will remain in the form
of a real scorpion.

Level Four

Summoning of Sebau

A doctrinaire priest can use a clay model to summon Sebau – the demons of Duat - and send them
to attack your enemies or perform certain tasks. The magician must sculpt the model with your
own hands, using clay mixed with his own vitae.

■ Ingredients: Clay for the Modelling, One Bottle of Typhon’s Brew and Blood from the caster.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: If the ritual is successful, the magician will be able to impose a servisse that can be
executed in one night per success to a demon-sebau. If the player botches the test, the character
will be attacked by the demon. If the magician wants the devil attack a specific victim he will
need the Victim's Real Name or any part of her body. The Storyteller should use the sheet of a
spectre from the V5 Core-Rulebook.

Dismemberment of Osiris

The Setite symbolically dismembers the captured leader of a group or organization, starting with
the members and ending with the penis. The ritual works only on victims male. For the completion
of the ritual the Setite must drop the sexual organ in a tank full of fish. It only works if the fish
devour the severed organ. The victim's organization suffers a serious disasters, as determined by
the Storyteller. A corporation could lose the half of its share value overnight as people have
terrible dreams of its failure, a military unit could lose the battle due to terrible anxiety, or a
religious order could experience mass evasions. The ritual takes six hours to be executed.

■ Ingredients: The Target.

■ Cost: Three Rouse Checks

■ System: After the ritual check, each Success will affect one dot of background from a
organization being it a Corporation or a corterie throughout the next nights.

Level Five

Banishing Cippus

The Egyptians highly valued the star with the figure of the infant Horus stepping on crocodiles
and crushing scorpions and snakes with their own hands. This statues - called cippi - served as
amulets for repel these creatures as well as any evil force in the world. Set's followers rarely make
these amulets. Setite seldom use the figure of Horus in his spells, but the power of a enemy, still,
is power. This enchanted star serves to protect against spirits, not animals. A consecrated cippus
bars the presence of all but the most powerful, spirits. The Tremere have some Cippi of
Banishment and chapels fight each other for possession of such objects in places where the Setites
are powerful. The special cost of making of a Banishing Cippus ensures that the Tremere never
have enough of them to be satisfied.

■ Ingredients: The artesanal star, infused vitae from the magician, plus sand, water and incense
and the star bathed in honey, beer and crocodile blood, a wasp and crushed Scorpions.

■ Cost: Three Rouse Checks

■ System: A Simple Ritual Check is required, and justo ne Success; The spirits of Duat do not
can approach more than 30 meters from a Banishing Cippus. If he tries to do so, he will be repelled
from back to Duat (or the Underworld). No special condition is required for making the cippus.
Star enchantment requires few hours of prayers, exorcism with sand, water and incense and the
star bath in honey, beer and crocodile blood, a wasp and crushed scorpions. at the end of the
ceremony the priest lets the sunlight burn his hand until it turns to ash while this remains on top
of the star (Needing checks for not sleeping and for resisting the red fear). finish the final prayer
while leaving your own hand burning in sunlight costs the character one permanent Willpower
point. this will also cost a point of Aggravated Damage. Henceforth, Cippus Banishing will work
by itself, continuously. Some Cippus from Banishment are thousands of years old.

Snake Indigestion

This curse comes from the terrible knowledge of Setite Sorcery. The sorcerer summons the
demons streamers of Duat, the Egyptian underworld, and commands them to enter the belly of
his enemy. Within an hour the stomach of the victim is troubled in pain. Nausea quickly joins the
pain, and within an hour victim vomits a live lustrous black snake. The pain doesn't diminishes
not a bit, however, and soon the victim vomits another snake. her intestines swell, and it "excretes"
snakes. The torment increases for the worse soon; the victim can't empty the snakes fast enough
and they chew their way out of the body, serpent after serpent, until it dies.

■ Ingredients: A personal item from the victim, parto f its blood, a living snake and a human
stomach, plus the caster vitae. Every ingrediente melts at the end of the ritual check.

■ Cost: Three Rouse Checks

■ System: For each success obtained, victim suffers two hours from the curse's effect. During the
first two hours, as he empties serpents through his mouth and anus, the victim loses one health
level from superficial damage of injury per hour that can be resisted. Cainites can heal this damage
usually. At each subsequent hour, however, the victim loses one health level of aggravated
damage as the various snakes starts chewing his guts. The victim can apply apropriated Fortitude
powers, if he possesses, but in the nex hour the damage cannot no longer be absorbed even by
that power, since the damage is too great. Cainites can heal the aggravated damage normally for
such level of damage. The bite of a demon snake deals aggravated damage, but they are not
poisonous. One hour after the curse ends, all snakes disappear, returning to Duat. To make things
simple with one successes the victim takes two unhalved superficial damage, with two and three,
the damage two becomes agravated per success, with four and more, the damage keeps the pace
of Two Agravated per Success, but cannot be resisted.


The Ritual name derives from the statues that the wealthy Egyptians buried with themselves.
These statues were supposed to become servants in the afterlife, who would serve the soul of the
one who was buried. The images of objects would also become real in the realm of the dead.
Egyptian magicians also they gave life to the images still in this world. An old tale tells of a
magician who created a cedar chair that kidnapped a king of a distant country and brought him in
the same night. Vampires magicians cannot perform such exploits, but masters of the Path of
Ushabti, even so, can undertake many wonderful things. Each use of this ritual requires a separate
figure. Therefore, a magician who wants to create a crocodile he will make a model of a crocodile;
to create a hawk, it will use a model of Hawk. Animal models are so easy to make animate as
much as humanoid models. One template can only be used once. In any case, the magician will
sculpt a model from mixed wax or clay with a rouse check Worth of blood. The lector priest writes
words of power over the model, including his name in Egyptian hieroglyphics-"digger", "guard"
or something similar. So he will bathe the object in beer and honey and a mixture of herbs.

■ Ingredients: At least One Rouse Check Worth of Blood, Wax or Clay for sculpting, Doses of
Typhons Brew, Honey and mistures of Herbs.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check per Level of Power (Maximum Five)

■ System: Intelligence + Crafts and after it, Intelligence + Occult; The number of a player's
successes on the Intelligence + Crafts will determine the degree of realism of the animated figure.
1 Success - Clay or coarse wax, roughly shaped.
2 Successes - A dummy reasonably realistic, like wax replicas or Chinese dolls.
3 Successes - Relatively vivid, can fool a casual observer (difficulty 3 to perceive the fraud).

4 Successes - Incredibly vivid (difficulty 5 to perceive the fraud).
5 Successes - Indistinguishable from life.
The "realism index" of an ushabti cannot exceed the level of power (Rouse Checks). So a Guard
can no longer be than relatively vivid.
An ushabti creature will remain active by a lunar cycle, as long as it does not have contact with
mundane humanity and remain within the vampire's haven. At the end of this period, the magician
may prolong the existence of ushabti for one more lunar cycle by feeding it one rouse check of
blood. If an ushabti interacts with a human, outside the haven of the creator vampire, the spell
wears off quickly: within a time the statue crumbles into wax or clay and turns again a mere
decrepit statue. when "killed", the ushabti becomes a dummy at the time of his "death". Ushabti
figures are usually designed to be used by only a person, no one else can avail from them. Most
of the time, the magician creates a ushabti for his own use, but also you can make one for someone
else use later. It costs one point Willpower for the magician. The other person activates ushabti
using the words traditional spells, but you don't need to spend vitae.
Power Levels

1 Rouse Check – Worker: simple and practically devoid of mind. This ushabti can perform simple,
repetitive tasks such as digging, sweeping, pulling and carrying. Workers cannot fight. regardless
of being humanoid or animal, this basic ushabti has two dots in each Physical Attribute, .one point
in each Mental Attribute and no points in Social Attributes. They have no Abilities.

2 Rouse Check – Servants: A more skilled magician can produce an ushabti with greater
intelligence and utility. A server can perform tasks moderately complex that require a small
degree of common sense. Add three points of Attributes to Basic Worker stats (but no Social or
Mental Attributes may be greater than 2). Also add two Skill points. For a while, none of these
skills can be related to fighting.

3 Rouse Check – Guard: At this level the magician can create a ushabti with simulated minds
working fast enough to handle situations of combat. An ushabti bred with this level of mastery
need not, in fact, be a guard, but this is a common application for this type of creature. Add six
points to Basic Worker Attributes in addition to four skill points. Guards can have Attributes
Social, but no Social Attribute or Mental can have a value greater than 2, but no Skill.

4 Rouse Check – Overseer: A really skilled magician can create formidable ushabtis - mighty
beasts or servants more skillful than many humans. Such ushabti may command inferior ushabtis
and run tasks complex independent supervision. Add nine points Attributes and six Ability points
at Basic Worker stats. No Social or Mental Attributes or Ability may have values greater than 3.

5 Rouse Check – Kanums Gift: The ancient Egyptians believed that the god Khnum molded
humans into the womb, as clay is molded into molds. One Ushabti master can create servants with
memorable skill or power and which are blindly loyal, but who have no conscience of which they
themselves are replicas. Further shockingly, a magician can create a body for one spirit and both

will be provided with life, as if they were a real being, hence for shipping. Through the Gift of
Khnum, a blood sorcerer will be able to raise the dead - or release demons into the world.
Add twelve points Attributes and eight from Skills to stats of the Basic Worker. This ushabti too
possesses Humanity and Willpower equivalent to a novice vampire. He can think for himself and
will be emotionally attached to its creator as if were under Blood Bound. Alternatively, the
magician may create just one body and infuse it with a preexisting soul: whether this is a
Apparition or any other kind of spirit. Therefore, ushabti will have any Abilities, and other
statistics that the spirit previously possessed. The magician can make any body that pleases him,
but the spirit must willingly agree to occupy the said body. Khnum's Boon costs two points of
Willpower. The player can spend more points of Willpower for additional successes to the
Intelligence + Crafts roll to increase the chances of getting a ushabti more similar to real life. An
ushabti created through the Gift of Khnum does not decompose in the presence of mere humans
or at the end of a month. Although, it will decompose in a matter of minutes if someone to
challenge their sense of identity and convince him that he is not a person of truth.
A Setite legend tells of an ushabti faithful who had served his lord for a century until who beheld
his image in a mirror and came to the conclusion that he was no more than another one of his
master's statues. Another story talks about an ushabti perfectly similar to a living being that
married and had children. She has decomposed to dust when her husband investigated her past
and found out she didn't have one.


From a purely functional standpoint, the blood magic that the Assamite sorcerer caste practices
differs little from that wielded by the Tremere. From a philosophical perspective, however, worlds
of difference separate the two. The Tremere force every piece of knowledge they incorporate into
the structured, rigid framework of high Hermetic invocation. By contrast, the sorcerer caste’s
practices are the result of millennia of adaptation and melding, and are too disparate to be
considered “structured” in any real sense. The modern body of knowledge that is Assamite
Sorcery draws its content from a wide array of magical traditions, from the ecstatic rites of Kali
and Shiva’s followers to the subtle precision of feng shui to the elegant symbolic and
mathematical transformations of Islamic alchemists and astronomers. Assamite Sorcery is
mechanically identical to the more common Blood Magic Powers. However, though they work
on similar principles (the use of vampiric vitae to fuel exertions of conscious will in order to effect
change upon the physical or spiritual world). A Tremere strives to perform his magic the same
way, all the time, every time. An Assamite might never enact the same ritual the same exact way
twice in a millennium. As may be expected, students of Assamite Sorcery have great difficulty
learning the practices of other blood magic traditions.


Although combat mastery is hardly the sorcerer caste’s primary goal, they have a long tradition
of standing ready to defend themselves and, if need be, assisting the warrior caste on the

battlefield. Awakening of the Steel is one legacy of this preparedness, a path that some say began
with the alchemists who studied in the forges of Toledo and Damascus. This set of techniques
focuses on the symbolism of the sword as the ultimate extension of a trained warrior’s body,
drawing on the myths that various warrior traditions attached to their swords and daggers:
European Crusaders and their blessed blades, the kris of Indonesian Pentjak-Silat practitioners,
and Indian Ghurkas and their kukri knives, among others. The practitioner of Awakening of the
Steel focuses on this symbolism as he uses the power of his blood to enhance his weapon and his
skill. A student of Awakening of the Steel finds that a keen understanding of both the form and
the function of a blade is necessary for full mastery of this path. A character must have a level of
either Melee or Crafts Ability equal to his level in Awakening of the Steel. Those who practice
this path also find that its lessons are tightly focused, perhaps to the point of overspecialization.
The path is at its most effective with swords and knives, and the wielder can only extend its effects
to other edged weapons. Any attempt to use a technique of this path on another edged weapon is
at +1 difficulty.

Level One

Confer With the Blade

Although few Assamites claim to have actually spoken to a weapon’s soul, blacksmiths and
warriors alike have ascribed spiritual qualities to hand-forged blades for centuries. Practitioners
of Auspex are familiar with the manner in which inanimate objects can bear impressions of their
own history. Confer with the Blade allows a weapon’s wielder to delve into the events that have
occurred around his weapon. Some practitioners of this power claim this makes the weapon feel
more “comfortable” in their hands, while others speak of the sense of history that an ancient
blade bears. The actual impressions only take an instant to gain, though many prefer to spend
much longer in contemplation if time permits.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

System: Resolve + Blood Sorcery; The number of successes determines the amount of
information the sorcerer gains regarding the blade’s history and its present state in vivid images,
and distant sounds, as well as all information yielded by a lesser number of successes.
Successes Result

One success Physical information only: precise length and weight (to the micrometer and
milligram), chemical composition (assuming the character understands metallurgy), number of
damage dice and type of damage (lethal or aggravated).

Two successes Historical overview: when and where the blade was forged, the name and face
of its smith, brief glimpses of significant events in its existence.

Three successes Sorcerous understanding: the type and relative level of power of any
enchantments or supernatural enhancements that the blade possesses as well as the name and
face of the individual who laid them.

Four successes Subliminal synthesis: comprehensive knowledge of the sword’s history. For
the next seven nights, the character recognizes the taste of any blood that has ever stained the
blade if she tastes it herself.

Five successes Total communion: The sword and the wielder become linked at a level deeper
than the physical and more enduring than the immediate. The Storyteller determines what
information the sword holds for the character, but it may include any event in the blade’s history
or any aspect of its present existence and condition.

Level Two

Grasp of the Mountain

The best scimitar in all creation does its owner no good if it’s lying five meters away from him.
Grasp of the Mountain strengthens the spiritual bond between the sword and the swordsman in
order to reinforce the wielder’s physical grip on his weapon. A blade that is under the effect of
this art never leaves its master’s hand unless he so wills it.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

System: Resolve + Blood Sorcery; For the rest of the scene, the character has a number of
automatic successes to resist all attempts to disarm him, equal to the number of successes rolled.
He cannot accidentally drop the blade (which means his botches are likely to result in self-
mutilation instead of an empty hand). If the character is somehow disarmed in spite of Grasp of
the Mountain, he may call the blade back to his hand by successfully invoking this power again,
assuming he has a clear line of sight to the weapon.

Level Three

■ Amalgam: Celerity 1

Pierce Steel Skin

At this level of understanding, the sorcerer can command his blade with such precision that he
can strike at an opponent’s physical protection rather than his body. The sword transfers its full
fury to the intended target, shredding even the toughest chain or plate. This strips away the
victim’s defenses, leaving him vulnerable to the next attack. While this power is of limited utility

in modern nights, as traditional armor has fallen by the wayside, it remains in the path’s
progression of lessons due to its utility in destroying other obstacles.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

System: Wits + Blood Sorcery; While Pierce Steel’s Skin is in effect, an attack against an
unarmored target inflicts half damage (rounded down). However, for a number of turns equal to
the number of successes rolled, each successful attack the character makes against an armored foe
inflicts damage on the target’s body armor rather than injuring him directly. Only metal armor
can be damaged by this power. When the character makes a successful attack against an armored
target, the player does not roll damage. Instead, he rolls a number of dice equal to the sword’s
damage bonus (the number of dice that it adds to his Strength) against a difficulty ofte armor
provided. Each success reduces the armor’s soak bonus by one. Armor that is reduced to zero
soak bonus in this manner is completely destroyed and unsalvageable. Additional successes
beyond those needed to destroy a piece of armor have no effect. At the Storyteller’s discretion,
Pierce Steel’s Skin may destroy other inanimate objects (walls, doors, cars, dramatically
appropriate obstacles) without significant damage to the sword.

Level Four

Razor Shield

■ Amalgam: Celerity 2 and Auspex 1

Many swordsmen hold that the duel is the ultimate test of the warrior because it places all
opponents on na equal footing: Death is only one meter of steel away, and only the skill of the
combatants determines who walks away. However, observers who are more pragmatic than
romantic note that an enemy with a ranged weapon (be it bow, sling, or gun) has the advantage
of striking from much farther away than arm’s length. While Awakening of the Steel cannot
completely counteract this advantage, this power allows the skilled sorcerer some measure of
defense as the sword interposes itself between its master and attacks from afar.

■ Cost: Two Rouse Check

System: Resolve + Blood Sorcery; For a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled,
the character may attempt to parry projectiles. This requires one action for each projectile that the
player wishes to block, and the character must be able to see the shot coming (Heightened Senses
allows visual tracking of bullets). Each parrying attempt requires a Dexterity + Melee roll. Each
success subtracts one success from the attacker’s attack roll. Razor’s Shield does not allow the
character to parry ranged attacks that do not incorporate solid projectiles, such as flame, lightning,
or spat blood.

Level Five

Attack at the True Flesh

Although pacifists may find other uses for blades, a warrior knows that swords were created for
one purpose: to carve an enemy’s flesh into bloody ruin. Strike at the True Flesh invokes the
very essence of the sorcerer’s weapon, reducing it to the embodiment of its very definition (or,
as the more classically minded would put it, invoking the Platonic form) while simplifying its
target to a similarly basic level. The results of such an invocation are usually devastating on
both a philosophical and practical level as weapon and victim momentarily lose all supernatural

■ Cost: Two Rouse Check

System: Resolve + Blood Sorcery; The effects of Strike at the True Flesh last for a number of
turns equal to the number of successes rolled, and they end with the first successful attack that
the character makes within this time period. The sword inflicts only the base amount of superficial
damage that a weapon of its size and type would normally cause, disregarding all enhancements
that it may have received (though augmentations to the wielder’s strength or speed, such as
discipline powers, still have their normal effects, as do extra successes on the attack roll).
However, all the target’s supernatural defenses (including Fortitude) are likewise negated — he
resists the attack only with his base Stamina. If the negation of his powers and defenses renders
the target unable to resist superficial damage (doesnt have fortitude or armor), he will receive the
full damage. Body armor does protect against this attack, as it is a mundane form of defense.


This path was originally developed by Assamite sorcerers and is rarely encountered outside of
that Clan, but knowledge of it has passed into the larger pool of Dur-An-Ki lore. The Path is
designed to augment a vampire’s natural stealth and skill with Obfuscate. While many aspects of
this Path seem redundant given the existence of Obfuscate, the Path offers a powerful advantage
over that Discipline — for example, Auspex does not automatically Pierce the veil provided by
The Hunter’s Winds. While Auspex may add to the observer’s Perception-based rolls as the
Storyteller sees fit, the observer does not automatically see through deceptions just because his
Auspex exceeds the ashipu’s Path rating.

Level One

Scent of Deception

■ Amalgam: Obfuscate 1

The target of this power gains the ability to alter her scent or eliminate it completely.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: Wits + Blood Sorcery A successful roll means that the target either leaves no scent
that can be detected or tracked, or she leaves the scent of someone else known to her. A failure
means nothing happens. A botch means that her scent is more easily identifiable to others (in
addition to the other penalties for botching a blood magic roll).

Level Two

Chamaleon Skin

■ Amalgam: Obfuscate 2

The target’s skin and clothing automatically assume the coloring and texture of whatever he
stands near.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: Wits + Blood Sorcery; For the duration of the scene following the activation scene,
the difficulty of rolls to detect the target increase by +2 so long as he remains stationary. While
he is in motion, the effect is negated, but once he comes to rest again against a different surface,
he can reassert the camouflage with a successful Wits + Stealth roll. Any texture changes are
illusory; the target does not gain the durability of a brick wall just by standing near it.

Level Three

Unassuming Pose

■ Amalgam: Obfuscate 2

The target effortlessly blends into any crowd of people. Everyone present will assume the target
belongs there, including any pursuers.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: Wits + Blood Sorcery; If the roll succeeds, any observer will automatically assume
that the target belongs in whatever location he is found. Those searching for him are incapable
of perceiving that he is an intruder. However, this effect cannot fool technology, and anyone
observing through CCTV, for example, can spot him as an interloper.

Level One

Using Babylonian astrology techniques, the ashipu can study the stars to gain insight into his
enemies. To cast a horoscope of a mortal, the ashipu must know her birth name, as well as the
location and the date of her birth. To cast a horoscope for a vampire, the ashipu must know both
of those and also the date of her Embrace. Armed with such knowledge, the ashipu can learn his
enemy’s innermost secrets, strenghts and weakness.

■ Igredients: birth name, as well as the location and the date of her birth, if Vampire, the date of
the Embrace. The vampire prepares a ritual place under the light of the moon and draws the
informations with blood in the ground chanting, in the end of the ritual the blood realings forming
the constalations of the birth or embrace of the victim, passing Strong sensations and impressions
to the caster.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: Each success allows the ashipu to discover one secret about the target of the
horoscope, chosen from the following: Nature, primary aptitudes (i.e. Traits rated at
3 or higher) and Flaws. The information comes as Strong impressions that are not aways
completely clear.

Strenght of Haqim

One of the first rituals a new Assamite sorcerer can learn is this protective spell meant to allow
her to draw on the power of all Assamites, past and present, to resist domination or blood
addiction. By carrying with her an amulet bathed in the Blood of the Sorcerer and reciting a brief

■ Igredients: A Chalice made of stone from the sacred city of Alamut, where the blood will be
deposited and the amuleto bathed.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: na Assamite may gain a bonus equal to her successes to a maximum of the Blood
Sorcery of the caster, to resist the affect of mind-altering spells or Disciplines. The amulet’s
defense bonus is reduced by one after every failed check until it reaches zero and crumbles to

Level Two

Infusion of Kalif

This ritual is important to all ashipu who seek enlightenment, but its effects have been duplicated
by a number of blood magicians from a number of schools who abuse its ancient pedigree for a
baser purpose: getting high. The ritual allows the blood magician to ritually infuse vitae into
hashish so that Kindred may imbibe of it through a hookah and become intoxicated.

■ Igredients: Twenty Ounces of Rashish per One Rouse Check Worth of Blood.

■ Cost: At Least One Rouse Check

■ System: The sorcerer must obtain a quantity of hashish and soak it in a quantity of his own
blood. The ratio is fairly high — twenty ounces of hashish is soaked in one Rouse Check worth
of blood, and the process (which takes three full nights) yields only one ounce of kalif per
success. The “quality” of the kalif is determined by the Blood Potence of the vampire whose
blood was used in the ritual (which need not be that of the sorcerer). Each dot of Blood Potence
increases the quality by +1, so kalif successfully infused with the vitae of a vampire with four of
Blood Potence vampire would have a quality of four. To properly use the kalif as part of a Dur-
An-Ki ritual, one ounce of it must be placed into a hookah along with specially prepared
rosewater. After smoking for at least half an hour, the player of the imbibing character must roll
Stamina + Resolve with a penalty equal to the quality of the Kalif, There is something of a
“sweet spot” that the sorcerer must reach. If sorcerer fails or botches, he becomes too
intoxicated to do anything more than continue to enjoy the kalif (and for many Kindred, that’s
enough). On the other hand, if the player rolls more successes than the character’s Dur-An-Ki
rating, the character doesn’t get high at all and must continue smoking for another half hour
interval before rolling again. Only a number of successes greater than zero but equal to or less
than the character’s Dur-An-Ki rating allow for him to reach the ecstatic state required to
properly use kalif in further rituals. If the proper number of successes are rolled, the character
enters a state of heightened awareness in which Dur-An-Ki is easier to perform, gaining the

sucesses of the caster who produced the drug as bonus dice for a scene on any other Dur-Na-Ki
ritual, but not Infusion of Kalif.

Blood Calls to Blood

A vizier often needs to contact a member of the clan who is roving the world, in a court in Europe,
or infiltrating a coterie to judge one of its members. By invoking the name of the Cainite he wishes
to contact, the vizier can direct a sorcerer to reach out to the clan member in question as long as
he faces that clan member’s general direction.

■ Igredients: One Rouse Check Worth of blood of the target and One again from the caster.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check.

■ System: If the vizier requesting the conversation is of higher Blood Potence than his target, the
connection begins immediately and he may then speak into the clan member’s mind, hear sent
thoughts, and even see through the eyes and hear through the ears of his fellow Assamite. If the
requester is of a lower Blood Potence, the traveler gains full knowledge of who he and his sire
are, where they are, and their general state of mind, and may accept or reject the communication.
A sorcerer can merely act as a conduit enabling the communication, and cannot take part nor hear
any part of the exchange. She must spend a rouse check worth of blood for every five minutes the
connection stays open, rounded up.

Level Three

Bull of Heavem

In imitation of the rituals supposedly used by the goddess Ishtar when she prepared the great
Bull of Heaven to face Gilgamesh, this ritual allows the ashipu to enchant and command an
animal to do its bidding. The result is similar to a fumulus made with Animalism.

■ Igredients: The living desired animal and blood from the caster.

■ Cost: One to Three Rouse Checks Worth of Blood.

■ System: The ashipu must drink from the animal while simultaneously feeding it blood. One
Rouse Check of blood is sufficient for any animal smaller than a man. Three Checks are required
for any animal larger than man-sized, up to the size of a bull. Animals larger than cannot be used

for this ritual. Upon receiving the blood, the animal immediately becomes a ghoul, gaining one
dot of Potence and one dot of either Fortitude or any other Discipline possessed by the ashipu
which does not require sapience (such as Dominate or Dur-An-Ki). For the remainder of the night,
the ashipu can reflexively direct the animal at will and see through its senses while retaining his
normal awareness of his surroundings.

Strenght in Wisdom

A sorcerer who witnesses an immoral act that serves as evidence of a Cainite’s unworthiness
may instill protections upon the warrior or warriors sent to apprehend him.

■ Igredients: Blood of the Caster, and the memory of the immoral act done and seen by the
caster’s own eyes.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check fed to each Warrior

■ System: This ritual adds one point of physical or mental defense per success rolled by the
sorcerer, for the unfortunate if not unlikely circumstance wherein the target uses violent force or
magic to resist the warrior’s attempt to eliminate him. The effect lasts for a scene.

Level Four

Directing Ahriman’s Lance

The ashipu must fashion a sympathetic connection to a target out of a talisman small enough to
be swallowed. Then, she must swallow it, wait an hour, and then cut the talisman out of her own
belly. Other sorcerers may assist in this undertaking, which inflicts a minimum of two levels of
unhalved lethal damage on the one performing the ritual. Until the next inauspicious night, any
Kindred who holds the talisman will find that the spirits bless his efforts to kill the target.

■ Igredients: A amulet of any material to be used, any body part of the victim, commonly hair.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: To determine how long the ritual lasts, the ashipu must first use the Horoscope ritual
against the target or, if the birth date and death date of the target is unknown, he may cast a
horoscope for the assassin who will wield the talisman. In the latter case, only that assassin may
benefit from the talisman’s properties, but in the former case, anyone can use the talisman. When

Horoscope is used in conjunction with this ritual, the talisman will function for a number of nights
equal to the successes rolled for the Horoscope. During that time, any roll made by the bearer of
the talisman which bring him closer to killing (stealth for infiltration, awareness to identification)
the target benefit from bonus dice equal to de successes in this ritual. To the matter o actually
killing the target, the amulet adds a bonus to attacks equal to half successes (rounded down).

Rebirth in the Light of Haqim

Each Assamite is initiated to the clan after Embrace with blood from a collective pool. Her head
is anointed with the blood and her true purpose calls to her. It is only at this point that she is
fully welcomed as a warrior, sorcerer, or vizier, as the blood of the entire clan decides her fate.
Many consider this to be the will of Haqim. The experience of the rebirth is unique to everyone,
sometimes coming as a vision, others as a intense and powerfull impression.

■ Igredients: The Blood of at least one member of each chaste, enchanted by the caster.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: No Check Necessary; This rebirth breaks any existing blood bonds. It can also
effectively change the character’s clan Disciplines to that of their “true chaste”; any Disciplines
that become out-of-clan accrue an “experience debt” that must be paid off with incoming
experience points. Newly in-clan Disciplines are purchased at in-clan costs. After the drink, the
target of the ritual stays the rest of the night on a deep meditation state that resembles the slumber,
experiencing their newfound purpose.

Level Five
Ancient philosophers of the oriental world taught that planets radiated msucial pirches as they
circled the Earth. Ordinary people could not hear this “music of the spheres”, but highly spiritual
ones could. The medieval arabs joined this ide ato music’s uncanny power of influencing the mind
and soul. In their quest to reach heaven through trance, Assamite and Toreador sorcerers listeden
to the musico of the spheres, learning occult melodies that powerfully afected the emotions of the
listeners and even the ressonance of their blood. To use any of the rituals of the Music of the
Spheres, the character must have at least Performance 3 and a listener can roll Intelligence +
Occult against the ritual roll to perceive that there is something unnatural with the beautiful music.
To use any of the rituals the character first makes a performance check, making the usual ritual
roll during the performance. The successes of the performance rolls also affect the number os
listeners affected.
One Success – One Person

Two Successes – Two People
Three Successes – Six People
Four Successes – Twenty People
Five Successes – Everyone that can listen

■ Igredients: Music!

■ Cost: One Rouse Check per Potence of the effect desired

Song of Mercury
The song of Mercury, the planet that rules abstract thought, deadens emotions. The swift cascades
of notes distract listeners and calm their souls.
■ System: The song of emrcury negates te effect of other musics of the spheres while it continues,
it calms the soul, deadening emotions to the point that the blood of the listener now will have a
Intense Phlegmatic Ressonance. This power can even make frenzy checks more easy.

Song of Venus
The sweer musico f Venus inspires feelings of affection that na occult musician can direct as she
wills. The character can make people like her, or anyone else she choses for a while.

■ System: The music acts like the Presence Power Awe, but the musician can direct the victims
warm feelings towards anyone she wants, to make someone else incrediby charismatic, the
musician must have some way to indicate him, wheter bu words, admiring glances, or other
creative means, the effect lasting for the scene. But the sweet Music of Venus can also be
redirected to the lost sweetness of the victims life, changing making their blood have a Intense
Melancholic Ressonance.
Song of Mars
The Harsh chords and driving rhyyhms of Mars inspire feelings of anger and aggression. The
magician can make his audience hate a particular target or actually friva listeners to fits of rage.
■ System: The power can have two effects, first making na audience despise target person or
organization indicated in the music, like a reverse Awe, the target not needing to be phisically
presente, but otherwise indicated in some way. The Second possible effects is that the caster can
make the listeners succumb to a red rage, making cainites frenzy and humans give themselfs to
fits of rage that can generate bloody fights. The blood of the affected will have a Intense Colleric
Song of Jupter
The Strong Chords of upiter, the Planet of power and status, boosts courage and strenght of
purpose, listeners feel resolute and fearless, often giving up to their desires, be it just to explore a

sensation he was afraid of, or even activilly search and do thing that their low courage or lack of
resolution didnt allow.
■ System: This music renders the listeners resistant to all atempts to use presence while the music
continues, adding the successes of the caster to their defence, not negating presence that was used
before the music started. The Song of Jupiter giver such confidence and resolution, that every
mental discipline or even mortal magics will have +1 Difficulty to affect the victims, and the song
also strengthens kindred to resist their beast, allowing for the rest of the scene a bonus of +2 dice
to resist frenzy and Rotschreck. The blood of the listeners attain a Intense Sanguine Ressonance.


Necromancy is a form of blood magic that deals exclusively with the world of the
dead: wraiths and the Shadowlands. Just as there are different styles of conventional blood
sorcery, there are a variety of Necromancy practices. It is primarily practised by
the Giovanni clan and the Samedi, Harbingers of Skulls, and Nagaraja bloodlines. The blood
magic style itself could be said to be an evolution and fusion of the Cappadocians' earlier
discipline of Mortis and the Giovanni's trademark "Nigrimancy".
While there are several "schools" of Necromancy, the foremost in the Western World is the art
that draws inspiration from Classical Rome and Greece. During this time, Necromancy was not
seen as inherently evil, as long as the necromancer would refrain from forcing the spirits of the
dead to do his bidding and would use their arts for good ends. With the advent of Christianity, the
earliest necromancers would syncretize the Roman and Greek arts with the new Christian
worldview. Even tonight, Classical mythology and the imagery of figures like Hades and Cerberus
resonate with many rituals used by necromancers. During the Dark Ages, vampires believed that
Necromancy showed God's disfavour by placing them between the realms of the dead and the
living, without belonging to either. As a drawback, use of Necromancy tends to poison the world
around it. Effects called Sequelae form in the aftermath. The strength of a Sequela depends on
how often Necromancy has been used in the location and how potent its application was. Effects
of Sequelae include the stunted growth of plants, lower fertility in mammals as well as harder
births, visible marks of death on the practitioner (including corpse smell and a rotting visage) and
a slow weakening of the Shroud that allows wraiths easier access to the world of the living.


The Bone Path is concerned primarily with corpses and the methods by which dead souls can be
restored to the living world — temporarily or otherwise.

Level One


Tremens allows a necromancer to make the flesh of a corpse shift once. An arm might suddenly
flop forward, a cadaver might sit up, or dead eyes might abruptly open. This sort of thing tends
to have an impressive impact on people who aren’t expecting a departed relative to roll over in
his coffin.

■ Igredients: A Corpse that will be the Target.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check Worth of blood that is fed to the corpse

■ System: The more successes that are achieved, the more complicated an action can be
effected in the corpse. One success allows for an instantaneous movement, such as a twitch,
while five allow the vampire to set up specific conditions under which the body animates (“The
next time someone enters the room, I want the corpse to sit up and open its eyes. ”). Under no
circumstances can Tremens cause a dead body to attack or cause damage.

Level Two

Apprentice’s Brooms

With Apprentice’s Brooms, the necromancer can make a dead body rise and perform a simple
function. For example, the corpse could be set to carrying heavy objects, digging, or just
shambling from place to place. The cadavers thus animated do not attack or defend themselves if
interfered with, but instead attempt to carry out their given instructions until such time as they’ve
been rendered inanimate. Generally it takes dismemberment, flame, or something similar to
destroy a corpse animated in this way.

■ Igredients: The vampire must have a separate corpse in addition to a human prepared for
sacrifice. The vampire murders the sacrificial victim, spilling their blood on the corpse or
corpses intended for animation. If the Ceremony is successful, the corpses stand (the recent
sacrifice does not), revived with the fresh blood, and serve the vampire’s commands.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: The number of corpses animated is equal to the number of successes achieved. The
necromancer must then state the task to which he is setting his zombies. The cadavers turn
themselves to their work until they finish the job (at which point they collapse) or something
(including time) destroys them. Corpses animated in this way have no initiative of
their own, and are unable to make value judgments. They respond to very literal instruction. Thus,
a zombie could be told “sweep this room every day until all the dust and cobwebs are gone” or
“transcribe this manuscript” with an expectation of reasonable results, while a more open-ended
command such as “fix this motorcycle” or “research this Necromantic ritual and
write down the results” would be doomed to failure. Bodies energized by this power continue to
decay, albeit at a much slower rate than normal.

Level Three

Shambling Hordes

As on the Oblivion Cerimonies of the actual V5 Oblivion charts.

■ Igredients: Corpses and Blood from the necromancer that must be spilled in the area

■ Cost: One Rouse Checks Worth of Blood and a Willpower Point

■ System: Each success allows the vampire to raise another corpse from the grave, and costs one
Rouse Check worth blood. If the player cannot or chooses not to pay the blood cost of additional
zombies past a certain number, the extra successes are simply lost. Each zombie can follow one
simple instruction, such as “Stay here and guard this graveyard against any intruders, ” or “Kill
Note: Zombies created by Shambling Hordes will wait forever if need be to fulfill their functions.
Long after the flesh has rotted off their mystically animated bones, the zombies will wait and wait
and wait, still able to perform their duties.

Level Four

Soul Stealing

This power affects the living, not the dead. It does, however, temporarily turn a living soul into
a sort of wraith, as it allows a necromancer to strip a soul from a living body. A mortal exiled
from his body by this power becomes a wraith with a single tie to the real world: his now-empty

■ Igredients: A willing or restrained living target, that must be bathed with the blood of the
necromancer and inscribed with necromantic sigils.

■ Cost: Two Rouse Checks and One Point of Willpower.

■ System: The caster after the ritual cast, makes a contested Willpower roll against the intended
victim, if he wins, the soul of the victim is painfully ripped out of its body. Successes in the
initial ritual roll indicate the number of hours during which the original soul is forced out of its
housing. The body itself remains autonomically alive but catatonic. This power can be used to
create suitable hosts for Possession. It has no effect on Kindred or other supernatural creatures
(except ghouls) until such creatures are dead – in the case of vampires, this means Final Death.

Level Five

Daemonic Possession

Daemonic Possession lets a vampire insert a soul into a freshly dead body. This does not turn the
reanimated corpse into anything other than a reanimated corpse, one that will irrevocably decay
after a week, but it does give either a wraith or a free-floating soul a temporary home in the
physical world.

■ Igredients: A body prepared with the Soul Stealing Ritual

■ Cost: Three Rouse Checks

■ System: The body in question must be no more than 30 minutes vacant, and the new tenant
must agree to inhabit it — a ghost or astral form cannot be forced into a new shell. However, most
ghosts would gladly seize the opportunity.
Note: The soul can use whatever physical abilities (Athletics, Brawl, Potence) his new fleshy
home possesses, and whatever mental abilities (Computer, Law, Presence) he already possessed.
physical abilities of his old form, or the mental abilities of his new one.


The Inquisition condemns their victims to be damned for all time, but they just handle the killing.
We deal with the damnation. — Rosselini, Roman Necromancer
The Giovani proficiency in handling spirits is widely respected by other necromancers, excepting
one rare breed — a syndicate of Roman mortals and vampires bearing the name Rosselini, or
variations of it. The necromancers following supposed matriarch Rosalina are as adept at
ensnaring wraiths as any Giovani, but where the Young Ones probe, interrogate, and barter with
ghosts, Rosselini necromancers torture and drain the dead, despoiling the lands of the living in
the process. Ironically, most have seen in the past the Giovani as crude amateurs at best, especially
disparaging the Old Path of the Sepulchre. To its Rosselini founders, the Path of Woe parallels a
sacred art form, bearing righteous support from mortal hunters operating under the papacy. These
inquisitors would see heretics’ souls suffer further, begging for absolution even beyond death.
The necromancers who know the Path of Woe are only too happy to carry out the papal edict.

Level One

Finding the Locus

Wraiths are often bound to objects, locations, and individuals known as Fetters. Necromancers
know that to flush one out into the open typically requires detecting and threatening its Fetters.
From there, interrogation or destruction can commence.

■ Igredients: Blood from the necromancer that will be infused in their own eyes.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check Worth of Blood

■ System: Failure has no effect; a botch means the necromancer mistakes the wrong object for a
Fetter. Success allows the necromancer to see an ectoplasmic glow surrounding something
important to a wraith, such as the sword used to kill him, the dress she died in, the house in which
he grew up, or the daughter she gave up to the Church. Each additional success allows the
necromancer to see trails to other Fetters for the same wraith. The Discipline effects last for one
scene. This Discipline only allows the vampire to see a Fetter. While the wraith will often manifest
if its Fetter is threatened, the necromancer will not be able to see it until it makes its presence

Level Two

Expurgate the Dead

Most necromancers don’t care to summon or bargain with spirits. They threaten the dead, and
strip away their defenses. If a necromancer is confident that a spirit is in the room, circle of
bones, or vitae-painted boundary, Expurgate the Damned forces the wraith to make itself
known. It doesn’t bind the spirit, or compel it to talk, but it puts the wraith exactly where the
caster wants it.
■ Igredients: Enough Human Bones to form a large circle (One Body will serve) and the Caster

■ Cost: One Rouse Check Worth of Vitae that will be infused with the bonés, turning them
Scarlet red.

■ System: The necromancer must be in an enclosed space, form a circle of human bonés and
paint them using his own vitae. The Necromancer has +1 Dice if there is a fetter inside de circle,
+2 if the fetter is harmed and +3 if it is destroyed. If the wraith was within the area affected by
Expurgate the Damned prior to the roll, a success ejects it from the Shadowlands and in to the
living world in a vulnerable, physical form. A failure results in the Discipline not working; a botch
pulls the vampire through the Shadowlands for a scene, where she finds herself subject to
whatever the wraith has planned.

Level Three

Blood Scourge

Blood Scourge allows a necromancer to inflict torturou pain on a wraith. The power demands
sacrifice on the part of the necromancer, as she must give of her own vitae. As a bearer of True
Faith may possess blood of burning glory, the necromancer’s sanctified vitae inflicts purgative
pain on the damned. Most necromancers take their time using this power, as a means of drawing
out the suffering, and whittling secrets from the spiritual victim. The corpus of the wraith peels
off in rotting chunks as the vitae connects with it. The Blood Scourge is a truly foul necromantic

■ Igredients: Only the Necromancer’s Blood

■ Cost: Two Rouse Checks Worth of Blood or more

■ System: The vitae flows freely from the palms and soles of the necromancer, who may cast her
hands as if wielding a whip against the spirit before her. The player must roll Melee + Dexterity
for her Cainite to hit the wraith, with the wraith granted the chance to dodge if in a position to do
so. For every Rouse Check worth of blood used, the necromancer will inflict twoin aggravated
damage on the wraith. This burning vitae causes such agony as to increase the difficulty by +2 on
any attempt by the wraith to use its powers.

Level Four

A Drink of Passion
Necromancy is a costly endeavor, often leaving its masters drained and cursed for following paths
none were meant to tread. The Path of Woe allows a resurrection for the necromancer, at the point
her determination is flagging. With this ritual, the vampire can drain the burning passion of a
spirit to fortify their own mind and soul, leaving the poor creature ever on the brink of Oblivion

■ Igredients: A Wraith summoned to the physical world by Expurgate the Dead, or a way for
the necromancer to Interact with the shadowlands.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: On a failure, nothing happens; a botch results in burning ichor being drained from
the spirit, causing one level of aggravated damage to the Cainite. Success converts the Passion
being drained from the wraith into temporary Willpower, at a rate of one Willpower to every
two points of Passion being consumed.

The Vitreous Path allows a necromancer to control and influence the energies pertaining to
death. This extremely rare path manipulates entropy, a force that even most necromancers are
uncomfortable harnessing. A development of the Nagaraja bloodline the Vitreous Path makes a
formidable complement to the necromantic craft, and those obsessed with mastery over death
and souls — such as the Harbingers of Skulls — would certainly risk much to uncover this
path’s secrets.

Level Two

Aura of Decay
The necromancer can strengthen the feeling of entropy around her to the point where it breaks
down nonliving objects and machines. It can gnarl wood, rust metal, crack silicon chips, and
erode plastic, glass, and dead organic material. This power has a range of one yard or meter
from the necromancer’s body, but all those in the presence of the vampire can feel her
corruption as an icy wind.
■ Igredients: A corpse that had a proper burial, that must be profaned through the ritual, them
mutilated, where the necromancer will collect its skull and use for the center of the entropic
aura. The Aura of Decay affects the surrounding of the necromancer who holds the skull or the
skull itself when it is activated.
■ Cost: One Rouse Check
■ System: After the profanation of the corpse and the taking of the skull is done, the necromancer
can make the ritual cast at any time when holding the profaned bonés. Objects subjected to this
Aura of Decay break down and become useless after being targeted. How the object gives out, as
well as the exact mechanism of failure, is up to the Storyteller. Corrosion, metal fatigue, or sheer
brittleness are all suitably likely for any given item’s demise, but the in-game effect of using a
doomed item is as if the owning character rolled a botch. The speed at which an item breaks down
depends on Successes, and the Skull will rot and turn to nothing after time in wich the targeted
itens breaks down.

Successes - Time to Breakdown

One One week
Two One day
Three End of scene
Four Five turns
Five One turn

Level Three

Soul Feast

Just as the necromancer can release entropic energies from within, she may also pull them into
herself as a source of power. Soul Feasting allows the caster to either draw on the ambient death
energies around her or to actively feed on a ghost, stealing the wraith’s substance and mystically
transforming that energy into sustenance.

■ Igredients: Incenses and the Blood of the Caster, that must be painted in the ground or walls
of the place that will be drained.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: he player spends one Willpower point to allow the vampire to feed on the negative
energies of the dead. If the character is drawing the energies from the atmosphere, she must be in
a place where death has occurred within the hour or in a place where death is common, such as a
cemetery, a morgue, or the scene of a recent murder. Generally, the necromancer can draw
anywhere from one to four points of entropy from such a location, points that will slake Hunger
from the undead as if they were Kindred Blood, although the difficulty in using all Necromancy
and similar deathly powers within the área increases when the veil starts to get ticker and ticker.
The energies of such an área may only be drained once per story until the area’s entropy
In cases when the necromancer feeds on a ghost, the vampire must actually attack the wraith as if
feeding normally. Wraiths have “Blood” like any human that may be taken from them, and they
become less and less substantial as their spirit essence drains away. The character is vulnerable
to any attack the ghost might make, even those that do not normally affect the physical world;
while feeding, the vampire is essentially in a half-state, existing in both the living lands and the
Underworld simultaneously. The wraith so attacked is considered immobilized and cannot run or
escape unless it can defeat the vampire in a resisted Willpower roll.

Level Four
Breath of Thanatos
The Breath of Thanatos allows the necromancer to draw out entropic energy and focus it upon an
area or person by taking a deep breath and then forcefully exhaling a fog of necromantic energy.
This cloud of virulence is completely invisible to anyone without Oblivion. The energy of this
cloud is like a beacon for Spectres, and they are drawn to the entropic force like moths to a flame.
Once the energy is pulled from the necromancer’s body, she can either disperse it over a large
area as a lure for Spectres, or use the mist for more sinister purposes. Channeled into an object or
person, the deathmist inflicts the subject with a debilitating, wasting illness. Furthermore, the
focused energies are tainted and eerie, and though generally invisible (except to powers such as
Aura Perception), they tend to cause people and animals to feel uncomfortable around the victim.

■ Igredients: Nothing, but the vampire must have used Soul Feast the Same Night

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: The Ritual Roll is against difficulty 3; Only one success is needed to draw out the
Breath of Thanatos. If dispersed to summon Spectres, the energies cover roughly one-quarter
of a mile (400 meters) in radius, centered around the necromancer. The range increases by an
additional one-quarter mile or 400 meters for every additional blood point expended.
Spectres summoned with this power will ignore the summoning necromancer for the duration of
the power unless provoked, but may well go out of their way to wreak havoc on anyone else in
the vicinity. The necromancer can then use other Necromancy powers to manipulate and affect
these Spectres. Ghosts so targeted may then interact with the necromancer as normal, although
the other Spectres in the area will continue to ignore both the vampire and the targeted ghost. This
energy disperses after a scene, after which the Spectres leave to find new prey.
If the cloud is directed toward a particular target, the necromancer must either touch the target or
direct the stream of entropy using Dexterity + Occult. A target laden with entropy suffers one
(and only one) level of aggravated damage; this generally manifests as sudden illness or decay.
The target’s social difficulties while interacting with those unfamiliar with the touch of death —
most normal humans, as well as some supernatural creatures — increase by 1. Furthermore,
supernatural perceptions indicate the target is tainted with decay, which can be dangerous. This
form of taint lasts until sunrise; a victim already plagued by this power cannot be affected again
until the previous fog of entropy has dispersed. A botch on the roll to control this power indicates
that the vampire has turned the energy upon himself, and suffers all the effects of the vitriolic
breath. This inflicts the usual injury and may subject the necromancer to the possibly dangerous
attention of provoked Spectres and other creatures from beyond the grave.


A path practiced by the Maeghar (Also Known as a “Kyasid” Bloodline of Necromancers from
the Dark Ages) and also pioneered by Giovanni during their time as a bloodline of the
Cappadocians. It revolves around the ephemeral nature of the Shadowlands and the fascination
associated with death. Slowly they kindled within themselves the dark spark that would grow into
the Path of Haunting. Other necromancers may also learn Path of Haunting and, indeed, Clan
Giovanni has created it on its own.

Level One

The Song of the Dead

The necromancer weaves death and silence into a haunting song that instills an obsession with
death in her listener. The victim becomes sure that death stalks him and sees ill omens everywhere.
This constant threat can eventually lead a mortal to suicide or drive a vampire into torpor.

■ Igredients: A personal object from the victim, not needing to have real emotional value, only
to be linked to her, like a piece of clothe, a gift, etc. The item must be with the necromancer when
he sings the Song of the Dead

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: The Ritual Roll is made with Manipulation + Occult; The vampire chants to the
victim while the player make a Rouse Check, the song can be sang on na actual show to everyone
to listen, or a low tuned hum on the elevator or the street. For a number of nights equal to the
successes rolled, the target suffers depression and morbid anxiety. If a target suffers the effects of
this power for more continuous nights than his permanent Willpower, he receives one Agravated
damage of Willpower that can only be healed while the vampire is not under effect from the Song
og the Dead. This Necromancer knows instinctively the time of the haunting, and can create a
cycle, using this power every night the victim is finally free, with the victim receiving damage on
her Willpower after each cycle of torment. Once a character drops to zero willpower, he commits
suicide (if living) or falls into torpor (if a vampire). In the night the character is free from the Song
of the Dead, he can recover the willpower damage normally, but the necromancer probably will
be rushing to restart the torment. A vampire who falls into torpor from reaching zero Willpower
awakens with his original rating.

Level Three


Pre-requisite: (The Song of the Dead)

Even dreams offer no respite to the enemies of the necromancer. Restful sleep becomes pure terror
as Song of the Dead continues to haunt the sleeper through nightmares.
■ Igredients: The Same personal item used in The Song of the Dead, and this power can only
target a victim affected by it.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: The Ritual Roll is made with Manipulation + Occult; The vampire makes eye
contact with the victim, while her player makes the Rouse Check, If successful, the victim feels
a slight sense of unease. When he next sleeps, he suffers horrible nightmares about his own
demise. Even though he cannot fully remember the content of his visions after he wakes, the
emotional trauma prevents him from regaining Willpower. The terrible dreams makes the victim
earie and paranoid, giving to them a +1 Difficulty to all Charisma Social Checks. A botch makes
the caster be haunted by the same terrible dreams for the same duration that would affect the
victim. The nightmares come and go with the effect of the Song of the Dead.

Level Four

The necromancer recognizes the passion of the dead as an illusion. Drawing upon her insight,
she may turn these illusions to haunt the living.

■ Igredients: A wraith’s Fetter

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: The Vampire meditates for a moment with the fetter in hands, feeling the torment and
passion of the wraith it belongs to, and them conjure forth related terrible aparitions. These
creations have no substance and cannot speak or perform complicated actions, though they emit
a surreal cold. Each success allows the vampire to create one phenomenon, or add one
characteristic or condition to another phantom. For example, three successes could animate
shadows to shuffle and writhe (one success) and create an illusion of dripping gore that bursts
into a spray of flies when someone draws close (one success for the gore and one success for the
condition). This power may create apparitions anywhere in the caster’s line of sight. The
Storyteller remains the final arbiter of what is or is not possible with this power. A botch calls the
attention of a malefic ghost.


The distinction between life and death means nothing to the necromancer — it is another illusion,
created for the comfort of the living. She may rend this veil and call upon malicious apparitions
to haunt her victim.

■ Igredients: A fetter that will be infused with the necromancer blood and destroyed to generate
the terrible entropy that will be cast against te victim and one object of emotional value of the

■ Cost: Two Rouse Checks Worth of Blood.

■ System: The Vampire will bath the fetter in her blood and them burn it, puting the ashes around
the object of the victim and making the ritual cast. On a Botch the entropy dont go to the target
and instead inffects the ambiente of the ritual, turning potentially the whole building permanently
into a haunted place (Haven Flaw). If successful, the victim feels a sudden chill. Any ghosts gains
bonus equal to the successes on the ritual to use any power on the victim. Malicious ghosts flock
to the target, eagerly inflicting every horror at their disposal. The difficulty reduction diminishes
by one every day at dawn until the victim returns to normal and the spectres lose interest. Multiple
applications of this power may not be stacked to increase duration or intensity of effect. The
statistics and powers of spectres are left to the Storyteller, but the experience should terrify the
character utterly and may well result in derangements at the least.

This rituals is an exclusive development of the Samedi bloodline, and it is tied intrinsically to the
Stiffs’ identity and history. Although Thanatosis appears to deal closely with death and the
energies of decay, no Giovanni have ever claimed mastery of this power. Outsiders assume the
Giovanni must be interested in learning this powers. However, the Giovanni view the Samedi
with distrust and loathing, while the Samedi take on the Giovanni is usually expressed by
muttering a curse on the Clan and spitting blood. Thus, the possibility of an exchange of
information approaches nil even in the time of the Hecata.

Level One

The character can, with a touch, inflict decay upon a target. Hair falls out, teeth loosen, flesh rots
and fungus grows on the skin. This power works on targets living and undead, and is obviously
quite unsettling both physically and psychologically.

■ Igredients: None

■ Cost: One Rouse Check

■ System: This power first requires that the character touch his intended target. The player then
rolls Dexterity + Brawl or Athelics, and them make the ritual check. Success inflicts one health
level of Superficial damage on the target and make him wither and Rot, making him Repulsive
(Looks Flaw). The Rot persists for a number of nights equal to the ritual check successes, but is
permanent for mortals (though plastic surgery can correct mortals’ physical disfigurement). If a
mortal suffers three or more health levels of damage from repeated uses of this power in one
scene, gangrene or other ailments may occur.

Level Three


The Stiff can shrivel and render useless an opponent’s limb. This power works on Kindred as well
as mortals. Kindred, of course, are horrified by the power, as they tend to think of their bodies as
immortal and invulnerable to such ravages.

■ Igredients: Two Rouse Checks Worth of the character’s Blood, that is infused in the limb
of the victim.

■ Cost: Two Rouse Check

■ System: The Necromancer must touch the limb he intends to shrivel with a Strenght + Brawl
or Athelics. The player spends a Willpower point and rolls the Ritual Check. Three successes are
required for this power to shrink a limb, generating a crippling injury “Crippled”. With one or
two successes, the victim takes one health level of Superficial damage and a Stunned crippling
injury, the damage resisted normally, but is otherwise unaffected. (If the Withering attempt is
successful, the subject suffers no health level of damage, but rather the withering of the limb
itself.) The effects of Withering fade after one night if a vampire or other supernatural creature is
the victim, but mortals (including mages) are permanently afflicted unless some type of
supernatural healing is used. If this power is used on an arm or leg, the limb instantly becomes
useless. If this power is used on an opponent’s head, mortal victims die instantly. Kindred lose
two points from all Mental Attributes and gain crippling wound Blindness while their heads are


This path enhances the necromantic understanding of the unliving form and allows the user to
fully experience the corpse as a gateway between life and death. The path lets the vampire
manipulate some of a corpse’s traits to a vampire and even te condition of undeath irself, and she
can enhance or reduce these traits at various levels of the power.
Level Two

Cold of The Grave

The dead feel no pain, though most undead do. With this ability, the character can temporarily
take on the unfeeling semblance of the dead, in order to protect herself from physical and
emotional harm. When assuming the Cold of the Grave, the vampire’s skin becomes unusually
cold. When she speaks, her breath mists even in warm air — those with exceptional senses might
even see a slight red tinge to the breath. The power brings a sense of lethargy over the character,
as a mortal might feel under the influence of a mildly unpleasant disease. It becomes difficult to
rouse oneself to action, and very little seems importante enough to really worry about. A corpse
has no worries, after all.

■ Igredients: Cold and Rancid blood from a Corpse dead for some time. The Necromancer must
drink all the blood from that corpse.

■ Cost: One Rouse Check after feeding from the corpse.

■ System: The player spends one Willpower point. For the remainder of the scene, the character
takes no wound penalties, and the player gains an additional die to all dice pools that involve

resisting emotional manipulation, such as Intimidation or Empathy. However, the player also
loses a die from dice pools to emotionally manipulate others. The character is a cold fish to those
she interacts with, and they do not respond readily to her. The Cold of the Grave does not protect
the character against the depredations of the Beast. She may be emotionally cold on the surface,
but if others taunt and anger her sufficiently, she is still subject to frenzy as normal.

Level Three

Curse of Live

The Curse of Life inflicts some of the undesirable traits of the living upon the undead, removing
their corpselike nature and creating a false life to remind them of the worst things about being
alive. Targets of this power regain only the unpleasant aspects of life, as culled from the memory
of the Discipline’s user. This may include mundane hunger and thirst, sweat and other excretions,
the need to urinate and defecate, a decrease in sensory acuity, and a particular vulnerability to
attacks that the character might normally shrug off.

■ Igredients: A Fresh Human Heart that will wither and rot in the hand of the necromancer while
he chants the curse against the target.

■ Cost: Two Rouse Checks.

■ System: The player spends one Willpower and make the Ritual Check, to affect a target within
line of sight and no farther than 20 yards or meters from the character. If the roll succeeds, the
target suffers the weaknesses of the living without gaining any benefit from that state. He does
not become imune to sunlight or holy artifacts, for instance. However, he does become badly
distracted by mundane needs, with the net result that his player suffers a -2 dice of difficulty
penalty to all rolls. He can ignore these distractions at the cost of one Willpower point per scene.
Additionally, the victim cannot use raise the blood while this power is in effect, and Willpower
cannot eliminate this penalty. The power remains in effect until the next sunset.

Level Five

Gift of Life

With the Gift of Life, the character can experience the best and most positive things about being
alive. The overwhelming hunger for blood temporarily abates, allowing the character to consume
and enjoy food and drink. She can also enjoy sex as she wishes, and the sun does not burn her.
The Gift of Life comes with a dark, terrible cost, however. Its use is sure to result in the death of

a mortal, as the vampire must expend na enormous quantity of vitae and devour organs from the
victim in order to initiate it. The Discipline’s effects last until the midnight after the character
uses the power, so it is in her best interests to use it just after midnight.

■ Igredients: A living human from witch the necromancer will feed and at the end of the ritual,
ritualistcally extract great quantity of blood, the heart, the stomach and the brain of the human,
keep it alive the longer as possible and devour the exracted organs and bath in the Blood.

■ Cost: Five Rouse Checks.

■ System: After the gruesome ritual, the necromancer needs only one success, for the power to
work. A botch has catastrophic effects. The character might be instantly killed or might
inadvertently Embrace her victim, for example. After her transformation, the character gains
many traits of an ordinary human. She is largely immune to the scorching effects of the sun (she
gains the equivalente a the “Day Drinker” Thin-Blood Flaw), and she can experience and enjoy
many of the fine things about human life. She retains a few of her vampiric benefits, however.
Fortitude and Auspex abilities remain in place if she has either of those Disciplines, and the
Storyteller may allow her to retain other Disciplines as well if he deems them dramatically
appropriate. She also retains a vampire’s benefits when it comes to handling superficial damage.
However, she is still vulnerable to holy artifacts, human faith, and being staked. Her blood
remains vitae, not human blood. Use of this ability — which creates a mockery of human life —
and with the terrible cost will obviously affect the character humanity, at the Storyteller’s
discretion. The vampire is no more vulnerable to fire than any suffers somewhat from the Beast.
Frenzy and Rötschreck difficulties are halved (round up). She can remain active during the day
as if it was Night, although she is certainly tired during the day, since that is not her usual time of
activity. Her Beast exacts a dangerous retribution when her day of “life” is done. Although its
influence is greatly suppressed during this power’s duration, the Beast has its way with the
vampire for the next six nights, as all difficulties to resist frenzy increase by three. The wise
necromancer hides herself away somewhere during that period, but, depending on morality and
temperament, enforced isolation might drive her to frenzy on its own.


Collect the skulls of thine enemies and friends. Death never need signal an end to their utility.
— Gentilman, the Plague Doctor of Sarum. Cappadocians were often dismissed as apolitical; fit
only for work in dungeons and plague pits. They possessed none of the blood-borne talents
allowing for manipulation and control of mortals. The expectation that a Graverobber would be
more at home elbow-deep in a cadaver isn’t fanciful, but there existed a strata of the clan who
enjoy remaining hidden, allowing their childer to wade through corpses while they play
kingmaker. These Cappadocians called themselves Harbingers. Their order has existed for
millennia. It would form the backbone of the clan, were its numbers not depleted in recent
centuries. Rumor holds that the founder of the clan confined a large number of Harbingers to Hell
itself. The Harbingers use Necromancy in an atypical fashion. Before the Long Night degenerated
into the War of Princes, they created the Path of Skulls — a necromantic Path dedicated to the
theft of identity and knowledge from the dead. From throne rooms to merchant caravans,
necromancers who channeled the Path of Skulls exerted mastery over the diplomatic scene and
Jyhad. Cappadocians invidiously guarded the Path of Skulls, largely due to the secrecy of the

Harbinger agenda. Cappadocians who knew the Path would occasionally mentor those who show
a subtle political acumen. Knowing whether to assassinate a monarch, his queen, or their heir;
perceiving whether to deliver, amend, or destroy a message from one court to another — such
behaviors were observed by the Cappadocians who called themselves Harbingers, and rewarded
by tutelage on the Path of Skulls. Ironically one of the last Great practicioners of this Path was a
Cappadocian known as Mercurio Giovanni, who after the death of the Founder and rise of the
Clan Giovanni disapeared behind the curtains of the Jyhad but left Childer known for preserving
the secrets of the Harbringers, greedly keeping it from most who were out of their sphere.

Level Two

Consilium Mortus

Myth holds that the dead tell no lies. In truth, wraiths and animate corpses are as capable of
falsehood as any other being, but the Harbingers believe there’s a grain of truth to the fable. The
Necromancer seek a way to guarantee truthful responses from the deceased, and possession of
the skull is the key. By conversing with the decapitated head of the departed target, it transpires
that prying a guaranteed truth from decayed lips is quite possible.

■ Igredients: The decapitated head of a target, that must still have flesh, rotting or not.

■ Cost: At least One Rouse Check.

■ System: Failure has no effect; a botch means the head will answer only in lies to the
necromancer’s questioning. Success forces the head to answer one question posed by the
necromancer truthfully, but it must be to a question to which the head’s former owner would
know na answer. For each Rouse Check made above the initial one additional question may be
asked. No spirit is summoned with Departed Consilium — the dead being with whom the
necromancer communicates isn’t even aware of being channeled. The answer comes through
vestigial memory, traces left in the head’s rotting brain, imprinted on its putrefying tongue.

Level Four

Exedus Animus

Outsiders are to never know the benefits of this power, for they will assume the practitioner
guilty of the Amaranth. The necromancers who perform Exedo Animus are not consuming the
soul of one of the dead, but are allowing the memories of the deceased to inhabit their bodies for
a time. Such presence gives the spirit no power over the host, but does give the host complete
access to the identity, personality, and memory of the deceased. By bearing a skull — either

from a mortal or Cainite — the necromancer forms a sympathetic bond with the skull’s former
owner. Necromancers have used this power to fool the loved ones of the deceased, by indicating
they speak for the dead’s last wishes. Others slay rivals, gaining access to their secrets by
drinking memories from the skull of the deceased.

■ Igredients: The Skull from the intended Target, that must be cleaned leaving only the bone.

■ Cost: Two Rouse Checks

■ System: Failure has no effect; a botch means the memories of the deceased will be confused
and misleading. Success allows the necromancer to upend the skull and drink the personality from
it. For each success, the necromancer gains an hour as host to the skull’s memories and identity.
The effects of Exedo Animus allow the necromancer to perform Intelligence-based rolls
surrounding recollection and memories of the deceased. These memories stop at the point of death
— the spirit in communion is a shadow of life, rather than an independent, thinking wraith. Exedo
Animus also grants the necromancer the power to impersonate the identity of the deceased,
gaining three dice on Performance-based rolls when doing so. Such an imitation suffers penalties
when the necromancer doesn’t physically resemble the dead source of her mimicry, but when
utilizing Obfuscate or explaining she’s channeling the dead instead of being the dead, these acts
are more successful. Curiously enough, if the dead is a wraith, it will feel violated by a exterior
and distant mind, probably wanting to investigating, what normally dosn’t end well for the spirit.

Level Five


Pre-requisite: Exodus Animus

When Degulo was first practiced, its necromancer creators celebrated in a long, grim reverie.
These nights, Degulo’s efficacy is weighed against the dangers it presents. Where Daemonic
Possession focuses on the art of transposing a departed spirit into the empty shell of a corpse,
Degulo is the method by which a necromancer consumes a fragment of soul and retains it forever
as a part of himself as in the Diablerie. The Necromancers devouers a part of the deceased soul,
its experiences, passions and abilities, causing great harm and potentially cursing the dead if he
is a wraith to Oblivion. The process is akin to Diablerie, allowing the necromancer to acess the
secrets of the dead, normally leaving some tics and custos from the victim in the caster, but he
will be able to learn from what the dead knew, as if he was teaching the vampire from a time,
until the soul is completely consumed, lost into the mind of its scourge.

■ Igredients: The Skull from the intended Target, that must be cleaned leaving only the bone.
The Necromancer will ritualistic drink the remnants of the dead soul from the mouth and eyes of
the skull, who will eventually be eaten whole, it takes only instants to be done, but the effects will
be ever lasting.

■ Cost: Three Rouse Checks and a Willpower Point, the necromancer also will gain 3 Stains from
this terrible act.

■ System: In a failure the skulls turns to dust but the Terrible intentions of the caster still hurts
his Humanity with the Stains; On a Success the necromancer will start drinking the soul of the
dead and eventually will distend its Jaw and devouer the Skull whole ... At that moment if the
dead is a wraith, it will be in terrible agony and will lose all its Passion, Possibly making it become
a Specter and losing itself to Oblivion. The Necromancer gains access to the memories of the
dead for nights equal to successes as if he had used Exodus Animus, also he will be able to use
any abilities (even knowledges) from the soul consumed by a scene at the cost of a Rouse Check,
this will also stay with the necromancers from nights equal to successes in his riual check. Also
this act if commited on a vampire counts as if feeding from him for the purpose of learning
disciplines, allowing the caster to learn even secrets of Blood Sorcery if he is prepared to dedicate
himself completely before the soul is digested by his conscience (Has the experience in reserve
to buy the discipline before his time runs away). The caster will also be able to buy skills that the
target had as if teached by himself (to a maximum of what the victim had) without needing to
dedicate time to train and learn. Everything that was not bought with experience is lost in the end
of the time limit scored by the successes, as the consumed soul is obliterated by the necromancers


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