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Activity #3

Instructor: Ms. Mary Anne M. Polestina
Name of Student: Compra, Rufamae S.

1. Write your own personal dilemma.

Answer : In life we go through many ethical dilemmas, some easier to answer than others. No matter what
ethical dilemma you meet, to make that decision we all have a process that we go through.
I have a best friend she have eating disorder. Every time she eat a large amount of food she is secretly
vomiting it. Trying to get rid of the extra calories in an unhealthy way and I am worried that it will going to
affect her health because sometimes I observe that she is not feeling well because of that so I tried to advise
her to stop those thing but she won’t listening on me because she want to loose weight and that her wishes.
I want to tell her parents about her situation but I’m still hesitant in my decision whether I tolerate her or
protect her. I always think she will going to get mad on me. After all, I choose the right way. I report her
condition to her guardians even though it will going to ruin our friendship. I will then consider my morals
and evaluate if any of my decisions affect what I believe in. Telling a trusted adult that my friend has an
eating disorder and needs help, does not affect my morals in a negative way because I believe that if any of
my friends need help, I will be there for them, though I wouldn’t usually go against someone wishes when
its where it is vital to tell someone I believe it is morally right. If I don’t tell a trusted adult that my friend
has bulimia this does go against my morals because I believe that if my friend needs help and I am able to
provide that, then I would. So far my decision is siding more on telling a grown-up but I still continue with
my process to make sure I make a decision I’m comfortable with. I then listed out the pros and cons on
behalf of myself and my friends on each decision. If I told a trusted adult that my friend has an eating
disorder and needs help the pros would be one my friend will get the medical help she needs and get better
and two she will get treatment mentally to help her overcome her own insecurities that is causing the eating
disorder and as she goes on through life she will have a better outlook and a healthier life.

2. Why freedom is crucial in our ability to make decisions?

Answer : Freedom is firstly relevant and crucial in our ability to Decision Making as choice is involved
whether which course of action to adopt or path to take. Now, what seems technical here is the idea of
linking Freedom to moral decisions. If is coming from the set of laws which prohibits and allows actions
this makes it crucial in making a moral decision. Freedom brings forth desire and desire is the child of
3. How will you decide when you are faced with a dilemma? Why will you decide in such
manner? Cite a specific scenario, either a personal, organizational, or a structural
dilemma to illustrate how you decide in morally conflicting situations.

Answer : When I am met with an ethical dilemma first I would map out my choices, consider my morals
and if any of the choices violate my morals and how severe, then list to myself the pros and cons for the
results of each decision on my behalf and the person(s) that are involved with my decision. I will then
consider if I was on the other side of the decision and think what I would have wanted the person to decide
on and then put a mindset of the person to think what they might have wanted for me to decide on and
finally I will make my decision.
My best friend was having a really big financial problem. She asked me to help her financially. My
dilemma was that I helped her twice on similar problems. We both know what the cause of her financial
problem. She was addicted to online shopping. I helped her twice financially to save her online business,
and she still went to bankruptcy, the money was also never returned. I am hesitant to help her because I
know I will going to tolerate her again but I am still worried about her situation and if I won’t help her
maybe she will going to get mad of me. This time, I have to refuse to help her, I was being honest to her by
telling that I couldn't help her this time, She is running in circle, facing the same problem in which we did
try hard to end her shopping addiction and also my one friend didn't not agree to help her again. She was
very disappointed because she said that I was her last hope and she badly need the money to save her from
a loan debt. And I did feel bad about it, because she always help me whenever I need. The only thing I
could do to her was to talk to the loan shark to gave her more time, and thankfully they did. She is now still
on the same situation, bankruptcy and big debts. I'm still helping her, not financially, but I tried to boost her
motivation to be able to come back, introducing her to a potential customers and suppliers, getting fresh
ideas to rebuild her business, and keeping her away from his shopping addiction. So, the decision I made in
facing with a dilemma are to confronting the individual directly first is often the best way to manage a
situation. Provide an opportunity for the person to explain his actions or to correct the behavior first.

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