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Life Visioning Mastery 
Weekly Integration Summary 
Week 2 

Week 2 
Day 8 
1. Victim Consciousness is characterized by the belief that life is being done to us by 
some external forces. 
2. Notice where your attention is. Remember: you don’t get what you want; you get 
what you are interested in. 
3. We are programmed with victim mentality since birth. 

Day 9 
1. Victims are easily swept up in the collective beliefs of humanity, also referred to as 
“race consciousness”. 
2. Malicious hypnotism is the spell put out by media and trends to tease us with a 
temporary lifestyle that is not ours. 
3. Emotional contagion is when one’s emotions directly trigger similar emotions and 
behaviours in other people. 
4. People fall into compulsive behaviours and addictions in their efforts to combat the 
fear created by emotional contagion and malicious hypnotism. 

Day 10 
1. Mentations are the unconscious, ceaseless thoughts that plague our mind and steal 
us from our presence. 
2. Through expanded awareness, we realise we are not our thoughts, and instead, 
open to the power of choice. 
3. What we choose to believe affects us at every level, including our genetics. 


Day 11 
1. The only thing to blame is ignorance. 
2. Holding onto blame stories creates tributaries into other facets of our lives, showing 
up as mentations, fear, and worry, etc. 

Day 12 
1. When we forgive, we let go of our blame and shame, opening ourselves up to taking 
2. There are two aspects to forgiveness: yourself and others. 
3. When we forgive, we are doing our inner work for ourselves. 
4. Forgiveness is not a bypass; it is about honesty of our emotions while 
acknowledging ignorance was at play. 

Day 13 
5. Victim Consciousness is characterized by the belief that life is being done to us by 
some external forces. 
6. Notice where your attention is. Remember: you don’t get what you want; you get 
what you are interested in. 
7. We are programmed with victim mentality since birth. 

Day 14 
1. We should become aware of Victim and Race Consciousness. 
2. As we begin to grow, we activate our ability to choose how we would live in our 
3. Moving out of victim consciousness means we are moving from mentations to real 
4. The key to moving beyond victim consciousness is letting go of our blame stories 
and learning to forgive. 


You may use the space below to write any notes or thoughts you have regarding 
this week’s lessons. As always, feel free to share your story with the Tribe. 

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