ENERGY SOURCES (Geothermal and Hydroelectric) I. What Happened Pre-Activity

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Name:Liza Mae D.

Section:11-STEM 2

ENERGY SOURCES (Geothermal and Hydroelectric)

I. What Happened
1. What can you say about the images? The image shows the primary source of the
2. What is the idea behind the images shown above? The idea behind this image is
how heat from inside the earth(geothermal) and from flowing water
(hydroelectric) is tapped as a source of energy for human use.
3. What type of energy could be derived out of these pictures?Geothermal energy and
hydropower or hydro energy.

III. What Have I Learned


I. Instruction: Answer the following question and write your answer in one (1) whole
sheet of intermediate paper.
1. What are the social and economic implications of putting a power plant near a hot spring,
which are often developed at tourist areas?
Ans.:Putting a power plant near shots spring has a significant and long standing reputation for
successful health and wellness treatments based on the use of geothermal waters sourced from
natural hot springs. Hot springs for human use such as treatment for health conditions depend
on factors like access, temperature, mineral content and a sustainable quality of the water is the
social implication of this hots spring and Hot springs are a geothermal resource which can be
used widely to add value to tourist destinations in order to attract visitors is the economical
implication of this.Moreover the social implication of these hots spring are often developed at
the tourist areas.

2. What type of energy resource is best in your city? Why?

Ans.:Hydropower is the best energy resource in our city because hydropower is fueled by water
, so it’s a clean fuel source which means it won't pollute the air.

3. What are the advantages of both hydroelectric and geothermal in your community?
Ans.:the advantage of both hydroelectric and geothermal in our community is that it is both a
source of energy for human needs.

4. How does human harness the heat beneath us? Explain.

Ans.:Through geothermal power plant. A mile 1.6 km deep or more, are drilled into underground
reservoirs to tap steam and very hot water that drives turbines linked to electricity generators.
5. How does human harness the power of water? Explain.
Ans.:Through a hydropower plant that uses the water stored in dams as well as flowing in rivers
to create electricity. The falling water rotates blades of a turbine, which then spins the generator
that converts the mechanical energy of the spinning turbine to electrical energy.

II. Fill in the blanks.

6.Geothermal energy is a heat within the earth. It is a renewable energy source because heat
is continuously produced inside the earth.
7.Hydropower is a form of energy that harnesses the power of water in motion—such as water
flowing over a waterfall—to generate electricity.
8.Dry steam power plant Type of geothermal power plan that takes steam out of fractures in
the ground and uses it to directly drive a turbine.
9.Dam creates a large waterfall and stores enough water to supply the plant at all times. As well
as producing and storing energy, also helps to regulate flooding.
10.Powerhouse houses the turbines driven by the waterfall and the generator driven by the

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