The Budget Deficit "Too Large?": Government-Ycontinued-Violate A

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Yes. Specifically, w e find that recent spending and taxing policies of the
government-Ycontinued-violate the government’s in tertemporal budget constraint.
As a result, government spending must be reduced and/or tax revenues must be
increased. These conclusions are based on tests of whether government spending and
revenue are cointegrated. In addition to examining real spending and revenue, we
also normalize these variables by real GNP and population. For a growing economy,
these normalized measures are perhaps more perfinent. W e also test andfind support
for the hypothesis that deficits have become a problem only in recent years.

I. INTRODUCTION examined twenty-three years of annual

The question-”Is the government’s data-1962 to 1984-to determine whether
budget deficit too large?”-has received the deficit follows a stationary stochastic
an immense amount of public attention. process. They conclude that it does and,
Recently, economists have begun to study therefore, that the data are consistent with
this question more intensively in a series the government’s intertemporal budget
of articles that explicitly investigate the constraint.
government’s intertemporal budget con- Wilcox [1987] and Kremers [1989] have
straint.’ In one of the first papers to adopt extended Hamilton and Flavin’s work.
this approach, Hamilton and Flavin [1986] Wilcox allows for stochastic variation in
the real interest rate and also tests for
parameter instability; Kremers provides
evidence suggesting that Hamilton and
Craig S. Hakkio is an assistant vice president and
economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Flavin’s unit root test was misspecified.
Mark Rush is an associate professor at the University Both authors claim to reverse Hamilton
of Florida. Part of this paper was written while Mark
Rush was a Visiting Scholar at the Federal Reserve and Flavin’s finding that the deficit is
Bank of Kansas City and while Craig S. Hakkio was stationary in recent years. They conclude
at the Council of Economic Advisers. We thank the that the government’s behavior is incon-
Financial Institutions Center at the University of Flor-
ida for helping support this research. Anindya sistent with its intertemporal budget con-
Banejee, Sean Becketti, Andy Filardo, Larry Kenny, V. straint.
Vance Roley, David Wilcox, and participants of work-
shops at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, the Taking a slightly different approach are
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Trehan and Walsh [1988; 19901, Srnith and
and the University of Illinois made useful comments. Zin [1988], and Haug [undated]. These
We thank Michael Cox for providing us with the data
on the market value of Federal debt. Mike Grace sup- authors focus directly on government
plied valuable research assistance. Several anonymous
referees supplied many useful comments; their value-
added is evident on almost every page. The views ex-
pressed herein are solely those of the authors and do
not necessarily represent the views of the Federal Re- deficit was too large and would remain so. However,
serve Bank of Kansas City, nor of the Federal Reserve Barro [1979; 19861, using a ”traditional” economic
System, nor of the Council of Economic Advisers. framework concluded that until at least 1985 there is
1. Earlier, Buchanan and Wagner [1977] used a no evidence ofstructural change in the factors that de-
public choice approach to argue that without major termine the size of the deficit. Although mentioned by
structural change-in particular, a constitutional Barro, none of these studies took account of the
amendment requiring a balanced budget- the budget government’s intertemporal budget constraint.

Economic Inquiry
Vol. XXIX, July 1991,429445 OWestern Economic Association International

spending and revenue, and use newly The next section of the paper examines
developed tests for cointegration. Trehan the implications of the government’s inter-
and Walsh [1988] use yearly U.S. data from temporal budget constraint for govern-
1890 to 1983; Smith and Zin use monthly ment spending and revenue. The second
Canadian data from 1946 to 1984; and section discusses the theory of cointegra-
Haug uses quarterly U.S. data from 1960 tion, while the third section presents the
to 1986. All three papers reach similar empirical results. The fourth section pres-
conclusions: the government’s behavior is ents the results from using an alternative
consistent with its intertemporal budget measure of revenue. Finally, the last sec-
constraint. tion summarizes the paper‘s main conclu-
We also focus on cointegration of gov- sions.
ernment spending and revenue, but our
approach differs from the above authors II. THE GOVERNMENT‘S INTERTEMPORAL
in several ways. First, unlike Haug, and
Smith and Zin, who implicitly assume that Each period the Federal government
the (expected) real interest rate is constant, faces a budget constraint. For ease of ex-
we allow for fluctuations in the interest position, assume that all government
rate. Second, unlike Trehan and Walsh, we bonds have a one period maturity. ‘Then,
use several different sample periods to test the government’s one-period budget con-
the view that deficits have become a prob- straint can be written as
lem only in recent years. Our data run
from 1950:II to 1988:IV; we test for
cointegration over the whole sample and
over subsamples that run from 1964:I to In equation (l),B , is the funds raised by
1988:IV (one hundred observations) and issuing new debt; R, is the government’s
from 1976:III to 1988:IV (fifty observa- revenue; it is the (one-period) interest rate;
tions). Finally, in addition to examining
and G, is the value of government pur-
revenue and spending directly, we also
normalize these variables using real GNP chases of goods and services plus transfer
and population. This is an important ex- payments. Notice that G, does not include
tension beyond previous work since McC- interest payments on the debt; these inter-
allum [1984], among others, deems these est payments, as well as the principal that
ratios-per capita spending and revenue, must be repaid, are the second term on
and spending and revenue as a fraction of the expenditure side. At this point in the
GNP-as more pertinent for a growing discussion, the variables in equation (1)
economy. can be nominal, real, or “deflated” by pop-
Foreshadowing our results, we find ev- ulation or real GNP.2 As we will discuss
idence indicating that recent spending and below, the choice depends on auxiliary as-
taxing policies of the government-if con- sumptions.
tinued-violate the government’s inter-
temporal budget constraint. This contrasts 2. The interpretation of the interest rate in equation
with the more sanguine view provided by (1)depends on how government spending and revenue
are measured. When variables are nominal, it is the
authors who do not concentrate on recent nominal interest rate; when variables are real, it is the
policies. We conclude that to be consistent real interest rate; when variables are real per real GNP,
with its intertemporal budget constraint, it is the real interest rate minus the rate of growth of
real GNP; and when variables are real per capita, it is
eventually government spending must be the real interest rate minus the rate of population
reduced and/or tax revenue must be in- growth. In addition, the real value of Bt-1 is the nominal
creased. value (at time t-1) divided by the price level at time

The budget constraint in equation (1) Thus, we try to determine if the data
pertains to period t; there is a similar are consistent with the condition that
constraint for periods t+l, t+2, and so on. lim(r,,Bn)= 0. To do this, we ask the follow-
By solving equation (1)"forward," these ing question: if R and G continue to follow
single period budget constraints can be the stochastic process that we estimate, is
combined to yield the government's inter- lim(r,,B,,) = O ? In other words, this paper
temporal budget constraint. Letting Y , be investigates the following condition:
the discount factor, the solution is given
in equation (2):
(3) E[ lim (rnBn) I R and G

(2) Bo = C YXR,- G,) +nlim ynBn

--rm follow historical stochastic process ] = 0.

where This is obviously a difficult question

since we often know things about the
rt = I'I p, and p, = l/(1+ is). future that are not included in the histor-
s=l ical record. For example, between now
and 2030, the social security trust fund is
The crucial element in the intertempo- predicted to run surpluses each year and
ral budget constraint is the last term, to ultimately have over $5 trillion in its
lim(rnBn), where the limit is taken as accumulated fund. If we examined the
n + 00. When this limit equals zero, the social security trust fund using data be-
intertemporal budget constraint merely tween 1989 and 2030, we might conclude
asserts that the outstanding stock of that the accumulated fund was going off
bonds, B , equals the present value of the to infinity. However, because of demo-
government's budget surpluses. Equation graphic changes (that are known today),
(2) shows that the "correct" budget sur- the yearly surpluses are predicted to turn
plus excludes interest payments as an ex- to deficits after 2030, and by 2050 the
penditure. In particular, equation (2) accumulated fund will be in deficit. The
shows that the conventional definition of point is that predicted demographic
the budget deficit, total spending minus changes may provide information not cap-
tax revenue, G, + - Tt, is not the eco- tured in the historical process. So too may
nomically relevant definition (Tt is tax be the case with government spending
and r e ~ e n u e These
.~ observations present
revenue). an unavoidable weakness in our paper. Of
As discussed more extensively by Ham- course, this drawback exists in all work
ilton and Flavin [1986], Barro [1987], and that focuses on the time series behavior of
McCallum [1984], the limiting value of data. Moreover, in the present case, we
(y,,B,) must equal zero in order to rule out
know of no extraneous factor that is pre-
the possibility of the government financ- dicted to affect R and G in the future, so
ing its deficit by issuing new debt. If the
limit term does not equal zero, the govern-
ment is bubble-financing its expenditures,
in which old debt that matures is financed
3. Suppose we use historical values of R, G, and
by issuing new debt. We interpret the i. In this case, i incorporates information about future
assertions that the government's deficit is values of R and G (since it is an asset price). Therefore,
"too large" as claiming that the govern- the analysis using historical values of R and G may
provide little information about future R and G; it is
ment is using this sort of Ponzi scheme to the current value of i that provides information about
finance its deficit. the "correct" values of future R and G.

it may be that this is not a major problem For ease of exposition, let GG denote total
for our result^.^ government spending on goods and ser-
While the intertemporal budget con- vices, transfer payments, and interest on
straint is generally written as equation (2), the debt; GG equals the left-hand side of
we need an alternative equation to derive equation (6).
testable implications5. Assume that the Assume that R and E are non-stationary,
interest rate is stationary, with uncondi- so that AR, and AEt are stationary. In par-
tional mean equal to i . (This means we ticular, assume that R and E follow ran-
cannot analyze the government's budget dom walks with drift:
constraint in nominal terms, since the
stationarity of the nominal interest rate is R, = al + Rt-l + Elf
questionable.) Add and subtract iB,-l to
both sides of equation (1)to obtain
E , = a2+ EtW1+ E~~
(4) E , + (1 + i)B,-l = R, + B,
In this case, equation (6) can be rewritten
where E , = G, + (it - i)Bt-l. Equation (4) as
holds every period. Solving equation (4)
"forward" yields (7) GG, = a + R, + lim p'+lB,+j + E~


+ lim pi'l B y
= [(l+iyi](al - a2),
= l/(l + i).
and E~ 3 Z : P ~ - ~ (-EE~,).
After much laborious mathematical ma- Equation (7) forms the basis of the hy-
nipulation, equation (5) can be rewritten pothesis tests in this paper. First, assume
as the limit term in equation (7) is zero, and
m rewrite equation (7) as a regression equa-
(6) G, + itBt-l = R, + C $-'(ARy - AE,+j) tion:
R, = a + b GG, + E~
+ lim pi'' B,+j .
The null hypothesis is b = 1and E~ station-
ary. In other words, if GG and R are non-
4. The Gramm-Rudman-Hollings law does imply
something about future values of the budget deficit stationary, the null hypothesis is that
and, therefore, something about the difference be- b = 1and that GG and R are cointegrated.6
tween R and G. However, the law may prove to be
5. Other researchers frequently have proceeded by
taking an expected value in equation (1)and iterating 6. Notice that if, say, GG is non-stationary while
it forward to arrive at a stochastic version of equation R is stationary, there is no long-run relationship be-
(2). This procedure is not strictly correct, since equa- tween GG and R. Intuitively, this implies the govern-
tion (1)is an accounting identity. Hence, (1)must hold ment is violating its intertemporal budget constraint
for all realizations of Gt and R,,not just the "average" because GG tends to g ow while R does not. More
or "expected realizations. Although this point has no formally, in this case the !converges to zero. Therefore,
apparent impact on the validity of the other work, the limit term, for which we derive an expression
equation (3) and the surrounding discussion present (equation (S)), does not equal zero. This violates the
what we consider to be the appropriate approach. intertemporal budget constraint.

When GG and R are non-stationary, tent with a strict interpretation of the

cointegration is a necessary condition for government's intertemporal budget con-
the government to obey its present value straint, it is inconsistent with the require-
budget constraint. However, the condition ment that debt to GNP (or debt per capita)
b = 1 is not, strictly speaking, a necessary must be finite and hence may be inconsis-
condition for the government's budget tent with the government's ability to mar-
5onstraint to hold. To see this, substitute ket its debt.
a + GGG, for R, in equation (11, assume for Thus, we focus on two issues: (1)Are
simplicity that i, = i for all t, and iterate GG and R cointegrated? That is, is E~ sta-
forward to obtain tionary in equation (7)? and (2) is g = l?
The first condition is necessary; the second
Btti = ci

[l + (1 - s)i]i-ks,tk
condition is probably necessary.
Cointegration of GG and R is consistent
with McCallum's [1984,129-1301 discus-
sion of the government's intertemporal
budget constraint. McCallum argued that
a constant, positive deficit (excluding in-
where S , equals spending ([l - QGt - a ).
A terest payments) cannot be financed en-
tirely by bond sales; however, a constant,
Using this equation, the limit term in
positive deficit (including interest pay-
equation (7) can be written as
ments) can be financed entirely by bond
i sales. The difference between GG and R is
(8) lim (
C {[l + (1 - 6)i]fk/(1 + i)f+lSt+k the deficit including interest payments.
Therefore, the focus on GG and R-rather
than G and A-seems appropriate.

+ {[l + (1 - hi]j/(l + i)j+l}Bt..l).


This term will equal zero as long as Cointegration is a relatively new statis-
0<6<1. tical concept, pioneered by Granger
Although the limit term equals zero, the [1983], Granger and Weiss [1983], and
limit of the undiscounted value of B equals Engle and Granger [1987]. Cointegration
infinity when < 1. This introduces a new is a property possessed by some non-sta-
element in the interpretation of the inter- tionary time series data. Basically, two
temporal budget constraint. As the undis- variables are said to be cointegrated when
counted value of B gets large, the incentive each variable taken separately is non-sta-
for the government to default becomes tionary, yet a linear combination is station-
large, especially when revenue and spend- ary.
ing are expressed relative to real GNP or More precisely, consider two time se-
population. If G<
1 (and revenue and ries-R and GG. Assume that both R and
spending are measured relative to, say, GG are non-stationary and need to be
GNP), the real value of debt relative to differenced once to induce stationarity. In
GNP diverges to infinity. Thus, as Barro general, most linear combinations of R
[1979], McCallum [1984], and Kremers and GG, such as R,-aGG, =q, are also
(1988; 19891 have noted, the incentive to non-stationary. However, there may be a
default grows and the government will number, b, such that R , - bGG, = U, is sta-
face increasing difficulty in marketing its tionary. In this case, R and GG are said to
debt. Therefore, although G<
1 is consis- be cointegrated of order (1,1), with

cointegration vector (1, - t ~ )Thus,

. ~ if R and The first test involves the Durbin-Wat-
GG are cointegrated with vector (1, -1), son statistic from the equilibrium regres-
they cannot drift too far apart because sion. If the Durbin Watson is ”big,” the
their difference, R, - GG, = ut, is stationary. two series are cointegrated because the
If they are not cointegrated, however, they residuals are stationary.
will, with probability one, drift arbitrarily The first pair of tests use Dickey-Fuller
far apart since their difference can-and regressions, as described in Dickey and
will-take on arbitrarily large values. Fuller [1979], to test whether the estimated
Engle and Granger have expressed the time series of the residuals from the equi-
intuition behind this idea as: “An individ- librium regression has a unit root: if there
ual economic variable, viewed as time is a unit root, then GG and R are not
series, can wander extensively yet some cointegrated. The first test of the pair
pairs of series [if they are cointegrated] estimates the regression
may be expected to move so that they do
not drift too far apart” [1987, 2511. Aut = -put-l + et
Engle and Granger have proposed
seven tests for cointegration. Six of the
tests come in pairs; in our empirical sec- and examines the significance of the esti-
tion we report only the ”augmented” ver- mated p. If the estimated p equals zero,
sions of the tests. Based on simulations, u is non-stationary and so GG and R are
Engle and Granger report critical values not cointegrated; however, if p is signifi-
for one hundred observations and Engle cantly different from zero, u is stationary,
and Yo0 report critical values for fifty and the hypothesis of cointegration is “ac-
observations. The null hypothesis is no cepted.” The second test of the pair, the
cointegration for all the tests; that is, a augmented Dickey-Fuller test (ADF), in-
large test statistic rejects the null and “ac- cludes additional lags of Au in the regres-
cepts” the alternative of cointegration. sion.
All of the tests advocated by Engle and The next pair of tests use the fact that
Granger involve estimating the so-called cointegrated variables can always be writ-
”equilibrium” or ”cointegration” regres- ten in an error correction form. The first
sion test of the pair requires estimation of two
R, = a + bGG, + p,.

The first three tests focus on whether the

estimated residuals, ut, are stationary; the
last four tests examine whether GG and
R obey an ”error-correction” process. If the estimated p1 and p2 are jointly sig-
nificant, then GG and R have an error-cor-
rection representation and are therefore
7. The first term of the order of cointegration per- cointegrated. The second test of the pair,
tains to the number of times it is necessary to differ-
ence the individual data series to attain stationarity. the augmented restricted VAR test-
The second term is the reduction in the number of ARVAR-includes additional lags of
times it is necessary to difference the linear combina-
tion to achieve stationarity. Thus, taken separately, AGG and AR in the regression.
RI and GC; must be differenced once to achieve The last pair of tests is based on a vector
stationarity, but the linear combination Rr - bGG1 need autoregression in which the levels of GG
not be differenced at all to achieve stationarity, a re-
duction of one from what was required for Rt and and R are allowed to enter; cointegration
GG,. restrictions are not imposed on the model.

The first test of the pair requires the esti- nominal terms, real terms, real per capita
mation of two equations: terms, and real per real GNP terms. The
choice depends, in part, on the assump-
tions that were made in deriving the em-
pirical implications. The assumption that
the interest rate is stationary rules out
nominal magnitudes since nominal inter-
The unrestricted VAR test, UVAR, tests for est rates are not stationary. In arguing that
the joint significance of the estimated val- < 1is inconsistent with a broad interpre-
ues of Pll, pl2, pZ1, and &; under the null tation of the government’s intertemporal
budget constraint, we focused on real vari-
hypothesis, these should be zero-levels
ables relative to GNP or relative to popu-
should not enter the set of equations. The
lation. Thus, we present results for three
second test of the pair, the augmented un-
cases: R and GG in real terms, deflated by
restricted VAR test-AUVAR-includes
real GNP, and deflated by population.
additional lags of AGG and AR in the re-
To get a feel for the data, Figures 1-3
plot (1)real revenue and spending, (2) real
Engle and Granger’s tests for cointegra-
revenue and spending relative to real
tion may not be appropriate if the non-sta-
GNP, and (3) real revenue and spending
tionary variables have a drift. Therefore,
relative to population. The vertical lines at
we also used the tests proposed by Stock
1964:I and 1976:III indicate the two places
and Watson [1988], which are appropriate
we split the sample. As can be seen in
in this case.8 The Stock and Watson test
Figures 1 and 3, real spending and reve-
calculates the number of common stochas-
nue, and real spending and revenue per
tic trends in GG and R. Intuitively, if GG
capita, definitely are trending upwards
and R are cointegrated, there is one com-
over the sample period. Consequently, the
mon stochastic trend; if they are not
Stock and Watson tests, which allow for a
cointegrated, then there must be two sto-
drift in the variables, are perhaps more
chastic trends. The null hypothesis is two
appropriate for these two sets of variables.
stochastic trends (not cointegrated) and
The necessary first step in testing
the alternative is one common stochastic
whether the budget deficit is “too large”
trend (cointegrated).
is to determine if revenue and spending,
in their various forms, are non-stationary.
IV. EMPIRICAL RESULTS To this end, we used Dickey-Fuller [1979]
Two hypotheses form the basis of our unit root tests for the variables when mea-
empirical testing: (1) Are GG a n d R sured in level form and when measured as
cointegrated, and (2) is i?= l? However, first differences. The results are contained
there are several ways that GG and R can in Table I. For all our sample periods we
be measured. They can be measured in ”accept” the hypothesis of non-stationar-
ity for real expenditures and revenues in
levels and when deflated by population.
8. That is, Engle and Granger calculate their crit- The case of expenditures and revenues
ical values using Monte Carlo simulations assuming deflated by GNP gives a more complicated
the data generating process (DGP)is a random walk
without drift. Stock and Watson give critical values set of results. Using the entire sample
for several DGP‘s, one of which is a random walk period, we reject the hypothesis of non-
with drift. Several of our series are better modeled
with a drift than without. Thus, we thought it impor- stationarity for both expenditures and rev-
tant to use both sets of tests. As it turns out, using enues (that is, expenditures and revenues
both tests makes little difference since the results from are stationary); for the one hundred-obser-
the Stock/Watson test generally agree with those from
the Engle/Granger tests. vation period we reject non-stationarity

Real Revenue and Real Expenditure

I000 1000

r e a l e x p e n d 1 ture

800 800

600 600
r e a l revenue 0
4 10 400 =2i

200 200
1950 3 960 1970 1980 1990


for revenues but not expenditures (that is, conclude that cointegration tests for real
expenditures are non-stationary and reve- spending and revenue and for real spend-
nues are stationary); finally, for the fifty- ing and revenue deflated by population
observation period we fail to reject non- are appropriate. However, these tests are
stationarity for both expenditures and rev- appropriate only for the fifty-observation
enues (that is, expenditures and revenues sample period when deflating with real
are non-~tationary).~ The general trend we GNP. For the entire period, the stationarity
observe is that these data are becoming of both variables makes cointegration tests
"more non-stationary" in recent years.'O unnecessary and for the one hundred-ob-
When measured as first differences all servation period the difference in the
the variables are stationary. Therefore we order of integration makes the tests incor-
The results of testing whether govern-
9. Notice that for the one hundred-observation
ment spending a n d revenue are
case, the different orders of integration for spending cointegrated are contained in Table 11.
and revenue allow us to immediately conclude that Three sample periods are included and
the government is violating its intertemporal budget
constraint. four test statistics for cointegration are
10. However, this observation is mitigated by the presented, along with the 5 percent critical
fact that Dickey-Fuller tests generally have low power. values. In addition, Stock and Watson's

Real Revenue and Real Expenditure Relative to Real GNP

25 25
r e a l ' x p e n d i t u r e p e r rc

20 20

Ezl C
aJ 2
a a

15 15

10 1964:Ql 1g76:Q3 10
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990

qc test statistic for two common stochastic the one hundred-observation period,
trends is reported. The null hypothesis for 1964:I to 1988:IY all of the tests save the
all tests is non-cointegration-which is Dickey-Fuller fail to reject lack of cointe-
equivalent to two stochastic trends in the gration (more casually, most of the tests
Stock/ Watson formulation; the alternative suggest the data are not cointegrated).
hypothesis is cointegration-which is Even more strikingly, however, all of the
equivaIent to one common stochastic tests fail to reject lack of cointegration in
trend. A large test statistic, therefore, re- the last subperiod-1976:III to 1988:IV.
jects non-cointegration and "accepts" This indicates that the behavior of spend-
cointegration. Critical values for the fifty- ing and revenue may well have changed
observation period are available only for recently, within, say, the last one hundred
the Durbin-Watson statistic and the aug- quarters. This result rationalizes much of
mented Dickey-Fuller statistic. the current worry about the budget deficit,
Although the results are not in total since it indicates that the current processes
agreement, the bulk of the evidence sug- generating spending and revenue-if con-
gests that if the entire sample-1950:II to tinued-violate the government's inter-
1988:IV-is used, government spending temporal budget constraint.
and revenue measured in real terms and Further evidence suggesting that the
per capita appear to be cointegrated. For intertemporal budget constraint is vio-

Real Revenue and Real Expenditure Relative to Population

4000 4000

rea ?xpenditure per c 8 i t a


~ rI

r e a l revenue
per capita
tff 2000 2000 tl,
CQ og

1964.03 19?6:03
1000 1000
1950 1960 1570 1980 1990


lated comes from the equilibrium regres- a consistent estimate of the asymptotic
sion results, reported at the bottom of variance-covariance matrix even if the dis-
Table 11. As West [1988] points out, if two turbances are autocorrelated and condi-
non-stationary variables are cointegrated, tionally heteroskedastic. Table I1 reports
ordinary least squares estimates are nor- the West-corrected standard errors. It is
mally distributed and consistent when the clear that is always significantly less than
variables have a drift.l' However, the esti- one, even when revenue and spending are
mated standard errors reported by com- measured relative to real GNP and popu-
puter programs are incorrect. West derives lation. This condition may be inconsistent
a correction that can be used to calculate with the government's ability to market its
debt in the long run.
A related test is reported in Table I. The
section of the table labeled "Budget def-
11. That is, if a non-stationary series Xf is icit" tests whether the budget deficit is sta-
cointegrated with another non-stationary series Yf tionary. This test is related to a test of
with AX)+ 0 and AYf f 0, then the estimated cointegra-
tion vector, say is asymptotically normally distrib- b = 1,because the budget deficit constrains
uted. In fact, the estimated cointegration factor, b, is the parameters of the cointegrating regres-
"super consistent" in the sense that it converges to its
true value at a faster rate-T-than normal least sion to be a = 0 and b = 1. The results are
squares estimates, which converge at rate T.' generally consistent. The budget deficit is

Tests for a Random Walk
Levels First Difference
Model Model
ADF stat lags ADF stat lags
Entire Sample
Expenditu IPS
Real .61 1 -16.14* 0
Real per GNP -4.33* 0 -15.62* 0
Real per capita -.12 1 -17.26* 0
Real .53 0 -12.91’ 0
Real per GNP -3.13* 0 -13.82* 0
Real per capita -.lo 0 -12.31* 0
Budget deficit
Real -2.29 1 -14.81* 0
Real per GNP -4.10* 5
Real per capita -2.47 1 -15.71* 0

100 Observations
Expendit u res
Real -.31 0 -11.68* 0
Real per GNP -2.36 1 -15.61* 0
Real per capita -.84 0 -11.89* 0
Real -.34 0 -11.09* 0
Real per GNP -3.22* 0 -12.30* 0
Real per capita -1.00 0 -10.80* 0
Budget deficit
Real -2.18 0 -11.07* 0
Real per GNP -2.96* 1
Real per capita -2.34 0 -11.19* 0

50 Observations
Real -.74 0 -7.53* 0
Real per GNP -2.80 0 -9.52* 0
Real per capita -1.01 0 -7.63* 0
Real -0.66 0 -8.68* 0
Real per GNP -1.94 1 -10.22* 0
Real per capita -1.16 0 -8.51* 0
Budget deficit
Real -1.48 0 -7.06* 0
Real per GNP -2.96* 0
Real per capita -1.51 0 -7.10* 0
Note: “ A D F is the augmented Dickey-Fuller statistic for testing whether a variable has
a unit root. ”Model tags” indicates the form of the ADF statistic, in particular the number
of lagged dependent variables. The null hypothesis is nonstationarity, Therefore, a “large”
negative test statistic means reject a random walk and accept the alternative of stationarity;
a ”small” negative statistic (or positive) means “accept” the null of a random walk. Critical
values are -2.89 for one hundred-observations and -2.93 for fifty-observations.
*means the variable is stationary (more formally, reject the null hypothesis of non-

Tests for Cointegration
Real Real
Stafleriod Real per GNP per capita
ENTIRE SAMPLE 0.40* - 0.46*
100 OBSERVATIONS 0.34 - 0.35
50 OBSERVATIONS 0.33 0.69 0.32
ENTIRE SAMPLE -3.77* [O] - -3.95" [O]
100 OBSERVATIONS -3.02* [O] - -3.06" [O]
50 OBSERVATIONS -2.05 [4] -1.85 [l] -1.61 [O]
ENTIRE SAMPLE 8.76 [l] - 9.30 [13
100 OBSERVATIONS 7.55 [O] - 7.29 [O]
ENTIRE SAMPLE 18.97* [l] - 20.26* [l]
100 OBSERVATIONS 15.11 [O] - 15.43 [O]
qc (Stock-Watson)
ENTIRE SAMPLE -32.72" - -37.98*
100 OBSERVATIONS -18.16 - -19.28
Equilibrium Regression: Revenue= a + b(Spending) + u
Estimated a's
ENTIRE SAMPLE 88.34 - 0.70*10-3
(18.73) - (0.10*10-~)
100 OBSERVATIONS 129.95 - 0.83*10"
(31.04) - (0.17*10")
50 OBSERVATIONS 198.77 0.19 0.13*10-2
(87.67) (0.02) (0.05*10-2)
Estimated b's
ENTIRE SAMPLE 0.78 - 0.68
(0.04) - (0.04)
100 OBSERVATIONS 0.72 - 0.65
(0.05) - (0.06)
50 OBSERVATIONS 0.63 0.01 0.51
(0.12) (0.11)
. .
. .
Note: DW denotes the cointegrating regression Durbin-Watson statistic; DF/ADF denotes
the Dickey-Fuller statistic (zero lags) or the augmented Dickey-Fuller statistic (positive lags);
RVAR/ARVAR denotes the restricted VAR statistic (zero lags) or the augmented restricted
VAR statistic (positive lags); W AR denotes the unrestricted VAR statistic (zero lags) or the
augmented unrestricted VAR statistic (positive lags). The number in brackets next to the
test statistics equals the number of lags used in the regression. The number in parentheses
below the equilibrium regression coefficients is the West-standard error.
The null hypothesis is "non-cointegration," so a "large" test statistic rejects noncointegra-
tion and "accepts" cointegration.
*means revenue and spending are cointegrated (more formally, * means we can reject that
revenue and spending are not cointegrated).

TABLE 11continued
Tests for Cointegration
~ ~~ ~~ ~

Five percent critical values for the statistics are:

system is 1 s t order system is 4th order

50 obs 100 obs 50 obs 100 obs
DW 0.78 0.386 1.03 0.282
DF 3.67 3.37 3.29 3.05
ADF 3.67 3.17 3.29 3.17
RVAR 13.6 22.4
ARVAR 11.8 12.3
UVAR 18.6 40.3
AUVAR 17.9 22.0
Stock-Watson -23.1

stationary only when it is measured rel- possible way around this problem is to
ative to real G N P . ~ ~ define government revenue as a residual.
That is, equation (1)can be rearranged as
(9) R, = G, + (l+it) B f - l - B,,
As we detail in the data appendix, to
this point we have measured revenues and and a new measure of revenue, call it R',
expenditures using data from the National defined as equal to the right side of equa-
Income and Product Accounts combined tion (9). Thus, by definition, the period-
with a series on the market value of the by-period budget constraint holds as an
debt and a five-year interest rate. A referee identity and the eointegration of X; and
has correctly pointed out that using data
GG, can be tested.
from different sources implies that the
period-by-period budget constraint, equa- We have a couple of problems with this
tion (l), does not hold as an identity.I3One procedure. First, using equation (9) to de-
fine revenue essentially discards all the
information in the National Income and
12. There is one anomaly: the budget deficit rela- Product Account measured revenue series.
tive to real GNP-for fifty-observations-is stationary,
even though expenditures and revenue are non-sta-
We have no a priori reason to believe that
tionary. This means that expenditure and revenue are the National Income and Product Ac-
cointegrated because there is a linear combination of counts series for expenditure, which is an
expenditure and revenue (a = 0 and b = 1) that is sta-
tionary. However, in Table I1 we found that expendi- important component of (9), is measured
ture and revenue relative to GNP, for fifty-observa- any more accurately than the series for
tions, were not cointegrated. We have no explanation
for this result other than the power of the test is low. revenue. Second, and perhaps more im-
13. Of course, keep in mind that many accounting portantly, using the definition of GG, (9)
"identities" do not actually hold in reality. For in- can be rewritten as
stance, it is well known that there is a large "statistical
discrepancy" in the current account, and the world-
wide sum of all trade balances is rather far from zero.
To check the importance of our "statistical discrep-
ancy," over the whole period the budget constraint
was out of balance by an average of only $32 billion. so that a regression of Rr; on GG, is actu-
This is a small amount, approximately 10 percent of
the average year's measure of revenue. ally a regression of GG, on GG,+(Btdl-B,).

Tests for a Random Walk
Alternative Definition of Revenue--RT
Levels First Difference
Model Model
ADF stat lags ADF stat lags
Entire Sample
Real .87 5 -6.78* 4
Real p e r GNP -3.78* 1 -19.31* 0
Real per capita -.07 5 -7.02* 4

100 Observations
Real .52 3 -12.19* 2
Real p e r GNP -1.93 4 -10.97* 2
Real p e r capita -.34 3 -12.76* 2

50 Observations
Real -0.21 4 -6.76* 3
Real per G N P -1.61 2 -8.63* 1
Real per capita -.54 4 -6.74* 3
Note: ”ADF” is the augmented Dickey-Fuller statistic for testing whether a variable has
a unit root. “Model lags” indicates the form of the ADF statistic, in particular the number
of lagged dependent variables. The null hypothesis is nonstationarity. Therefore, a ”large”
negative test statistic means reject a random walk and accept the alternative of stationarity;
a ”small” negative statistic (or positive) means ”accept” the null of a random walk. Critical
values are -2.89 for one hundred-observations and -2.93 for fifty-observations.
* means the variable is stationary (more formally, reject the null hypothesis of non-sta-

Clearly these two series will be cointe- However, even with these drawbacks,
grated if and only if B,-l - B , is stationary. we deemed it interesting to determine
Of course the stationarity of B,-l - B , is an- how this new definition of revenue would
other implication of the government’s affect our conclusions. As before, we first
intertemporal budget constraint, which checked the stationarity of our new reve-
we previously tested using National In- nue series. The results from Dickey-Fuller
come and Product Account data in Table I. tests are reported in Table 111. The only
Testing the stationarity of B,_l - B , directly deviation from our previous results was
is preferable to testing it indirectly found for the one hundred-observation,
through the cointegration of GG and Rr.14 real per GNP series. Previously we found
this series to be stationary. Based on the
residual definition of revenue, it appears
14. For instance, suppose that GGI is a drifting ran- to be non-stationary.
dom walk with a large variance while Bf-1 - BI is a Next we estimated cointegrating regres-
nondrifting random walk with a small variance. In fi-
nite samples, GGI (and hence R: ) will be dominated sions between GG, and X;.Table IV pres-
by the large variance and drift so that GGf and R; will ents the results. Basically, the results using
appear (falsely) to be cointegrated. Testing the the residual definition are more support-
stationarity of Bf-1 - Bl directly can avoid such a prob-
lem. We would like to thank Anindya Banejee for ive of cointegration. Indeed, it seems that
helping us with this point. the onlv real doubt about the cointeera- ”

tion of spending and revenue occurs when price level and real GNP, or population growth
looking at the one hundred-observation rate) the previous period’s market value of the
data series. It is important to note, how- privately held gross Federal debt. The market
value is from Cox and Lown [1989]. We multi-
ever, that the estimated b coefficients are,
plied this by the appropriately “deflated” nom-
as before, always significantly less than inal interest rate, discussed in footnote 2. For
1.0. Thus, there still exists the potential for the nominal interest rate, between 1953:II to
the government to experience difficulty in the end of our sample we used the Treasury
the long-run when it comes to marketing constant maturity five-year note rate; between
its debt. 1950:I to 1953:I this series was unavailable, so
we used the series on the interest rate on three-
V. CONCLUSIONS to five-year Treasury notes. We spliced the data
Is the government’s budget deficit “too using a one-year overlap from April 1953 to
large?” Our results suggest the answer is March 1954. These series were used because
their five-year maturity approximates the av-
“yes.“ Two pieces of evidence support this erage maturity of the public debt over our sam-
conclusion. First, using our preferred def- ple period.
inition of revenue, spending and revenue Government revenue equals Federal gov-
appear not to be cointegrated for a shorter ernment receipts. Because the Federal Reserve
sample period starting in 1964. Second, is an independent agency, we chose not to in-
even though spending and revenue may clude it as part of the Federal government.
be cointegrated for our entire sample pe- Thus, we included Federal Reserve earnings as
riod from 1950:II to 1988:IV, the estimated part of the government’s receipts, but did not
cointegration factor, is significantly less directly include the change in the monetary
base. (Federal Reserve earnings are transferred
than 1.0. This is true for both the measure to the Treasury. This makes them simply an-
of revenue based on the National Income other source of revenue for the Federal govern-
and Product Accounts and the residual ment, and they are included in the data on Fed-
measure of revenue. As a result, govern- eral government receipts.) Treating the Federal
ment spending is growing more rapidly Reserve as part of the Federal government
than government revenue. For example, would require us to exclude Federal Reserve
the point estimate for real spending and earnings (for in this case the funds would be a
measured revenue relative to population, transfer payment from one branch of the gov-
estimated using the entire sample, indi- ernment to another) but to include the change
in the monetary base (as an additional source
cates that for each dollar increase in per
of revenue.) However, inclusion or exclusion
capita spending, revenues rise by only of the Federal Reserve has a negligible effect
0.68 cents. This clearly is not sustainable. on our results.
Real GNP is from the National Income and
DATA APPENDIX Products Accounts, in billions of 1982 dollars.
The data for government spending and rev- Real government spending and revenue equals
enue are the National Income and Product Ac- nominal spending and revenue divided by the
counts figures, in billions of dollars. Govern- GNP implicit price deflator (1982 = 1.0). Pop-
ment spending equals Federal government ex- ulation is mid-period estimates, from the Bu-
penditures. To calculate the interest payments, reau of Economic Analysis National Income
we suitably deflated (by the price level, or the and Product Accounts Table 2.1.

Tests for Cointegration
Alternative Definition of Revenue-R’
Real Real
S taperiod Real per GNP per capita
ENTIRE SAMPLE 1.57* - 1.68*
100 OBSERVATIONS 1.59* 2.06* 1.66‘
50 OBSERVATIONS 1.43* 1.81* 1.45*
ENTIRE SAMPLE -4.28* [5] - -4.37‘ [5]
100 OBSERVATIONS -2.88 [3] -4.81* [6] -2.85 [3]
50 OBSERVATIONS -5.27* [O] -6.51* [O] -5.40* [O]
ENTIRE SAMPLE 9.19 [3] - 10.94 [3]
100 OBSERVATIONS 8.17 [3] 11.23 [3] 8.87 [3]
ENTIRE SAMPLE 22.04” [3] - 23.23* [3]
100 OBSERVATIONS 17.11 [3] 34.98* [3] 18.39 [3]
qc (Stock-Watson)
ENTIRE SAMPLE -138.6* -146.3* -141.2’
100 OBSERVATIONS -84.7’ -95.8* -88.3’
Equilibrium Regression: Revenue= a + b(Sptnding) + u
Estimated a’s
ENTIRE SAMPLE 22.74 - 0.17*10”
(6.41) - (0.03*10”)
100 OBSERVATIONS 37.24 0.05 0.24*10”
(10.78) (0.01) (0.06’1 0-3)
50 OBSERVATIONS 51.00 0.07 0.35*10-*
(34.88) (0.01) (0.19*10-2)
Estimated b’s
ENTIRE SAMPLE 0.94 - 0.92
(0.01) - (0.01)
100 OBSERVATIONS 0.92 0.73 0.90
(0.02) (0.03) (0.02)
50 OBSERVATIONS 0.90 0.64 0.86
(0.05) (0.06) (0.06)
Note: DW denotes the cointegrating regression Durbin-Watson statistic; DF/ADF denotes
the Dickey-Fuller statistic (zero lags) or the augmented Dickey-Fuller statistic (positive lags);
RVAR/ARVAR denotes the restricted VAR statistic (zero lags) or the augmented restricted
VAR statistic (positive lags); UVAR denotes the unrestricted VAR statistic (zero lags) or the
augmented unrestricted VAR statistic (positive lags). The number in brackets next to the test
statistics equals the number of lags used in the regression. The number in parentheses below
the equilibrium regression coefficients is the West-standard error.
The null hypothesis is ”non-cointegration,” so a “large” test statistic rejects non-cointegra-
tion and “accepts” cointegration.
* means revenue and spending are cointegrated (more formally, means we can reject
that revenue and spending are not cointegrated).

TABLE IV continued
Tests for Cointegration
Alternative Definition of Revenue-Rr
Five percent critical values for the statistics are:
system is 1st order system is 4th order
50 obs 100 obs 50 Ob6 100 obs
DW 0.78 0.386 1.03 0.282
DF 3.67 3.37 3.29 3.05
ADF 3.67 3.17 3.29 3.17
RVAR 13.6 22.4
ARVAR 11.8 12.3
UVAR 18.6 40.3
AUVAR 17.9 22.0
Stock-Watson -23.1

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