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Sir Rhodel Christian Itang

Activity 1

1. Define each of the following terms below.

a. Science

Science is the analysis of unexplained occurrences as well as the examination and comparison of
preexisting theories, concepts, and methods. Science is both the outcome of a specific kind of action and
that activity itself. Science is totally founded on observable truths and employs techniques like
observation, measurement, and scientific experimentation. Science is the study of natural phenomena
by observation, identification, description, experimentation, research, and theoretical justification.
Science might be defined as the study that aims to see and comprehend the nature of the cosmos, both
living things and non-living ones, both individually and collectively.

b. Technology

Technology is a field of study that includes industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure
science. It is concerned with the development and application of technical methods as well as how they
relate to life, society, and the environment. Man and contemporary technology have been intertwined
since its inception. A typical Smartphone user will check their phones 150 times per day, send 23 texts,
make 22 voice calls, use their cameras eight times, check social media nine times, and consume six news
items. And that is exactly how men use their smartphones.

c. Society

Man creates civilization because he needs it to survive. A society is formed when some people interact
with one another and engage in natural reciprocity to safeguard their interests. A collection of people
cannot be considered a society by itself. A society needs to have a sense of community and
interdependence among its people. People are said to be a part of a society when they are interested in
one another and feel connected by certain emotions. The scope of a society knows no bounds. There
could be just two people or everyone in the globe within its confines. Small units may exist inside a large
civilization, and a single person may belong to various communities.

2. Define the relationship between

a.) Science and Technology

Technology and science are connected. New technologies have developed as a result of scientific
discoveries. Technology has also played a crucial role in the advancement of science. Technology is
influenced by science since it offers knowledge and technique. However, technology also has an impact
on research by offering tools for identifying previously undiscovered natural phenomena. This
demonstrates how science and technology are interdependent. While in technology we deal with how
the scientific processes might also be applied for human welfare, in science we investigate how a natural
occurrence occurs. Technology as a field should not be seen as merely a continuation of science because
it has its own autonomy.

b.) Technology and Society

In today's culture, technology has a significant impact on individuals' lives as well as those of businesses
and organizations around the globe. It has developed over many years and its beginning can be traced
back to the Industrial Revolution when machines started to replace the manual labor of skilled workers.
"Most technologies existing today were designed to expedite the way we manage, store, handle,
analyze, and communicate information," Since then, technology has undergone a number of changes
that have had both positive and harmful effects on both people and corporations. Meetings, or so-
called teleconferences, where managers and their field staff can discuss planning and strategy from
various locations across the world are commonplace in today's society. It is essential for many firms to
have the data at their fingertips so they may implement new procedures or make the necessary
adjustments. This is crucial when a change has occurred that affects the business. This demonstrates
why effective communication is necessary for managing a business successfully. The simplicity and
management of data storage used by corporations and organizations is another significant impact
technology has had on society. Many businesses just put their data in a filing bin, which took up a lot of
room and could be a little untidy.

c.) Science, Technology, and Society

The social history of science asserts that there is a unique relationship between science, technology, and
society. According to what was covered in the lectures, societies both produce and improve upon
science and technology. These three currently coexist; one may be completely independent of the other,
as in science and technology, but there is a unique connection between the three things. Societies may
think about this unique connection between the three and use this information to develop better tools,
innovations, and generally be a better society. As we all know, scientists serve as the society's
intellectual leaders. They do all research and development, use their scientific knowledge in their daily
lives, and disseminate it to the rest of the world. Scientists must now investigate and comprehend the
unique relationship between the three because doing so could help their work in general and their
research in particular. I can think of two reasons why scientists should be aware of the unique
connection between the three objects. One benefit of a greater knowledge of the nexus is that it allows
scientists to concentrate on making society a far better place to live, stressing the development of
inventions that would be wholly beneficial to society. Second, scientists who comprehend this
connection will be more aware of where their work is going and if it is contributing to the good or evil of
society. This will also increase their productivity since scientists who are aware of this will be more
motivated to work harder.

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