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EPISODE 5: Preparing the Learning Environment: An Overview

Name of FS Students: Reymark A. Espinoza

Course: BSED – Mathematics Year: 3rd Year
Resource Teacher: Arnel A. Nacorda School: TMENHS
Date of Submission:


 What have you noticed of the class bulletin board? What message or theme does it convey?
The bulletin board display gives the student an exact information on each subject like
Mathematics, Filipino, Chemistry, and among others. I moreover watched that they have bulletin
board about Anti-Bullying which is a good thing to deliver a message to the students that bullying
is not a good thing. Also, it has shown in the bulletin about bad effects of turning themselves in
 What Makes it attractive to the learners?
They utilized craftsmanship materials such as cartolina and uncommon papers to provide
more fascination. It’s nice that they used the crafted or what we called “sobra” of the wallpaper as
a border in their bulletin board display.
 Does it help to the learning process?
Yes, it does.
By putting data and information that are not necessarily to be reminded to the students
along the process of teaching – learning. Putting it to the bulletin board is enough to see and read
so that students are reminded every day.

 If the teacher is using a distance of learning through the modules, where is most likely the
learning space of the students?
In a modular modality, most likely the learning space of the students is their homes.
 Can you describe?
Students learn in their home. It is beneficial for them because they hold their when they
will answer and rest since they own their space or room where they can consider their learning
 How can you as a teacher help to make such environment conducive for learning?
I can’t think much of the ways to make their space conducive to learning because I am
absolutely sure that their space is out of my authority unlike the school classroom. However, I
think the only way to make modular conducive to learning is to make modules understandable
and attractive.
As a teacher, in which of the two situations would you prefer to manage for learning? Choose between
Learning Environment 1 or Learning Environment 2.
I would choose Learning Environment 1 especially during this time of new normal. I think it is
suggestible that in the students’ learning space, students’ homes, will be posted of board displays around
their wall that will serve their study materials. Of course, these board displays should be relevant to the
topics the teacher is teaching.
Based on my noticing and analysis, I realized that
a. Flexibility is necessary for a teacher because we never know what will happen tomorrow or in the
coming days.
b. A friendly and accommodating learning atmosphere is relevant to teaching – learning processes
because that way will make students feel safe and comfortable.
c. Board displays play a role in having a conducive learning environment.
Write Action Research Prompts
What probable problem may result from the two situations of the learning environment?
Among to learning environment the probable problem may encounter are the factors such as
environmental noise and personal matters of a student that affect its interest on learning.
What solutions can I think to solve the problem?
Upon checking up and monitoring the learners’ problems, concern, and experience would like to
share to accommodate each and to decide and help with an appropriate solutions through it.
How should I do it?
Addressing these scenarios when it is a face to face situations I would definitely make sure that
the voice I have is much clear and louder enough so that the students at the back can hear well too. When
it is modular I would suggest them to write their concerns in a sheet of paper and pass it with their
modules to me, then, I’ll find time to accommodate them.
Check for Mastery
1. Learning environment is only confined to a specific place called schools. This statement is
A. True
B. False
C. Doubtful
D. Cannot be determined
Explanation: Learning is not only confined to a school. We may say learning happens most of the time in
school but we also learn in places like coffee shop, park, and among places we find easier to learn.
2. What kind of learning happens anytime, anyplace, and everywhere?
A. Traditional Learning
B. Online Learning
C. Hybrid Learning
D. Face – to – Face Learning
Explanation: Online learning can happen synchronously and asynchronously therefore basically it
happens anytime, anyplace, and anywhere depending on the time students and learners are at ease.
3. In which situation can learners learn with more physical presence and intervention of the
A. Face – to – Face
B. Virtual
C. Online
D. All of the above
Explanation: Traditional or the face – to – face learning occurs with the physical presence of both
learners and the teachers. In this context, teachers can easily intervene in the learning processes.
4. Which of the two kinds of learning environment encourages independence and self –
management of the learners? Why?
A. Face – to – Face, because there is always the presence of the teacher who will give guidance
to the learner.
B. Virtual/Online, because the learners are given time to learn on their own and progress
at their own rate.
C. Both, because they can always shift from one modality to another.
D. Face – to – Face because there is always the need of a teacher in a classroom all the time.
Explanation: In virtual mode of learning, students learn to become independent because not all the time
the teachers are with them to guide and help them with their task to do. With this modality, they learn to
manage themselves to cope up with the learning outcome they needed to acoomplish.
5. If online or virtual learning environment is not applicable, the traditional face – to – face or in
– school will continue. How will you improve the physical learning environment?
A. Use tables with chairs to allow cooperative learning.
B. Provide learning spaces or corners for independent study.
C. Give credits to success than failures.
D. A, B, and C
Explanation: To improve physical learning environment from the shifting of online environment to face
– to – face is to create or provide learning space for independent study.
Work on my Artifacts
“My Conducive Learning Environment”
Learning takes place not just in the classroom but also in different spaces and areas in life.
However, the majority of the things that one learns in life happen in those four walls. This is especially
true when building learning foundations in children. Thus, having a conducive learning environment that
encourages little people to enjoy the whole process of knowing new things is important. Schools are
considered to be a student’s second home as they spend a huge chunk of their daily life in it.
A conducive learning environment goes beyond having the right school furniture supplies and is
actually composed of several important factors. These factors, when taken as a single entity should be a
space where students can freely express their ideas to their classmates and teachers, while at the same
time feel comfortable in exploring different aspects of different subjects and themselves.
As an adult, having a workspace that is too hot or too cold with non-ergonomic chairs and tables
will affect your productivity in a lot of ways. Same is true with children who are learning their ABCs and
123’s. Having a comfortable physical space where children are able to sit comfortably, see and
understand what their teacher is saying, as well as socialize with their fellow classmates is one of the
major components of a conducive learning environment.
Every child is different. Student A might easily grasp the lesson just by looking at the board and
listening to what the teacher says. Student B, on the other hand, would prefer having visual aids to
understand the content of the lesson properly. Then, Student C is the type who gets the lessons when an
actual experience is involved. The point is, the pace and manner of learning of each child are different. As
a teacher, it is your responsibility to craft an environment that encourages students to learn at their own
pace, style, and despite differences. Establishing rules and regulations inside the classroom can help guide
them into being a part of a group.
Task 7: Assist your resource teacher in one of his/her Bulletin Board Displays or Learning Stations. Take
a photo of the finished output and paste it here

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