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R�ading & Writing


Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley

Express Publishing
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© Jenny Dooley - Virginia Evans

Deslgn & lllustratian © Express Publishing

AII rights reservad. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

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ISBN 960 - 361 - 190 - 5


Authors' Acknowledgements

We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skllls to producing this book. Thanks are due in

particular to the following far their support and patience: Mary Palmar (editor in chíef): Steve Ladd (senior editor); Ann Doyle and Sheila

Howard (editorial assistants); Philippa Portar (senior productlon contrallar); E. Mavragani (art director), Debbie Costeas and Van Gard

(assistant designers) and our design team; Tasso Sinerll (artist); and Debbie Ellis, Douglas Stephens, Janet Phillips, Mary Lewis, Elaine

Emery, Halen Brown, Tasso Dirlis and M. Rowell. We would also like to thank thosa institutions and teachers who pilotad the manuscript,

and whase comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of tha book.

Photograph Acknowledgements

Home Video Hellas far photographs on pagas: 8 (bottom right © 1988 Universal City Studios lnc. AII rights reservad), 42 (Romeo and

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INKE far photographs on pagas: 8 (middle left © INKE); picture d (© INKE), 28 (mlddle picture © INKE), (top right © INKE/©Mitch

Gerber Corbis).

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Poltergeist (MGM/UA Entertainment Co.), Star Wars (© LUCAS FILM LTD. AII rights reservad), Snow White, Home Alone (© 2oth Century

Fax Film Corporation. AII rights reservad), Gane with the Wind, 101 DALMATIANS (Walt Disney Pictures), 41 (bottom right (CBS/FOX),

42 Pocahontas (© Disney), 60 (picture d Star Wars © LUCAS FILM LTD. AII rights reservad)

Whlle every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders, lf any have been lnadvertently overlooked the publlshers

will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the flrst opportunlty.


UNIT 1 (p. 4) • scannlng far specific project about your family to be, have got, personal pronouns, possessive

FamllyTles lnformation (famlly; Jobs; physical adjectives, the possessive case 's, capital

descrlptlons; numbers) letters, full stops, the conjunction and

UNIT 2 (p. 8) • scanning; reading far an artlcle about a famous person to be, have got, can, the possesslve case 's,

Celebrltles specific lnformatlon {countrles; nationalltles; colours; the conjunctions and/but

physlcal/character descriptlons)

UNIT 3 (p. 12) • readlng far specific an advertisement far a sports there is/are; prepositions of place

Joln !he Club! lnfarmatlon; scannlng centre (sports, sports equlpment)

.UNIT <I (p,.16) • readlng far specific an artlcle about your favourlte present slmple: prepositions of time;

seásons Ch8n!]e , lnformation/glst season (the weather; acUvitles) adverbs of frequency

UNIT 5 (p. 20) • readlng for specific a pastcard to a frlend from a present cantinuaus; reflexive pronauns

Time Off information hollday resort (hollday activities)

UNIT 6 (p. 24) • readlng for specific a reclpe the Imperativa; uncauntab[e nouns; haw

· What's Cooklng? informatian; scannlng (load; ways of cooklng) much/how many; same/any; plurals

UNIT 7 (p. 28) • reading far specific en artlcle abaut a celebrity's present simple; adverbs of frequency;

A Day In !he LIie of •.. lnfarmatlan; readlng dally routine (dally routine; sequence llnks (first, then, after that,

far glst; scannlng telllng the time; lelsure activlties) next)

UNIT a·cp. 32) • readlng far detailed a story (ematlons/reactlons; past slmple; time l!nks showing

What's understanding adverblal phrases of time) sequence (later, befare, after, when, etc)

• readlng far glst

UNIT 9 (p. 36) • skimmlng far specific an article glvlng the good and comparative/superlative form af adjectives;

AII Creatures Great lnformatlan; readlng for bad polnts about keeping a cat llnks of additlon/contrast (a/so, what Is

and Small detallad understandlng as a pet (anlmals/pets) more, however, on the other hand)

UNIT 1 O (p. 4Ó) • readlng far detalled a film revlew; termlnalagy ot present simple (historie present); llnks of

,Lights! Cáíneral understandlng; scanning films/drama; express!ng oplnlon/ additlon/contrast/reasan

ACTIONI far speclfic informatian reactlon; recammendlng

UNIT 1 1 (p. 44) • scannlng; reading far a letter giving advice to a frlend must/mustn't - should/shouldn't; the

Take my Advlce detallad understandlng (travel preparatlons; home safety) lmperative; clauses of purpose/reasan

UNIT 12 (p. 48) • readlng far detailed a story past slmple; adjectives/adverbs; similes;

A Red Rag to a Bulll understanding; scannlng punctuatian ot direct speech

UNIT 13 (p. 52) • reading far speolñc a letter to a friend about your present cantinuous (futura meanlng);

Golng North lnfarmation; scannlng hollday plans (slghtseelng; galng to: to-lnfinitive (inf. af purpose}

tourist attractions/activities)

UNIT 14 (p. 56) • reading far speclfic a letter to a frlend about your present perfect: a/ready, yet, for,

Gettlng Ready informatlan: reading far preparatlons far a birthday party since, just, so far, never, ever


UNIT 15 (p. 60) • readlng far specific an article predlcting what lile wlll futura simple far predictions;

Whatever WIII Be, infarmation; reading be like in the year 2200 (dwellings; varlety of link words

W ll! B e l far detailed understandlng transport; education; work; health)


F a m .l

1 Label the people in the

picture with these words:

mother, father, sister, brother

2 How many people are

there in your lamily? What

are their names?

3 This is Carl's project on his lamily. Read it and mark the statements that follow as T (true) ar F


1 am Carl and I am nin

e rs old. 1 am sho This is my mother. This is my falher.

and plump. Her name is His name is Mike.

have Susan. She is He is lhirty-five

thirty-four years years old and he is

old and she is a a leacher. He is

doctor. She has tall and well-built.

gol long fair hair He has gol short

and blue eyes. brown hair and big

blue eyes.

This is my slster, This is my brolher.

. >. . . -·_,..,, \
Her name is ( ,:- - . . �- His name is
d • , -� •.· ;,-, . . ,

Sally and she is íj , , I Í -�-J, {(\f,�',1), Tommy. He is five

. ' ' ·

twelve years old. r¡ /. l

_ l;, ª years old. He has
', ...... "
She has gol long gol short brown

brown hair and i hair and blue

brown eyes. eyes.

1 Carl is nineleen years old. 0 5 Carl's father is tall.


2 Carl is short and plump. 6 Carl's falher has gol big brown eyes.

Sally has got short fair hair.


3 Carl's molher is lhirty-four years old.

4 Carl's mother is a leacher.

8 Tommy has gol blue eyes.

F a m i l y líes

4 Match the adjectives to their opposites.


1 tall boy a slim boy

We use This is ... when we introduce somebody.
2 plump boy b short boy e.g. This is my brother, Tommy.

3 big eyes e long hair

4 short hair d small eyes 8 Label the pictures with the jobs in the lis!.

Then, use the prompts to make sentences,

as in the example.
5 a) Use the words in the list to lill in the

gaps below. Use one ol the words gardener, nurse, reponer, poner, chef, pollcewoman


mother, une/e, brother, grand/a/her, wife, daughter,

sister, cousin, granddaughter, fa/her, husband, aunt,

1 Fred / 58 2 Kate / 29
son, grandmother, grandson
job - gardener job - ..

This is Fred.

He is fifty-eight

years old. He

une/e mother Is a gardener.

3 Roy / 23 4 Jack / 36

job - . job - ..
b) Use the words above to make pairs, as

in the example.

e.g. mother - fa/her

6 Fill in the missing lorms ol the verb to be.

5 Carlos/ 44 6 Sarah / 25

1am l'm not ................ I? job - .. job - ..

you .. you aren'! Are you?

:�e } is ��e } .. Is { :��?

it it it?


��y} .. ¡��} .. .. { ri�:?

9 Fill in the missing lorms ol the verb have


7 Match the numbers to the words.

� ------- 12 twenty-three 23 l've gol 1 haven't gol Have I gol?

you : .. you . .., ....... you ....... ?

� 29 nineteen 44

thirty-six 1 twenty-five 58
:�e} .. :�e}hasn't gol she ....... ?

it it il
ten 36 forty-four 19 we
w e }
you 've gol you ...... ?
twenty-nine 10 fifty-eight 25
fieuy} .
they they

10 Match the personal pronouns to the correct 13 a) Read the statements under the pictures

possessive adjectives, as in the example. and mark them as T (true) or F (false).

Then, use words lrom Ex. 12 to corred

PERSONALPRONOUNS POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES the false statements, as in the example.


you our

he lheir

she your

il ,____.,.►my

we its

you his

lhey your
1 Carol has gol long 2 Lisa has gol long black

brown hair . .. F.. hair and brown eyes.

11 Underline the corree! words. Caro/ hasn't gol long

brown hair. She has

1 1 / My am ten years old. 3 This is we / our father.
gol short red hair.
2 She / Her is my mother. 4 She is their / lhey sister.

12 Put these adjedives into the corred box(es).

You can use sorne adjectives more than once.

tal/, black, green, s/im, short, plump, big, long,

red, sma/1, brown, b/ue, grey, fair, we/1-bui/t

1 HÉÍGHT ta//,

3 Mark is short and 4 Don is slim and has

r :Y é"

!BUILD plump .. gol fair hair. .

fo", ' •

b) Describe your lriend.

14 Use the words in the list to make sentences, as in the example.

mother, father, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmather, uno/e, aunt, cousin, husband, wife, san, daughter,

grandsan, granddaughter


.. . · - .. - - - - .- - - . . . . ,.


. · , . · < ':

-� ✓

\i iií}i

e.g. This is Bobby. Karen is his mother. Tom is his father.

F o m í l y líes

15 Look al the lamily tree in Ex. 14 again

and underline the correct words.

1 Rachel is Karen's aun!/ mother.

2 Mary is David's cousin / sister.

3 lan is Mary's brother / husband.

4 Harold is Bobby's uncle / grandfather.

When we do a class project on our family, we write their

names, ages and jobs. Then, we write about their

5 Mary is Karen's daughter / granddaughter.

height, build, hair and eyes.

6 Karen is George's wife / sister.

7 George is Bobby's cousin / uncle.

8 David is Harold's son / grandson. 18 a) Put the words into the corred order.

My / Emma / name / is .

I / old / thirty-four / am / years , .

I / a / am /nurse : .

l / long / brown / eyes / and / have gol/ hair / green

We use the possesslve case 's:

• to show that something belongs to somebody.

e.g. The white car is Susan's.

• to show how two ar more people are related.

e.g. Tim is Joe's brother. (= Tim and Joe are brothers.)

Note: She's short and s/im. ('s = is)

She's got brown eyes. ('s = has)

16 Read the sentences below and say il the 's

is possessive, is or has.

1 John's tall. 4 Peter's gol fair hair.

2 Laura is Tim's sister. 5 Steven is Mike's father.

3 Mary's short and slim. 6 Tina's gol green eyes.


• We use a capital letter:

a) when we begin a sentence.

e.g. My father is a mechanic.

b) when we write the names al people.

e.g. My mother's name is Judy.

The personal pronoun I is always a capital letter.

• We pul a full stop (.) al the end of a sentence.

Age: 35 11 8
e.g. He has got green eyes.

• We can join two affirmative sentences with and. We

Job: reportar
can'! begin a sentence with and.

.Features: tall, short long very short !

e.g. John is thirtY years ofd. He is a teacher.
brown halr, brown halr, falr halr, 1

John is thirtY years o/d and he is a teacher. brown eyes brown ayes green ayes

17 Rewrite the following paragraph, putting b) Use the inlormation in the table above

lull stops, capital letters and apostrophes to complete Emma's project on her

(') where nece�sary. lamily. Start like this:

This is my husband, James. He is ...

i am henry i am thirty-five years cid and i am a gardener

i am tall and plump i have gol short fair hair and green eyes my
19 Look al Ex. 3 again, then do a class project
wifes name is martha she is thirty years cid and she is a chef
on your lamily. Use photographs ol your

our daughters name is jessica and she is seven years cid lamily to decorate your project.

emma eunton

·\\ � ;


Nicofas Cage

1 Label these pictures of famous people with the jobs in the list.

actor, ice-skater, film director, model, singer

2 Read the magazine article, then read the sentences below and

underline the corree! words.

W@IU1Lil'1. AILilf!ll SlU'«::«:�!rlUllL

Tara Kristen Llpinski is a famous American ice­

skater. Tara was born in 1982 and she is an Olympic

gold meda! wlnner.

, Her father's name is Jack and her mother's name is

' Patricia. Tara hasn't got any brothers ar sisters. She is

an only chlld.

Tara is short and slim. She has gol long fair hair and

big blue eyes. She is a kind and hardworking person.

Tara can cook very weii. She can also swim and

play tennis, but she can'! play basketball. Her

---· - k ,, favourite colour is purple and her favourite actor is

·--·.- ---=
. �--· Torn Cruise.

�::========'-_:__:_=:_�-·--·---"·----½------- ---
1 Tara is a famous ltalian / American ice-skater.

2 Her father's / brother's name is Jack.

3 She has gol long brown / fair hair.

4 Tara is a hardworking / lazy person.

5 She can swim and play tennis / basketball.

6 Her favourite colour is purple / blue.

4 a) Fill in the correct colour lrom the list
lor each balloon, as in the example.

black, green, purple, red, white, pink, orange,

We use the verb to be to talk about somebody's:
brown, yel/ow, blue
• job e.g. He is an actor.

• nationality e.g. They are Greek.

• appearance e.g. I am tal/ and slim.

• character e.g. Susan is a vety kind person. UHG

3 a) Match the countries to the nationalities.

1 France (Fr) a Spanish

2 English
Turkey (1) � b 5

3 Spain (Sp) e Greek RUDQJH

4 Poland (P) d French

5 England (Eng) e Polish

6 ltaly (lt) f Finnish v EURZQ
• 8 . SXUSOH
7 Greece (Gr) g ltalian EODFN
8 Finland (Fi) h Turklsh

b) Look at the inlormation below, then ask

and answer questions, as in the example. b) What is your lavourite colour?

e.g. My favourite colour is ye/low.

Marie (Fr) 1 Marie / Finnish?

5 Look at the two people in the pictures and
Carlos (Sp) 2 Carlos / Spanish?
complete the descriptions below.

Edward (Eng) 3 Edward / Turkish?

Anouska (Fi) 4 Anouska / French?

Renata (P) 5 Renata / Greek?

Eleni (Gr) 6 Eleni / English?

Gabriel la (lt) 7 Gabriella / ltallan?

Hassan (1) 8 Hassan / Polish?

e.g. SA: Is Marie Finnish?

SB: No, she isn't. She's French. Is Car/os Spanish?

SA: Yes, he is.


Tom is tall and plump. He has gol
ZDY\ .

hair and brown He has also gol a beard

We use have/has gol:
• to show possession. e.g. /'ve gota car.

• to talk about our family. e.g. I have got two sisters. Anne is tall and slim. She KDVJRW ..

• to describe physical . hair and green H\HV .

features. e.g. He has got b/ue eyes.

6 Look at the pictures on p. 8. Cho ose one

ol the celebrities and describe him/her.


3 Emily / ride a bicycle [Kj/ paint [Z]

• The verb can expresses ability. lt is the same in ali 4 Thomas / windsurf [Z] / play tennis 0
persons. e.g. I can swim. He can swim. WRPDVFDQZLQGVXUIWRPDQFDQSOD\WHQQLV
• Can always takes a bare infinitive. 5 Anna / paint [Z] / cook [Z]

e.g. She can read English. DQQDFDQSDLQWDQQDFDQFRRN

6 Chris / sing [Z] / ride a bicycle [K]

7 Match the activities (a-h) to the pictures

(1-8), then say three things you can do

and three things you can't do.

9 a) Look at the pictures and use words lrom

the list to lill in the gaps.

a play tennis d cook g swim

b sing e ride a bicycle h paint guitarist, photographer, mechanics, pilot,

c dance f windsurf clowns, artist

l!/'AI I ama &/2:16


( '
+ 0(&+$1,&6


$ L &
) *8,7$5,67
lml ·····················
Jack is a
STUDY TIP 3+272*5$3+(5

• We use and to join similar ideas.

e.g. He can sing and dance.

b) Match the lollowing sentences to the
• We use bu! to join contrasting ideas. pictures, then say what the people can
e.g. He can play tennis but he can't play footba/1. do.

1 They can make people laugh. . B .

8 Use the prompts to make sentences, as in 2 She can paint beautiful pictures. &
the examples. 3 He can play the guitar very well. )
4 We can fix cars. '
1 John / swim [Z] / cook [K]
5 He can take good photographs. (
John can swim but he can 't cook.

2 Sarah / sing [Z] / dance [Z]

6 1 can fly planes.
Sarah can sing and dance. e.g. Clowns can make peop/e laugh.

1O Read the text and do the crossword. 13 a) Read the following article and lill in the

gaps with words lrom the list below.

Jimmy Moss is twelve years old and he is a shy boy. His

father, Donald Moss, is a hardworking pilot, Jimmy's blue, father's, slim, singer, favourite, fair,

mother, Shirley, is a writer and she is very clever. Jirnrny mother's, friendly, brother, dance

has gol one sister and one brother. His slster, Jill, is kind. --- -· ·- -·

His brother, Peter, is friendly bu! he is also lazy. S:,,. Emma Bunton is a famous

English 1) GDQFHG She

+ 6 2 was born in 1976 and she is one of

the Spice Girls.

$ + ► Her 2) IDWKHU name is

5 , ( 1 ' / < 4
Trevor and her 3) PRWKHU ..

' $
name is Pauline.
Emma has gol a

4) His name is PJ.

: = � Emma is short and 5) VOLP She has gol

2 < 6) eyes and long 7) hair.
9 ( 5
She is a 8) person.
& / (

► Emma can 9) VLQJHU bu! she can'! ice-skate.

. Her 10) IDYRXULWH singer is Madonna and her

. , 1 ' 6 favourite colours are pink and white.

* b) Answer the lollowing questions.

Down 1 Which paragraph tells us Emma's name, nationality,


3 Peter is a nice person. 1 Donald works very [ob and year of birth? 
He has gol a lo! of hard. He's .. . . 2 Which paragraph is about what Emma can/can'! do

friends. Peter's .. . . 2 Jimmy is quiet and and her favourite singer and colours? 
5 Shirley can learn fas!. nervous when he is 3 Which paragraph is about Emma's appearance and

She's .. . . with others. He's .. . . character? ·

6 Jill is nice to other 4 Peter doesn't like to 4 Which paragraph is about Emma's family?

people. She's . .. . work. He's .. . .

14 Use the inlormation and the plan below to
11 Read the text in Ex. 10 again and underline write a magazine article about Nicolas

the adjectives which describe personality. Use Coge. Use the picture lrom the Photo File
these adjectives to describe the members ol section to decorate your project. Write your
your lamily. e.g. My father is clever. article in four paragraphs (60 - 80 words).

12 Put the words into the corred arder.

1 John / bu!/ can dance/ can'! sing / he
MRKQFDQGDQFHEXWKHFDQWVLQJ Paragraph 1: • Name: Nicolas Cage
2 Liz / long / hair / and / eyes / brown / has gol/ blue • Nationality: American
• • Job: actor
3 My / singer / Sting / favourite / is
• Year of Birth: 1964

Paragraph 2: • Family: father (August), mother (Joy), .1

WRI!IJIG two brothers (Marc & Christopher)

Paragraph 3: • Appearance: tall, slim, short brown
hair, green eyes

When we write an article about a person, we start by

l • Character: kind, hardworking

writing the person's name, nationality, job and year o!

Paragraph 4: • Can: paint
birth. In the second paragraph we write about his/her
• Can'!: play football
family. In the thlrd paragraph we describe him/her.
• Favourite singer: Elvis Presley
We end our article by writing about the person's

abilities, favourite actor/actress/singer/colour, etc. • Favourite colour: purple ,



Jo•n th
1 Which picture shows:

1 horse riding? 5 hiking?

2 a snooker table? 6 canoeing?

3 a tennis court? 7 mountain biking?

4 a basketball court? ..... 8 water-skiing?

2 Read the advertisement lor a summer camp, then read the

statements and mark them as T (true) or F (false).

·• LóokÍrig íor <\ súitable summ�r c�m,¡i •

to send yoJJr children to In ths sum_mer;

holldays? .W,hy don'! you try Sunrlse

summer Camp? .. · ·

An hour's prive from London 9an

bring yóu to sorne of Englánd's most

beautiful countryslde - and Sunrlse

surnmer Camp. Ali of the staff are

experlenced, energetic and, above ali,

enthusiastic. There are many activities

to keep your children busy and happy

ali day. Behind the main building there is a games room with snooker, table tennis and

many other games. There are also two basketball courts and a tennis court. Children

can also go horse riding and hiking. Far real adventure lovers, we have gol water-skiing,

canoeing and mountain biking. There is something far everyone - with lots of

surprises along the wayl

Far more information, call 8883414 NOWII

1 The summer camp is an hour's walk from London.

2 The staff are experienced.

3 There are many activities far children al the camp.

4 The games room is in front of the main building.

5 There are three basketball courts al the camp.

6 There is canoeing far real adventure lovers.


J o í n the C l u b !

3 Match the adjectives (1-5) to their opposites 5 Use the words in Ex. 4 to say which sports
(A-E), then read the text in Ex. 2 and under­ we talk about using play and which using go.

line them. Which nouns do they describe?

1 happy A inexperienced

2 experienced 8 uninterested

3 enthusiastic e sad

4 energetic D ugly

5 beautiful E lazy

4 Look al the pictures and match the pieces

ol equipment to the sports.

swimming .... 6 .... canoeing

cycling skiing

table tennis cricket

golf ten-pin bowling

basketball darts

6 Use inlormation lrom Exs. 4 and 5 to

make sentances, as in the example.

e.g. To go swimming you need a swimming

1 golf clubs 2 basketball

7 Match the locations to the sports, then

make sentences, as in the example.

e.g. You can play basketball on a basketball

3 bicycle 4 canee

1 on / basketball court A golf

2 on / tennis court \ B ten-pin bowling

3 in / swimming pool C swimming

4 on / golf course D basketball

5 on / cricket pitch E football

5 table tennis bats 6 swimming costume 6 on / football pitch F ten nis

7 al / bowling alley G cricket



fH \ r 1
8 Fill in the gaps with words lrom the list.

� t. o '
summer, hour's, main, keep, games,

basketball, adventure, beautifu/

7 bowling pins B cricket bat

1 an drive

2 a room

3 lovers

4 !he building

5 countryside

6 a court

9 skis 10 darts 7 to your children busy

B holidays


-��JiiJI J o í n the O l u b f

STUDYTIP 1O Look at the map of the Super Sports

Centre, then read the sentences and mark

SINGULAR PLURAL them as T (true) or F (false). Finally, correct

the false sentences.

Affirmallve there is ... there are ...

Negative there lsn't ... there aren't ... 1 There is a basketball court next to the football pltch,

lnterrogallve Is there ... ? 2 There is a football pilch in front of lhe tennis courts.
Are there ... ?
3 There is a bowling alley behind !he swimming pool
Yes, there is. Yes, lhere are.
Shorfanswers and the tennis courts.
No, there isn't. No, there aren't.
4 There is a basketball court between !he cafeteria and

• We use lhere is in the singular. the football pitch.

e.g. There is a tennis court at the club. 5 The Super Sports Centre is next to !he bus station.

• We use there are in the plural.

e.g. There are two sports centres in our town.

Remember: Most regular nouns form their plural by

adding -s. e.g. club - clubs

9 Fill in the gaps with There is or There are, > éafetéria :>

as in the example.

1 There is a swimming pool at the club.

2 two table lennis bats on !he table.

3 a cricket pitch al the school.

4 sorne golf clubs in my car.

5 a games room behind the building.

6 a bicycle in the garage.

7 a tennis court al the club.

8 four bowling alleys al the centre.

9 a football pitch behind my house.

10 three canees on the river.

( Prepositions of Place )



in front of

lL:J �o\z�

11 Use the prepositions of place below to ask

next to and answer questions, as in the example.

behind, in front of, next to, opposite, between

e.g. SA: Is there a cafetería at the Super Sports Centre?

SB: Yes, there is.

SA: Where is it?

SB: lt's next to the basketba/1 court.

STUDY TIP 15 look at the information below about the

Mega Sports Centre, then use the plan and

• We use commas in lists of words. the pictures in the Photo File section to

e.g• . . . water-skiing, canoeing and mountain biking. complete the advertisement for the centre.

• We use commas tot pauses in sentences. (50 - 60 words)

e.g . . . . energetic and, above al!, enthusiastic.

• We use question marks at the end of questions.

e.g. Why don't you try Sunrise Summer Camp?

12 Read the text in Ex. 2 and find two

question marks and seven commas.

13 Fill in the missing commas, question marks

and lull stops.

1 Is there a swimming pool a! !he club

2 There is a games room There is also a café

3 You can play football tennis and cricket there

4 Can we go canoeing at the camp

5 There are two swimming pools and a bowling alley bu!

there lsn't a tennis court

The best
6 Your children can do rnany activities there such as

canoeing water-skiing and mountain biking sports centre

7 The staff are friendly and experienced
in town.
8 Has !he centre gol a basketball court

14 Join the sentences using and or but, as in • friendly, experienced staff

the example.
• ten-pin bowling

1 There is a bowling alley. There are two basketball courts. • 2 basketball courts

opposite !he
There is a bowling a/ley and two basketball courts. • games room (5 snooker
Grand Hotel on
tables, 3 table tennis
2 You can play snooker. You can play table tennis.
King Street tables, dartboard)

• 2 swlmmlng pools
3 There are two swimming pools. There aren'! any tennis
• !he Mega Café
courts .

4 You can'! play football. You cango swimming.

Far more informatlon, you can call us on 8825442.

5 The centre has gol a café. The centre has gol a game.s

room .

T I .P Paragraph 1, The Mega Sports Centre is !he '

bes! sports centre In town. lt's (

When we write an advertisement far a place, we start by
• now open and, believe us, it's gol
mentioning !he name of !he place and where it is. Then, something for everyonel
we give information about ils staff and facilities and

what we can do there. We end our advertisement by Paragraph 2, where the place is, facilities, what
giving a telephone number people can call far more you can do there
information. We use ad]ectlves (fantastic, excellent,

huge, etc) and preposltions of place (between, next to, Paragraph 3, For more information, you can
etc) to make our advertisement interesting. call us en 8825442.

1 Match the pictures to the seasons.

spring D summer D autumn D winter D

2 Which seasons do each ol the lollowing sentences describe?

1 11 is very cold and il afien snows .

2 11 is usually hot and sunny and we citen go to the beach .

3 11 afien rains, lhe leaves fall from lhe trees and we slart school. .

4 11 is citen warm and sunny, but somelimes il rains. There are lots of flowers.

3 Read Suson's article from an international teenager magazine

about her favourite season, then read the sentences and mark

them as T (true) or F (false).

Spl'in9 is tlel'el
S,.. Spring is □ wonderful season. lt is my favourite season because every­

thing is so beoutiful and colourful.

► The wealher is usually worm ond sunny in spring. Beautiful flowers graw

everywhere and lhe birds build their nesls in the lrees. However, íhe weather

changos quickly. Sometimos, grey clouds appear in the sky and il rains, but

alter the rain, the sky lurns blue again.

� In spring, 1 spend o lol of lime outdoors. 1 afien ride my bicycle ond

play wilh my friends in the park. The counlryside is lovely in spring, so my

fomily and I afien go on picnics on Sundays.

� 1 lave spring. 11 makes me feel happy and energelic.

4 Which paragraph:

a is about lhe wealher and whal

1 Winler is a wonderful season. D happens in spring?

b is aboul Susan's feelings?

2 The wealher is usually cold and rainy. D
e says which Susan's favourile
3 Beauliful flowers grow everywhere. D
season is?
4 Susan citen rides her bicycle and plays in the park. D
d is about whal Susan does in
5 Spring makes Susan feel sad and lazy. D

Seasons Ohange

5 look at the picture showing the seasons, and 8 a) In which seasons do we do these

put the months lrom the list in the correct part activities? Write S (lor summer), A (lor

of the picture, in the corred arder. autumn}, W (lar winter) or SP (lor

February, June, March, August, Aprif, September,

May, January, October, December, November, Ju/y

1 makea D 2 school starts

sandcastle □

,¿__.. , \ '!

\ A .�f\J

\l1�Vf ¡:�
3 go skiing D 4 pick flowers


5 go on holiday D 6 collect the leaves

from the garden □

. . . .

. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - .

6 Match the words to their meanings.

1 wonderful A very nice

7 rnake a 8 go on picnics




snowman □ □
4 lovely D amazing
b) Think ol sorne other things we do
5 energetic E blrds' home
during each season and write them in
6 nest F very pretty
the table.

7 Fill in the gaps with words lrom the list. WINTER

feel, turns, bui/d, spend, picnics, ride


1 to nests 4 to happy
2 the sky blue 5 to go on .

3 to a bicycle 6 to time AUTUMN

e) Use the prompts above and your own

ideas to write two sentences about

We use the present simple to talk about repeated actions. what you do during each season, as in

e.g. In spring / play with my friends in the park. the example.

lt usual/y snows in winter.

e.g. In the winter, I go skiing with my family.

Seasons Ohange

9 Complete the table, as in the examples.


the morning, noon, Wednesday, August,

Adverbs al frequency (never, always, sometimes,
midnight, May, the summer, the weekend,
afien, usually, etc) ga befare main verbs
the evening, Saturday, Ju/y, Tuesday, 1O
e.g. l usual/y go on picnics with my /ami/y.
o 'clock, the autumn, the afternoon
but alter auxiliary verbs and the verb to be.

e.g. You can o/ten go skiing in winter.

the morning,
lt is usual/y hot in summer.

11 Look at the chart below and use adverbs of

frequency to rewrite the lollowing sentences

about yoursell.

e.g. I go swimming in the summer.

10 Look al the pictures, then use the adjectives
I always go swimming in the summer.
lrom the list to complete the sentences, as

in the example. 100%

warm, cold, rainy, windy, sunny, hot, coa/

• 1 ..

��:·� j t�:f�¡��,;.:.r��
' . , ;- · • � � .,. ! �


' -;�. -:_.¿.

.-:,.--�-✓ ?1;,
1 •,.¡' •

never sametimes afien usually always

�-;. -�- • ?"'' - : ,;
-,... , ......
1 1 feel happy in the spring .
. -�-.:.,..,.
2 My family and I go on haliday in the summer.
1 11 snows in the winter. 2 In the spring, there
3 1 ga skiing in the summer.
lt's ... cold .. . . are a lot of flawers.
4 We visit our grandparents al the weekend.
The weather is not
5 1 ga on picnics in the winter.
very hat. lt's w . .. .. . .

12 Look at the drawings and lill in the gaps,

as in the example.

3 In the autumn, the 4 The sun shines a lot

leaves fall from the in the summer. lt's

trees. The weather h and

lsn't cold, lt's s .

c .

5 In the autumn, there are afien dark clauds in

the sky and it rains. Sametimes the wind blaws

hard. lt's claudy, r and w .

Seasons Ohange

13 Read the text below and pul the verbs in 14 a) Read Paul's article lrom the school news­

brackets into the present simple. paper about his favourite season, and

pul the paragraphs in the corree! order.

Wonderful Winter

[I] 1 do lots of things in winter. 1 go to school

in !he m o rn i n g . In the evening, 1 stay al home and

watch TV or read a book next to a warm fire. When

t snows, my friends and I go to the park and make

a snowman. Al the weekend, my family and I go

skiing in !he mountains.

[[[J Winter i
s a lovely season. 11 i
s my favourite

season because everything i

s beautiful when i


[Q}J Winter is fantastic. 11 makes me feel happy.

1º:LJ The weather is very cold. lt often snows

and the sky is usually cloudy. Sorne animals sleep

ali winter. There are no leaves on the traes and

there aren'! any flowers .

. �Autulnn Is á líeauíiful season, 11 i

s rny fávourÍié

< ·" "" • " 1 " - ""•". 0 ' • ' ., .�

;sAason because 1
1 scool and the treest) .,:..•. ,., . . . . . • . . . ,,.•

(charíge) colour. · b) Read the sentences below and under­

line the correct words .

. • In autumn, i
t often 2) ,.., (rain) and the

. wlnd 3) (blow), Leayes '1) • 1 In paragraph 1, Paul introduces his favourite

(fall) frorn the traes and blrds 5) : • weather / season.

(fly) to warm places. · 2 Paragraph 2 is about !he weather and natura /

. . . Jn·autumn, my mother always 6) ,. (buy) : Paul's activities.

, me. a new bag, becausa schoól 7) ..:, .., :. (start) : 3 Paragraph 3 is about Paul's family / activities.

: ·In September. My �atherB) ,.: ..... :.. :t....... : :..: {collect) 4 Paragraph 4 is about Paul's feelings / weekends.

:. !he leaves' írorn the qarden, Somefírries 1 9) ·...: .....

'. :..;

(help) him after school Al the weekerids we often 10)

15 Use the plan and the prompts below to write
. : ::; (Ílisit) my grandmother. ·

an article for your school newspaper with the

1 1 1 ) :.: (like)au.tumn very much. ¡t

title Summer is Great! (50-70 words). Use the

12) ..: (makej me feel relaxed and

text in Ex. 3 as a model.

happy. .

Poragraph 1, soy why summer is your favourite

f season


Poragraph 2, describe the weather and nature

• When we write an article about our favourite season,

we start by mentioning the season and why it is our

• 3, say what you do/what happens

favourite season.
f during this season

• In !he second paragraph, we write about the weather i

Paragraph 4, say how this season makes you feel ·.,

and nature.

• In the third paragraph, we say what we do during that

• favourite season - beautitu/, fantastic

season (in !he morning/afternoon/evening, al !he

• weather and nature - hot, sun shines, sunny,


aren 't any c/ouds, traes, green !eaves, birds

• In !he last paragraph, we say how we feel.
sing, warm sea
• We use !he present simple because !he article i
s about
• activities - go on holiday, swim, make sand­
repeated actions/events. We also use adjectives to
castles, go on picnics, ride my bicycle
describe the weather and our feelings.
• feelings - fee/ happy, /ive/y, relaxed, energetic

Time Off
1 Match the words below to the


1 hotel .. .. .. .. .

2 campsite .........

3 forest .........

4 square .........

5 café .. . .. . .. .

6 lake .. .. . . .. .

7 beach

2 Read the two

read th . postcards, then

them. e questlons and answer

Dear Emily
. .
/' h ,
, m avin
I m stay· 9 ª wanderfi ¡ .
1 Grande. ing a t a lavely hite[t�e /t Capri.
I t's a t e Marina , ... _.
mament, 1,:ge_aus sunn d
square Th s1tt1ng in tfi ay. At the
and th� faiiandy beaches eh tawn's main
Emily Hanks
. l'm really e�� v�ry tasty. ¡ 1i�: ��e great
3 Branze St
ts an amazing 1�fu�dg. myself! I think Capn.

Lave 1

1 Who is on Capri?

Where is he staylnq?

What is the weather ·

-- Dear Michael,
. .

: 'i:_¿""!": ...
... �

llke on Capri? We're having a great time here in
\ ,. , ' " " " ' " _j
4 What is the food like the Racky Mauntains. We're staying nt
. . .
on Capri? a big campsite in Josper Natianal

5 Where is Kate
[t's a beautiful warm marning.
Right now, l'm having breakfast nt
Michael Spell
6 What is she doing

nght now?
the campsite cat Bill is still sleeping.
The lakes in t e pnrk are amazing 21 Hammersmith St
7 Does she like Jasper
ond the fresh fish is always deliciaus.
Natlonal Park? We lave lt herel Jasper National London

8 How do the post-

Park is a fantastic place. England
cards start and how
do they end?

T í m e Off ,

3 Fill in the gaps with words lrom the lisl. 5 Look al the piclures. Then, pul lhe verbs in

have, beaches, sunny, fresh, breakfast, tasty, the list into the present continuous and make

moming, square sentences, as in the example.

1 fish 5 sandy ..
ski, swim, buy souvenirs, ice-skate, sunbathe,
2 the main .. 6 food
windsurf, have lunch, read a book, play vo/leyba/1,
3 a day 7 a warm .
eat watermelon
4 to a great time 8 to have ..
e.g. 1. She is skiing.


• We use the present contlnuous for temporary actions hap­

pening now, i.e. al the time of speaking

e.g. Right now, 1 am having breakfast ...

or around the lime of speaking

e.g. We are staying ata /ove/y hotel in the Marina Grande.

• We use the time expressions now, right now, at the

momenl and al present with !he present continuous.

4 a) Wrile lull senlences, as in the example.

1 Liz / read / in the hotel room

Liz is reading in the hotel room.

2 Mark / explore / the forest

3 Jane / make / a sandcastle now

4 She / take / photos of the castle

5 They / buy / souvenirs at the moment

6 My sister / sunbathe / and 1 / write / postcards

7 They / have / coffee at a café

b) Which ol the senlences in Ex. 4a describe

the piclures below?


6 Fill in the gaps with words lrom the lisl.

herse/f, yourse/f, themse/ves, itse/f, yourse/ves


l'rn enjoying myself. lt's enjoying ................

- '
'e� ,', - You're enjoying ................ We're enjoying ourselves.

He's enjoying himself. You're enjoying .............

1 - ... :',.,.�
,. .

; miii¡¡¡¡¡,.,;,..; ,.,;¡.-;,'¡¡, • .,. �,'; \ She's enjoying .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . They're enjoying . .. . . . .. .. .. .. . .

STUDYTIP 8 Put the verbs in brackels into the presenl

continuous. Then, match the sentences to

• We do not normally use the verbs lave, hale, like,

the piclures.

dislike, think and believe in the present continuous. KDYLQJ

1 Tony and Sue (have) a
e.g. I think Capri is an amazing island.
picnic al lhe moment.
Not: 1-am-tAiRkiRif Capri is an amazing island.
2 John ILVKLQJ (fish) now.

3 They VDLOLQJ (sail) their boa!.

4 She YLVLWLQJ (visit) lhe rulns,

7 Look al the poslcard exlracls below and 5 They HDWLQJ (ea!) ice cream.

pul the verbs in brackels inlo the presenl 6 She WKURZLQJ (throw) snowballs.

simple ar present continuous. 7 They KDYLQJ (have) fun al the funfair.

Dear Jchn, ··• Mary
... ,. ( .. ····· .

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • · •• • • • • • •
· SWim)

in the sea and Bob ·:

(nave) a great
time in Mexico. 1 th'"••···•• ...... (Visit)

VWD\ e museum ...


notel in ...

----- ♦ HQJR\LQJ
We j

•....•••.•...••.•.. (enJDY
♦ e •
.. . Th.e food nere

ts 1 •············

not bad. 1 OLNH

(thinkl lreland is a

beautiful country.
(like) the fresn jrult

and vegelables but 1 Lave,

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ch.ate) Karen

th.e jísh.

EH (be) very hot

... : ······¡.,t tn� moment, 1

to ay. . .

\♦ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · . Tne children
· (sunbatne) ·
(make) a sandcastle ·... ---·~·


(windsulj) ��".;."H�·············
(go) Windsu ·<· ••••••••••·••
We 1j tng every doy
iots �j;�·n···h············· (hove).

J' ere.

T i m e Off

1 Who is the postcard from?

9 a) Read these postcard extracts and
2 Who is the postcard to?
answer the questions below.

3 How does the postcard start? How does it end?

1 Who likes the place where they are?
4 Which paragraph is about the weather and what
2 Who doesn't like the place where they are?

everyone is doing?

- � ·- · - -· -- � - - --·- [!] ·· · We hate th . 5 Which paragraph is about Laura's impressions

� ... 1 really l[ke [t here! lt's a terribl e{ampstte/

of the place?
The [stand [s gorgeous e P ace/
Lave . Lave,

Amy' Peggy

tfRif ING
. w� �ll l��� tn� mountc.ims:_�l
\@] -� _,.,,
® ..
hotel I
1 '""
y don't like the /
• When we write a holiday postcard to a friend, we
Greg awful! am staying at! lt is/
start by writing the name of !he place where we are

Yours, and where we are staying.

1. • In the second paragraph we write about the weather

and what we (and the people we are with) are doing

b) Replace the adjectives in bold with words al the moment. Then, we say what we like about the

lrom the list. place (e.g. lakes, beaches, the food, etc).

horrible, beauüfu/, wonderfu/, disgusüng • We finish our postcard by giving our impressions of

the place.

1O Write the postcard below in full sentences.

• We use the present continuous to write about what
Then, answer the questions.
we are doing, and adjectives to make our piece of

writing more interesting.

11 Use the plan below to write a holiday

postcard to a lriend. (50-70 words)


Paragraph l , • name of the place where you (

► ª; /�dve / wonderful tlme / [n Malta. We·/·st�y .'.�t.a_tovely

are and where you are staying

Paragraph 2, • the weather

:t�l /i��j�:�i· ��d·����y·t�d�y:·Ri�ht·���;·¡-¡"���bathe / · • what you (and the people you

are with) are doing at the

�;¡:¡;�·¡;������;¡/;r[te / thls p·��t��;;¡:·j·úi'i'��it·¡-�·;;;;¡;��·; moment

• what you like about the place

��;¡· ·;�·�kf�·;-¡-�t··� cajé. The water here / be/

................... , .. Paragraph 3, • your impressions of the place

· · · · · · · ¡; ¡ · nd the bench / be / beautijul. .

;,'ywe ¡\�ally enjoy / ourselvesl I / thlnk / Malta/ be/ a

..... .
• Lave,

, (your first name)

fantastic l�i��x··:::::::::::::::: .







A•:"\�-........ ••.

_ ,:.�:/-:�·,,.· ,/

D E S S E R.. TS



OMELETTE DR..INliS ��- :t�'

' ..

7 look at these pictures showing ways of

cooking, then match the words in the list

• We form !he imperative with the bare infinitive of the to the pictures. Finally, make sentences, as

verb. We do no! use a personal pronoun. in the example.

e.g. Open the door. Not:..\!Gl,, open the door.

• We use the imperativa to give instructions and orders.

eggs, potatoes, cake, biscuits, fish, bread, rice,

e.g. Slice the cheese. Boil the eggs. sausages

e.g. You can boil eggs in a saucepan.

6 Match the instructions to the pictures.
You can fry eggs in a frying pan.

cut up the chicken, break the eggs into a bowl,

pee/ the banana, chop the onion, beat the

mixture, mix ali the ingredients we/1, slice the

meat, add the sugar, pour the coffee

1 boil/saucepan 2 bake/oven

eggs, .
1 cut up the .

.......... chicken .

3 . 4

3 grill/barbecue 4 fry/frying pan

eggs, .


Study these examples .

egg • eggs

pear • pears
5 . 6
olive •
strawberry •
;·• ��;;�:·�-� :
patato •
sandwich •
lettuce leaves

. ., ., .
lettuce leal

8 Fill in the corred plurals.

1 cake- . 5 peach - .

2 cherry - . 6 loa!- .

8 . 9 . 3 blscult - . 7 onion - .
7 ····················

4 !ornato - . 8 carral - .

,¿/�� Wh t· O 1 · 7
��-�� 11 s oo u n g .

10 a) Read this recipe lor a chel's salad and lill

in the gaps with words lrom the list.

• Words like beef, bread, milk, spaghetti, water, oil,

add, boil, cut, mix, pour, put, remove, serve, s/ice
sugar, flour, butter, etc are uncountable. However,

we can use these nouns alter words, such as bottle,

piece, slice, loa!, cup, glass, kilo/grams, carton, J

bowl, packet, teaspoon/tablespoon, etc.
Cbef' t Solad.

• Remember: a + consonant sound e.g. a banana

J lngredienfs Dressing
an + vowel sound e.g. an appfe
2 eggs 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
J 8 lettuce leaves 1 tablespoon tomate ketchup

150g Edam cheese 1 tablespoon vinegar

J 4 slices ham 1 tablespoon olive oil

1 small cucumber salt and pepper

J 1 large tomate

a bott/e o/ wine a piece o/ cheese sorne sfices of ham fnstructions

(]) _
eggs fer 10 minutes.

J (2)----· up ·

the lettuce leaves

J and put them into

a salad bawl.

a /oaf o/ bread a cup of coffee a gfass of juice J Cut the cheese ond

the hom into small

pieces and add them to

J the bowl.

(3) the cucumber ond cut

J the tomate into pieces, then add them to the bowl.

(4) the shell from the eggs, slice them

a kilo of meat / a bowl of sugar a tablespoon of

1 and put them on top of the salad.

1000 grams o/ meat flour

Far the dressing
(5)----- the mayonnaise, tomato ketchup, olive

oil and vinegar into a small bowl and (6) _

íl them well.

(7)------ salt and pepper.

Finally, 18) the dressing cver the salad.

a fin offish a carian o/ mifk a packet o/ 19) with fresh bread.


9 Look al the prompts below and cross out the b) Read the recipe oqcln, then read the
incorrect word, as in the example.
lollowing statements and mark them as

T (true) ar F (false).
1 a cu p of tea / coffee / �d

2 two kilos of beef / beer / ham

1 You need two eggs to make a chef's salad.
3 a bottle of coffee / water/ wine

4 a piece of ham / cheese / flour 2 Boil the eggs for 15 minutes.

5 a slice of bread / sugar / ham
3 Cut the cheese and the ham into big pieces.
6 a glass of milk / water/ soup D

7 a bowl of wine / ice cream / soup

4 Cut the !ornato into pieces.
8 a packet of spaghetti / rice / juice

5 Serve with fresh vegetables.

9 a tablespoon of chicken / salt / olive oil D
Whot' s O o o l , í n g ?

A: 4) butter?
8: About 25 grams.

A:. Do I need 5) sal! and pepper?

• We use How many ... ? with countable nouns.
8: Yes, you do.
e.g. How many eggs are there?
A: Do I need 6) llour?
• We use How much ... ? with uncountable nouns.
8: No, you don'! need 7) llour. Now, cut
e.g. How much cheese do we need? · ·
the onion, green pepper and tomate into small pieces.

A: Like this?

11 Fill in much or many. 8: Yes, that's right. Pul !he butter into the frying pan.

A: Do I pul !he vegetables in the frying pan now?

A: Let's make a pizza fer dinner.
8: Yes. Fry thern lar about three minutes. ...,, .
8: That's a good ideal
Okay, break the eggs into a bowl.
A: Yes, bu! 1 need the ingredients. Can you ge to the

Add 8) sal! and

supermarket and gel them fer me?
pepper. Good. Now, beat them
8: Of course. How 1) pizzas do you want
well .... like that, Right, 1 think the
to make?
vegetables are ready now, so add
A: Jusi ene, so I need ene frozen pizza base, tomatoes,
the eggs to !he frying pan. There
cheese, mushrooms, green peppers and ham.
... now cook it lar three minutes.
8: How 2) tomatoes do you want?
A: Is it ready?
A: Five, please.

8: And how 3) cheese? 8: No! ye!. Turn !he omelette □ver. Have we gol

A: About 200 grams. 9) bread?

8: Okay. How 4) mushrooms do you need? A: Yes, we have.

A: 8uy me about 50 grams, please. B: Okayl Serve lt with bread, and it's dellclous.

8: What about green peppers? How 5) do A: Is !he omelette ready now?

you want?
B: Yes. M m ... 1 think /'rn hungry now. C an I try it?
A: Jusi ene. Oh, don'! forget !he ham.
A: Oh, alright then!
8: How 6) ham do you need?

A: Urn, gel me ten slices of ham, please.

• We use sorne in affirmative statements with T I P
uncountable nouns and countable nouns in the
• W hen we write a recipe, we start by giving the name
of !he dish !he recipe is far. Then, we lis! ali the
e.g. I need sorne cheese and sorne lornaloes.
ingredients. After that we write the instructions in the
• We use any in questions and negativa statements
corree! order. We write each step on a separata line.
with uncountable nouns and countable nouns in !he
• W e always use !he imperativa when we write recipes.

e.g. Is there any butter in the fridge?

I haven't got any peaches.

13 Use the inlormation lrom Ex. 12 and the

picture lrom the Photo File section to write

a recipe for an omelette for a cookery

12 Fill in how much, how man y, sorne or any
competition. Write your recipe using the

A: Mum, l'm hungry. plan below. Use Ex. 10a as a model.

8: Do you want a Mediterranean omelette?

A: Yes ... bu! 1 don'! know how to make it.
8: Alright. Come on then - let's make □ne together.

A: Thanks, Mum! Okay. 1 need 1) eggs, 1

• Name al !he dlsh !he recipe is fer.
but 2) do I need? 1

• W rite !he li s! al !he ingredients. _l

8: Two. You also need a small onion, a small green pepper,

• W rite !he instructions in the corree! ar der. (
a larga tornato and 3) butter.

ADay in

the Life of
1 • Do you know who this person is?

• Why is she lamous?

• What time do you think she gets up?

• What time do you think she goes to

the Detroit Skating Club?

• How many hours ol practice do you

think she has every day? Do you

think she works with a coach?

• Do you think she goes to bed early?

2 Read the article about a typical day in the

lile of Tara lipinski, then read sentences

1-6 and mark them as T (true) or F (false).

' · . , ... ,:-1·-,_. -

.. ' __ ,,"lf . ,,
, ....
,1,,\ftr,·rv .

.,�/::" . .

A Day in the Lije of Tara Lipinski


¡ · Tara Lipinski,
,¡;'ífi ,
the f�mous Olympic · vou see, 1 rnn't go to a �\

¡•. Id dalllst ! U o 11 Oo,mol school bereuse J "At half past seven, Mum drives
(; go me a IS ice-s a er, e s_ us hnve ·1ce-sl(nt"•1ng prcctlce --···
l .
about a typical day in her life.

"My weekdays

are quite tiring. 1 in


the mornings.
" "

me to the Detroit Running Club,"

¡ - get · up ut half past seven and When • my teacher · , 2
"I usual/y eat a turkey
\l . hnve breakfast. At half past eigh:, leaves, at about half past six, 1 --\

:' Mum drives me to tne petroít mcke dinner with my mother. we "¡
sandwich and sorne biscuits

far dinner."

,).: skating club. 1 practise from nlne have dinner at about half past ,
\l. o'clock till lunchtime et twelve seven, then, at eight o'clock, 1 do )
3 "I start lessons at school at


I usual/y , est a turkey sandwich


have a


1 :;�

three o'clock." □
\-' and some biscuits far lunch, and I nine o'clock, then I go to bed at _
t ¡·

4 "When my teacher leaves, at

;\ drink some fresh juice. My lunch _, nbout half pnst nine.
¡ break finishes at one o'dock, then What do I do in my free time?
about hall past six, 1 watch

TV with my mother."

["; 1 work with my conches till a Well, 1 go shopping, meet my )
/;, qunrter to three. After thet my friends, play tennis or go swim- 1
5 "I don't have much free time."


t h me
me home.

at three
1 stnrt

o'c/ock ·

but 1 ·enjoy
1 don't have murh free time,
every minute of it."

(; essons a o . . ',\ 6 The first paragraph is about

•¡ " .. �,.�••J."(-



,;,,.¡¡1 ..•• ,_.;,,,


Tara's free-time activities.

'\�,,.,-..j¡.,tt\'' "t)u\.·'' ...\: j,/,,'"''""'"-lr,1:;i\.,.\1#. ,.t-


A Day in the Life of ...

3 Study the table below, then look at the clock faces and write the time in both ways.

·e• ¡'_· ..


�;. ·••'~·"J""'····'">

lt's three o'clock./ 11's ten past three./ lt's a quarter past
it´s seven o five half it´s quater past
three./ ´clock nine
lt's three. 11's three ten. lt's three filteen.

11's half past three./ 11's a quarter to lt's five to three./ 4 it´s a quarter
. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. 5 it´s ten to 6 it´s twenty five
. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .

past six past to one


. . . . .. . . . . . . . , . , ... two
. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. .

lt's two forty-five. lt's two ñíty-ñve.

lt's three thirty.
. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .... ,, ............

4 Read the article about Tara again and fill in the table. Then, talk about Tere"s daily routine.

her mom takes 9 : 0 0 - she practices

7:30 Tara gets up al seven 8:30 Then, 12:00 - Alter that,
she eats a turkey .

her to the until lunchtime

sandwich and some
12:00 1:00
thirty and has break­

pantinaje club

1 :DO - Then,
she works with .. 2:45 her mom takes 3:00-
she starts her injuries
. 6:30 Alter that, ..

2:45 her coaches her home 6:30 and she prepares

leaves six o'clock dinner with her mom

she does homework

they have dinner at she takes a shower
7:30 8:00 Then,
or watches television .. 9:00 Alter that, ..

seven thirty .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. , then

goes to bed


tf.z:$ A Day in the Líf e of .:.

· .-;;,.,,.__ �---=-----
5 Tick the activities that you do every day, and

fil( in the times.· Then, use your notes, as

well as your own ideas, to talk about your

daily routine. Use first, then, alter that, next.


gel up □ ............. drive to work

have a shower □ ............. catch the bus

gel dressed □ ............. start lessons

have breakfast □ ............. start work

leave home □ ............. have a break


havelunch □ ............. finish work

finish school □ ............. go home


do homework □ ............. watch TV

cook dinner □ ............. listen to music

have dinner go out

have a shower play cards

D · · · · · · · ......
have a bath □ ............. go to bed

□ play compute

6 Look al the activities in these photographs.

How olten do you do each activity in your


free time - never, rarely, sometimes, often,

�;,!; <J,\
usually or always? ,•·

. 1
e.g. I never go fishing in my free time.

7 What do you do in your free time?

Choose activities lrom Ex. 6 as well as

your own ideas.


We use the present simple to talk about permanent

states, repeated actions and daily routines.

e.g. We watch TV in the evening.


1/YouN/e(íhey work :·:: l('(ouNJeín,éy don'twork :i. .

He/She/lt works"::. . He/SheAt doesrrt wÓ_rk ... ·' .


Yes, 1/yq_u/we/Íhéy,élo.
. . No;:!/ybú/We/thei¡dón'.t.

. :,Yes; hé/s�e/it dÓes:':· ..•.

.. • No;í-ie/she/lÍ ddesii'.t:' : .:

1 work - he works 1 kiss - he kisses

1 go - he goes 1 fish - he fishes

1 try - he tries 1 watch - he watches

WKI!llltt'I 1 have breakfast al work In my free time, 1 meet my
\ al about 10:30 am. 1 also friends or go on a picnic.
read the newspaper.

• When we write about somebody's daily routine, we start

. My da
by saying who the person Is and what his/her job is.
( starts early.
• In the second paragraph we write what he or she does

every morning.

• In the third paragraph we write what the person does

every afternoon.

• In the fourth paragraph we write what the person does

every evening.

• In the last paragraph we write what he or she likes

doing in his or her free time.

We use the present simple to write about someone's

daily routine.

8 Read the paragraphs below and: a) number

1 driv
them in the corree! order; b) pul the verbs

1 usuall
in brackets into the present simple; e) say

al ab
what each paragraph is about.

14:30, ,

l&J In his fre�ti�e, Tim .:: : (like) playing tennis 1 gs with

or going for walks. ____) brities.

-- (have) a sandwich lor lunch al aboHut
Sometimes I work late

and I don'! gel home 1111 1 olten have

1 1 th h (teach) till three. e ,
¡ hall past twe ve, en e , midnight. dinner with a celebrity
) (stay) al school till hall past three. Alter l��t \
al about 6:30 pm.
} he (go) home and (prepare) 1s 1
\ lessons lor the next day. ./

: [g]J Tim (gel up) al seven o'clock every ¡

1 10 Use the information lrom Ex. 9 and the plan
morning. He (have) a shower and then he
1 below to write a magazine article about
.has breakfast. Tim (catch) the bus to work at \
Patty' s daily routine in the Photo File section
/ about eight He usually (arrive) at school �ta \
( 100- 120 words). Use Ex. 8 as a model.
, quarter to_ runa and (start) his lessons al rnne. ¡

1 m -In the eve�ing: Ti� :: : �(h��p) hi;�hlldre: �ith ·1

\ their homework. He (have) dinner with his wile, J

\ Julia, and the children at about half past six. Alter that, they . Plan
i watch 1V or play board games. The children (go) \

.' to bed at eight o'clcck, then Tim and Julia � Paragraph l. who the person is
: (listen) to music until bedtime, al about hall past ten. J l
what her job is
��---�-- •
. \m Tim Franks is a teacher. He (work) in a
Paragraph 2, what she does in the morning
: primary school in London. /
• í

9 Patty Stevens works as a celebrity casting Paragraph 3, what she does in the J

agent al The Talen! Corporation in l.ondon. alternoon

Read what she says and answer the questions. •

Paragraph 4, what she does in the evening

1 What does Patty do in the morning?

2 What does Patty do in the alternoon?

Paragraph 5, what she does in her free time
3 What does Patty do in the evening?

4 What does Patty do in her free time?


What's the st o -
1 Look at the pictures. Which picture(s) show(s):

a) a military air base? d) a broken table?

b) a soldier with a parachute? e) aplane flying over?
1 ! I .

c) tea, a cake and biscuits? J/ .,

. '

2 Reod the sentences, then pul them into the correct speech ·


• "Watch out!"
_,. 1

• "t'm a/raid there isn't any tea far you!"

• "Wou/d you /ike sorne sugar?" ·

• "J'm so sorry! My parachute didn 'topen on time!"
- JI


3 Study the following table, then use the verbs in

the post form to complete the story below. l

,;_ :Í'ÍÉGÚLARí,;;:;; )1�j �?C:'�:!:::-d�;l:t e:; IRREGÚL:ÁFÍ ;

1 1

Present Past .J.:resentj_ Past Present Past


ask asked be was/were fall tell
· · 1 f- �
decide decided begin began have had

land landed bring brought hear heard L r C , -

look looked can could say said

pour poured come carne sit sal

An Unexpected Visitar

One sunny afternoon last May, my rnothsr and 1 1) ..

(decide) to have tea in the garden. We live near a small military air

base and we llke to watch the planes fly over. My mother

2) (bring) out sorne delicious biscuits, a cake and a

poi of tea. She 3) (pour) me sorne tea and 4) ..

(ask) me, "Would you llke sorne sugar?"

Befare 1 5 ) (can) answer, we 6) (hear) a

loud cry: "Watch outl" Then, suddenly, a soldler 7) (land)

on the table. Mum and 1 8) (fall) off our chairs in surprise.

When 1 9 ) (look) up, the soldier 10) (be)

on the broken table wlth a parachute over hls head/ "l'm so sorryl"

he 1 1 ) (say). "My parachute didn't open on time/" Mum

and I both 12) (look) al him strangely, then we all

13) (begin) to /augh. "l'm afraid there isn't any tea far

youl" Mum 14) (say) cheertully.

Fortunate/y, we 15) (be) ali okay. The next day, the

soldier 16) (come) back with a huge box of cakes

far us. We all 17) (have) tea together, butthis time we

18) (sil) in the dining room/

Wh11t' s the story?

STUDYTIP 4 What was the weather like?

a) cold b) sunny
• When we write a story, it is importan! to decide on the
5 What did they decide to do?
events and write thern In !he order they happened.
a) have tea in the garden b) have dinner in the garden
• We can use time words (e.g. first, then, later, alter that,
6 What happened then?
next, final/y, befare, alter, when, etc) to link the events.
a) They saw a p l a n e . b) They heard a loud cry.

4 Read the story again, then look at the

sentences below and number them in the

order they happened.

O A soldier landed on the table.

O We ali began to laugh.

O Mum brought out biscuits, a cake and a poi o! tea.

O The soldier carne back with a box o! cakes.

O We feli off our chalrs.

1 Las!/ went / a / night / to / restaurant/ 1

O We heard a loud cry.

O We ali had tea together in the dining room.

2 1 / an / empty / l a r / al/ and / down / waited /table/ my

O] We decided to have tea in the garden. friend / sal

3 Suddenly / carne / my / good-looking / a / table /

5 Underline the corred words / phrases.
woman / towards

1 My lather's a pllot in the air force. He works al a

4 "Who / she / is?" / wondered / 1
skating club / mililary air base.

2 1 watch / see TV every night.

3 Could you pul / pour me a glass o! Cake, please? 8 a) Read the short story below, and put the

4 The police helicopter flew / blew over the city. verbs in brackets into the past simple.

5 The soldier jumped out o! the plane and opened his

parachute / umbrella.
On my first night !� =�)
my pyjamas and then 1 (gel) in(o b�d·\
6 Fortunately / Unfortunately, 1 passed my driving test.
Suddenly, 1 (hear) a loud noise hke)
7 "lt's a lovely day!" Dad said anxiously / cheerfully.
a tire alarm. "Oh nol A lirel" 1 (think). J
([[[] The manager o! the hotel (laugh)
( and (say), "That wasn't a fire

(alarm, Mr Dodd. 11 was the shop alarm next door.

To start a story, we say where and when the story
Someon� : (press) it by mistakel"
takes place, who the people in the story are, and 1

what happened flrst.

[ 1-�I 1 1 .. : =:� :..:��:.· Ou;) out�;¡ quicidy ;·c11
\ (open) the door. There (be) no)
6 Read the story in Ex. 3 again, then read \ one ª'.ound, so 1 (run) downstairs to the)·

the questions below and circle the corred , receptíon, Everyone (look) at me strangely.

answer. ¡ "Where's the fire?" 1 (ask) anxiously. J

� -"-------�
1 Where does the story take place?
\ IQ[J Las! year, i (go) to Rome (
a) in the park b) in the garden
, on holiday. 1 (stay) al an expensive j
2 How many people are there in the story? ; hotel near the city centre. · e___.)
a) three b) two

3 When does the story take place? b) Put the paragraphs in the corred order

a) one morning las! May b) one alternoon las! May and read them aloud.

What' s the story?

9 Underline the corree! words. 12 a) How does each person leel? Choose

adjectives lrom the list below.

1 Alter/ When I walked into !he kitchen, 1 saw a man on
proud, happy, surprised, angry,
!he !loor.

confused, üred, sad, scared

2 First / Then I poured the coffee, then I made the toast,

3 He pul on his coa! and shut the door. Then / Alter, he 1


ran quickly down the street.

4 When / Later, she realised all !he money was gane.

5 Alter/ When that, June immediately called the pollee.

6 First, she checked that no ene else was hurt. Next /

Alter, she climbed carefully into !he back o! !he

1 happy............ 5 .

7 Befare / Finally, she put the cake in the oven to bake.

8 1 had breakfast befare / later I went to work.

9 Alter / First I drank the wine, 1 felt quite sleepy.

1O Use the adverbial phrases in list A and the

J ,<!!1!11 -

actions in list B to make sentences, as in

2 6 ..
the example.

t summer

onth ago

. years ago

day morning ¡

3 7 .
· re yesterd��}

e.g. Last summer, / went on hollday to Franca.

.. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. .
4 ' ' .. ' .. 8 ..
. . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . .

········ .

b) Read the sentences and lill in the correct

adjective lrom the list above •

. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . . .. .
. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . .

. .. . . . . . . .. . . , , , . 1 Luckily, Jane wasn't hurt. She was very .

to be sale and warm alter such a terrible day.

······· , .

2 Ann couldn't believe her eyes. She was very .

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. to see her husband on the six o'clock news .

. .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .

3 He looked at the damage to his car and started to shout.

.. . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. '

He was very .

4 "Who is this letter from?" she said. "I don'! understand."

She was very .

5 Boris was very The only thing

STUDYTIP he wanted to do was to go to bed.

6 Unfortunately, Sammy's dog died. Sammy was very

When we end a story, we write what happened in the

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . He los! a very good friend that day.

end. We can also write how the people In the story felt.
7 Little Jimmy reached the finishing line first. We were all

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . ofhim.

11 Read the story in Ex. 3 again. How does 8 She saw the man take something out o! his pocket. lt was

it end? How do the people leel? a gun! Suddenly, she felt very .

What's the story?


When we write a story, we divide it into four paragraphs.

• We start our story by mentioning !he time, !he place

and the people involved.

• In the second and third paragraphs, we describe

what happened. We write !he events one alter the

other, in !he arder they happened.

• We end our story by describing what happened in

the end and how the people felt.

We use !he past simple and time words (first, alter

that, then, etc) in stories.

13 a) The following pictures show what

happened to Jim when he decided to

take his pet snake, Slippy, to the vet.

Look at the pictures and answer the b) Fill in the speech bubbles in the pictures

questions. with the items below.

• "He/pi A snake!"
( PICTURE A ) 1 Where is Jim?
• "Give me your bag, now!"
2 What time is it?

3 Who else is with him? e) Look at the pictures again. Use the list

of words below to help you tell the

( PICTURE B ) 1 Where are Jim and Slippy?
story using the past simple.
2 Who else is with them?

3 How do !he men feel? • afternoon - two weeks ago - Jim - decide - take pe!

4 What is one of the men holding? snake - ve! - pu! Slippy - sports bag - go -

5 What do they tell Jim to give them? underground station

• on !he !rain - notice - two large men - feel frightened -

( PICTURE e ) 1 Why are the two men running away?
2 How do they feel? come up to him - give bagl - knffe in hand - give bag

• take bag - open it - Slippy's head pop out - help! -

( PICTURE D ) 1 Where are Jim and Slippy? snakel - run towards door
2 How does Jim feel?
• !rain - stop - next station - jump off !rain - run away- feel

happy - proud

14 Use the information from Ex. 13 and the plan

below to write a story (80 - 100 words) for

a story competition in your school

magazine. The tille for your story is:

A Hero For a Day! Begin like this:

One afternoon, two weeks ago, Jirn decided to

take his pet snake, Slippy, to the vet. He put ...

'�;! f"i,
Plan t 1

Paragraph l: mention !he time, place and peo- \

ple involved · '

Paragraphs 2-3: develop !he story (events

l one alter the other)

Paragraph 4: describe what happened in the

end & people's feelings

AII OreatureS
Great a n d S m a l l
1 Look al the pictures and answer the questions below.

Hav.e you gol a pet? What's its name?

Wh!ch of lhese animals is your favourite?

Whtch animal do you think is ...

the most expensive to keep?

the noisiest?

the most independent?

the most intelligent?

the most loyal?

the most playful?

e mas! dangerous?

2 a) What is a topic sentence?


A A sentence which ends a paragraph.

B A sentence which starts a paragraph and ! IS "MAN'S BEST FRIEN □" THE BEST PET? l
summanses what the paragraph is about.
1 1 1 1 1 Dogs in particular, can make your lile more ínter- "¡

b) The lollowing sentences are topic 1

esting and that is why they are the mas! popular ones in the i
sentences. Read them, then read
\ world. l
the article and choose from the
l 1 2 1 1 Children lave them because they are very playful. \
sentences a to d the one which
Also, they abey commands better than most other animals as ,
lits each gap ( 1-4 ). 1
they are very obedient. What is more, they never run away 1rom

a However, keeping a dog in the house their owners because they are very loyal pets. �

can be difficult. 1 \ 3 \ 1 Firstly, they need a lot al space as they are very i
b A pet can change your lile. · energetic animals. Secondly, they can cause problems with your �

e In conclusion, 1 believe that, despite neighbours. They can be very noisy sometimes. -.,
!hose minar problems, dogs still make : 1 4 \ \ Give your dog a little \ove and attention and you can �

the best pets.

have a lriend lar lile. {
d Dogs are wonderful pets.
- "- - - -· . -- - - � .. - ,. ---· - - - - - - --- ---
AII Oreatures Great a n d S m a ll

5 Dogs are They abey commands very well.

e) Read the article again and lind the
6 Goldfish are pets. They don't cost
good points and the bad points about
much money to buy and keep.
having a pe! dog.

d) What is the writer's opinion about

dogs? In which paragraph does he STUDY TIP

state his opinion?

• We use the comparative form to compare two people,

animals, things, etc. We use !han alter comparatives.

3 Fill in the gaps with words lrom the lis!.
e.g. Dogs are triendlier than snakes.

/ove, friend, abey, more, cause, problems

• We use the superlative form to compare a person,

animal, thing, etc with the whole group they belong to. We
1 what is . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .. .. . . .. 4 to ............... problems
use !he befare superlatives and in/o! alter superlatives.
2 to ............ commands 5 minar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. .

e.g. Dogs are the friendliest animals in the world.

3 a ...................... far lile 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . and attention

4 Underline the corree! words in bold. 7 Complete the table, then say how we

form the comparative and superlative

1 Rabbits are quiet / noisy. They don'! make a lot of
lorms ol adjectives.

2 Cats are very lazy / funny. AII they do is eat and sleep.

3 Goldfish don'! eat a lot, so they are cheap / expen­

sive to keep. energetic more energetic . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .

4 Cats are loyal / lndependent, so they don't need a lot .......... ,, .. , , , , , , cheaper the cheapest

of attention. dangerous more dangerous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .

5 Dogs are very playful / clever, so you can traln thern good better ,.,.,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .

. ................... lazier the laziest

to do things.
bad . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . the worst
6 Be careful with snakesl They are very dangerous /
expensive more expensive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . ,.

loyal ....... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the most loyal

big . .. .. .. . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . ,. the biggest

5 Put the adjectives in Ex. 4 into the corree! . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . .. friendlier the friendliest

column, then choose two adjectives lrom old older · · · · · · · · · · · · ..... , .. .. .. .. .. ..

each column and write your own sentences. obedient ,,,, .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . the most obedient

sale safer . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .

e.g. Hamsters are quiet animals.

Good Points Bad Points

8 Fill in the comparative lorm of the verbs
quiet, •.....•...................... noisy, . in brackets, as in the example.

1 A: Goldfish are ..... more expensive ..... (expensive) to

keep than horses.

B: Actually, 1 think they are cheaper ..... (cheap).

2 A: Cats are (energetic) than dogs.

B: Actually, 1 think they are (lazy).

3 A: Horses are (quiet) than cats.

6 Fili in the corred adjective lrom the list.
B: That's not true. They are (nolsy).

obedient, noisy, cheap, quiet, dangerous, c/ever 4 A: Snakes are (sale) !han monkeys.

B: That's not true. They are .

1 Parrots are clever They can leam to talk easily. (dangerous).

2 Rabbits are animals. They don't make 5 A: Monkeys are .

a lot of noise. (obedient) !han dogs.

3 Snakes are They can hurt you. B: That's not true. They are .

4 Monkeys are animals. They are rarely qulet. (naughty).

AII Oreatures Great a n d S m a ll

9 Read the first sentence, then complete the 12 a) Read the article and fill in the gaps with

second with the corree! superlative. the corree! words/phrases from the list.

Then, underline the tapie sentences.

1 A: Dogs are obedient.

B: 1 agree. 1 think they are the ..... most obedient ..... a/so, firstly, on the other hand, what is more,
pets of ali. secondly
2 A: Cats are lazy.

B: 1 agree. 1 think they are the .

pets of ali.

3 A: Parrots are noisy.

B: 1 agree. 1 think they are the .

pets of ali.

4 A: Horses are strong.

B: 1 agree. 1 think they are the .

pets of ali.

5 A: Goldfish are boring.

B: 1 agree. 1 think they are the . "Pretty Poi/y" - Popular Pets,

pets of ali.
Despite the Problems

Are you looking fer a pe!? Parrots are

a very popular choice.

Parrots are great pets. 1) ,

• We use flrslly, secondly, also, what is more, etc to
they are beautiful birds because they are brightly
llst points.

e.g. Dogs are obedient. What is more, they are /oyal. coloured. 2) , parrots are

• We use however, on the other hand, etc to intro­ entertaining and amusing. They can make you Jaugh

duce opposing Ideas. with the things they say. 3) ,

e.g. Dogs are laya/. On the other hand, they are noisy.
they aren't difficult to look alter as they don'! need

any exercise.

4) , parrots can cause

1O Read the article in Ex. 2 again. Which
problema. They can embarrass you as they afien
words/phrases does the writer use to: a)

list points; b) introduce opposing ideas? repeat rude words from the 1V ar radio. 5) .

............... , •••••••• , you can't leave them alone ali day

11 Underline the corree! words/phrases in bold. because they need to have company.

In conclusion, 1 think that, despite their bad points,

1 Rabbits are cute. What is more / However, they are

dirty. parrots make excellent pets, lt's gri,at fun teaching

2 Monkeys are playful. On !he other hand / Also, they them to say things, and they can be very entertain­

are noisy.
ing companions.
3 Goldfish are easy to care fer. Also / However, they

are cheap to keep.

4 Firslly / However, dogs are loyal. Secondly, they are b) List the good and bad points about

obedient. parrots. What reason does the writer give

5 Cats are independent. On the other hand / Also, they for each point? finaily, use your notes to
are lazy. talk about parrots.
6 Horses need a Jet of space. What is more/ However,

they are expensive to keep.

7 Hamsters are quiet. Firstly / Also, they are easy to 1§·1+1@MP Reasons

care fer.
. , , , , , .. . .

8 Firstly, snakes are expensive to buy. However /

Secondly, they are dangerous.

•............................................ . , ,, , ,

9 Parrots are noisy. On !he other hand / Also, they are

. . . .

10 Dogs are very friendly. What is more/ However, they

are playful.

AII Ore11tures Gre11t a n d S m 11 II

, Bad Points •Reasons

•........................................ ...
. ············································


. . .................. , .. , , .
When we write an article giving the good and bad

points about keeping a particular pet, we divide it into

four paragraphs.

• We start by saying what kind of pet we are going to

13 Match the good and bad points about write about.

hamsters to the reasons, then write lull • In the second paragraph, we lis! the good points

sentences to complete the paragraphs below. with reasons.

Use as or because to join the points to the • In the third paragraph, we list the bad points with

reasons. reasons.

• We end our article by giving our opinion.

We lisl points with firstly, secondly, also, whal is more,

etc. We use words and expressions such as however, on

the other hand, etc to introduce opposing ideas. We

can use as ar because to link the good ar bad points to

their reasons. We express our opinion with I think, 1

believe, In my oplnion, etc.

14 Use the prompts and the plan below, as

well as the picture and the beginning and

Good Points Reasons ending given in the Photo File section, to

complete the article (80 - 100 words) with

1 make great pets far a they don't need much the tille Cats Can Make the Bes/ Pets. Use

children � attention the texts in Ex. 2 and Ex. 12 as models.

2 not expensive to keep b they are small and cute

Good Points & Reasons - . . . . ; . -

3 easy to look alter e they don'! eat a lot

• make great companions • can't teach them to do

-+ they are very playful tricks -+ they don'! abey

Bad Polnts Reasons • easy to look alter-+

they don't need much • can destroy your

1 aren'! fun to play with a they are frightened of
attention furniture -+ they need to
sharpen their claws
2 they can bite you • cheap to keep -+ their
b you can't teach them to load doesn't casi much
do tricks

Hamsters are wonderfu/ pets. Firstly, hamsters make


great pets far children as they are sma/1 and cute.

Secondly, they .
Paragraph l: kind of pet l

On the other hand, keeping a hamster as a pet has its

Paragraph 2: good points ond reasons /
bad points. They aren't fun to play with because .

Paragraph 3, bod points and reasons j

Paragraph 4: your opinion

1 a) Use the types of films in the list below to answer the

questions that follow.

a romance

an acüon film

a comedy

a science-ficüon film

a horror film

a cartoon

What type of film:

a) is full of funny scenes? .

b) is abaut twa peaple in lave? ..

e) is full al actian and danger? .

d) has frightening scenes? .

) is abaut space technalagy, aliens ar life in the future?

/) has maving drawlnqs? .

b) llat type is each of the films in the pictures?
' '

' ; ·' �

2 Read Tom Brown's film review for his school newspaper,

_.,'�..-� .
. ;
'}, :

and study the information in the picture. Then, read questions 1,:;;;;;:;;_;;;;;,;,;;..;:..;.;;,:;;;;,..,;,.;,;_..;...,;.....�

1 to 9 and answer them.

DALMA TIANS is a fantastic

1O1 comedy.
The story takes place in and around

London. The main characters are:

Cruella De Vil, an evil fashion designer;

Roger and Anita, a kind couple; their two

Dalmatians, Pongo and Perdy; and, al

course, the adorable puppies.

Cruella is a horrible womanl She wants

to make a coat from the fur of Dalmatian

puppies. She orders her two assistants

to steal Pongo and Perdy's puppies. The

assistants take them toan □Id house and

keep them with sorne other stolen

Dalmatian puppies. Pongo and Perdy

decide to save the puppies and their

adventure begins.

101 DALMATIANS is an amusing film

far the whole familyl Don'! miss it!

Lights! O a m e r a ! A O T I O H !

Questions 5 Use the verbs in brackets to lorm adjectives,

1) 1 as in the example.
Whattype offilm is 101 DALMATIANS?

2 Who is the director?

1 We really enjoyed ourselves because it was a very
3 Who is in the cast?
... entertaining ... film. (entertain)
Where does the story take place?
) ci Who are the main characters? 2 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is a very .

6 What does Cruella want to make? ............................................................ book. (interest)

7 Who steals Pongo and Perdy's puppies? 3 The film was very , so I fell asleep. (bore)
Where do they take them?
4 1 finished the book in □ne evening because it was a
) � What does Tom think about the film?
very story. (thrill)

5 Many people thought the director's new film was

3 Match the words to their delinitions. . .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . (dlsappoint)

6 The little boy watched a film

1 cast a husband and wile on TV last night, so he couldn't sleep. (frighten)

2 take place b baby dog 7 Star Wars is an science-fiction film.

Don't miss itl (amaze)

3 rnaln character e animal's coat
8 lt was a story about a boy's

4 lashion designer d helper difficult lile. (touch)

5 couple e happen

6 puppy f take sth that isn't yours 6 Use the adjectives from Ex. 5 to write

sentences about films you have seen, as in

7 fur g actors and actresses in a film
the example.

8 order h most important person in a

book, film, etc

9 assistant person who designs clothes

10 steal command

4 Match the adjectives in the list to their


wicked, awful, great, lavable, funny, friendly

1 a fantastic comedy = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .

2 an evil fashion designer = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .. , . , , .. , ........

3 a kind couple = , , , , , . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

4 adorable puppies = ........................................

5 a horrible woman = , . .. . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . .. . .

6 an amusing film = . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . e.g. Die Hard II is a thrilling film.


• We can form sorne adjectives by adding -lng to the

base form al the verb.

e.g. excite -+ exciting, amuse -+ amusing

• We use these adjectives to describe what somebody

or somethlng Is like.

e.g. 101 DALMATIANS is an amusing film.

(What is the film /ike? lt's amusing.)

Lights! C a m e r a ! A O T I O H !

7 Use the key and the inlormation about the lilms below to: 8 Look at the phrases below

a) complete the paragraph about The Lost World: Jurassic and pul a tick (✓) in the

Park; b) write similar paragraphs lor the other lilms. column they belong to.


touchlng amusing exciting

Don'I wasle your lime
watching lhis film.

Don'I miss ilf

The Lost World: Jurassic

ll's a mustl
Park is an exciüng action

film. The story takes place Don'! bother

with this one.
in .

1 definitely

The main characters are recommend it.

the scientists, .

.................... and ..
9 a) Use a suitable phrase
........................ ; !he ..
lrom Ex. 8 to give
. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,

recommendations far the

Roland Tembo; and, of
lollowing lilms.
course, .

1 Murder is a boring film. Don 't bother

with this one.

2 Romeo and Juliet is a very touching

film .

Place: {lrnerlca

3 Pocahontas is an amusing cartoan far

Main Characlers: the /lrnerican
!he whale family ..

\ndian princesS, Pocahontas;

Captain John srnlth; Cniel 4 The Lost World: Jurassic Park is an

pownatan; and John Ratc\itte, exciting film ..

toe evll Govemor

b) Use the phrases above

to talk about sorne lilms

you have seen.


\ "" • We use !he present simple when

we write reviews far films, books

and plays.

ÚCoiiieo e.g. The sto,y begins when Sarah

meets Tom.

' 1 • We join sentences using and

catd CJ ;J. ·
(similar ideas), so (result) and

Jatiet because (reasan).

e.g. He leaves Paris and goes to

Type ol Film: Horror -
Jype al Film: Romance Main Characters: London.

Romeo and Juliet, the Place: Austria e.g, He hasn't gota bicycle so he

Place: Florida young coupla in lave bo"ows his friend's,

Main_ Characters: John Lawless·

hls fnend, Mark; and Ph'I J 1 ' ' e.g. He se/Is his car because he
brolher ' ohn s needs the money.
Líghts! C a m e r o ! A O T I O H !

10 Read the lollowing extrae! from a film

review and fill in and, so or because.

Popeye goes to Sweethaven 1) he

wants to find his father. There, he meets Olive Oyl 2) ..
• When we write a film revlew, we begin by mentioning the
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. they fall in lave. After a while, they find a little
name o! the film and what type of film it is.
boy, Swee' Pea, 3) take him home.
e.g. 101 DALMATIANS is a fantastic comedy.
Bluto also laves Olive, 4) , one day, he
• In the second paragraph, we write where !he story takes
kidnaps her. Bluto takes Olive to his house 5) .
place and who the main characters are.
locks her in a room. Popeye decides to save her 6) .
e.g. The story takes place in and around London .
......................................... the adventure begins.
The main characters are Cruel/a De Vil ...

• In the third paragraph, we describe the maln events of the

plot in !he arder in whlch they happen.

11 Read the questions below, then read the

dialogue and lill in the missing questions. • We end the review by saying what we thlnk of !he film and

giving our recommendallons.

• We always use the present simple in reviews, and a variety

• Who is ET?
o! adjectives to make il more interesting to the reader.

• What is the plot o! the film?

• How does ET feel?

12 Use the inlormation lrom Ex. 11, the plan below

• Who are the main characters? and the picture lrom the Photo File section, to

write a film review (80-100 words) lor your

• What happens then?
school newspaper about ET The Extra-Terrestrial.
• Where does the story take place?
Also use the text ol Ex. 2 as a model.
• What happens in the end?

Bobby: 1 saw a great science-fiction film on 1V las! night:

ET The Extra-Terrestrial.

Kelly: Reallyl 1) ..

Bobby: In a small town in America.

Kelly: 1 see. 2) ..

Bobby: Well, there is Elliott, a young boy; Mike and Gertie,

his brother and sister; and, o! course, ET.

Kelly: 3) ..

Bobby: ET is a lavable creature from outer space.

Kelly: Mm, it sounds interesting. 4) .

ast: Henry Thomas,

acNaughton, Drew
Bobby: Well, Elliott finds ET when the other aliens leave

Earth without him.

Kelly: 5) .

Bobby: Elliott takes ET to his house to hide him. He takes Plan

care o! ET, together with his brother and sister.
Paragraph 1, name and type of film
They also teach him things about life on Earth.

Kelly: 6) .

Paragraph 2, where the story takes place;
Bobby: Well, ET laves his new friends, but he misses his (
main characters
family and wants to return home. j

Kelly: That's sweet. 7) ..

Paragraph 3, main events of plot
Bobby: The children find a way to help him return home. in chronological arder ¡

Kelly: Wowl 11 sounds like a great filml •

Paragraph 4, your opinion
Bobby: lt isl You must see ill
and recommendations

Take m y Advice

1 a) Match the words to the pictures,

[ID passport [IlJ luggage

m German rnarks @I] airport

b) The lollowing sentences give advice to

someone who is going to travel by plane

lrom England to Franklurt. Read the

sentences and lill in the corred word(s)

lrom the list above.

1 You must arrive al the al leas!

one hour befare your !light.

2 You must take your with you.

3 You should change sorne pounds into .

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. befare you go.

4 You should make sure your is

under twenty kilos.

2 Read the letter below, then rea d th e sentences an d underline the corred words in bold.

18 Morton Roaci 1 You mus! take your passport / visa with

Oxforci you.


23rci April, .. 2 You must arrive al the airport one / three

hour(s) befare your fiight.

near karen,
rhanks far your letter, Frankfurt is a great choice f?r your
3 You should keep your luggage under / over
holiciay. sínce this is your first holiciay abroaci, here 1s sorne
twenty kilos.

useful advice.
First of ali, you must tske your possport with you \ou can't
4 You should change sorne pounds into

travel abroaci wíthout itl Also, you must arrive at the alrport at
dollars / German marks befare you go.

least one hour befare your flight leaves. vou need time to check

¡� .
5 Don'! remember / forget to send me a

of course, you shoulci keep your luggage under twenty kilos,.


because airline companles charge extra for heuvy luggage. Finally,

you should also change sorne pounds into cermcn murks befare

you go. vou neeci money to spenci when you get there,
Anyway, that's enough from me! Have a lovely trlp and don't

forget to senci me a postcarcil

iots of love,


Tal,e m y Advíce

3 Fill in the words from the list below. 6 Bob is liying to Paris. Match the uselul

tips to their reasons, then use because to

charge, great, use/u/, trip, check, companies,
make sentences, as in the example.
trave/, heavy

1 a choice 5 airline .
_ r
_ o
_ A_d
_ v
_ c
1___.,I, 1...
e : R
_ e
_ a
_ s
_ o
_ n
2 to abroad 6 to extra

3 advice 7 luggage 1 not take animals on the a they can affect planes'

4 to in 8 a lovely .. plane computers

b _ man y of them carry

2 not smoke on the plane
STUDYTIP 3 not use rnoblle phones .
e you can'! gel on the
on the plane
• We use should/shouldn't to give advice; i.e. to say what plane without it

would be a good/bad idea far someone to do. 4 take your plane ticket d cigarettes can cause fires

e.g. You shou/d keep your fuggage under twenty kilos.

(= /t wou/d be a good idea.) e.g. You mustn't take animals on the plane because many

of them car¡y diseases.

You shou/dn't eat a loto/ chocolate,

• We use musl/mustn't to give strong advice; i.e. to tell

someone what it is absolutely necessary to do.


e.g. You must take your passport with you.

We use the imperativa and the negativa imperativa far
(= lt is abso/ute/y necessary/1 strong/y recommend)

You mustn't drink and drive. written warnings.

e.g. Keep off the grass. Don't feed the animals.

4 Read Claire's letter again. What does she

think is a good idea for Karen to do? 7 Match the signs to the warnings, then explain

What does she think is absolutely ne­ what each sign means using must or mustn't.

cessary for Karen to do?

5 Jake is going to London on holiday.

Match the uselul tips to their reasons, then

make sentences giving advice to Jake,

using to, as in the example.

Useful Tlps Re.asons

1 take an urnbrella a make sure you_ don't get lost 1 8 I

2 bring your camera b protect yourselffrom the rain

3 buy a rnap e keep yourself warm 1 c- You mustn't smoke here.

4 pack sorne Jumpers d take pictures of the sigbts

e.g. You should take an umbrella lo protect yourse/f from

the rain.



· · Take my Advice

8 Match the prompts to the pictures below, then 9 a) Chris is sixteen years old and he is

make sentences to give advice to parents planning to 90 camping lor the lirst

using must/mustn't, as in the example. time with sorne lriends. He wrote a

letter to the park director asking lor

a let children near the cooker when i

t is on
inlormation. Read the letter Chris

received lrom him. In which paragraph

b leave knives on the table

does the park director give strong

e watch children while they are playing

d keep all medicines in high cupboards

e let children play with matches

Dear Chris,
f cover all sockets

. Thanks for your interest in our park. Here are sorne '.

t1ps. to help you and yaur friends with yaur camping trip. :

F1rst of ?11, you m�st bring a tent and sleeping bag, ·

because Gnzedale Nat1anal Park daes not pravide them. i

A/so, when yau light a camp fire, you must always put it :
o�t befare yau go to sleep, to avaid farest fires. Keep in ·
�1nd that yau mustn't play laud music, because the naise ,

d1sturbs (he oth r campers. Of course, you mustn't /eave

any rubb1sh behind, because it harms the enviranment

You shauld a/so bring a tarch ta help ya u see in the 1

dark, . and i�sect repellent to p atect
r yaur se/ f from :
ma qw a s t es . Final/y, yau s hau dn / 't f or g t to pack a jump r
e e

to ke p yau wa m on chi/ly
e r ev enings .

l(eep t h ese t ip s in mind and yau shau dn l 't ha ve any .

p ab m . 1 hope yau hav
r le s e a nic e trip.

Yau rs ,

William Peterson

b) Read the letter again and complete the

table below, Then, use the notes to give

advice to Chris. Use to or because,

Must/Mustn't Reasons
l 1 1 1

• bring a ten! and

• .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1 You mustn't /eave knives on the table. sleeping bag

. .. . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .

• . .. ,.,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . .. .. .
• avoid forest fires

2 .
............................... , ....

• not play loud muslo

• ........................... , .. , . . . . .

..... ... .........................

,, ,

3 ..
• ......................... , ..........
• i
t harms the

.................................... environment

Should/Shouldn't Reasons
4 . 1
1 1 1

• • help you see in the


. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . dark

5 .

• bring insect repellen!

• .. ..................................
. . . . .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

• .................................... • keep you warm on

6 .
. .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . .. .. . chilly evenings

Take my Advíce

10 Rewrite the sentences using should, shouldn't,

must or mustn't,

1 1 strongly advise you to keep your passport in a sale .


You must keep your passport in a safe place.

When we write a letter glving advice, we divide it into

2 11 would be a good idea to visit your doctor befare you four paragraphs.

leave. • We begin our letter by saying we are happy to hear

from our friend and explaining what the purpose of !he

You shou/d visit your doctor be/ore you feave.
letter is.
3 lt wouldn't be a good idea to drink alcohol.
• In the second and third paragraphs, we give our

advice with reasons. We say what he/she

4 1 strongly advise you not to eat fatty foods befare you must/mustn't ar should/shouldn't do. We can use

fly. first of ali, also and finally to link our pieces of advice.

We can use because ar to to give reasons.

• We end our letter with a closing remark.

5 lt would be a good idea to use traveller's cheques.
e.g. Hope to hear from you soon.

6 1 strongly advise you not to wear expensive jewellery.

12 Use the inlormation in Ex. 11, the paragraph

plan below and the beginning and ending

7 lt would be a good idea to book a hotel befare you
given, to complete the letter to James lrom
his lriend Bill (60 - 80 words). Use the letter

in Ex. 2 as a model.

8 1 strongly advise you to drink bottled water.

. '

Plan .l
40 Redhiff Road
11 James is travelling around Europe by car. i
Sydney 2001 i

Look al the table below and match each New South Wales
piece ol advice to the reason. Then, make Australia
sentences using to ar because.
24th May, ..

Must/Mustn't Reasons
1 1 1 1
Paragraph 1: Nice to hear from you again!
1 buy a road map a there is always a
/ went on a similar trip around Í

danger of accidents • Europa five years ago - it was greatl :

2 take a first aíd kit with b you can cause an Here are sorne tips to help you with \

you accident your trip.

3 check the car engine e help you find your way

4 exceed the speed llmit d make sure it is in good Paragraphs 2-3: advice and reasons

Paragraph 4: Keep these tips in mind and
Should/Shouldn't Reasons
1 1 1 1 yo u shou/dn 't have any

problems. Hope to hear from you

5 drive on the main roads e it is dangerous soon.

6 listen to the weather 1 avoid getting los!

Youts, 1

7 not travel alone g find out what clothes Bi// \

you need to take


A R e d R a g to a
1 a) Look at the pidures and lill in the corred numbers

in the boxes below.

[I] Bernie the bu// D gafe □ Jeff Monk D bucket

D trousers D horns D Jett·s wife

b) Match each picture to one al the lollowing sentences.

1 Jeff's wife laughed when she saw him (Picture .)

without his trousers. ( . )

2 Jeff dropped his bucket and ran a s P i c t u r e .

fast as he could. ( )

3 He had a lot of anlrnals, but his f a v o u r i t e P i c t u r e .

was a bull callad Bernie. ( )

4 Then, he threw Jeff up into the a i r . P i c t u r e ····················

2 First pul the verbs in the list into the past simple_,

then' read the story below and lill in the gaps with

the corred verb.

laugh, have, say, run, shout, put ... on, cal/, drop, /ive, buy '
,. --

' ._.
• . .

A Red Rag To a Bu//! 0;;

Jeff Monk 1) on a qulet farm in the country.

He 2) a lot of anírnals, but hls favourite was a

bull callad Bernie. Bernie was almos! three years old and everyone

3) , "Be careful near him, Jeff. Bulls can be


dangerous. "-Jeff dldn't listen to them, though. Bernie was like a friend !

to him.

On Jeff's birthday, his wife 4) him an expensive

red shirt. Jeff 5) 1

1 , and went out to leed

Bernie, as usual. He went to the field next to the house and

6) him, "Come on, boy/ Time to eat/" Bernie looked

up and sudden/y gave a loud snort. Next, he began to run angrily

towards Jeff. Jeff 7) his bucket and ran as fastas he

could. He 8) loud/y to his wife, '1-Íelpl Helpl"

Jeff ran to the gate, but befare he cou/d cllrnb over lt, Bernie's long

horns hooked anta Jeff's trousers. Then, he threw Jeff up into the air.

Fortunate/y, Jeff's trousers carne off, so he managed to get free. He

9) quick/y to the house.

Jeff's wife 10) when she saw him without

his trousers, "Wel/, at /east your new shirt is okay," she said. 'Next
time don'! wear lt to feed Berniel"

A R e d R o g to II B u l l!

3 Read the story again and complete the 6 Underline the corred prepositions in bold.

questions lor the underlined words, as in the

example. 1 Sally went to the circus on / in her birthday.

2 lt's cold outside, so pul your coat off/ on.

e.g. WJIQ /ived on a quiet farm in the country?
3 When he looked on / up, he saw an aeroplane.
Jeff Monk lived on a quiet farm in the country.
4 The boys climbed over / through the wall.

5 The little girl ran up / towards her mother.

1 What ?
6 The horse was like a friend to / by Rache!.
Jeff's lavourite animal was a bull.
7 Gary threw the ball along / into the air.
2 How , ?
8 lt was windy and his hat carne off / out.
Bernie was almos! three years old.

3 What ?

Jeff's wile bought hirn an expensive red shirt.

siuovTiP ·]---------,
4 Why ?
When we write a story, we use adjectives to make
Jeff went to the field to leed Bernie.
the story more interesting. Adjectives describe
5 Who ? nouns.
Bernie began to run angrily towards Jeff. e.g. His wife bought him an expensive red shirt.

6 What ?

Jeff dropQed his bucket and ran as lastas he could.

7 Replace the adjectives in bold with similar
7 What ?
enes lrom the list, as in the example.
Jeff shouted loudly to his wile, "l:lelQ! HelQI"

8 Where ? tasty, scary, pretty, cbeertut, horrible, huge

Jeff ran to the gate.

1 Ann cooked a delicious meal far dinner, tasty ..
9 What ?
2 Mrs Brown bought a beautiful dress ..
Bernie threw Jeff up into the air.
for the party.
10 What .
3 He sen! a large bouquet of flowers to ..
when she saw him without his trousers?
his wife.
Jeff's wile laughed when she saw hirn without his
4 The children watched a frightening film ..
on TV last night.

5 1 had a terrible experience during my ..

4 Read the summary of the story below and holiday last year.

corred the parts that are underlined, as in 6 Bob looked al me wlth a happy smile ..

the example. on his lace.

e.g. 1 Jeff Manir didn't live in a flat in the country.

He lived on a quiet farm in the country.


Jeff Monk lived 1) in a llat in the couníry. He had 2) a lew

• When we write a story, we also use adverbs. We can
animals, but his lavourite was 3) a horse called Bernie.
form adverbs from sorne adjeclives by adding -ly.
On Jeff's birthday, his wile bought him 4) a cheap blue
e.g. sudden - suddenty, fortunate - fortunatety
shirt. Jeff pul it on and went into the field to leed Bernie.
• Adverbs describe verbs.
Bernie looked up and gave a 5) guiet snort. Then, he ran
e.g. She sang the song beautifutty.
6) haQQi!y towards Jeff. Jeff ran to the gate, but Bernie's
(How did she sing the song? Beautifutty.)
long horns hooked onto Jeff's trousers. Jeff's trousers
• Note: Sorne adverbs don'! follow the rule above.
carne off and he managed to gel free. His wile 7) shouted e.g. good - we/1, fast - tasi, ·hard - hard

when she saw him without his trousers.

8 Fil! in the corred adverb.

5 What' s the word?

1 1 smiled al him (cheerful).

1 not sale = gandesuro 2 The boy ran away (quick).

3 1 (slow) gol up from my seat,

2 to give food = to edef
4 Jusi then, the telephone rang (loud).
3 a noise through the nose = a rnots
5 Sarah did (bad) in her exams.

4 what we like most = our rafuvoeit 6 1 listened (careful) to the news on the radio.

A R e d R a g to a B u ll !

9 Fill in the gaps with an appropriate

adverb lrom the list.

beauüful/y, we/1, wicked/y, careful/y, /oud/y, quick/y When we write stories, we can use símiles (like +
noun) to make our stories more interesting.

e.g. Bernie was like a friend to Jeff.

11 First, match the verbs to the nouns to

make símiles. Then, use them to fill in the

gaps in the sentences that ./.ollow.

1 swim a a mother

2 dance b an angel

3 live e a fish

4 run d a ballerina

5 sing LI K E e a king

6 be 1 the wind
We looked at the man

1) "Lookl lt's

Bobbie Batter, the famous singerl" my friend Jenny shouted

1 Little Mary sang in the
2) "Let's talk to him!" Bobbie saw Jenny coming
school play last week.
towards him and ran 3) into the restaurant.
2 Tom could swim when
The next rnornent, he crashed into a table and fell anta the
he was only two years old.
ficar. "He can sing 4) , but he can't see
3 Pam turned on the radio and danced around the room
very 5) !" we laughed 6) .

4 Elvis Presley was very rich and lived .

........................................... in Graceland.
5 The man carne out of the bank and ran .

When we write stories, we can use somebody's exact .......................................... up the street.

words (Direct Speech) to rnake our story more dramatic. 6 The nurse looked alter Freddy very well. She was

When we write somebody's exact words, we use ........................................................... to him.

inverted commas.

e.g. "Come on, boy! Time to eat!"

12 Study the exomples below, then join the

sentences with and, but or so.

1O Read the speech bubbles below and use

e.g. Jeff put his shirt on. He went out to leed Bernie.
them to lill in the gaps in the sentences.
Jeff put his shirt on and went out to leed Bernie.

Jeff's trousers carne off. He managed to get free.

Time to get upl
Jeff's trousers carne off, so he managed to get free.

He had a lot of animals. His lavourite was a bu//.

He hada lot of animals, but his lavourite was a bu//.

Good evening, madam.

1 lt was a warm sunny day. We decided to go on a picnic.
Can I help you?

2 We gol our things ready. We pul them in the car.

1 Suddenly, the branch snapped and Alex fell.

" " he screamed, but just then his shirt . 3 Simon tried to start the car. Smoke began to come out of

2 Beth was in bed when her mother carne into her room. the engine.

" " her mother said cheerfully.

3 " " sald the teacher. 4 We jumped out quíckly. We ran to get a fire extinguisher.

Then, he gave us our tests.

4 She sal down and the waiter walked towards her. 5 The door was locked. We couldn't get into the house.

" " he asked politely .

A Red R a g to a B u ll !

6 One al !he windows was open. Simon climbed into he


14 Read this interview with Josh Bell for the

magazine Summer Fun, and put the verbs

in brackets into the past simple.

7 Our dog thought Simon was a !hiel. He bit his leg.

J: Las! summer, 1 1 ) (work)

8 Simon was alright in the end. We didn't go on a i nic

p c as a lifeguard on a very popular beach. On my first day

that dayl there, 1 2) ............•.•••.....•................................... (feel) a

little anxious. lt 3) (be) a hot

sunny day, so there were a lo! of people in the water.

R: So,whathappened?
13 a) Read the following story and corred
J: Suddenly, 1 4 ) (see) a large grey
the mistakes.
shape in !he sea. 1 5 ) (panic) and

6) (tell) everyone to get out

Tony's uncle, Don,
ofthe water. They all 7) (begin)
lived in a small village in
to swim quickly to the shore.
the � One day, R: What happened next?

J: The lifeboat crew 8) (speed)

Tony decided to visit him.
out immediately to check that everything was alright.

The snow was very deep, Five minutes later, they 9) (come)

back. One ofthe crew 10) (hold)

so Tony couldn't walked
something up far me to see. He 1 1 ) .

fast. Suddenly, he heared

................. (have) a grey sur/board in his handsl

R: A surfboardl lt wasn't a shark then?

a strange sound. lt was
J: No! 1 felt silly, bu! al leas! no one was hurtl
like a babys cry.

Tony looked around 15 Use the information in Ex. 14 to answer

the questions in the plan below. Then, use

and saw a huge white
the completed plan, the pictures and the

dog. At first, he thinked beginning given in the Photo File section,

to write a story ( 100- 150 words) which

!he dog was hungry, bu! then he saw a red shape in the
ends with these words:

snow. Tony run quickly towards the dog.

Josh felt sil/y, but at least no one was hurt!

The dog stárted to bark. "What is it, boy?" Tony asked.

"What has you gol there?" Tony looked closely at the red
shape. lt was a young woman, but she couldn't move,
Paragraph 1, mention the time, place and
"My leg," she said quietly. "Please help mel" people involved '

Tony ran far help, and sean the girl was in a warm • When did the story happen? {

Where did Josh work as a lifeguard? i

hospital bed. Tony was glad. He had two new freinds
How did Josh lee/ on his first day? /

now - Lucy, and her brave dog, luckyl What was the weather /ike?

Paragraphs 2-3, develop the story

b) Read the story in Ex. 13 again and find What did Josh suddenly see?

the adjectives and the adverbs in it. How did he react? What did he do?

Which nouns/verbs do they describe? What did the wimmers do?


• Adjectives: smal/ (village), . What did the lifeboat crew do? Why?

When did they come back?

What did one o/ the crew do? Why? ;

What did he have in his hands? /

• Adverbs: (walk) fast, .
Paragraph 4, describe what happened n the

end and people's eelings




A :


1 Look at the pictures. Which


an amusement park? .. 3 .. a guard?

an anüques market? a canal?

people on a boat trip? a palace? ........

a status ot a mermaid? ........ b ?

a rewery .

�el�nie his going on holiday. Read the letter she sent to her

nen , t en read questions l to 5 and answer them.

219 Aster street


SW7. LY3

20th May, ·

Dear Rosie,

rve got some great news: I am finally going on the holiday of my dresms,

/'m spending the first two weeks of June in the wonderful city of

Copenhagen. isn't that exciting7

l'm f/ying there on Monday morning, 2nd june. First, rm going to see the

beautiful statue of the Little Mermaid. rhen, l'm going to see the changing

of the guard at Amalienilorg Palace. I' m also going to Tivoli to go on the

rides. tt's one of the most famous amusement parks in the worldl I am 1 Where is Melanie going?

definitely not going to miss the chance to go on a boat trip on the Nyhavn 2 How long is she going to stay

canal to see more of copenhagen. Final/y, l'm going to visit the antiques lhere?

market on Gammel strand to buy some souvenírs, and the carlsilerg

3 When is sne going on holiday?
Brewery to see how they make beer.
4 What is she going to do there?
l'm real/y exciteci because I know it's going to be an amazing holidayl

Hope to hear from you soon. 5 How does she fee/ about her

G o i n g Horth

3 Fill in the corree! word lrom the list below. 5 Helen is going to London. Look al the table

showing her plans and arrangements, then

antiques, holiday, guard, amusement, buy, boat
make sentences using the present continuous

ar be going to, as in the example.

1 the . . .. . . .. . . . . . . ,, .......... ,,., 4 the changing of the

al my dreams . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 a(n) ...................... park 5 a(n) ....................... trip

3 to ................ souvenirs 6 a(n) ................ market

4 Read Melanie' s letter again, then fil( in the

adjectives from the list below. Finally, use

the phrases to make sentences.

famous, great, beautiful, wonderfu/

1 news 3 a ..

2 the .. amusement park

fly to London tomorrow ✓
city of Copenhagen 4 a statue
visit Tralalgar Square ✓

stay al the Savoy Hotel ✓

see Big Ben ✓

renta car ✓

visit the British Museum ✓

come back 2nd July ✓

e.g. He/en is tlying to London tomorrow.


l'm going to
We use the to - infinitive (infinitive al purpose) to give
fly to Paris soon. 0
the reason why we do something.

e.g. I am going to visit Amalienborg Palace to see the

changing of the guard.


ARRANGEMENTS 6 Read Melanie' s letter again. Fill in the

reasons why she is going to visit the places

in the list below, then make sentences, as

in the example.

Places Heasons .

l'm flying to
Amalienborg Palace to see the ohanging of the guard
París on Saturday.

• We use be going to to talk about our plans and antiques market

intentions far the future.

Carlsberg Brewery
e.g. /'m going to t/y to París soon.

• We use the present continuous to talk about fixed

e.g. She is going to visit Amalienborg Palace to see the
e.g. /'m tlying to París on Saturday.
changing of the guard.

G o í n g H o rt h

7 Match the plans to the reasons, then make 9 a) Read Jane's letter about her trip to Rome

sentences, as in the example. and expand the notes in the second

paragraph into ful! sentences. Use lirst,

then, also and linally in your paragraph.


1 visit !he gallery ____J, a enjoy the interesting sights

2 find a nice restaurant b see a play

3 go to !he antiques market e havelunch

4 visit !he Royal Theatre d buy sorne souvenirs

5 go on a boat trip ¡ e admire the paintings

e.g. I am going to visit the gallery to admire the


8 Steve is going to Prague. Fill in the gaps

with adjectives lrom the lis! below, then 522 carey

underline the reason why Steve is going to inndon

visit each place. SW1 3BF

relaxing, historie, fascinatlng, /ove/y, famous, 10th August, .

necr Mari<,

cuess whatl I am going on a school trip to Rome far

a weekt can you betleve itl

• fly there / Wednesday 2oth September / afternoon

. . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

• visit the Colosseum and the Roman Forum / admire the

ancient temples and monuments


• go to the famous Fontana di Trevi / throw a coin in and

make a wish
. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .

... .

• visit !he Piazza di Spagna / see the artists

. ' .

• walk along !he famous Via Veneto / do sorne window

shopping .

·················································· , .
am going to th

1 Gallery to ad
1 cm so thrilleci ebout thls tripl lt's going to be

..................... pai
absolutely fabulous! aye for now.
and statues. .

1 am going to visit the Old �----·��_A.,__"- .._.._�
Square to see !he 5) .

medieval clock. b) Read the letter again and answer these


1 Whose address is al the top of !he letter?

2 How does Jane begin her letter?

3 What does Jane mentían in !he first paragraph?

l'm going to Wenceslas Square 4 What is the second paragraph about?
to have a cup of coffee and sorne 5 What is the third paragraph about?

6) pancakes. 6 How does Jane end her letter?

. "

G o i n g Horth


W R i f l lí G

When we write a letter to a friend about our holiday plans, we write our address and !he date in the top right-hand

comer. We always start our letter with Dear + our friend's first name. We divide our letter into three paragraphs.

• In the flrst paragraph, we state the reason why we are wriling. We also mention the place we are going to and how long

we are staying there.

• In !he second paragraph, we write about our fixed arrangements and our plans/lntentlons. We use !he present contlnuous

far our fixed arrangements and be going to far our plans/intentions. We use flrst, then, also, etc to list our plans/intentions.

• In the final paragraph, we say how we feel about our future holiday. We can use expressions such as / am so thrilled/excited

about ... , l'm real/y looking forward to my trip, etc.

We end our letter with: Yours/Best Wishes/Love, and our first name.

1O a) You are going on a trip to Paris lor two

weeks. Read the prompts under the pictures,

then make sentences with the to-infinitive.

b) Choose live ol the sights and write a letter

to a lriend about what you are going to

do in Paris ( 100 - 120 words). Use the

paragraph plan given and the letter in Ex.

2 as a model.
5 go to !he Left Bank / have 6 book a table al Maxim's /

a cup of callee and a laste sorne delicious

croissant French dlshes

7 visit Versailles / walk around !he palace and its

beautiful gardens

1 go to !he Eiffel Tower / 2 visit !he famous Notre Plan �l!l�\

enjoy the spectacular Dame Cathedral / take
(Your address) \
view of the city pictures
. .. . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . . .. \

. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (,l

.. . .. ( D a t e ) . .. . .. . . ¡

Dear ( + your friend' s first name),

Paragraph 1, reason far writing, (where you are going, i

how long you are staying there) \

Paragraph 2, your fixed arrangements and plans/

l intentions

Paragraph 3, how you feel and closing remarks

3 spend a day al !he 4 go on a boattrip on !he

Louvre / look al the Seine / see more of

wonderful paintings Paris
(your first name)
and statues

1 Look al the pictures and match them to the words/phrases.

fI[J wedding dress l¡frl reception hall r;;T7 g · ·

r.;-r-, � L.l!..L.J 1nv1 1 a1·ron

� flowers W musicians l!IJ wedding ring

rn photographer II[] wedding cake

Read Cindy' s le!ter to her friend, Jane, giving information

;boutdher wedd1ng preparations. Then, read statements l to

, an mark them as T (true) or F (false).

�f� �:f�:�������i:�·r·;��s���t'.;f1-·" ::F:}r-;1mf?f fl�1 .

F - - . _: -->str:·A,u��S�,:",::;•:,F;:;
Dear Jane, _ _ t ·: _. rt" " ' !:4; ¡,¡< ��;
1 can't believe my w�dding is only"a'·month awayi r hcve bgéri so fiusy;,:

with aU the_preparations, that I hqven't 'h�fa chance_to;write·to you for:i_

ages -- · ·_, _ .., , .., _ .. · · -_•,.,

· 1 hate chosen my wedding dress. lt's ab.iolutely be�utifull Wait' till yoé�:
see .itl.'_1 nave _ordered the flowers far the church, too. We have decidea­
to hove. pink and white roses beceuse they are my favourite5.-'í11ri'st Óf' the -

guests;:n�y(álready replied and aré coming. · My perents havé �el�_ed, a.:jot:;'. c,·ndy's wedding is only a week ·¡-

My. father has already bocked a place far the wedding receptián,-and Y!fY:_' 1

mother has token care of__ the menu. :· . '. ; · •' _ · - · ,: < Oc · -, < ·.. - away. O-
- of course, there are a few things ·, heven't done yet, and Fam: rúnning 1
2 8

out of time! Far exámple, haven't decided what kind of ·wedding O

t cáke' to he has chosen her wedding dress.
órder, and t haven'.t hired any musicians yet I haven'.t-found c;{y.inotographer She hasn't ordered the flowers yet.
eíther, However, l'm definitely going to take i:are· óf everything t_his').v:éek. Her mother has booked a place fer
Anyway, thars all for now. oon't forget, the wedding is on 5th september.' wedding reception.

see you then, · · ·.· · ·· · • · 5 She hasn't decided what kind ot

iots of lave, wedding cake to order. o

6 She has hired sorne musicians .
7 She hasn'I found a photographer.
.56,_....-----=--=--�:.2.2122�; o
B The wedding en 5th November.

3 Fill in the gaps with words lrom the list. 4 Read the letter again and underline the

present perfect forms. Which of the past

busy, time, al/, chance, ages, book, care
participles are regular, and which are

1 to have a .. .. .. . . to do sth 5 to ................. aplace far

2 far the wedding reception


5 Fill in the past participle of these verbs.

3 to be 6 to run out of ...................

4 to take ................. of sth 7 that's ................ far now 1 write . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 10 drink . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . .

2 be . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 11 eat .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .

3 tell . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 pack . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .
4 send ................... , 13 give . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .

We form the present perfect wilh the auxiliary verb

5 think .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . 14 go
have/has and the past participle of the main verb.
6 boil . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 15 leave .. . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . ..
. Affirníative ·,: ,; ,; : . ·:_ '·
Negative 7 buy . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . 16 make .. . .. . .. . . . . .. .. . . . .
" ' :.'.
I/You have ordereé! 1/Yoíl-haven't ordered 8 see ...................
. 17 take . .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . .

He/She/I1 tías ord�r�d He/Sh�/lt hasn't ordered

9 come .................... 18 organise ....................
We/You(They have íit�éréél W�/'t'oll/Theyhave11l ordered

Questions. :;,;:,:: i--' .· . :-:shórf Answers STUDY TIP

1-iáve I/you/we/lhey orc!ered? Yes, IÍyÓú/we/they nave.

, , , Tj; '''.: ,· We use the present perfect far:
No, I/you/we/they háven't.
• actions which happened in the past when the exact
Has he/she(lt ordered? · Yes, he/she(lt has..'
_;_ ' ' , " time is not mentioned.
.. ·. ,. .
No, hélslíéfit hasn't,
�· . ..
e.g. l have sent the invitations. (When? We don't know.)
. . . .
0 • • •
'" ,,

• actions which have finished recently.

Note:'fhé pasfparticiple' of árégí.ílar verb tákes the same
e.g. I have just spoken to him on the phone.
form as the past simple. e:go W.ork 2 wórkei:J ::C wóilied
Irregular verbs form their_ pást particlpÍe dtttérénÍly. . The time expressions used with the present perfect are:

e.g. cho'ase 0
·chose - chosen; drive, drove e driven since, for, ever, never, yet, already, jusi, so far, etc.
. .

6 Peter is organising a picnic. Look at his list and make sentences about what he has already done

and what he hasn't done yet.

• Peter has airear/y bought

orange juice and snacks.

• Peter hasn't roasted the

chicken yet.

• ·····• .. , .

. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .

Gettíng R e a d y

7 Put the verbs in brackets into the present 9 Judy and Mark have bought a new house.

perlect. Look al the prompts and make sentences,

as in the example.

e.g. They have a/ready paoked thelr things in boxes.

pack thelr thlngs In boxes ✓

book a removal van

tell thelr frlends their new address ✓


1 A: (you / pack) ali your

walk around thelr new nelghbourhood ,
suitcases yet?

B: No, 1 (not / have) time to

buy sorne new curtains ✓
pack ali of them.

2 A: (you / order) the food

far your party yet?

B: Yes, 1 (decide) to

arder sorne pizzas.

3 A: What (he / do) about

the evening's entertainment?

B: He {hire) a jazz band.

4 A: {she / send) ali the

invitations yet?
'I R i f I H G
B: No, she hasn't, because she ..

(be) very bus y.


When we write a letterto a friend teliing him/her about our

8 Underline the corred time expressions.
preparations for an event (such as a party, wedding,

celebration, etc), we divide it into tour paragraphs.

1 Paul has already / yet cleaned the house.
• We begin by stating why we are writing the letter.
2 He hasn't visited London for / since he was

fifteen years cid. • In the second paragraph, we write about the pre­

3 1 have never / ever seen such a beautiful wedding parations we have already made.

dress. • In the third paragraph, we mentían the preparations

4 She has just / so far left far the airport. we haven't made yet. ·

5 Have you never / ever tried Chinese load? • We end our letter by reminding our friend about the

6 We have worked far this company for / since date of the event. We include a closing remark.

many years. e.g. That's al/ far now. / hope you can be there.

We use the present perfect to talk about the preparations

7 Has she baked the cake yet / just?
we have / haven't made.
B I have written three letters ever / so far today.

Getting R e a d y

1O a) Read Emily's letter to Fred and put the 11 Use the prompts and the paragraph plan to
paragraphs in the correct order. write a letter to a friend giving information

about your birthday party (70 - 100 words).

Use the letter in Ex. 2 as a model. You can

22 Park Lane start the first paragraph like this:

Sorry / haven't written far ages, but I have been ve,y
10th june, .....
busy with ali the preparatíons far my birthday party ...

Dear Fred,
1KIJ we
have completed most of the pre-

parations, but there are still some things we

haven't done yet. For example, we haven't sold
all the tíckets and we haven't found anyone to

do our make-up. However, we are going to tske

care of all that this week .

...-•--. A_..-,,-....-----....�----/�----------·',....___,_¡-,-

m Here' s my latest news about the biggest

\ !

event of the school year - our production of

the famous musical, crease.

� Remernber, the opening night is on saturday -, )


25th june at 7:30 pm. 1 hope you can be therel

r; •,, \Al/V

r---------~-,.....""<",---- � " .

JQIJ You can't imagine who l'm playing - .

... �--•.' ·- ---�:-......___.¼

sandy the main female character! lsn't that

greal? Anyway, we have all learnt our lines and phone my friends il

we nave ulso tried orí our costumes. They look

buy everything I need far the barbecue il
fantasticl The rehearsals have been a lot of fun,
arder a cake X
especially now that we have learned the songs

and the dance routines. My classmates have = borrow sorne CDs il

buy a film far my camera X

done an amazing job with the stage props. wmt

till you see theml



r Emily
1 ;-'l¡¡t


(Your address and date) \


Dear (+ your friend's first name),

b) Which paragraph includes:
Porograph 1, reason far writing
a) the preparations they
haven't made yet? The paragraph.

Paragraph 2, preparations you have already made

b) the closing remarks and

the date of the event? The paragraph.

Parograph 3, preparations you haven't made yet

e) the reason why Emily

Parograph 4, date of event and closing remarks
has written the letter? The paragraph.

d) the preparations they Lots of love/Best wishes, etc

(your first name)

have already completed? The paragraph.


W • I I Be, W • I I Be!
1 Which picture shows:

ITIJ a child using a computar? @:O a colony on another planet?

[ID a robot? [[IJ a spaceship?

II[] sorne planets? [[[] a building made ol metal and glass?

2 Will and won't are used to:

a talk about plans and intentions. e make predictions about the

b talk about fixed arrangements. futura.

3 What will lile be like in the year 2200? Use the prompts below

to make predictions about the luture, as in the example.

children / use books - computers

people / travel by aeroplane - by spaceship

people / only /ive on Earth - a/so in colonies on other planets

people / /ive in sma/1 houses - in tal/ buildings made o/ metal and glass

people / only travel to other countries - a/so to other planets

e.g. In my opinion children won't use books. They wi/1 use computers.

4 a) Read the lollowing magazine article about what lile in the

year 2200 will be like, and fill in the topic sentences a to c.


1 ..

Will it be better ar worse? In my opinion, it will certainly be a lot more íun,

2 .

......................... , · .

There won't be any classroorns orteachers because children will leam at home

with computers. Space travel will be cheap, so people will use spaceships to

vislt other pianets. Peopie will live in tali buildlngs made of metal and glass.

Also, they won't use petral ar gas, so there won't be much poliution. What is

more, people will be healthier because there wlli be cures far all diseases.

Finally, people will have more free time because robots wili do ali the boring

3 1
'---���______________,_._ �.,..,�

a) There will be drastic changas in education, transport, housing, the

environment, health and lilestyles.

b) In conclusion, 1 believe lile in !he year 2200 will be better.

e) Lile in the year 2200 will be very different to lile as it is today.

Whatever W í ll B e , Wí ll Be ! . J�


b) Read the article again and answer the 5 a) Read the text below and put the verbs
questions 1 to 10.
in brackets into the luture simple.

1 Will lile in the year 2200 be the same as it is today?

2 Where will children learn?

3 What will people use to visit other planets? Why?

4 Where will people live?

5 Why won't there be much pollution?

6 Why will people be healthier?

7 Why will people have more free time?

8 What is the writer's opinion about lile in the year 2200?

9 In which paragraphs does the writer express his


1O How does the last paragraph start?

c) Read the text again and make notes in

the table below. Then, use your notes

to talk about the writer's predictions for

the year 2200. In the year 2200, we 1) (not / drlve)

cars that use petral. We 2) (drlve)

electric cars. We 3) (no!/ use)

Education ch//dren - /eam home - computers
aeroplanes to travel long distances. We 4) ..

......................... (travel) in space shuttles instead. There

5) (no!/ be) any motorbikes in the

Trarisport year 2200, but blcycles 6) (become)

very popular again.

The most popular holiday destination in the year 2200

Housing 7) (be) the moon. 1 believe

that people 8) (also / visit)

other countries, jusi as they do today.

! The Environment
b) Read the text again and put a tick (✓)

next to what will happen or a cross (X)

next to what won't happen in the year

Health 2200. Use the notes to talk about trans­

port and travel in the year 2200.

Lifestyles transport/travel 2200


cars that .use patrol .

.. J<... .

e.g. Children wi/1 learn at home with computers.

electric cars ✓

STUDY TIP : aeroplanes

space shuttles
We use the future simple to make predictions about the "".� ··�
"" '

future. ' . rnótorbíkes

. N . . ,
Affirmatlve • . egat1ve .. · lnterrógative .
.. ·•'.

I/You, etc wilÍ l/you, etc will · Wilf.I/ybu, etc· ·

' .
pi ? ... : . the meón
play. ,.
not (won'.t) play
- ª Y: , . · - , :

other countries

Yes, I/you, etc wlll. · 1 ·· 'No, I/yóu, etc won't. e.g. People won't drive cars that use petral.

People wi/1 drive electric cars.

Whotever W í ll Be, Wíll Be!

8 a) Match the causes (1-6) ta the ellects

(a-f), then make sentences using s01 as

in the example.
When we make predictions far the Mure we also mentían
b) Which ol these people are optimistic
the reasons ar effects which justify our views. We join thesé
about lile in the luture? Which are
sentences with because far reasons and so far effects.
e.g. People wi/1 be healthier because there wi/1 be cures for

al/ diseases.

Space trave/ wi/1 be cheap, so people wi/1 use space­ CAUSES

ships to visito/her planets.

� Cities will become crowded.

[gIJ The sea will be polluted.

6 Read the lollowing predictions about lile in

the year 2200 and mark them as O ru Robots will work as cleaners and builders.

(optimistic) or P (pessimistic).
@IJ There will be more cars.

lfil:J People will work twenty hours a week.

II[J People will ride bicycles, so there will be less air
[fil] There won't be enough trees.

[glJ Space travel will be cheap, so people will go on

holiday to the moon.

II[J There will be too many people on Earth, so there

won't be enough fresh water far everyone.

@IJ Pollutlon will be much worse, so people will live in

underwater cities.

[[[] There will be new medicines, so there will be cures

far diseases such as cancer and AIDS.

NI] There won't be any fruit ar vegetables, so people will

take food pills.

[I[J Robots will do most jobs, so there will be fewer jobs

far people.

7 Match the prompts in column A to those

in column B, then make sentences using

because, as in the example.


1 students / not use / \ a there / not be / enough

book libraries space on Earth

2 people / not swim / in ,

the sea b there / be / CD librarles

3 people / live under- e there / not be / enough

food for them
4 sorne animals /
d there / be / fewer jobs

5 people / be poorer e the sea / be / polluted

e.g. Students won'l use book libraries because there wi/1 be e.g. Cities wi/1 become overcrowded, so people wi/1 live

CD librarles. underground.

? �

Wh11tever W í ll B e , Wí ll Be ! �{Jf-"""""""
e.g. Chi/dren wi/1 leam at home with computera, so there
9 Match the sentences in column A to those
won't be any classes.
in column B, then make sentences using so

or because, as in the example.

1 Children will learn al a They won't go to T I P

home with computers. school.
When we write an article expressing our oplnlon about
2 Children won't make b There won't be any
changes in !he fulure, we can divide it into lhree para­
any friends. classes.

• In !he firsl paragraph we say whal our opinion is.

• In !he second paragraph we write our predlctions. We

i"ranspOri )

talk about education, transport, housing, !he environ­

1 There will be more a Traffic problems will ment, heallh and lifestyles. We can also mention

cars !han people. be worse. reasons and effects to justify our views.
2 There will be more b Cars will be able to
• In the lhird paragraph we say whal our opinlon is,
traffic accidents. travel tastar,
using different words from !hose we used in the ñrst

paragraph. We start this paragraph with In conclusion.

We use the fulure simple to make our predictions. We can

. 'Housing )
lis! our predictions with: also, what is more, finally. We

1 There won't be enough a The air on Earth will express our opinion with: i lhink, 1 believe, In my opinion.

space on Earth. be polluted.

1O Use one point of view from each section
2 People will live on b People will build
in Ex. 9, the beginning and ending given
other planets. underwater cities.
and the paragraph plan to complete the

article with the tille:

"Life Wi/l Be Worse in the Year 2200 "

z T�� eíiíiironmeni)
(100 - 120 words).

1 There won't be any a People will wear Use the article in Ex. 4 as a model.

flsh, oxygen masks.

2 The air will be very b The seas and rivers Plan "''W'lfs\

polluted, will be polluted.

Lite Will Be Worse in the Year 2200


. Healtlí • ) '

Paragraph 1: There will be a lot of changes on our J

1 There won't be a There will be more planet in the next two hundred years. I f
enough toad. diseases. • be/ieve that these changes will make it i

2 People will die b People will die of a horrible place to llve. . i

younger. hunger.

Paragraph 2: predictions with reasons and effects ¡

(talk about education, transport, '

Llfestyles •· )
• housing, !he environment, health and 1

1 People who have a They will have less lifestyles)

jobs will work longer free time.

Paragraph 3: In conctuston, I be/ieve that lite wi/1 be
hours. b Companies will use

2 Many people won't robots instead of worae in the year 2200. Hopeful/y,

be able to find a job. people. though, people wi/1 be sensible and ·

these predictions wi/1 never come true. ¡

1 rregular Verbs

lnfinitive Past Past Partlclple lnfinitive Past Past Participle

be was/were been leave left left

bear bore born(e) lend len! len!

beat beat beaten let let let

lie lay lain

become became become

light lit lit

begin began begun

lose lost lost

bite bit bitten

blow blew blown make made made

break broke broken mean mean! meant

brought brought meet met met


bulld built built panic panicked panicked

burn burnt burnt pay paid paid

burst burst burst pul pul pul

buy bought bought

read read read

(been able to) ride rode ridden

can could

ring rang rung

catch caught caught

rise rose risen

choose chose chosen

run ran run

come carne come

cost cost cost say said said

cut cut cut see saw seen

sell sold sold

deal dealt dealt
send sent sent
dig dug dug
set set set
do did done
sew sewed sewn
draw drew drawn
shake shook shaken

dream dreamt (dreamed) dreamt (dreamed)

shine shone shone

drink drank drunk

shoot shot shot

drive drove driven

show showed

eat ate eaten shut shut shut

sing sang sung

fall fell fallen
sil sal sal
leed fed fed
sleep slept slept
feel felt felt
smell smelt (smelled) smelt (smelled)
fight fought fought
speak spoke spoken

find found found

speed sped sped

fly flew flown

spend spent spent

forbid forbade forbidden

spill spill spilt

forget forgot forgotten

spoil spoilt (spoiled) spoilt (spoiled)

forgive forgave forgiven

spread spread spread

freeze froze frozen stand stood stood

steal stole stolen

gel gol gol

stick stuck stuck

give gave given

strike struck struck

go went gane
swear swore sworn
grow grew grown
sweep swept swept

hang hung hung

swim swam swum
have had had
take took taken
hear heard heard
teach taught taught
hide hid hidden
tear tare torn

hit hit hit

tell told told

hold held held

think thought thought

hurt hurt hurt

throw threw thrown

keep kept kept

understand understood understood

know knew known

wake woke woken

lay laid laid wear wore worn

lead led led win won won

learn learnt (learned) learnt (learned) write wrote written


(The pictures in this section are to be

cut out and used far your writing projects in

Units 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 12.)

º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º º ª º º º º º º º º º º º º º º ª º º º

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UNIT 2 •


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UHIT 6 •

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UHIT 7 A Day In The Life of •

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• / �' ®. Íf Í�\'\71 � ít {�V,1f([� �Íl � •
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& &t ll,, U,. l! 1.W l!,. � \Y \be, 1l1.i �; •
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UHIT 9 o

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• There is no question that a

• pet can give you pleasure and •
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• amusement. There are millions •

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• of happy owners araund the •

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• world today who believe that •

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• cats make the bes/ pels. •
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• In conclusion, I believe that despile these disadvantages, ca/s sti/1 moke •
the bes/ pets. Why don' 1 you gel a cal and find out for yourself? •


o o o o o o <> O Q O c> o o o c> o 1:1 o c> o .. o o o o o o o o o 1> o .. 0 .. ,. . .. .. .. • • • • o o ,o o o o o o o o c> o o o o o o o o o o o o o o • o o o • • O • • o o o


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UHIT 10 •

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• Director: Steven Spielberg •
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• Cast: Henry Thomas, •
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• Robert MacNaughton, •

• Drew Barrymore •
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Josh Bel/ worked as a lifeguard on a ve,y •

. popular beach. On his first day there, he fe/t a •
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• little anxious. lt was a hot and sunny day and •
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• there were a lot of people in the water. •
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