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The Problem

One of the major subjects that the government gives

emphasis is Science due to the fact that it has a low level

performance based on local and national achievement tests

conducted by the Department of Education.

(Relevantalized to Covid19/or to the New Normal)

(Justify the need of conducting the study)

to lack of teaching materials; including books, computer and

communications innovations, community-based science

centers, laboratory facilities and equipment, as well as

shortage of skilled teachers.

The . . . . . . provisions of Article XIV, Section 1 of

the 1987 Philippine Constitution which states that:

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has inserted the idea


Furthermore, as the Department of Education adopted the

program Philippine Education for All (EFA) 2015. It is a

vision and a holistic program of reforms that aims at

improving the quality of basic education for every

Filipino by 2015. EFA aims to provide basic competencies


to launched the K to 12 curriculum through RA 10533 or the

Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013. The impetus for a

meaningful educational reform is clear: the realities of the

of lessons particularly in science subject.

Also, the provision of Section 4 of the Republic Act

9155, or also known as the Governance for Basic Education

stipulates that Regions, Divisions schools and learning

DepEd is pursuing a package of policy reforms through

Schools First Initiative (SFI) that seeks to systematically

improve critical regulatory, institutional, structural,

financial, cultural, physical and informational conditions

affecting basic education provision, Truth and delivery on

the ground This work together with the Basic Education

Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA) that mandates all learning

activities included in every subject should sustain an

improved quality of learners that can help us achieve a

holistic societal reform. Therefore, through the use of

various strategies in teaching, realization of sustained

goals can be achieved.

The implementation of School-Based Management (SBM)

transfers the responsibility for planning school improvement


In line with DepEd Ten (10) Point Agenda indicates that

we have to Invest in human capital development, including

health and education systems, and match skills and training

educational approaches and programs because of the result

of the Performance in International Assessment and Studies

like Trends in Math and Science Study (TIMSS) in year 2003,

the Philippines was forty-third (43rd) from the bottom of

(Insert Outstanding and Notable of the District)

At least 5 latest related studies (Research Gap)

better in their academic endeavors. This was based from the

relevant findings of the studies conducted by Avila(2016)

in using pointers for effective use of instructional

materials; Marasigan (2016) that concentrated in changed

learning approach; Masiong (2013) in the investigation of

the effect of laboratory approach on achievement and process

abilities in Science; and Mtega (2012) on increasing

student’s academic performance. However, all of these do not

just specifically focus on the use of contextualization in

teaching Science, thus the gap that the researcher tried to


The researcher wanted to elevate the issue of

improving academic performance of her District in . . . . .


Statement of the Problem

This study will determine the teachers’ strategies

in teaching ____________in relation to their performance in

____________District, Division of ___________ for School

Year 2019-2020.

Specifically, this study seeks to answer the

following questions:

1. What are the strategies used by the teachers in

teaching ___________ in __________ District in terms


1.1. _________________,

1.2. _________________,

1.3. _________________,

1.4. _________________, and

1.5. __________________?

2. How significant is the agreement on the rank orders of

the strategies used by the teachers in teaching

____________ among the different Zone in__________


3. What are the performance of the teachers’ teaching


3.1. ______________________,

3.2. ________________________,

3.3. ____________________, and

3.4. __________________?

4. How significant is the agreement on the rank orders of

the perceptions of the teachers on their performance in

teaching ___________________among the different Zones?

5. How significant is the relationship between the


strategies and their performance in teaching__________?

6. What policy recommendations can be derived based from

the findings of this study?

Assumptions of the Study

The following assumptions are considered in the conduct

of this study:

1. The strategies in teaching

2. The performance of teachers in

3. Policy recommendations can be derived


The study has the following hypotheses:

1. There is no significant agreement on the rank orders of


2. There is no significant agreement on the teachers on

their performance in ___________________________.

3. There is no significant relationship between the


Significance of the Study

The findings of this study could be of great importance

to the following:

Learners. This study

Teachers. The

School Heads. As partners

Department of Education Key Officials. This

Department Education. Concepts

Policy Makers. The result

Curriculum Writers. This

Parents, Community and Other Stakeholders. The result

of this study

Future Researchers. This study

Researcher Himself. This study will

Scope and Delimitation

This study will determine the teachers’ strategies

in teaching ______in relation to their performance in


_______ District, Division of ________ for School Year

2019-2020. This study seeks to………………………… . . . . . . . .

determine the (Please Statement of the Problem) and policy

recommendations that can be derived based from the

findings of the study.

This study will be delimited to all teachers

teaching __________________________.

Locale of the Study

As shown in Figure 1, the locale of this study is the

Schools of ______________ District, Division of

________________ that are divided into four Zones.

No. of Enrollment

No. of Personnel (P1 P2…., HT 1…, MT 1,2. .T3, 3. ..)

Name of Schools by Zone…/Cluster/West, East/DI, DII

Outstanding and Notable Accomplishments

School Location Map (Figure 1)

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined within the context of

this study.

Teachers Competence is the ability to bring about or

produce a desired outcome. This could also mean to do

something well.

(Please see terms in the Statement of the Problem)

Policy recommendations are written policies prepared

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