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Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 30 (2019) 100285

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Hospital surge capacity for an influenza pandemic in the triangle

region of North Carolina
Rachel L. Woodul a,∗, Paul L. Delamater a,b, Michael Emch a,b
Department of Geography, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC United States
Carolina Population Center, NC United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This research investigates the geographic aspects of health care delivery in the event of a sudden increase
Received 1 November 2018 in the need for care. We constructed an integrated disease outbreak and surge capacity model to evaluate
Revised 17 June 2019
the ability of a region’s healthcare system to provide care in the event of a pandemic. In a case study, we
Accepted 20 June 2019
implement the model to investigate how an influenza pandemic similar to the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic
Available online 8 July 2019
would affect the population of the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill metropolitan statistical area and the abil-
Keywords: ity of the region’s hospital system to respond to such an event. Under varying scenarios for hospital
Influenza capacity, we found that the population needing care would overwhelm the system’s ability to provide
Spatial model care in the case study. Our model is presented as a framework that can be augmented and expanded to
Surge capacity suit the needs of the particular event and healthcare system or services required. By integrating concepts
Hospital and models from epidemiology, geography, and health care services research, we provide a valuable tool
for potential use in disaster planning, hospital system evaluation, and pandemic preparedness.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction pandemic influenza (Monto et al., 2006). Given little or no exist-

ing immunity in the human population, more people will develop
Influenza, or flu, is a contagious respiratory illness caused by an influenza infection than during a typical seasonal epidemic. Fur-
infection of the nose, throat, and lungs with an influenza virus. ther, because of the infection’s latent period, many people are able
Infection can cause mild to severe illness, with serious cases to transmit the virus before they realize they are infected, and
requiring hospitalization and potentially resulting in death. In- some individuals will spread the virus despite experiencing very
fluenza is highly contagious; symptoms of infection typically de- few symptoms. Though rare, small outbreaks or local epidemics of
velop 1–4 days after exposure, and infected individuals are able a novel influenza virus can quickly become a pandemic. Four in-
to spread the virus to others beginning at ∼1 day before the on- fluenza pandemics have taken place since 1900 (1918, 1957, 1968,
set of symptoms and ∼5–7 days after becoming ill (CDC, 2017b). and 2009). The 1918 H1N1 influenza A pandemic, or the “Spanish
In the US, seasonal influenza results in 9.2–35.6 million illnesses, Flu” pandemic, is probably the most well-known. About one-third
140,0 0 0–710,0 0 0 hospitalizations, and 12,0 0 0–56,0 0 0 deaths annu- of the world’s population was infected and more than 50 million
ally (CDC, 2017a). The impact of seasonal influenza, whether it be people died as a result of infection, making it the most severe in-
the severity of the strain or the number of people who become ill, fluenza pandemic in recent years and one of the deadliest pub-
varies greatly from year to year based on the strain of influenza lic health crises in human history (CDC, 2017c; Morens and Fauci,
virus that has become epidemic during that season. 2007).
Sometimes, as a result of natural genetic variation, a different When compared to a typical seasonal influenza epidemic, a
type of influenza virus emerges that is unlike any other circulat- novel influenza strain that becomes pandemic could increase death
ing strain. In these cases, yearly vaccines are ineffective and no rates by more than 56% (CDC, 2017d), quickly overwhelming health
residual immunity exists in the human population. Unique varia- care systems and having catastrophic consequences. Should a pan-
tions in viral strain is the greatest contributor to occurrences of demic similar to the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic occur today, the
number of both infected individuals and fatalities would greatly
exceed typical rates of seasonal influenza. Influenza-like-illness
Abbreviations: CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; ILI, Influenza-
(ILI) levels are indicative of the magnitude of individuals that will
like-illness; RTP, Research Triangle Park; BGs, Block Groups; OD, Origin Destination;
SIR, Susceptible, Infected, Recovered. demand care from healthcare facilities throughout the course of

Corresponding author. an epidemic or pandemic, and unusually high ILI levels may re-
E-mail address: (R.L. Woodul). sult in unexpected increase in the need for care. The ability of the
1877-5845/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 R.L. Woodul, P.L. Delamater and M. Emch / Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 30 (2019) 100285

healthcare system to respond to this increased demand for care University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Duke University, and
is known as “surge capacity” (Barbisch and Koenig, 2006). During North Carolina State University, the Triangle also contains fourteen
such a competition for hospital resources, it is likely that many in- other universities and colleges, as well as the Research Triangle
dividuals in need of care may not be able to receive it due to the Park (RTP), the largest research park in the United States, from
finite amount of resources and space available. In large-scale crisis which the region takes its name. The Triangle presents an inter-
events, an individual’s ability to utilize resources may be limited by esting case study for this work because the population is highly
their physical distance from the health care facility. It is likely that mobile and demographically and socioeconomically diverse; fur-
a novel influenza pandemic would quickly overwhelm the current ther, because of the abundance of educational institutions and the
US health care system’s ability to provide care (Daugherty et al., RTP, there are highly concentrated centers of young adults near the
2010; Osterholm, 2005). urbanized areas. The health care infrastructure is well developed.
Understanding surge capacity is an essential part of pandemic There are eleven hospitals within the region, two of which are ma-
preparedness. Currently, the US Centers for Disease Control and jor research hospitals.
Prevention (CDC) maintains a pandemic influenza simulation
model, FluSurge, that quantifies the potential impacts of a pan-
2.2. Data acquisition and pre-processing
demic in the context of expected demand for hospital care. The
model is specifically designed to assess potential increase in de-
2.2.1. Population and infrastructure data
mand for care at a facility level and provide estimates of resource
A spatial data layer of the US Census Block Groups (BGs) for
usage in the event of an influenza pandemic. As a pandemic
North Carolina and tables containing the state’s 2010 population
model, the integration of surge capacity and potential population
by age group and sex were downloaded from the IPUMS National
case rates makes FluSurge a valuable tool to use for assessing
Historical Geographic Information System database (Manson et al.,
pandemic preparedness of health care facilities. Yet, while it
2012). Total population counts by age group for each BG were cre-
provides a thorough output of estimated impacts, FluSurge can
ated by summing the male and female age group populations. The
only be used to model increases in demand at a single facility,
tabular data was then joined to the spatial data layer and subset
as opposed to a system of facilities that provide health care for
to BGs within the study area.
the population within a larger region. There have been studies
The spatial data layer of hospital locations in North Carolina
in which FluSurge was used to evaluate the existing capacity of
was downloaded from the NC OneMap GeoSpatial Portal (http://
a single hospital (Eyck, 2008; Lum et al., 2009), and there has and subset
also been research investigating single hospital capacity for a
to the study area. The number of licensed beds at each hospi-
variety of disaster events, including pandemics (Kumar, 2011; Yi
tal was gathered from the North Carolina Department of Health
et al., 2010). However, few models exist that integrate pandemic
and Human Services – Division of Health Service Regulation (https:
influenza planning and hospital system capacity in an explicit
// Fig. 1 shows the distribu-
manner (Dugas et al., 2012; Sobieraj et al., 2007).
tion of the total population by BG and the hospital locations (and
The aim of this research is to construct an integrated disease
number of beds) in the Triangle region.
outbreak and surge capacity model to evaluate the ability of a local
A roads data layer for North Carolina was downloaded from
healthcare system to provide care in the event of a global influenza
the North Carolina Department of Transportation (https://connect.
pandemic. Using the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill, North Carolina data- layers.aspx). The roads layer
metropolitan statistical area (the Triangle) as a case study, we in-
required a number of data cleaning steps prior to conversion to a
vestigate how an influenza pandemic similar to the 1918 Spanish
travel network dataset. First, connected road segments sharing the
Flu pandemic would affect the population and the ability of the
same attributes were dissolved into a single segment. Second, road
region’s hospital system to respond to such an event. We use epi-
connectivity at intersections was established by enforcing planar
demiological and spatial modeling to estimate the number of peo-
topology in the layer. Third, minor digitizing errors (undershoots
ple that would become infected and require hospital care in an in-
and overshoots) in the data were corrected using the automated
fluenza pandemic, as well as their geographic distribution. Then,
editing tools in ArcGIS. After cleaning the roads layer, it was con-
we implement a capacitated shortest distance allocation model to
verted to a network dataset.
allocate those needing care to the nearest hospital with available
Using the road network dataset, we calculated the road-based
treatment space. This approach allows us to demonstrate the time
shortest travel distance between all BGs and hospitals in the study
during an influenza pandemic that the hospital system would ex-
area. Geographic centroids of the BGs were used as the location
ceed its capacity and ability to provide care to infected individu-
from which to measure distance. This resulted in an Origin Desti-
als. Furthermore, we are able identify which individuals (by geo-
nation (OD) matrix containing the shortest road distance from ev-
graphic location) would not receive care when capacity were to be
ery BG to every hospital in the study area.
This study contributes to both the existing literature and the
currently evolving discussions regarding large-scale disaster plan- 2.2.2. Influenza data
ning, health care system response, and pandemic preparedness, Age group-specific clinical case rates from the 1918 Spanish In-
as it specifically investigates the geographic aspects of health fluenza were gathered from Brundage (2006), who calculated av-
care delivery in the event of a sudden increase in the need for erages from the original 1919 case surveillance data at local, re-
care. gional, and global scales (Frost, 1919, 1920; Frost and Sydenstricker,
1919). The total number of expected influenza cases requiring
2. Methods and materials hospitalization in the Triangle region was calculated by multiply-
ing the age group-specific clinical case rates by the correspond-
2.1. Study area ing age group population counts in the region. Summing the age
group cases resulted in an estimate of 399,801 people that would
The Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Metropolitan Statistical Area of require hospitalization for the entire region. The age groups, clin-
North Carolina (the Triangle) is the second largest metropolitan ical case rates, population counts (and relative percent of the Tri-
region in North Carolina. The region is made up of seven coun- angle population), and expected influenza cases are presented in
ties, which vary from highly urbanized to rural. Anchored by The Table 1.
R.L. Woodul, P.L. Delamater and M. Emch / Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 30 (2019) 100285 3

Fig. 1. Population of the Triangle by block group and hospital locations.

Table 1 with the same clinical case rate as the 1918 Spanish Influenza in
Age groups, clinical case rates (CCR, cases per 10 0 0 people), population (POP), rela-
the 2010 population of the Triangle region. First, we divided the
tive percent of the Triangle population (% Total POP), expected influenza cases (INF),
and relative percent of the Triangle’s expected influenza cases (% INF). count of total infected persons for the study region by the total
population of the study region (N) to calculate the proportion of
Age group CCR POP % Total POP INF % INF
the population infected by the end of the pandemic event (zƒ ):
0–4 320 112,873 7.24 36,119 9.03
5–9 375 108,391 6.96 40,646 10.17 count o f total in f ected
zf = ,
10–14 360 106,305 6.82 38,269 9.57 N
15–19 330 111,111 7.13 36,666 9.17
20–24 320 111,036 7.13 35,531 8.89 resulting in a value of zƒ = 0.26. We then used the zƒ value to esti-
25–29 325 116,692 7.49 37,924 9.49 mate the R0 value:
30–34 320 119,652 7.68 38,288 9.58  
35–39 280 124,254 7.97 34,791 8.70 log 1 − z f
40–44 225 122,255 7.85 27,507 6.88 R0 = − ,
45–49 200 117,718 7.55 23,543 5.89
50–54 160 104,328 6.70 16,692 4.18 which produced an R0 = 1.15. We calculated the rate of recovery
55–59 130 86,590 5.56 11,256 2.82
(γ ) using seven days as the infectious period in which an infected
60–64 120 71,106 4.56 8532 2.13
65–69 115 48,346 3.10 5559 1.39 person is able to transmit the virus to a susceptible individual
70–74 100 33,354 2.14 3335 0.83 (CDC, 2017b).
≥ 75 80 64,191 4.12 5135 1.28
γ= ,
in f ectious period
producing a γ value of 0.14. Lastly, using the calculated rate
2.3. Pandemic simulation model of recovery (γ ) and R0 value, we estimated the rate at which
individuals will move from susceptible to infected (β ) (Liu and
A susceptible, infected, and recovered (SIR) model without vi- Stechlinski, 2017):
tal dynamics was used to calculate the daily counts of susceptible,
β = R0 ∗ γ .
infected, and recovered people in the region, given similar charac-
teristics to the 1918 Spanish Influenza and a modern population. For this population, β = 0.165. Other parameters required to
Using the total count of infected persons, we estimated the in- solve the SIR model were a pandemic time of 731 days, which is an
fectivity parameters necessary to produce an influenza pandemic estimation of the time of the 1918 Spanish Influenza (Barry, 2004),
4 R.L. Woodul, P.L. Delamater and M. Emch / Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 30 (2019) 100285

and a starting count of infected persons of 15 people (∼.001% of • If the number of infected people in a BG was greater than the
the population). Setting the initial infected population at 15 peo- remaining capacity at the nearest hospital, the number that
ple, rather than a single index case, accounted for the potential would bring the hospital to capacity were allocated to the hos-
that multiple infected individuals could enter the Triangle dur- pital. The remaining number infected people for the BG was
ing a pandemic event due to the high mobility of the population. noted. Because the hospital’s capacity was reached (could no
The remainder of the population was assumed to be susceptible longer accept people that day), the remaining distance pairs
to influenza infection. We used the deSolve library in R (Soetart (BG to hospital) for that hospital were removed from the OD
et al., 2010) to solve the differential equations and produced the table.
daily counts of people susceptible, infected, and recovered over the
study period. For each day, the allocation of infected people proceeded by it-
The number of people infected each day (from the SIR model) erating through the distance OD table (which was updated after
needed to be redistributed to the age groups and to the BGs to each iteration to account for the number of infected people al-
produce the spatial distribution of infected people per day. The located, the number of infected people remaining, and remaining
daily counts of infected people were first distributed to age groups hospital capacity) until (1) all infected people were either hospi-
based on the relative percent values found in Table 1 by multiply- talized or (2) the system’s hospital capacity was reached. If the
ing each day’s count by the percent values for each group. The age system’s hospital capacity was reached, the remaining individuals
group-specific daily counts were then distributed back to the BGs were considered to have been “turned away,” thus not receiving
based on the percent of the age group population in each block care.
group. For example, the number of people aged 0–5 in one of the At the beginning of each successive day in the allocation
BGs was 177 and the total number of people aged 0–5 in the study model, the patients that had been hospitalized for three days were
area was 112,873. As such, this BG contained 0.15% of all people in discharged (and removed from the hospital’s capacity), while the
this age group. If the daily count of infected people aged 0–5 was patients that had been hospitalized for two days were shifted to
74, this BG would be assigned 74 ∗ 0.15% = 0.11 infected people for being hospitalized for a third day and the patients that had been
this age group. This process was implemented for each age group hospitalized the previous day were shifted to being hospitalized
and BG to calculate the age group-specific counts of infected peo- for a second day. As such, each hospital’s remaining capacity
ple per block group per day. Each BG’s age group-specific counts was updated prior to the allocation process of each day’s newly
were then summed to calculate the total count of infected people infected people. This allocation process was repeated for each day
per day. in the simulated pandemic.

2.4. Allocation model 2.4.3. Surge capacity scenarios

We implemented three hospital surge capacity scenarios. In the
2.4.1. General modeling approach and assumptions first scenario, maximum hospital capacity was set as the number
A capacitated shortest distance allocation model was developed of licensed beds for each hospital. This assumes that all licensed
for this study. The model assumes that the infected members of beds are available for in-patient care of individuals infected with
the population will seek care at similar health care services, in influenza and that each licensed bed is accompanied by an ap-
this case, acute care hospitals located within the boundaries of the propriate supply of medications, ventilators, medical profession-
study area. The model assumes that individuals will attempt to ac- als, and other necessary supplies. Though somewhat unrealistic,
cess the facility closest to them (as defined by road travel distance) this assumption was made to model a scenario in which the avail-
having available capacity. Hospital capacity is represented by num- able hospital resources are directed towards treating pandemic in-
ber of hospital beds, which is used as a proxy for space, resources, fluenza victims.
and providers. The model also assumes that all infected members The second scenario represented hospital capacity as twice the
of the population are attempting to access healthcare facilities si- number of licensed beds. This is representative of a scenario in
multaneously each day; though this is not an entirely realistic sce- which hospitals are able to provide one additional treatment space
nario, it allows for the highly nuanced influence of distance on (and necessary care) for each licensed bed. Provision of additional
hospital utilization to be captured. patient care spaces may include setting up alternate care sites in
In the model, once an individual has been hospitalized, nearby public facilities, converting procedure suites into patient
they remain in the hospital and occupy a bed for three days. care spaces, providing temporary beds and cots in open spaces like
Davis et al. (2005) assessed surge capacity and discharge rates for hallways and lobbies, or erecting temporary care clinics outside the
mass-casualty events at multiple hospitals and found that, in a hospital building in tents (Barbisch and Koenig, 2006; Davis et al.,
large portion of mass-casualty events, patients can be discharged 2005; Eastman et al., 2007).
within 24–72 hours (h) after admission. We chose to model the The third scenario set maximum hospital capacity for people
hospitalization period for those infected with influenza as 72 h. with influenza infections at 75% of the licensed beds. This scenario
Once a hospital’s capacity is reached in the model, the hospital represents a situation wherein hospitals are required to provide in-
will stop admitting patients and infected people needing hospital- patient care for people having non-influenza acute care conditions
ization attempt to access their next closest facility. In the model, if during the influenza pandemic. Therefore, not all resources will be
all the hospitals reach capacity, the remaining infected people will available to treat people with influenza. For the purposes of this
not receive care. model, all hospitals were constrained to 75% of their licensed beds
for providing care for people with influenza.
2.4.2. Model implementation
We first ordered the OD matrix of BG to hospital driving dis-
3. Results
tances from shortest to longest distance. This was used as the or-
der in which infected individuals would attempt to access hospi-
3.1. Pandemic simulation
tals. The basic rules of the allocation model were as follows:
• If all infected people in a BG were allocated to a hospital, the The results of the SIR model with an outbreak period of 731
remaining distance pairs (BG to hospital) for that BG were re- days and 15 initially infected individuals can be found Fig. 2. The
moved from the OD table. total number of infected people in the Triangle region over the
R.L. Woodul, P.L. Delamater and M. Emch / Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 30 (2019) 100285 5

season in the United States. The number of newly infected people

peaks at day 368. The geographic output of the infected population
for the entirety of the pandemic event is mapped by BG in Fig. 3.
Much of the variation in influenza cases across the study area is
due to the distribution of the raw number of people; however, the
distribution of cases was also influenced by the demographic com-
position of each BG and variations in clinical case rate among age

3.2. Hospital capacity

The capacitated shortest distance allocation model with maxi-

mum hospital capacity defined as the number of licensed beds re-
sulted in 317,141 individuals (79.4% of the infected population) be-
ing able to receive care. 82,485 individuals (20.6% of the infected
population) did not receive care. At its peak on Day 371 demand
for care exceeded available beds by roughly 126%. Maximum ca-
pacity for each hospital in the study area was reached at various
times throughout the study period (Fig. 4). Maximum capacity for
all hospitals in the system was reached on day 297 of the pan-
demic and maintained until Day 445. BGs located near the study
Fig. 2. SIR model results for each day in the simulated influenza pandemic. The area boundary had higher rates of infected individuals not able to
black line indicates percent of the population who are susceptible, the red line in- receive care; however, BGs immediately bordering the urban re-
dicates percent who are infected, and the green line indicates the percent of the gions had the highest counts of individuals not receiving care due
population who are recovered. to differences in the population counts (Fig. 5). The populations of
the more rural BGs are smaller than the populations of the BGs
731-day period was 399,583, which nearly equals the number es- located closer to urban centers.
timated from the age group-specific clinical case rates (399,801). The second scenario considered maximum hospital capacity as
The number of new infections per day begins to rapidly increase double the number of licensed beds. By doubling the available
after about 200 days, which is about the length of typical influenza space, all infected individuals received care. Maximum capacity

Fig. 3. Expected count of individuals infected with influenza per block group.
6 R.L. Woodul, P.L. Delamater and M. Emch / Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 30 (2019) 100285

Fig. 4. Hospital usage for each day in the simulated influenza pandemic using the 100% capacity scenario. The dashed line shows the hospital’s maximum capacity. Hospital
ID’s are provided in the corner of each plot.

Fig. 5. The expected percent (left) and count (right) of individuals infected with influenza per block group unable to be hospitalized over the duration of simulated pandemic
in the 100% capacity scenario.
R.L. Woodul, P.L. Delamater and M. Emch / Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 30 (2019) 100285 7

for all hospitals in the system peaks at 87% on day 380 of the havior. This understanding of hospital system capacity could po-
pandemic (Fig. S1). However, in this scenario, 10 of the 12 hos- tentially be integrated with existing location-allocation models to
pitals reached maximum capacity and one nearly reached capac- investigate where new facilities or temporary facilities could be lo-
ity (93.7%). The remaining capacity in this scenario resulted from cated within a study area to most effectively provide care for the
the available supply at the largest hospital in the region, which population in the event of a crisis or mass-casualty event.
could accommodate 1848 infected people in this scenario and only
reached 60.9% capacity at its peak.
5. Conclusion
When maximum hospital capacity for people with influenza in-
fections is set at 75% of the licensed beds in the third scenario,
The findings of this paper are relevant to large-scale disaster
266,932 individuals (66.8% of the infected population) received
planning and pandemic preparedness by simulating a pandemic
care, while 132,693 individuals (33.2% of the infected population)
and analyzing the ability of the health care system to provide
did not receive care. At its peak (on day 368), only 42.45% of that
care during epidemics. Our approach enhances the understanding
day’s newly infected people were able to receive care. Maximum
of surge capacity created by existing capacity models, such as
capacity for all hospitals was exceeded on day 278 of the pan-
FluSurge, by incorporating the location of patients and facilities
demic, and the system remained at maximum capacity until day
into the model. The integration of models from epidemiology,
465 (Figs. S2 and S3). The geographic distribution of people with
geography, and health care services research makes this model a
influenza that were unable to receive care is similar to the first
potentially valuable tool for disaster planning, hospital system
evaluation, and pandemic preparedness. Our case study identified
vulnerable geographies within the Triangle region of North Car-
4. Discussion
olina, in which residents may not be able to receive care in the
event of an influenza pandemic, epidemic, or other large-scale
This research project integrated epidemiological and spatial
modeling to simulate an infectious disease pandemic and a health
There is an urgent need for models such as this one, as
care delivery model to understand the ability of the health care
demonstrated by the 2017–2018 seasonal influenza epidemic in the
system to respond to the demand for care in the event of a large-
United States (CDC, 2018). Though a seasonal epidemic, not a pan-
scale outbreak. In doing so, our work offers a framework that can
demic, hospitals across the United States exceeded surge capac-
be augmented and expanded to suit the needs of the particular
ity and had to implement alternative care sites for influenza pa-
event and contributes to the evolving discussion of how to in-
tients (Karlamangla, 2017). This is demonstrative of the inability
corporate disease scenario modeling and health care system pre-
of the existing system to provide care for an increased number of
paredness and response models to better understand the effects of
patients associated with seasonally epidemic influenza, suggesting
disaster-level events. We aim to initiate new and better approaches
preparedness for pandemic influenza may be inadequate. Although
that consider not only the aspects of the affected population and
this research focused specifically on the Triangle region of North
the health care systems’ ability to respond, but also how the par-
Carolina, our approach can be adapted for application to a vari-
ticular geography of a region may promote or complicate these ef-
ety of diseases, health care services, and study regions. Further, our
approach allows for flexible outbreak and capacity parameters, en-
Additionally, this paper has highlighted vulnerable geographies
abling scenario modeling and making it easily adaptable to other
within the Triangle region wherein hospital capacity and the dis-
diseases and hospital systems.
tance from a hospital may result in many infected members popu-
lation not being able to receive care during an influenza pandemic.
For example, in the scenario with maximum capacity set to the Declarations of interest
number of licensed beds, each BG in Franklin County had at least
54% of infected individuals unable to be hospitalized, as there is no None.
hospital in this county and its population had to travel a greater
distance to reach a hospital with available capacity. The results of
the double capacity scenario showed that the ability of the system Funding source
(as a whole) to provide care hinged on a single hospital with re-
maining capacity. Funding for this project was provided by the Tom and Elizabeth
Our approach to construct an integrated disease outbreak and Long Research Award from Honors Carolina. Neither the Tom and
surge capacity model was reliant on several assumptions, and thus Elizabeth Long Research Award nor Honors Carolina played a role
is subject to several limitations. The pandemic simulation model in study design, the collection, analysis and interpretation of data,
did not consider the potential for vaccine development and distri- the writing of the report, or in the decision to submit this article
bution during a pandemic event and also assumed absolutely no for publication.
pre-existing immunity in the population, although other research
has suggested that individuals who have lived through pandemic
CRediT authorship contribution statement
influenza events may have residual immunity against a following
pandemic influenza event (Medina et al., 2010). Additionally, the
Rachel L. Woodul: Conceptualization, Methodology, Formal
allocation model assumed that all infected individuals would at-
analysis, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing, Vi-
tempt to seek care at a hospital; however, in an actual pandemic
sualization. Paul L. Delamater: Conceptualization, Methodology,
event, there will likely be alternate care options and infected in-
Writing - review & editing, Visualization, Supervision. Michael
dividuals that do not seek care. Further, the allocation model did
Emch: Writing - review & editing, Visualization, Supervision.
account for factors such as socioeconomic status, driver’s license
possession, car ownership, or other variables that may influence an
individual’s ability to seek care. However, these limitations provide Acknowledgments
opportunities for future research in this field, specifically research
that captures population-specific details such as vaccine availabil- Funding for this project was provided by the Tom and Elizabeth
ity and utilization, residual immunity, and health care access be- Long Research Award from Honors Carolina.
8 R.L. Woodul, P.L. Delamater and M. Emch / Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology 30 (2019) 100285

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