Discipleship Plan

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Outline of Discipleship Plan

Lesson One: Gospel - John 3:16 & Phil. 2:5-11

Lesson Two: Discipleship - Luke 9:23-27

Lesson Three: Bible - 2 Tim 3:16

Lesson Four: Spiritual Disciplines - 1 Cor. 10:31

Lesson Five: Church Life - Heb. 10:24

Lesson Six: Evangelism - Matt 28:18-20

Lesson One: The Gospel

Key Scripture Passage(s):

John 3:16-21 & Phil. 2:5-11

Guiding & Reflective Questions:

1) What is the Gospel?

2) How does the gospel impact your life?

3) What did Christ do on the cross?

4) Why is the gospel important for both the believer and nonbeliever?

5) In what ways should Christ’s sinless life of humility call you to live a holy life like Him?

6) What do you feel is the most important part of the gospel?

7) What are some practical ways you can implement what God is saying in this passage?
Lesson Two: What is Discipleship?

Key Scripture Passage(s):

Luke 9:23-27

Guiding & Reflective Questions:

1) What do you think it means to deny yourself?

2) What do you think it means to take up your cross daily for Christ?

3) Why do you think those who die for Christ’s sake will save their life?

4) What do you think verse 25 means” For what does it profit a man if he gains the whole

world and loses or forfeits himself?’?

5) How do you feel about what Jesus says about the costs of being His disciple?

6) What does Christ’s expectations for His disciples show us about the seriousness of His


7) What are some practical ways you can implement what God is saying in this passage?
Lesson Three: The Bible

Key Scripture Passage(s):

2 Tim 3:16-17 & Heb. 4:12-13

Guiding & Reflective Questions:

1) How have you seen the usefulness of God’s Word in your walk with the Lord?

2) How have you seen the “sharpness” of the Word in your life i.e. a conviction passage?

3) How is the Bible different from the holy scriptures of other religions?

4) How do you feel God has used the Bible in your daily walk?

5) Have you read a passage of the Bible that God has used to convict you of your sin?

6) How did you view the Bible before this study?

7) What are some practical ways you can implement what God is saying in this passage?
Lesson Four: Spiritual Disciplines

Key Scripture Passage(s):

1 Cor. 10:23-31 & 1 Tim. 4:7-8 & Phil. 4:8-9

Guiding & Reflective Questions:

1) What does Paul mean in 1 Cor. 10:23 where he says that all things are lawful but not


2) What does it mean in 1 Tim. 4:7-8 where it says that you must, “train yourself for


3) Is your life and actions consistent with what Phil. 4:8-9 talks about?

4) What are spiritual disciplines?

5) What spiritual disciplines are you currently strong in? How so?

6) What spiritual disciplines are you currently weak in? How so?

7) What are some practical ways you can implement what God is saying in this passage?
Lesson Five: Church Life

Key Scripture Passage(s):

Heb. 10:19-25 & Acts 2:42-47

Guiding & Reflective Questions:

1) Why should us Christians meet together?

2) What is the Church’s purpose?

3) What is the Church supposed to do when they gather together?

4) Why do you think that Paul tells Christians to not neglect meeting together in Heb. 10:19-


5) What are some ministries that are talked about in Acts 2:42-47 that you would want to

serve through?

6) Have you joined a local church for fellowship with the Body and accountability?

7) What are some practical ways you can implement what God is saying in this passage?
Lesson Six: Evangelism

Key Scripture Passage(s):

Matt 28:18-20 & 2 Cor. 5:20

Guiding & Reflective Questions:

1) How did you hear the gospel?

2) Have you shared the gospel with someone else? If so, how did it go?

3) How do you display the gospel in your everyday life?

4) What is the significance of the Great Commission?

5) What does it mean to be a “ambassador for Christ”?

6) In what ways do we as Christians make God’s appeal through us?

7) What are some practical ways you can implement what God is saying in this passage?
Lesson One: The Gospel

The gospel is the center of Christian life and should be taught as the lifeblood of the Christian

walk. A Christian who has no knowledge of the gospel is not a Christian at all.

Lesson Two: Discipleship

For the believer to realize the significance of being a disciple of Jesus Christ is a very important

thing. It helps the believer realize the gravity of their choice to follow Christ and benefits their

walk with the Lord for the long run.

Lesson Three: The Bible

The Bible is the bedrock for our beliefs as Christians. It is important for the new Christian to

become familiar with God’s Word and know how to read and interpret it correctly.

Lesson Four: Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual Disciplines are the way for a Christian to grow in holiness and glorify God through

their actions. The practice of Spiritual Disciplines naturally flows out of following the Word of


Lesson Five: Church Life

Church life and fellowship is a main aspect of the Christian walk. Connecting a new believer to a

local church is vital for their future growth in holiness and for accountability.

Lesson Six: Evangelism

Evangelism is the work of every disciple of Christ to share the gospel to those who do not

believe. This act should be done by the believer both in obedience to Christ’s commands and out

of the overflowing love of the Lord.

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