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2nd floor Montalban Town Center, E-Rodriguez Highway,

Brgy. San Jose, Rodriguez Rizal



A Class record is one of the most important parts that faculties take care of. Its main
purpose is to create an archive of consolidated and secured record of student
information, assessment results, and attendances. The class record helps faculties to
stay organized, keep track of Lesson plans, attendance, activities, and performances of
their students. As the faculty, they are the sources of pieces of information about
student performance in school. Previously, the record of attendance, quizzes, and
activities was included in logbooks then it was manually transferred to the desktop for
computation. Most faculties, use Microsoft Excel for their recordings using their laptop
or desktop, sometimes some of them using their phones. When it comes to managing
the activities of their students, especially now online class because of the pandemic,
faculties use educational apps, productivity tools, and websites, to organize students
activities, to compute their grades, to manage, and to record their attendances.

In the era of globalization, developments in information in technology played an

important role in various sectors of human life and devices are the main actors in
today's era. Recently devices have started to be used in research, and mostly in
education, etc. The widespread use of the device in the field of education and
classroom management becomes a great help to faculties in particular and the
academic Performances of their students. Proper classroom management is a very
important and also laborious task that teachers handle. The faculties, being one of the
major sources of information in the classroom, need to make sure that every piece of
information they impart and handle is systematic and organized. They have to strictly
record attendances, activities, and Quizzes of their students and monitor the academic
performances of their students; therefore, proper classroom management takes time
and effort. Because if it will not record properly, it will affect the effectiveness and
efficiency of the faculty which, somehow impacts the developments of the student.

What is the importance of a class record? Why does it need to develop? Class record is
very important because that’s where a student's performance is recorded, whether he
can pass their tasks regularly, is he active in school, is his performances good, and
whether he is always present in their class. It needs to be developed for the reason that,
the recording of faculties will not be too much difficulty. We have seen a lot of teachers
who have difficulty in recording the attendances, activities, performances, Quizzes of
their students not because it's hard, but because of the dynamic number of Students
and sections they hold, and not just recording what they do, but also they teach.

We observe and see that recording is a time-consuming part of faculties' responsibility

because they make it sure that they record it correctly. By developing an effective web-
based system plan for record keeping, faculties in turn can improve the workflow of the
classroom and spend more time teaching and less time dealing with Recording. Building
a system Web-based Class record system will be a big help for Faculties also for
school. It will change, simplify and improve the way the faculties are recording.


2nd floor Montalban Town Center, E-Rodriguez Highway,
Brgy. San Jose, Rodriguez Rizal


General Problem

As we studied in AICS Montalban, we have noticed that some of the teachers are
having difficulties with recording their student's attendances, activities, perfromance and
quizzes. We sometimes see some of them posting on social media, they are looking for
someone who wants to help record the activities of their students. And the other
teachers sometimes can't check their attendance on time considering that sometimes
they are inevitably busy.

Specific Problems

The Delay attendance recording concerning mismanaging. There is a tendency to

delay the recording of their students' attendance for the reason that, they do not teach
only one section, they also do not teach just one subject. Teachers who teach not only
one subject whereas sometimes the others hold two or three subjects. And when it
comes to the section they hold, they don't just hold one or two sections, sometimes the
section they teach exceeds 10, and this is one of the reasons for the delay in
attendance recording.
The time-consuming of sorting recording records. Most of our teachers also have
responsibilities as children or parents, it is also one of the reasons that many students
they hold add to the pressure of their teaching through online and it is difficult for them
because many more students can not keep up with the online class. Considering that
not all students have a stable internet and can work on time for activities, and
sometimes others are late in passing their tasks, and also late in attendance. Same with
teachers, their internet is not always stable, so they consume more time in recording.
The Tendency to be lost and misplaced the records of quizzes and activities. In
particular, learning progress, tracking student data, curriculum diversity, and
personalized learning, all have a tremendous impact on your ability to make informed
teaching decisions as a teacher. Class record for teachers is about making sure you
have accurate data to have an impact on student learning. Class record is important in
school, this is because learning progress will only occur when you have accurately
applied formative assessment techniques to establish a student’s skills, knowledge, and
abilities study.


General Objective

To develop a system that will help to facilitate, organize, and save the record pieces
of information of their students. And to change their recording. This will greatly help the
faculties to make their class record easier and more organized. And it's as if they don't
spend a lot of time on their record, even though they have a lot to record.


2nd floor Montalban Town Center, E-Rodriguez Highway,
Brgy. San Jose, Rodriguez Rizal

Specific Objectives

It can help faculties to facilitate their recordings. They will no longer have too much
difficulty in recording and keeping track of the performances of their students.
Because with the system they will no longer have difficulty finding their records, they will
no longer be lost their records and they will not be misplaced. They no longer need to
switch to another recording app, logbooks, and whatever else they use for recording.
It is a dynamic system designed to simplify the process of taking student
attendances and handling their academic records. So, they won't have a hard time
recording, considering that attendance is one of the most important things. It is a basis if
a student is active in class.


1. It could bring more benefit to the teachers.

It can be beneficial to know what more teachers preferred because it can cause more
understanding between the teacher and the system they use as one.

2. It will help teachers to make their recordings fast.

It can be more efficient and less time consuming to use one system other than using
one feature in one app that is more impractical to make it messier and time consuming.

3. This will help teachers to make their record process easier.

It can help teachers to don't have a scrambled record of quizzes to apply more
efficiently to students to know their score in their particular section on every student.

4. It could help teachers to save their time.

It will help to organize more but less time-consuming to provide more service to their
students in terms of misunderstanding in lessons or to tend attention to their personal

5. It will be easier for teachers because it is compatible.

It is teacher-friendly to begin so the features are not new to remember the tools but
compact in every tool that can make in one app to efficiently less hassle in them.



This Research should answer the questions on what is the right system for particular
problem and finding what the right for them and finding what is the primary problem of
holding the teachers back and making them to use there time more consuming.

This research will not go far as analyzing their computer performance and what
model there using for them to achieve the right performance they can have and what
are the good models that we can advice to have a good and sufficient performance.


2nd floor Montalban Town Center, E-Rodriguez Highway,
Brgy. San Jose, Rodriguez Rizal


If you are a new user of a system you will have a bit confused because, there are
features that are not very well known for you. The Web-based Class Record System
Involves Mathematical method. For the reason that, it has a shortcut formula for you to
make your recording fast and easy. This is not available for students, only for faculties.
The web-based class record system is not available offline. And you can only have one


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