Modernity and Post Colonialism

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Reflection Paper- Philosophy

And Contemporary World

Name: Arham Bilal

Roll No : 1104-BH-E-PSY-19

Reflection Paper- Philosophy
And Contemporary World
Reflection Paper- Philosophy
And Contemporary World

Introduction :
The historical roots regarding the concepts of Modernity has been analyzed. How the past
Modernus concept is shifted towards secular Modernity. How Modernity is trapping the world into
organic solidarity? Then consequences of Modernity have been discussed. How Modernity
maintained its global spreading? All the knowledge is systematically gathered, and then classified
into ideological and historical perspectives then they are related to the modern era divisions of
state and balance of powers between core and periphery world. Development of knowledge in the
ages of Renaissance and Enlightenment was kept into consideration regarding application of
research methods. Relationships between society individuals and politics by applying conflict
perspective has been applied. History has been analyzed on possibilities of predictions and
realization of limitations. Economy is analyzed on the basis of distribution, production and
consumption. All research designs are books, journals, articles, websites, mentioned in
References and Bibliography. Necassary data has been collected and then results are analyzed and
in the end my response is the conclusion. For analyzing the philosophical bases of Modernity
historical method is used. Contemporary method is used to study the evolutionary sequence
in human history development. Common sense is also used in the research.
What is Modernity?

“It is the European Enlightenment project (conceptual scene) of 18th century which
achieved universal form of law across the globe and transitional process of movement
from traditional societies to modern world (marginalization from traditional society). In
Latin term, modernus is used in distinguishing from Roman past to present christianity.
But today concept of modernity has bases in French Enlightenment. It is linked to
industrialization as patterns of social integration. It is age of belief in progress and power
of human reason”

⮚ Liberation in mode of thoughts(rationally) from irrationalities of religion, myth

and political structure includes high degree of civil freedom is Modernity which
leads towards the intellectuality.
⮚ Early Modern period is between Enlightenment and Renaissance. During these two
centuries European social practices are primary catalyst for globalization.
Unfamiliar dynamism which leads towards economic dynamism by growth and
their global consequences leads towards the belief in science, reason, philosophy
logic and technology.
⮚ Post-Traditional thoughts nurture the unrealized optimism. So freedom values are
controlled by rationalization and ordering of modern life. Science, democratic
politics and technology are the achievements of Modernity. So technological led
economic growth leads towards the “modernization” which is democratization
and results are enlargement of polities like discriminatory politics in the European
Union where there is process of enlargement and distributional conflicts. This also
Reflection Paper- Philosophy
And Contemporary World

leads to accumulation of international interaction and transformation in modern

societies. So these progressive implications are the modernity.

Explanation of Modernity with different perspectives :

⮚ Free trade ideas of Walt Rostow show that “conditions to take off” are the road towards
Modernity. These conditions are high outputs in industry, export goods to world economy,
discipline taxation system, rapid Urbanization, energy conservation, national income
savings, banking systems. So these all leads towards the “ Drive to Maturity”.
Mechanised projects and specialist industries are the beginning for development. These
steps are included in “Pre-Conditions to take off”. According to Modernization theory,
these developments initiate the rural-urban migration and it is flight step towards “take
off”. This leads to autonomous industrial goals and substantial manufacturing sectors in
periphery countries. Then according to Modernity, the states flight towards the high mass
● Dependency model show that Modernity is all about capitalism and its exploitation, the
relation between core-periphery state in which there is exchanges of resources and goods.
Global south Pole was used as independent resource bases, and in the end of world war
1, the gross national output(merchandise trade) is 12% for countries of industrialization
till 1970.
⮚ Global Capitalism, Territorializing, Deterritorialization, Reterritorialization. Successful
process of Deterritorialization through anti-colonial powers. Unsettled states, nations
and their borders. Liberal State Ideology (democracy, Liberty, free enterprise capitalism)
are some characteristics of Modernity.
⮚ Karl Marx Communist Manifesto pushed the globalization to the new level. And
described the modernity of Capitalism by using conflict perspective lens. Bourgeoises by
technological growth of industrial capitalism, make the communication networks, establish
the connections and it leads towards existence of proliferate markets. Between the 1850
and 1914,the volume of world trade accelerated by the conditioning of multinational
banks, capital and then its circulation in the globe. This all in the end is causing destruction
and oppression. So Capitalism is the reason of alientation and exploitation.
⮚ Durkheim perspective show that the new society social integration was determined with
organic solidarity(differentiation) with division of labour, so extended families are
converting to nuclear. On the other hand Max Weber vision is rationalization. So the
modernity is the summation of social and political processes, in which there is fraternity
with economy growth dominant by technology. And organizations are balanced and
administrated by bureaucratization ( complex and specialized rules and regulations) . But
capitalist economy serves as dynamic cantrolling force. So there is coordination with
different sectors which are cantrolled and timely monitored which leads towards
conformity by regularity and uniformity.

Consequences of Modernity :
Reflection Paper- Philosophy
And Contemporary World

⮚ Urbanism is the further road towards the metropolitan existence. And this develop the
punctuality, exactness and calculability and road towards the progressive industrialism.
It leads to large mass scale societies. It increase the social atomicization and promote
social isolation.
⮚ New nation states has specialist aspect of rise of military. So by hierarchies, strict rules
and regulations, trainings etc increase the efficiency of practical work. So these military
type organizations has impact on industry, administration, foreign affairs etc. So the
conflicts are now resolving by complex international world order and core countries
balance the national interest and stragedic relations of country. This transformation
develop the discipline organic (civilizing) society.
⮚ Secularity is the further consequences of Modernity process. Panoption is the centralized
monitoring of religion and church. This was the path towards revolutions. French
Revolution speed up the secular states arrival. Modernity was recapitulate in military,
surveillance, industrialization and capitalism. And the foreign tools of nation states will be
the global interactions. According to Simen, the class and political struggle leads towards
the strangers society which will be cause of fragmentation and social isolation. Because
there are cultural logics in which Post-Fordism has global configuration. So in the end
there are pluralization of different worlds with homeless minds.
⮚ Due to severe consequences of Modernity, Islamic fundamentalism, political revolutions
have their standings as political necessity. Absolutinism with cantrolling bureaucratization
by affiliating with military agencies with the using of “information society” as “cantrol

Advantages of Modernity :
⮚ Patterns of beliefs are diversing in each sector related to politics, industry, foreign affairs,
international matters etc.
⮚ Small communities are declining and leading towards the globalized world.
⮚ Individualization, self-actualization and future orientation getting importance about time

Fundamental ideas which are bases of Philosophical foundations of modernity:

Philosophical foundations of modernity are deeply rooted in Greek Philosophy.
⮚ Conflicts between authority questions and identity questions leads towards the thesis
of rationality.
⮚ Paradoxical Counterpoint, In France progression of Philosophy into sociology took
place. Evolution is the main aspect. So Paradoxical Counterpoint regarding beliefs in
human being power was the cause of humiliation and this power will be the cause of our
Emancipation. And limited powers were shifted towards the cosmological reasoning
(cause and effect) and this leads towards change in society (Modernity beginning).
Reflection Paper- Philosophy
And Contemporary World

⮚ Enlightenment castaway preciseness or freedom of faults of civilization and rejected the

authoritative world of Greeks and Romans. It is the modernising force for regeneration
of culture. Rational Scrutiny is the Enlightenment mission. It leads to change in values
and attitudes in educated sectors of Europe. For the rise of Enlightenment, there must be
freedom of reasons, questions and then it leads towards the struggle for rights which is
actually the path from Authoritiative submissiveness to the Secularism,
intellectualization. High degree of civil freedom leads towards the intellectual freedom.
With the foregoing of Enlightenment, war between France and England and religious
disaccords between catholics and protestants had projected.
⮚ Enlightenment is the age in which rationalism superseded the religion. So the belief that
all problems from God and their solution is from God is replaced by believe that culture
and society are assumptions of culture and history is in evolution. It raised the sciences.
Max Weber solved the issues. There is categorization in this era. Rationalization of Weber
deal with empirical sciences(social implementation). It leads towards sense of
responsibility which is the cause of freedom. Church restrictions in epistemological
development is eradicated.
⮚ According to Kant, So the continuance of self-incurred maturity is over. So the time of
dependence is over now. So it’s the age of heroism of preference possessed understanding.
He proposed that God could not be confirmed by sensory perceptions but on the practical
⮚ Autocratic Despotism was ended by Revolution, which results in discontinuation of the
power solicit oppressions, so antecedent inequalities supplanted by new prejudices,
because they deal to balance the cyclopean unthinking mass.
⮚ Freedom is the demand for this Enlightenment, the generic utilization of intellectual
figures, but to balance the state rational rules and regulations are enforced. Religious
Stragedies were restricted to domestic cucumalation.
⮚ In religious societies like Dutch societies inflexible set of doctrines were assigned to ensure
constant guardianship with the citizens, but for Enlightenment all such contracts are
⮚ Legislative Authority will decide the union of Collective will of citizens.Newly
established order will be warrented by the freedom, equality of their citizens and by
general consent (unanimously). But for this purpose religious establishment would be
altered. Monarchies will turn over. Spiritual Despotism of few figures will be over.

⮚ Religious ideas of government subordination is replaced by Secularism which is the

separation of state from religion. Religious immaturity is the most dishonorable
smorgasbord of all barriers towards Enlightenment.

⮚ Traditional Modernus to Secular Modernity:

Modernus was used as the differentiation between Pagan Romans Past and official
Christianity present. This medieval synthesis was strengthened by advancement in
science which leads to rejects the Aristotelian universal concepts. European crusades wars
(1095 - 1272) reclaiming christendum in middle East lost roman territories. But as a, result,
they brought Greek Philosophy in Europe and then it leads towards, so the age of 12th
century to middle of 15th century leads towards the rediscovery of Greek Civilization.But
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And Contemporary World

then the shift of traditional medieval thought changed due to philosophical trends and new
secular philosophy was developed that God is not necassary. So there must be separation
of religion from life. And questions regarding the ultimate reality must not be discussed,
but instead this non continous history with different evolution in thoughts leads towards
the subjects of political science(role of state), interaction of mind with society
(Psychology), and interactions with the resources and goods (economics) Then it is the
rebirth and acceleration of knowledge from fall of constanipole to mid 17th century. This
period is renaissance. There is homogenization skills in renaissance, a man who is skilled
in everything is referred as intellectual. Invention of painting leads to increase the literature
taking, and information was easily transferred.
Western philosophies are based on the Greek which respond towards the Eastern
civilizations. The enormous collections of God was the answer of ultimate reality.
But then theories are shifted towards rationality and are independent to the theological
arguments.So logical connections were used which are empirical and anti-mystical. And
then Plato and Aristotle Theories were used for the establishing Philosophical Bases of
knowledge. So the logical impossibility of the ultimate reality questions leads towards the
law of thermodynamics and energy transformation laws, that energy can be neither
created or destroyed. So the social sciences emerged as a new field regarding Greek
Philosophical issues. Rational Revolution come later than humanities. Enlightenment
began between 1650 and 1700. Enlightenment took place for more than one century and
then developing of social sciences took place then Physics separated the chemistry and
astronomy. Natural division was opened, it leads to study of humanities(literature, music
and art) and physics. The physics developed into empirical sciences and then Metaphysics.
Metaphysics was developed into philosophy later. This is the journey from dark ages to
iron age and then towards Modernity. It is the retaliation from conventiolism

⮚ Growth of Reformation Movement :

Transformation from Middle Ages to Modern Age was prefigured as Secularization. This
leads to centralization in politics and economic expansions.
Catholic Church bear the pressure of conflicts between state and religion. New theories of
religion like kelvinism culminated in the Protestant Reformation. So this movement is
manifestations of continous conflicts. In 1790s, constitutional monarchy on the British
Model was adapted by French under the restriction of legislative assembly. Moderate
Reforms gave rise to violent upheavals against the modern aristocracy of the Rich. The
monarchies were replaced by Republics.
⮚ Enlightenment Social Contract Theory :
Mutual Advantage and idea of social cooperation which must based on fair terms, Instead
of logical coherence, later theorists embrace a commitment to Pluralism and toleration in
religious matters in the light of Nietzshean critical ontology. This leads to Westphalian
political order that pushed towards the sovereign nation states which ended the internal
conflicts. This leads to the idea of nation state and European inter-state system. This
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And Contemporary World

reformation divided leads towards the Catholic South and Protestant North. Balancing of
power idea dominated and British was a leader while continental Europe was the follower.

⮚ Journey from Dark ages to Modernity:

Greek Philosophy originated the Anthromorphism which the beauty of mythological
era. Between the era of Post-Socrates and Plato, Aristotle there is transitiory phase. Plato
and Aristotle Theory of state was the major philosophical foundations for the politics of
Modernity. Then there is a great epistemological change which includes the metaphysics,
Protagoras(knowledge, language critique, grammar) Atomists(Physics and Chemistry),
Zeno’s motion, ionics eleatics, Platos soul (Individuality and Psychology), and as a result
composition and decomposition. Orthodoxy which became the dominant in Rome in
Dark Ages, and there was monopoly of church. Collesticism includes school Man Theory
include bible, ethics, morality. In medieval ages, western philosophy move towards the
cosmological arguments. Work of Plato, Aristotle was translated in regional languages. On
Eastern side, Ibn-e-Firabi adopted the epistemological method. Baghdad became the hub
of knowledge. Perspectives of metaphysics of Western and Eastern side are different. On
Eastern side, there is separation of God with Attributes. The dimensions of Eastern side are
separation of God with attributes, freedom, life after death, destination. In these medieval
ages, the Renaissance took place and knowledge of Eastern world also flows towards the
western world. The era of conflicts between Catholics(conservatives) and Protestants
(seculars) exposed retaliation. This era generate the elite (academia). In Reinasance,
elements of religion are replaced with rationality. Humanism Psychology is the path
towards Enlightenment. Modernity is highly specialized as compared to Reinasance. Then
there is freedom of rising questions about value of Philosophy. So the every progress is
revolving around the principle of Existentialism.
⮚ Products of Enlightenment :
Product of Enlightenment projects the three humiliation in human beings.
Earth is not centre of universe. Like other animals, humans are also creatures of nature.
Subconscious desires and passions are subjected to reasoning ability. Before these
humiliations, considerations regarding beliefs are that they are estaished by God,
August Comte (three stages of society) had explained this transformations.
⮚ Modernity with Enlightenment :
Contemporary society was first shaped by the Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth
century, and that the modern nation-state is an invention of the French Revolution,
generated in turn by an Enlightenment. Spirit of commercialism and republican ideals of

⮚ Enlightenment Liberalism :
Post-Structuralism is the systematic questioning of the Binary opposition problem and
deals with solving the world problems by the freedom, liberty to every subordinate colonized state.
Counter Enlightenment challenge the existing Enlightenment bases and leads towards
progressive development towards Modernity. German Romanticism etc are the proofs. This leads
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And Contemporary World

towards the inauguration of Liberal values in all colonized state. This is the Anti-climax of Post-

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And Contemporary World

The Consequences of Modernity. Polity Press, 1991.
Tipps, Dean C. “Modernization Theory and the Comparative Study of National Societies: A
Critical Perspective.” Comparative Studies in Society and History, vol. 15, no. 2, 1973, pp.
Walby, Sylvia, and Sylvia Walby. Globalization and Inequalities Complexities and Contested
Modernities. SAGE, 2009.
Geras, Norman, and Robert Wokler. The Enlightenment and Modernity. Macmillan, 2000.
“Relationship between Urbanization and Modernization.” Your Article Library, 23 Mar. 2014,

Zarrow, Peter. “The Reform Movement, the Monarchy, and Political Modernity.” Rethinking the
1898 Reform Period, pp. 17–47., doi:10.2307/j.ctt1tfjcx6.5.

Robb, Peter G. Liberalism, Modernity, and the Nation. Oxford University Press, 2007 .
Wiley Online Library, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 14 Jan. 2008,
“The Problem(s) of Modernity.” The History and Ethics of Authenticity, 2020,
Castro, Joaquin de. “The Social Contract Theory in the Age of Enlightenment.” Medium,
Revolution and Change.
Cultural Origins of the French Revolution
“Separation of Powers.” Separation of Powers | Legislative, Executive, Judicial,
Rabb, Theodore K. The Last Days of the Renaissance and the March to Modernity. BasicBooks,
“Modernity and Secular Culture.” Modernity, Religion, and the War on Terror, 2016,
Scott, J. Barton. “Only Connect: Three Reflections on the Sociality of Secularism: Cambridge
Journal of Postcolonial Literary Inquiry.” Cambridge Core, Cambridge University Press
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And Contemporary World

Research technique to understand the Post- Colonialism:

Statistical analyses had done in the study of Neo-colonialism issues and for analysing the
dividend force between core and periphery states. Correlational studies had been done. Different
surveys are analyzed. I myself use Inter-disciplinary perspective to analyse this complex
Phenomena. Cross Cultural Method is applied in that question research. Historical method is
also used to integrate the relation between Binary opposition and Dividend Force. Research
designs are the articles, newspapers, newsletters, magazines, websites, international universities
books. Some of them mentioned in References and Bibliography. Binary opposition and resistance
of colonized state leads towards the Neo-colonialism in which dividend force is applied for the
Binary Separation between core and periphery world .

Highlighted issues of the Post-colonialism :

⮚ Neo-colonialism is the parallel between Globalization and Colonialism. Nation states
concept has principal support in United Nations, which raise the possibility of global
democratic governance. Economic imbalance in the European society is creating
European Capitalism. Anthropological theories legitimized the colonial and imperial rule.
The bases of these anthropological theories is race.
Maintainance of dominance by Neo-colonial powers by active and passive resistance (cold
War, proxy war) Coherent political movements are other problems for core states of
world. Post-colonial status is actually independence. Instead of Decolonization, imperial
countries are dominating the same countries like Afghanistan, Cuba, Iran and Iraq. Military
Interventions against countries which are challenging west political haegomony or
positioned them against western control

⮚ Neo-Colonization of mind :
Ideological Neo-Colonization is lagging behind the physical economic and political
subordination. Emancipation and empowerment of women. Equal rights, but here Post-
colonialism is not in the top-down processing but from bottom. Post colonial theory is
scientific theory, and forecast conclusions of sets of the Phenomena. And contradiction
in connected sets of perspectives. So in balance of power, there is also focus on
generative relations between individual and culture, relations of conflict, harmony
relations. Threatening of privilege and power, demanding equality is the radical agenda
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And Contemporary World

of Post-colonialism. The montage deliberately compare and contrast the fragmented

elements (incompatible), the fragmentary moments are tracing larger journey of
reposition. Philosophy of Individualism and rational self interest elevate the virtues of
ideal capitalist system but these are lagging behind the economic and political
subordination of Capitalism. Global Advertising agencies launched the campaigns of
commercial promotions by using ideological neo-colonization lagging problems.

⮚ Anti-Colonialism Resistance. Global pricing systems facilitate trade in important

commodities like cotton, grains and metals. Two antagonistic spheres of the world. One
is Liberal Capitalism camp and the other is Authoritative Socialist camp. (global conflict)
Terrorism, organizations who want radical revolutionary changes are included in this, it
is a civilian strategy, their purpose is to reduce confusion in existing security system.
Terrorist conflicts are due to political disagreements. Terrorist broke the cease fire
contracts. it is global issue of Neo-colonialism. There are groups always which are in
marginalization they are always detracted outside the mainstream.
⮚ Revolutions in Post Colonialism:
Revolutionary Africa had subversive purposes into revolutionary Latin America. There
are three Revolutionary Africas in the 20th century: the revolutionary particular is the
Algerian War of Independence which is calked as Revolutionary war of Maghreb. Then
there was the revolutionary sub-Saharan Africa whose impulses are revolting against the
civil authority were encouraged by Latin Americans and directly alliance by Guevara in
Congo campaign; and finally
South Revolutionary Africa(properly militant) the African-American tradition which
was historically always maze with Caribbean interferences. This also leads to cope up
revolutions and these were included in cold War of Soviet Union versus Western Liberal
block. The Communist Party military unit All-black collective had the military wings (Che-
Lumumba Club) in Los Angeles in 1960s. This cope up was the one of the well established
perceptible of that revolutionary African-Caribbean propensity and it results in the black
socialism restoration. This leads towards the tricontinental revolutionary struggle. This
militant party also includes the whites and Hispanics of Americans and they were
ideologically convinced by communism. This leads to political and military unrest in the
South Western coast of U. S. A. The Neo-colonialism western Liberal powers took the
policy of Urbanization and migration policy by introducing heavy developments,
infrastructure and Global infrastructure was maintained, which remove the geographical
obstacles, and lower the transportation cost. Swift development in communication
technologies made concoctions in transportation. So the dynamic density and iron cage
of bureaucratization of these militants were reduced and capitalist utilized them as their
weapons industries and by introducing criminal gangster groups under their
subordination. Republican Spain fighters and Taliban were the international combatant
Revolution belongs from Africa. Neo-colonialism dealth with this problem by hijacking
each and every movement and recently all wars between African countries are due to this
hijacking. In this way, western powers dominated the mutual challenge and their all wars
are the subordination and stronging the mutual interests of western powers to cantrol
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And Contemporary World

the Islamicization. In this way, Arab Spring which turn over all the current existing regimes
was the biggest problem for Neo-Colonial powers. The main military proxy of U. S A was
Syrian armies which made the ISIS dominant group in the armed revolution by
surrendering famous Iraq cities. And then internal wars for the sake of power started
between militant groups. And then U. N for the sake of peace introduced airstrikes on
their dominating regions and all revolutions were strictly terminated. In this way Bishar-
Al-Asad power was maintained on the Syria for the sake Neo-colonial powers interests.
In egypt, the political revolution of Muslim Brotherhood was the biggest problem but
democratic Neo-colonial powers crushed their authority by using Egyptian Armies. So
Neo-colonial powers are cantrolling the revolutions by balancing of powers in their
satellite and proxy states.

⮚ Shifting Neo-colonial Democracy towards Neo-colonial capitalist institutions: (The

problem of democracy) :
Multi-transnational companies took to global markets. Due to this, even in the desired state
active markets of Europe growth is unattainable. That’s why these manufacturing markets have
low cost and cheap good flow in the international markets. This cause the “heating up” in
developed countries because faster increase in aggregate demands and they crossed the supply
chains. This inflationary output gap was fulfilled by inflation. Operation of economy beyond the
full capacity is just for the advantage for stake holders and multinational companies and
democratic nation developed states are in defaults. This leads to failure of democracy and this
democracy was also calked as capitalism democracy by many economists. This capitalism
democracy further balance the payments by taking huge loans and then impose indirect taxations
on public which leads to chains of subordination of Neo-colonial institutions. So the proxy
countries instead challenging the economic hagemony of Neo-colonial institutions, they blame
the the World Bank and the WTO . At least some of the poverty, or at least suffering of the
people of the non-western world is also the direct result of actions by their own government. In
the case of Zimbabwe famine, It took President Mugabe so long to act in relation to land due to
Redistribution. This all issues have bases in the Neo-colonialism and lack of democratic structures
are more worsening the problems.
⮚ Radical Libertarianism is the new tool of communism polar opposites. Their purpose
is to trickle down the economics which is calked as “ libertarian populism”. They want
to operate societies like machines. According to these libertarians, the capitalism
economy is in self-destruct.
⮚ Economic Globalization and Balancing by Cooperations :.
It leads towards exploitation. Neo-colonialism is blocking the peripheral states by
economic globalization. So beneficial trades and improvement programs are very
important to continue the Neo-colonialism. So China the new emerging economic
regional power(independent state) investment in Africa exceeded to 40 billion dollars.
They are spreading their culture all over the Africa by spending the huge economy 166
billion dollars per year. Africa received goods as the cheap market of China and 50
billions were secured in case of minerals. On the other hand, America is using coca-
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And Contemporary World

colonization. So this leads to Coca-Cola global pervasiveness as symbol of


Post-colonialism is reinforcing the dividend force between east and

west as binary opposition:
⮚ Binary Opposition :
It is the dividend force in which one bloc assume itself as a subordinate and other block
dominate the subordinate block. (Asymmetrical Relation). The reverse process of Binary
opposition is to terminate the dividend by subordinate bloc which again leads towards
the Binary opposition. The separation between east and west (dividend force) is also
called to be as binary separation. This Binary separation will be when both blocks are
challenging to each other and any block didn’t assume itself to be subordinate or
dominate. But the relation between that blocs and tricontinental states in the Neo-
colonialism is referred as binary opposition. Tricontinental states isolation from Liberal
Capitalist block and Soviet Union block is the temporary reverse process of “reverse of
Binary opposition”. This reverse process is actually the part of Binary opposition because
dividend force always demands the competition and then instead of assumption of
subordination or domination there are still oppositions at different levels. So that’s why
this whole concept of dividend force between east and west is similar to the Binary
opposition of Colonization powers verses colonized subordinate states. Post-colonialism
is reinforcing the dividend force between east and west. But it goes through stages. The
issues highlighting in the Post-colonialism are the clear indication for dividend force
between east(peripheral states) and west( capitalist Western world order lead by U. S.)
The complete explanation will be described now:
⮚ Independence from Colonization :
Political struggles and hijacking of world war 2 Victory by U. S. A leads towards national
sovereignty and there is transformation of states from colonial to Post-colonial which is
called as independence. The transformation process is actually the reverse of Binary
opposition while this independence is again the initiative of dividend force
(subordination of Neo-colonial powers). There’s just one difference which is the
immigration but actually powers is strictly monitored on the bases of nationality and race.
Language and culture of powerful colonizer(civilized) are imposing whereas
Orientals(uncivilized) are distorted. This is dividend of power in terms of cultural and
ethnic context on the bases of superiority of western philosophy (Enlightenment etc) But
west has to give the rational reasons for her superiority and dividend of the force
(inferiority of primitive East). The only opposing force of Islam was handled by
introduction of “Modern Islam” and “Islam through Western Eyes”.
⮚ Refuges in Kenya, Gaza Palestinian Refuges, conflicts of Kashmir and other disputed
territories and their fractured states and for the solution of these matters, trapping in
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the net of United Nations is clearly indicating that Post-colonialism is reinforcing the
dividend force between east and west.
⮚ Tricontinental World and Reverse to Binary Opposition which leads towards the
Dividend Force by Neo-colonialism :/
The third world goes tricontinental(post colonial World) it was recognized on the base of
“Third Estate of French Revolution”. Non-affiliated capacity movement(neither western
bloc nor Soviet bloc) , as independent power bloc, with a resumption third world
interrelation on political, economical and global preferential ratings. It’s the struggle of
people to abstract the world order of western nations. Bandung Conference as the
beginning of Post-colonialism, it is the militant modification of third world politics, then
continous imperialism of the west can only be counteract by global alliance. Great
Tricontinental Conference 1966 rendering in Havana.This brought Latin America
including Caribbean collision with Asia and Africa. And act as a translational principal of
work with common goal of befitting liberation.
⮚ Racism and Refuges:
Civilization and barbarism produced distance between black and white, self and others.
Stereotypical language, cultural shocks are all strengthening the racism and dividend of
force between West and East which are the aftereffects of colonial Stereotypes in Binary
opposition of Europe with rest of world. This dividend force also leads to existence of
refuges, like refuges of Afghanistan in Pakistan which are 12% of the world. Separation
walls in Berlin, So nomadism which includes 20 millions refuges, which are in West Bank
or in Sangatte camp in France. So these nomadism and migration exist as the results
yielding form of cultural individuality and act as the subordinate in dividend power.

⮚ Linear Stage Development :

It is using as tool by core states to exploit the periphery states. Resources flow towards
the core states(western) and periphery states(Eastern) serves as purpose of market of
core state. So all actors of development such as private companies, NGO’s, government
of proxy Eastern world, multi-national organizations opportune for dividend force. Global
confederation and Multi-lateral Organizations such as IMF (International Monetory
Fund), UN(United Nations) and World Bank, all have the global agenda, and they promote
global state of tranquility for foreign inaugurations and their main target is economic
progress of Core and exploitation of Periphery. And this dependency is in the
subordination of Neo-Liberal Ideology.
⮚ Binary Separation also leads to Dividend Force :
Rise of Soviet Union, Stalinism, Nazis threats are challenging for the power of existing
world order on one side (dominant bloc of Binary opposition) but it also act as the
subordination of the other bloc which leads to reinforcement of dividend force. In 15th
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century England took the communal lands under her cantrol by using violence and then
parlimiantary electoral process. Neo-colonialism and its satellite states are further
reinforcing this dividend power as United States annexation of the Mexican territories
and India annexation of the tribal lands by using constitution. Peasent leagues,
revolutionary impulses and guirella movements in periphery third world are the
manifestations of dividend power. In Brazil, Movement of landless rural workers took
place, 12 million Brazilian peasents protest and took the hold of uncultivated lands. This
leads to political initiative to cantrol lands. These Marginalized groups are hijacked by
dominant powers. World Bank provided the special aid of 150 million dollars. These aids,
capital account deficits and current account deficits serves as lagging of peripheral states
and their subordination. Foreign hard currencies such U. S dollars and drawing rights at
IMF fulfill these deficiet . These dollar reserves maintained the U. S haegomony and IMF
keep the Eastern States in subordination as the dividend power which further leads to
free markets by west and east provide the cheap labour.
⮚ Economic Globalization as the Dividend Force:
Eastern globe are not able for debt repayments, so due to loans in 1970s, it leads towards
the rising of oil prices and Petrodollars , this directed the resources flow towards the
Core. In 1970s Eastern countries earned most of their export from primary agricultural
products, but the prices are declining due to core world order. Global recession was
caused in 1981-82. Industrialised core countries for saving their domestic trade enforced
the import taxes. This leads to hurdle in exports of peripheral Eastern States. As a result
"capital flight" leads towards increase interest rates and dollars in millions move towards
All above arguments clearly indicates that Neo-colonialism is the reinforcing of dividend
force between east and west as colonialism is the developer of Binary opposition
between Europe and rest of world.
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