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Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (MBNQA) known as an award that established by
Unites States Congress in 1987 to raise awareness of quality management and recognize
United States companies that have implemented successful quality management system. This
Quality award is a form of recognition that encourages the organization to adapt business
improvement lessons that have been learned from around the world companies. The award is
the one of the most powerful awards in United States and around the world

. Furthermore, it has evolved into an innovation to encourage the public and private sectors to
develop their interest in cutting-edge technology in their respective industries. This is where
can be seen in TecSmart Electronics where implementing this as an opportunity for

First and foremost, there are six criteria that has been practiced in order to support the
Baldrige Award. It started with strategic planning where it is one of the ways to address how
an organization develops strategic objectives based on action plans, how they use them and
how progress is measured to achieve a goal. In this case, it can be seen that TecSmart's senior
management determines the company's goals. Senior management leads cross-functional
teams in reviewing and developing individual plans that are in line with the company's goals.
Each department works to achieve the company's goals.

Next, second criteria that can be found is customer focus. TecSmart practices customer focus
by providing their employees with training. To be more specific, they provided customer
relationship training to all employees. Not only that, they are very concerned about customer
satisfaction where all area complaints are handled by the vice president of sales and will be
resolved within two days. It is very important to TecSmart Electronic build a customer
focused culture in working environment with a view to improvement

Furthermore, the third criteria are process management. In this aspect, TecSmart electronics
provided training in a five-step problem solving process based on analyzing cause of the
problem, developing solution, define problem, collecting and implementing change. Indeed,
TecSmart sets six stigma goals for their process to make the process management achieve the
business success and growth.
Moreover, the fourth criteria that they implemented is human resources focus. To make sure
human resources and employees perform an excellence performance, align with strategic
objective and action plans. TecSmart electronic communicate and make a meeting with all
employees to discuss about company issues and answer all question at one time.

Last but not least, Leadership is one of criteria that need to be fulfilled in Baldrige criteria.
Senior leaders in TechSmart electronic displayed a good role of leadership where they guide
cross functional to the teams. In point of fact, their leadership is further highlighted by
participate in communicating for every meeting with all employees to discuss company
issues. This ability positively influences people and systems to have a meaningful impact
where it achieves desirable result

This criterion is how TecSmart electronic uses data and information to improve
organizational efficiency and effectiveness and to stimulate innovation. Based on this case
study, TecSmart is efficient where customer satisfaction data is acquired by sales
representative, executive phone calls and visits, and satisfaction surveys. These data are used
to be reviewed and compared by the executive team during the strategic planning process as
an effective process. Toward that , to measure something, all employees are sent to do
training where they are all well trained in a five step problem solving process which includes
analyzing the cause of the problem, developing a solution and implementing change.

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