3rd Sem 10 Years Question of Intermediate Microeconomics

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Sta th dg aus o Puute disesumi uahsn (ablish tha
wnde Tiod seasue Puco discuwnahi u Manapalst) 5 (i4s e i enttand
f e a n nuuls
Dhnqish blo 3s phe t Nes p Diseus tho
lom mena" 2
3) Eplin wlouau geutpauk Lpkice oefeeuiuati n in olugepely
whare KL deminau selesell is he riee hadsr.(
tho deleuiwain eeu li buiun Condi fen olmenspalytir
Efutbeeifc or.
)WEusn foo seush.Cas ef msnofoly. Whot dopaumean by meuspoli

p i tah ou ef lobsur 2 monmsnebelate alei tatnef nbou 2

Defescmine Ka egui libiun wder Kakel Demad Ca

what taplains huice uigida ty ?
MnhBaig tka aeambtos exp lain keuo equil budu is estopliatod

NerStaeklbg Maelol obpopoly, what is Stoekhjong desigiliki-

)tallh f'anek ophmale ty Couk ion ('n tensump hen and
amiy pedcet toupel ion in beth PspeluepL
Produrti on

tetinalithnde inCemambhm
aok miastke1D Fxtrbli sh Pauefo
Couicaly etamin tte Matgual Pheduetui hThe o disaiku
wh all tH aumph ow (1o

(Erb lain the 9 kBup i l i baium. unlder

meuspelishie esunbei hon ushen
he ia fun eny l a uice Compohihn.) DeyuRinktHat
EA Cabaerty isa LRSSaky C e t heULL

wdAunehslisic. Comhe hian 'm the long Pun?_8

Whae i"Heeic"anunbhn du to hambain tploin-he

3what isio suitaue) Deuuiehe swarkim amehom
Cewvot medal. 1+5
13W hat is matby Collkeive barngauming ? Deu ve aabern
supply Cwn pem his kak enal ehasia Lhes hatits
agkuvand. hndins Whab tallba ha natad imdi (lenane
Cue 8tA 'wot L leiure a indepudent vauabl )
Inteums /nCame-lumne amalyns dewve te Condi h
Ho bakusard bendng supply euruwe obe . 14-5

Dlint AR IN R,
Establi he alion bepun A MR
i) Whatis uandeu aunng Sheus heuo tha cmeapt efaw
ekatA toaue wamimas 314
Vnd What endi tismu puice di Cumu'nain may beposeHe
2D-ee the i i bin esndb-f a vaulhþlent uaprly)

Piaknguish n bif bluo Pialtni bbeun ad qonnalulhuiui

I eemsy wih too gs»ds, two fotkus tuo }indinduods

tuoofinms deui ue HeeanuE y a l eqà hu M
Dihigcushbluo kene hemaginseusl difen'apisdut
Deu ta lo sun epikbaium aopreiumafi e rrmumder

Naanbeimie pmpefi i an.

amy ane otem e kadvrhip nuod- J0
Ci l ramine

Dishguinh blo munneprony Xnsnapely S tohtRemaln

Jeakwees of monopoty muastket, defermime i t tuihu um

i s i in mmonope
h Rat no sAly Cwue

suiyR unkonfait Pi
. in bie uneekfam
1) Diwguh blo

22) Ashingish b/io tKe tngfens fparf'alk gugal e ue

23w hat a Ra. bane a phons Rehandiom thay RanH(Pse
uauu2dag oneonpg jooyoS the dalation bto suw "piie
Heo dayeu desineabauas ply euee fonhis takwal
kchaui s Has iAeg u sage suatz dekrmund. in a epunkeh Hra

s t cousn ay Bwo ssuens ef menepol S heLo tRat
ta þaice nde
aeralL manspely Almaius bndeksmunai2+/0
AStatu He suleyant wsumhims, deu H euil bu'uu i
Cunet duetoly uadul. Dses tha eguilbi'u eusuu Jainb afl-
MANIUar on g/ke fivms? 10f2

27) w hat iellwa ligspely ? wy 1 Padee uigid unsda

28) hardo yu muaa by Indo sMas Puse? 2(fxklaiutha

Conpt hiod dagu þden diseuwi noi

ouapolstie Compefi Hon. 24

30(Whabis uas hent Hodees it aiguati
31) Monkaun twe liui faAuuasgnual Preduekuiy husyfokku bukion
whot faefa deksmine Pmiee. elarfeity ef deuandb afatkn?)
nyaa W hat hafeus to e uil be
32 w hak do y sumaansy Lup-
pluus wku n s n fo i
tpul ,paieel Conuma

> deferukuadn a Comupefi Aue

33 Medu £rplainhsuw ei
abeur masket. 0
34) Maukon ruwoeakues, bilaferral menepely .Faploin uhy muarglal
rpense euw llas obeu. Rosubby enswein bilaterslL mawehely. 2

ica iscouminnfisn.

3436) u hakis buica elastce hy deuand?. Hao ara eguilbudan outhut

2 uea wnde meupdy aeees. if ad- vo on i iueos

37 hak o HR baie leotses of suonopoly ? Ho tar a wulhue

zplaunwtoaHr amk i ice dekeuuiusd o puteckesuuning
39) w Aitaolou tie eude Hma pilb bothuteler o
Rs was mulk plout nensssy (1o
40 io
munt ky ndepensdeuer twns jn amolby narkké? H
ueunnedeg uoneonp 1004s ( Beh ta, r haben to be Lndoug.(10)
Oulei wise ncouraaad uatioa h

4) Enbain wy meuep y s Cause dexo wasaal )

) Eaplaiu R eqwitsuthL priee delexminakon In
au ptoly
t h lauinanbE s l l i th PAdeu luaaaa,
3 PAhnush amug aeunl, ensmi afer aabuing and aut elumat
a ranfss.Aur
Aunnaken. Guysu tAik of ay ak ttt
ai e
q4) rpisn thetquliosun unde fafset ds vonuimatuy inah
45 Aruiu ow tot Avm to be þiur eade, An
a. a

eiibuu buica utpuk iutta auket. Do yuthink. that Hhis

wubudum is sbu? - bxpain. (G
4t) wha
At) do pau au y Kinkol deugudesue? HBuo r yu

Derive t e labouhs ubBly eue. AN NA uahounl

ahasi our
Iit shoays .
boitvely slsped 1(1

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