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Industrial robots are according to the International Federation of Robotics “automatically

controlled, reprogrammable multipurpose manipulators programmable in three or more
axes,” where axes refer to the number of moveable joints. They are designed to handle
specific automation applications within manufacturing companies, such as picking and
placing objects; assembling and packaging; ironing, cutting, or welding; and product
inspection, among others. These robots have traditionally been programmed to meet the
specific needs of factories or companies that deploy them. Many of them are tailored to
perform “dull, dirty, or dangerous” actions in lieu of a human worker. Classic industrial
robots are large, bulky automated machines that typically perform repeatable, routine chores
inside a cage. In recent years, collaborative robots, which in industrial contexts are designed
to safely interact with human workers in factory environments without the need for
enclosures, have begun to emerge as potentially more lightweight, algorithmically capable,
and affordable robotic solutions. Collaborative robots can be equipped with sensors or other
advanced visual technology for detecting humans. Ideally, they can be reprogrammed to
perform new tasks and services. They are typically robotic arms. 1 While collaborative
robots are not as widespread as the classic variety, these new and versatile systems promise
to revolutionize business by allowing small companies to adopt automation at a lower cost.


1 INTRODUCTION TO ROBOTICS.................................................................................1

1.1.1 WHAT IS ROBOTICS?.......................................................................................1

1.2 AUTOMATION AND ROBOTICS............................................................................1

1.3 DEFINITION OF ROBOTICS....................................................................................2

1.4 LAWS OF ROBOTS....................................................................................................3

1.5 A BREIF HISTORY OF ROBOTS..............................................................................4

1.6 ROBOT MANIPULATORS AND TYPES OF ROBOTS..........................................8

1.6.1 INDUSTRAIL ROBOTS......................................................................................8

1.6.2 MEDICAL ROBOTS............................................................................................9

1.6.3 REHABILITION ROBOTS................................................................................11

1.6.4 MOBILE ROBOTS............................................................................................12

2 CLASSIFICATION OF INDUSTRIAL ROBOTICS..................................................14

2.1 ARTICULATED ROBOTS.......................................................................................14

2.2 CARTESIAN ROBOTS.............................................................................................15

2.3 SCARA ROBOT........................................................................................................17

2.4 DELTA ROBOT........................................................................................................18

2.5 COLLABORATIVE ROBOT....................................................................................19

3 FUNDAMENTALS OF ROBOTIC TECHNOLOGY.................................................22

3.1 FACTORS TO BE CONSIDER WHILE CHOOSING A ROBOT...........................22

3.2 WORK ENVELOPE OF ROBOTICS.......................................................................24

3.3 PRECISION OF MOVEMENT.................................................................................25

3.4 ROBOT CO-ORDINATE SYSTEM.........................................................................26

3.4.1 CYLINDRICAL CONFIGURATION................................................................26

3.4.2 POLAR CONFIGURATION..............................................................................27

3.4.3 JOINTED ARM CONFIGURATION................................................................27

3.4.4 CARTESIAN CO-ORDINATE CONFIGURATION........................................28

3.5 END EFFECTORS.....................................................................................................29

3.5.1 WHAT IS AN END EFFECTOR.......................................................................30

3.5.2 TYPES OF END EFFECTOR............................................................................30

4 CONFIGURATION OF (FANUC M-710IC/50) ROBOT SYSTEM..........................33

4.1 FANUC M-710IC/50 ROBOT...................................................................................33

4.1.1 ABOUT FANUC M-710iC/50 ROBOT.............................................................33

4.1.2 FANUC M-710iC/50 SPECIFICATIONS.........................................................34

4.1.3 ROBOT MOTION RANGE...............................................................................35

4.1.4 APPLICATIONS OF FANUC M-710iC/50 SERIES ROBOT..........................36

4.2 ROBOT CONTROLLER...........................................................................................36

4.2.1 ABOUT FANUC R-30iB PLUS CONTROLLER.............................................37

5 MECHANICAL SYSTEM COMPONENTS................................................................39

5.1 POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEM.......................................................................39

5.1.1 SPECIAL GEAR UNITS FOR ROBOTS..........................................................39

5.1.2 POWER SCREWS..............................................................................................41

6 CONTROL SYSTEM AND COMPONENTS...............................................................45

6.1 ROBOT CONTROL SYSTEM AND MODEL.........................................................45

6.2 SENSORS..................................................................................................................46

6.2.1 INTRODUCTION TO ROBOT SENSORS.......................................................46

6.2.2 TYPES OF SENSORS........................................................................................46

6.3 ELECTRICAL ACTUATORS...................................................................................53

6.3.1 STEPPER MOTOR............................................................................................53

6.3.2 SERVO MOTOR................................................................................................55

6.4 AUTOMATION DEVICES AND PERIPHERL’S....................................................57

6.4.1 SERVO DRIVE..................................................................................................57

6.4.2 PLC (POGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER)..........................................59

7 FUTURE SCOPE OF INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS..........................................................61

8 MERITS AND DE-MERITS OF INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS........................................63

9 CONCLUSION................................................................................................................65

10 BIBLIOGRAPHY............................................................................................................66


Figure 1.1 : ASIMO. Photograph courtesy of American Honda Motor Co..............................3

Figure 1.2 : George C. Devol introducing a First Industrial Robot in 1962.............................4

Figure 1.3 : A typical example of industrial robots..................................................................9

Figure 1.4 : A typical medical robots......................................................................................10

Figure 1.5 : Rehabilitation Robot............................................................................................11

Figure 1.6 : Mobile robots in various environment................................................................12

Figure 2.1 : 6- Axis articulated robot for welding made by Kawasaki...................................13

Figure 2.2 : 3-axis Cartesian robot system..............................................................................15

Figure 2.3 : SCARA Robot by Mitsubishi..............................................................................16

Figure 2.4 : Delta robot by ABB.............................................................................................17

Figure 2.5 : A typical Collaborative Robot.............................................................................19

Figure 3.1 : Reach of the ABB IRB-1520 model....................................................................22

Figure 3.2 : Work envelope of SCARA robot........................................................................23

Figure 3.3 : illustration of accuracy and spatial resolution.....................................................24

Figure 3.4 : Cylindrical robot configuration with work envelop............................................26

Figure 3.5 : A typical Unimate 2000 Series Robot.................................................................26

Figure 3.6 : A typical picture of joint arm configuration........................................................27

Figure 3.7 : A typical picture of Cartesian co-ordinate configuration....................................28

Figure 3.8 : A two finger gripper actuated by motor..............................................................30

Figure 3.9 : An robot end effector as process tool (spot weld)...............................................30

Figure 3.10 : A robot handling a force sensor at end effector................................................31

Figure 4.1 : 6-axis Fanuc M-710iC/50 robot..........................................................................33

Figure 5.1 : An inside view of planetary gear unit..................................................................39

Figure 5.2 : An outline sketch of simple harmonic drive........................................................40

Figure 5.3 : Main components of ball screw...........................................................................41

Figure 5.4 : Direction of turn of ball screws threads..............................................................42

Figure 5.5 : Parts of screw shaft root diameter.......................................................................42

Figure 5.6 : A typical picture of ball circuit in screw nut.......................................................43

Figure 6.1: A Robot control System.......................................................................................44

Figure 6.2 : A typical picture of tactile sensor........................................................................46

Figure 6.3 : A Cut View of Micro switch...............................................................................47

Figure 6.4 : Construction of resolver......................................................................................49

Figure 6.5 : Inside view of Encoder........................................................................................50

Figure 6.6 : A Inductive Proximity sensor..............................................................................51

Figure 6.7 : Magnetic Sensor..................................................................................................52

Figure 6.8 : Stepper Motor......................................................................................................53

Figure 6.9 : Constructional view of stepper motor.................................................................53

Figure 6.10 : Servo motor and its parts...................................................................................55

Figure 6.11 : Servo motor and Drive......................................................................................57

Figure 6.12 : Mistubushi PLC.................................................................................................58

Figure 6.13 : Simple block diagram of PLC...........................................................................58


Table 1.1: Chronology of developments related to robotics technology..................................5

Table 4.1 : Technical specifications of Fanuc M-710iC/50 series robot................................34

Table 4.2: Motion speed of a Fanuc M-710iC/50 series robot...............................................35

Table 4.3: Motion range of a Fanuc M-710iC/50 series robot................................................35


The field of robotics is a very interesting and useful. The term “Robot” is derived from the
Czech word “Robota” this means menial laborer. It has appeared on January 25, 1921
Murphy (2000). Robots can be used in manufacturing environments, in underwater and space
exploration, for helping the disabled, or even for entertainments. There are different kinds of
robot: manual handling device, fixed sequence robot, variable sequence robot, playback
robot, numerical control robot, and intelligent robot.
"An intelligent robot is a mechanical creature which can function autonomously". The
intelligent robot has to be able to handle ambiguous, conflicting, cluttering and uncertain
situations. It can cope with all vagaries of the real world and learn from its interaction with
the environment.


Robotics is a branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture and
operation of robots. The objective of the robotics field is to create intelligent machines that
can assist humans in a variety of ways.

Robotics can take on a number of forms. A robot may resemble a human, or it may be
in the form of a robotic application, such as robotic process automation (RPA), which
simulates how humans engage with software to perform repetitive, rules-based tasks.

While the field of robotics and exploration of the potential uses and functionality of
robots have grown substantially in the 20th century, the idea is certainly not a new one.


Automation and robots are two distinct technologies, but the terms are often used
interchangeably. Together, they have transformed the manufacturing space. Formerly time-
consuming duties are now fully automated with minimal operator input, and robots are
taking over more labor-intensive and hazardous tasks from humans.
Automation is a process that uses software, machines, or other technology to carry out
tasks in place of human workers. Automation is applied to both virtual tasks and physical
ones. This methodology can be used for many simple functions, such as a programmable
thermostat. It can also perform extremely complex processes (such as in manufacturing) and
is sometimes powered by artificial intelligence or machine learning. 

Robotics is a field that combines engineering and computer science to design and
build robots to perform tasks. 
Robots can be separated into three (broad) categories:
 Those that rely entirely on human input to operate
 Semi-autonomous robots that can perform some tasks on their own but require some
human intervention/observation
 And Autonomous robots that have the intelligence to perform tasks entirely on their
own and can respond to real-world environments with minimal human intervention
Industrial robotics and software for machines allow manufacturers to operate a high-volume
production line while improving efficiency and reducing costs. In harsh conditions, they can
reduce risks for human workers. 


The “official” definition of an industrial root is provided by the Robotics Industries

Association (RIA), formerly the Robotics Institute of America (RIA):

“An Industrial robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to

move the materials, parts, tools, or special devices through variable programmed
motions for the performance of various tasks”.

This definition reinforces our conclusion that industrial robots should be classified as
a form of programmable automation. While the robots themselves are example of
programmable automation, they are, sometimes used in flexible automation and even fixed
automation system.

The system consists of several machines and/or robots working together and is
typically controlled by computer or a programmable controller. A production line that
performs spot welds on automobile bodies is an example of this kind of system. The welding
line consists of two dozen robots or more, and is capable of accomplishing hundreds of
separate spot welds on two or three different body style.

Another definition of robotics “robot any automatically operated machine that

replaces human effort, though it may not resemble human beings in appearance or perform
functions in a humanlike manner”. By extension, robotics is the engineering
discipline dealing with the design, construction, and operation of robots.

Figure 1.1: ASIMO. Photograph courtesy of American Honda Motor Co.

The concept of artificial humans predates recorded history, but the modern
term robot derives from the Czech word robota (“forced labor” or “serf”), used in Karel
Capek’s play R.U.R. (1920). The play’s robots were manufactured humans, heartlessly
exploited by factory owners until they revolted and ultimately destroyed humanity. The
figure 1.1 shows that Humanoid robot manufactured by Honda motor co. Whether they were
biological, like the monster in Mary Shelley Frankenstein (1818), or mechanical was not
specified, but the mechanical alternative inspired generations of inventors to build electrical


Among sciences fiction writers, Isaac Asimov has contributed a number of stories about
robot, starting in 1939, and indeed credited with coining the term “Robotics”. The picture of a
robot that appears in his work is that of a well-designed, fail-safe machine that performs
according to three principles. These principles were called the Three Laws of Robotics by
Asimov and they are.

1. A robot may not injure a human being or through inaction, allow a human to be
2. A robot must obey orders given by human except when the conflicts with the first
3. A robot must protect its own existence unless that conflicts with the First law or
Second law.


The earliest robots as we know them were created in the early 1950s by George C. Devol, an
inventor from Louisville, Kentucky.  He invented and patented a reprogrammable
manipulator called "Unimate," from "Universal Automation."  For the next decade, he
attempted to sell his product in the industry, but did not succeed.  In the late 1960s,
businessman/engineer Joseph Eagleburger acquired Devol's robot patent and was able to
modify it into an industrial robot and form a company called Unimation to produce and
market the robots.  The figure1.2 shows that George C. Devol has introducing his first
manufactured unimate robot for his efforts and successes, Eagleburger is known in the
industry as a Father of Robotics. He also made much progress in the creation new robots.  In
1958 at the Stanford Research Institute, Charles Rosen led a research team in developing a
robot called "Shakey."  Shakey was far more advanced than the original Unimate, which was
designed for specialized, industrial applications.  Shakey could wheel around the room,
observe the scene with his television "eyes," move across unfamiliar surroundings, and to a
certain degree, respond to his environment.  He was given his name because of his wobbly
and clattering movements.

Figure1.2: George C. Devol introducing a First Industrial Robot in 1962.

Science fiction has no doubt contributed to the development of robotics by planting the
ideas in the minds of young people who might embark on careers in robotics and by creating
awareness among the public about this technology. We should also identify certain
technological developments over the years that contributed to the substance of robotics.

Table 1.1 presents the chronological listing which summarizes the mainly early
historical developments in the technology of robots. Some of the early developments in the

field of automata deserve mention although not all of them deal directly with robotics. In the
17th and 18th centuries there were a number of ingenious mechanical devices that had to some
of the features of robots.

Table 1.1: Chronology of developments related to robotics technology

Year Development
Jacques de Vaucanson’s most famous creation was undoubtedly "The Duck."
This mechanical device could flap its wings, eat, and digest grain. Each wing
contained over four hundred moving parts and even today it remains
something of a mystery. The original Duck has disappeared
Joseph-Marie Jacquard invented a machine (essentially a loom) that could be
programmed to create designs that could be printed onto cloth or tissue
John Brainerd created the Steam Man apparently used to pull wheeled carts

1865 and more. [4] In 1885, Frank Reade Jr. built the “Electric Man” which is
more or-less an electric version of the Steam Man
The first patents were awarded for the construction of a “printed wire” which

1903 came into use after World War 2. The concept was to replace radio tube with
something less bulky
The term "robot" was first used in a play called "R.U.R." or "Rossum's

1921 Universal Robots" by the Czech writer Karel Capek. The plot was simple:
man creates a robot to replace him and then robot kills man!
Westinghouse creates ELEKTRO a human-like robot that could walk, talk,
and smoke [4] . ELEKTRO was first unveiled at the 1939 world’s fair.
Science fiction writer Isaac Asimov first used the word "robotics" to describe
the technology of robots and predicted the rise of a powerful robot industry.
[2] The term robotics refers to the study and use of robots; it came about in
1941 and was first adopted by Isaac Asimov, a scientist and writer. It was
Asimov who also proposed the following “Laws of Robotics” in his short
story Runaround in 1942
Isaac Asimov wrote the "Three Laws of Robotics”. A zeroth law was later
added (law zero below).
George Devol patented a general purpose playback device for controlling
machines using magnetic recordings
1947 On November 14, 1947, Walter Brattain had an accident while trying to study
how electrons acted on the surface of a semiconductor. This accident brought
about the creation of the first transistor.
W. Grey Walter created his first robots; Elmer and Elsie, also known as the

1948 turtle robots. The robots were capable of finding their charging station when
their battery power ran low.
Raymond Goertz designed the first tele-operated articulated arm for the

1951 Atomic Energy Commission. This is generally regarded as a major milestone

in force feedback (haptic) technology. (US Patent 2679940)
George Devol designed the first truly programmable robot and called it
UNIMATE for "Universal Automation." (US patent 2 998 237) [4] Later, in
1956, George Devol and Joseph Engelberger formed the world's first robot
company “Unimation” which stands for “universal automation”. [2] As a
result, Engelberger has been called the 'father of robotics’. [3] Unimation is
still in production today, with robots for sale.
History changed on October 4, 1957, when the Soviet Union successfully

1957 launched Sputnik I. The world's first autonomous, artificial satellite was 22.8
inches in diameter and weighed only 183.9 pounds
One of the first operational, industrial robots in North America appeared in
the early 1960’s in a candy factory in Kitchener, Ontario
Artificial intelligence research laboratories are opened at M.I.T., Stanford

1964 Research Institute (SRI), Stanford University, and the University of


1965 Carnegie Mellon establishes the Robotics Institute

SRI built “Shakey”; a mobile robot equipped with a vision system and
controlled by a computer the size of a room.
V.S. Garfunkel, A. Schneider, E.V. Garfunkel and colleagues at the

1973 department of motion control at the Russian Academy of Science create the
first six-legged walking vehicle.
Victor Schenman developed the Programmable Universal Manipulation Arm
(Puma). It was widely used in industrial operations.
The Variante Masha, a six-legged walking machine, was created at the

1977 Russian academy of Science by Dr. Devjanin, Dr. Grufinkelt, Dr. Lensky, Dr.
Schneider, and colleagues.

Hiroshi Makino of Yamanashi University designed the Selective Compliant
Articulated Robot Arm (SCARA) for assembly jobs in factories.
Waseda Hitachi Leg-11 (WHL-11) was a biped robot developed by Hitachi

1985 Ltd. It was capable of static walking on a flat surface. It was able to turn and
could take a step every 13 seconds.
iRobot Corporation was founded by Rodney Brooks, Colin Angle and Helen
Greiner and produced domestic and military robots
Honda created the P2, which was the first major step in creating their
ASIMO. The P2 was the first self-regulating, bipedal humanoid robot
NASA's Path Finder landed on Mars. The wheeled robotic rover sent images
and data about Mars back to Earth.
LEGO released their MINDSTORMS robotic development product line,

1998 which is a system for inventing robots using a modular design and LEGO
plastic bricks.
Mitsubishi created a robot fish. The intention was to create a robotic version
of an extinct species of fish.
Sony unveiled the Sony Dream Robots (SDR) at Robodex. SDR was able to

2000 recognize 10 different faces, expresses emotion through speech and body
language, and can walk on flat as well as irregular surfaces
MD Robotics of Canada built the Space Station Remote Manipulator System

2001 (SSRMS). It was successfully launched and worked to assemble the

International Space Station.


A robot manipulator, also known as a robot arm, is a serial chain of rigid limbs designed to
perform a task with its end effectors. Early designs concentrated on industrial manipulators,
to perform tasks such as welding, painting, and palletizing. The evolution of the technical
necessities of society and the technological advances achieved have helped the strong growth
of new applications in recent years, such as surgery assistance, rehabilitation, automatic
refueling, etc. This section surveys those areas that have received a special, concentrated
research effort, namely, industrial robots, medical robots, and rehabilitation robots.

There are 4 types of robots namely

1. Industrial Robots

2. Medical Robots

3. Rehabilitation Robots

4. Mobile Robots


It was around 1960 when industrial robots were first introduced in the production process,
and until the 1990s industrial robots dominated robotics research. In the beginning, the
automotive industry dictated the specifications industrial robots had to meet, mainly due to
the industry’s market clout and clear technical necessities. These necessities determined
which areas of investigation were predominant during that period. One such area was
kinematic calibration, which is a necessary process due to the inaccuracy of kinematic models
based on manufacturing parameters.

The calibration process is carried out in four stages. The first stage is mathematical
modeling, where the Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) method and the product-of-exponential (POE)
formulation lead the large family of methods. A detailed discussion of the fundamentals of
kinematic modeling can be found in the literature. Craig (1989). The gap between the
theoretical model and the real model is found in the second stage by direct measurement
through sensors.

Thus, the true position of the robot’s end effectors is determined, and by means of
optimization techniques, the parameters that vary from their nominal values are identified in
the third stage. Last, implementation in the robot is the process of incorporating the improved
kinematic model. This process will depend on the complexity of the machine, and iterative
methods will have to be employed in the most complex cases. Research in robot calibration
remains an open issue, and new methods that reduce the computational complexity of the
calibration process are still being proposed.

The figure 1.3 shows that family of KUKA robot which manufacturing an industrial
robot. KUKA Robotics is one of the leading manufacturers of industrial robots and solutions
for factory automation. The company offers industrial robots, such as small robots; robots
with low, medium, and high payloads; and heavy-duty robots, as well as robots for special

Figure 1.3: A typical example of industrial robots


In recent years, the field of medicine has been also invaded by robots, not to replace qualified
personnel such as doctors and nurses, but to assist them in routine work and precision tasks.
Medical robotics is a promising field that really took off in the 1990s. Since then, a wide
variety of medical applications have emerged: laboratory robots, tele-surgery, surgical
training, remote surgery, telemedicine and tele-consultation, rehabilitation, help for the deaf
and the blind, and hospital robots. Medical robots assist in operations on heart-attack victims
and make possible the millimeter-fine adjustment of prostheses.

There are, however, many challenges in the widespread implementation of robotics in

the medical field, mainly due to issues such as safety, precision, cost and reluctance to accept
this technology. Medical robots may be classified in many ways: by manipulator design (e.g.,
kinematics, actuation); by level of autonomy (e.g., preprogrammed versus teleportation
versus constrained cooperative control); by targeted anatomy or technique (e.g., cardiac,
intravascular, percutaneous, laparoscopic, micro-surgical); by intended operating
environment [e.g., in-scanner, conventional operating room (OR)], etc. Research remains
open in the field of surgical robotics, where extensive effort has been invested and results are
impressive. Some of the key technical barriers include safety Davies (1996), where some of
the basic principles at issue are redundancy, avoiding unnecessary speed or power in

actuators, rigorous design analysis and multiple emergency stop and checkpoint/restart

Medical human-machine interfaces are another key issue that draws upon essentially
the same technologies as other application domains. Surgeons rely on vision as their
dominant source of feedback; however, due to the limited resolution of current generation
video cameras, there is interest in optical overlay methods, in which graphic information is
superimposed on the surgeon’s field of view to improve the information provided.

Figure 1.4: A typical medical robots

As surgeons frequently have their hands busy, there has been also interest in using
voice as an interface. Force and haptic feedback is another powerful interface for tele-surgery


Activity in the field of rehabilitation robotics began in the 1960s and has slowly evolved
through the years to a point where the first commercially successful products are now
available. Today, the concept of “rehabilitation robot” may include a wide array of
Mechtronics devices ranging from artificial limbs to robots for supporting rehabilitation
therapy or for providing personal assistance in hospital and residential sites. Examples
include robots for neuron-rehabilitation Canny (1988), power-augmentation orthotics,
rehabilitative orthotics, etc. The field of rehabilitation robotics is less developed than that of

industrial robotics. Many assistive robotic systems have featured an industrial robot arm for
reasons of economy and availability.

However, the specifications for robots in these two application areas are very
different. The differences arise from the involvement of the user in rehabilitation
applications. Industrial robots are typically powerful and rigid to provide speed and accuracy.
They operate autonomously and, for reasons of safety, no human interaction is permitted.
Rehabilitation robots must operate more slowly and be more compliant to facilitate safe user
interaction. Thus, rehabilitation robotics is more akin to service robotics, which integrates
humans and robots in the same task.

Figure 1.5: Rehabilitation Robot

It requires safety and special attention must be paid to human-machine interfaces that
have to be adapted for disabled or non-skilled people operating a specific programming

It is also recognized that there is a need for research and development in robotics to focus on
developing more flexible systems for use in unstructured environments. The leading
developments of this type in rehabilitation robotics concern, among other topics, mechanical
design (including mobility and end-effectors), programming, control and man machine
interfaces. Subsection “Humanoid Robots” of this article expands on new research into
human robot interaction.


The term mobile robot describes a robotic system able to carry out tasks in different
places and consisting of a platform moved by locomotive elements. The choice of the
locomotive system depends firstly on the environment in which the robot will operate. This
can be aerial, aquatic or terrestrial (see Figure 1.5).

In the aquatic and aerial environments, the locomotive systems are usually propellers
or screws, although at the seabed legs are also used. The choice of the locomotive system on
earth is more complicated due to the variety of terrestrial environments. Wheels, tracks, and
legs are typical terrestrial locomotive elements. Mobility provides robots with enhanced
operating capacity and opens up new areas of investigation as shown in figure 1.6

Figure 1.6: Mobile robots in various environment.

(a) Aerial mobile robot
(b) Aquatic mobile robot
(c) Terrestrial mobile robot.

Some such areas are common to all mobile robots, like the navigation problem,
whereas others deal more specifically with a certain locomotion system, like the walking gait.

Practically by the time industrial robots were introduced in the production process,
mobile robots were installed in the factory. This was around 1968, and the robots were
mainly automated guided vehicles (AGVs), vehicles transporting tools and following a
predefined trajectory. Nevertheless, the research in this area deals now with autonomous
indoor and outdoor navigation.


Industrial robotics are broadly classified in to 4 types there are



Articulated robot is one of the most comment types of industrial robots. It resembles a human
arm in its mechanical configuration. The arm is connected to the base with a twisting joint.
The number of rotary joints connecting the links in the arm can range from two joints to ten
joints and each joint provides an additional degree of freedom. The joints can be parallel or
orthogonal to each other. Articulated robots having six degrees of freedom are the most
commonly used industrial robots as the design offers maximum flexibility.

Figure 2.7: 6- Axis articulated robot for welding made by Kawasaki


 High speed
 Large work envelope for least floor space
 Easier to align to multiple planes


 Requires dedicated robot controller

 Complicated programming
 Complicated kinematics


 Food packaging
 Arc welding
 Spot welding
 Material handling
 Machine tending
 Automotive assembly
 Steel bridge manufacturing
 Steel cutting
 Glass handling
 Foundry and forging application


Cartesian robots are also called rectilinear or gantry robots and have a rectangular
configuration. These types of industrial robots have three prismatic joints to deliver linear
motion by sliding on its three perpendicular axes (X, Y and Z). They might also have an
attached wrist to allow rotational movement. The figure 2.2 illustrates that XYZ axis based
linear movement. Cartesian robots are used in majority of industrial applications as they offer
flexibility in their configuration which makes them suitable for specific application needs.


 Provides high positional accuracy

 Simple operation

 Easy to program offline

 Highly customizable

 Can handle heavy loads

 Less cost

Figure 2.8 : 3-axis Cartesian robot system


 Requires large operational and installation area

 Complex assembly
 Movement limited to only one direction at a time


 Pick and place operations

 Loading and unloading
 Material handling
 Assembly and sub-assembly
 Nuclear material handling
 Adhesive applications


SCARA (Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm) robots have a donut shaped work
envelope and consist of two parallel joints that provide compliance in one selected plane. The
rotary shafts are positioned vertically, and the end effectors attached to the arm moves
horizontally. SCARA robots specialize in lateral movements and are mostly used for
assembly applications. The SCARA robots can move faster and have easier integration than
cylindrical and Cartesian robots.

Figure 2.9 : SCARA Robot by Mitsubishi


 High speed

 Excellent repeatability

 Large workspace


 Requires dedicated robot controller

 Limited to planar surfaces

 Hard to program offline


 Assembly applications

 Semiconductor wafers handling

 Biomed applications

 Packaging

 Palletizing

 Machine loading


Delta robots are also called parallel link robots as it consists of parallel joint linkages
connected with a common base. Owing to direct control of each joint over the end effectors,
the positioning of the end effectors can be controlled easily with its arms resulting in high
speed operation. Delta robots have a dome shaped work envelope. These robots are generally
used for fast pick-and-place or product transfer applications.

Figure 2.10 : Delta robot by ABB


 Very high speed

 High operational accuracy


 Complicated operation

 Requires dedicated robot controller


 Food industry

 Pharmaceutical industry

 Electronic industry

 Flight simulators

 Automobile simulators

 Optical fiber alignment


Collaborative robot is a robot that works with humans in some way – either as an assistant in
a task or process, or as a guide. Unlike autonomous robots, which work largely alone and
without supervision, collaborative robots are programmed and designed to respond to human
instructions and actions.

A collaborative robot is also known as a cobot or co-robot.


 Cobots are flexible, easy to install and relocate.

 Cobots are safer than industrial robots.

 Cobots are cost effective.

 Cobots can be two armed and perform tasks even faster.

Figure 2.11 : A typical Collaborative Robot
 Cobot speed is limited

 Cobot might not be as six-axis robots

 Cobots are not entirely independent

 Safety approval of cobots can be trouble


 assembly dispensing

 finishing machine

 tending material

 handling

 welding

 material removal

 quality inspections


Robotics deals with the design, construction, operation, and use of robots and computer
systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. A robot is a unit that
implements this interaction with the physical world based on sensors, actuators, and
information processing.


Each robot is sized to the desired application. A few factors in choosing a robot are

 Reach
 Payload
 Speed.

1. Reach: As the name suggests, the robot’s “reach” is a measure of how far the robotic arm
can reach when it’s completely outstretched. In other words, it defines the limits of the
robot’s workspace.

It’s important to note that the reach is only a rough measure of the robot’s workspace.
It is very common for a robot to have more reach in one direction than another, which isn’t
reflected in the parameter. However, the reach does give us a general idea of the size of the
robot and its kinematic capabilities. This is why it is a useful first parameter to use when
picking a robot model.

The reach is determined by various physical factors about the robot, including:

a) The length of its links.

b) The overall size of the robot.
c) The range of the joints (joints with low movement range can have low reach even if
the robot is large).

For example, the robot’s reach will determine:

 How big your work piece can be.

 Whether or not you need to use an external axis.
 Where you can position the robot on your work floor.

Figure 3.12 : Reach of the ABB IRB-1520 model

2. Payload: Payload is the weight the robot can lift. Payload includes the weight of the End
of Arm Tooling (EOAT) and the weight of the product being picked. The payload is easier to
measure and easier to calculate.

Robot payload is one of the most important parameters to consider when selecting
an industrial robot. Payload capacity is often one of the first specifications listed by robotic
manufacturers and is often used to define a robot. A robot’s payload capacity refers to the
amount of mass its wrist can support.

While many may think payload only applies to the weight of work pieces handled by
the robot, it also applies to the weight of any end of arm tool (EOAT) and
bracketing integrated with the robot wrist. Payload is expressed as a weight unit, with most
robot manufacturers using kilograms (kg)

3. Speed:

1. Point-to-point (PTP) control robot: is capable of moving from one point to

another point. The locations are recorded in the control memory. PTP robots do not
control the path to get from one point to the next point. Common applications include
component insertion, spot welding, whole drilling, machine loading and unloading,
and crude assembly operations.

2.  Continuous-path (CP) control robot: With CP control, the robot can stop at any
specified point along the controlled path. All the points along the path must be stored
explicitly in the robot’s control memory. Typical finishing, application gluing, and arc
welding operations.
3. Controlled-path robot: The control equipment can generate paths of different
geometry such as straight lines, circles, and interpolated curves with a high degree of
accuracy. All controlled-path robots have a servo capability to correct their path.


An industrial robot’s work envelope is the entire area of space that can be reached by some
point at the end of the robot arm. Typically, this point is the center of the end effectors
mounting plate of the robot arm and does not factor in the addition of tooling to the robot

In other words, it is the range of movement reached by the robot manipulator.

Work envelopes are often referenced as shapes that are defined by a robot’s ability to move
its arm vertically, horizontally, and backwards. Work envelopes can be cubic, rectangular,
cylindrical, polar, and revolute, among others. The shape or volume of space of a work
envelope varies by robot type, reach, and number of axes. A robot’s reach will determine the
span of a robot’s arm movements.

While the number of axes a robot has defines the range of motion of the robot with each
axis determining an independent motion

. The more Figure 3.13 : Work envelope of SCARA robot axes a robot has the
more range of motion it will have,

which is why 6-axis robots tend to be more common for manufacturing. However, there may
be areas within a robot’s defined workspace that cannot be reached by its arm. These
unreachable areas are referred to as dead zones.


A robot is expected to perform repeated tasks in a real world and hence its performance is
ultimately measured by its ability to position and orient the end effector at the desired
location a large number of times. We will define precision as a function of three features.

1. Spatial Resolution
2. Repeatability
3. Accuracy.

1. Spatial Resolution: Spatial resolution Smallest increment of motion at the wrist end that
can be controlled by the robot Depends on the position control system, feedback
measurement, and mechanical accuracy, Smallest increment of motion Depends on the
control system and feedback.

Figure 3.14 : illustration of accuracy and spatial resolution

2. Repeatability: Ability to position back to a point that was previously taught

 Repeatability errors form a random variable
 Mechanical inaccuracies in arm, wrist components
 Larger robots have less precise repeatability values
3. Accuracy: Capability to position the wrist at a target point in the work volume
 One half of the distance between two adjacent resolution points
 Affected by mechanical Inaccuracies
 Manufacturers don’t provide the accuracy (hard to control)

The ability of a robot to go to the specified position without making a mistake. Closely
related to spatial resolution.


A coordinate system defines a plane or space by axes from a fixed point called the origin.
Robot targets and positions are located by measurements along the axes of coordinate
systems. A robot uses several coordinate systems, each suitable for specific types of jogging
or programming.

The Robots are mostly divided into four major configurations based on their
appearances, sizes, etc. such as:

 Cylindrical Configuration.
 Polar Configuration.
 Jointed Arm Configuration.
 Cartesian Co-ordinate Configuration.


This kind of robots incorporates a slide in the horizontal position and a column in the vertical
position. It also includes a robot arm at the end of the slide. Here, the slide is capable of
moving in up & down motion with the help of the column. In addition, it can reach the work
space in a rotary movement as like a cylinder.

Example: GMF Model M1A Robot.

 Increased rigidity
 Capacity of carrying high payloads. 

 Floor space required is more, and

 Less work volume.

3.4.2 Figure 3.15 : Cylindrical robot configuration with work envelop POLAR

The polar configuration robots will possess an arm, which can move up and down. It
comprises of a rotational base along with a pivot. It has one linear & two rotary joints that
allows the robot to operate in a spherical work volume. It is also stated as Spherical
Coordinate Robots.

Example: Unimate 2000 Series Robot.

Figure 3.16 : A typical Unimate 2000 Series Robot


 Long reach capability in the horizontal position.


 Vertical reach is low.


The arm in these configuration robots looks almost like a human arm. It gets three
rotary joints and three wrist axes, which form into six degrees of freedoms. As a result, it has
the capability to be controlled at any adjustments in the work space. These types of robots are
used for performing several operations like spray painting, spot welding, arc welding, and

Example: Cincinnati Milacron T3 776 Robot

Figure 3.17 : A typical picture of joint arm configuration


 Increased flexibility,

 Huge work volume

 Quick operation.


 Very expensive,

 Difficult operating procedures, and

 Plenty of components.


These robots are also called as XYZ robots, because it is equipped with three rotary joints for
assembling XYZ axes. The robots will process in a rectangular work space by means of this
three joints movement. It is capable of carrying high payloads with the help of its rigid
structure. It is mainly integrated in some functions like pick and place, material handling,
loading and unloading, and so on. Additionally, this configuration adds a name of Gantry

Example: IBM 7565 Robot.

Figure 3.18 : A typical picture of Cartesian co-ordinate configuration


 Highly accurate & speed.

 Fewer cost.

 Simple operating procedures.

 High payloads.


 Less work envelope.

 Reduced flexibility.


In robotics, an end effector is a device or tool that's connected to the end of a robot arm where
the hand would be. The end effector is the part of the robot that interacts with the
In manufacturing, a robot arm can accommodate only certain tasks without changes to
its end effectors ancillary hardware and/or programming. If a robot needs to pick something
up, a type of robot hand called a gripper is the most functional end effector. If a robot needs
to be able to tighten screws, however, then the robot must be fitted with an end effector that
can spin.


An end effector is a peripheral device that attaches to a robot’s wrist, allowing the robot to
interact with its task. Most end effectors are mechanical or electromechanical and serve as
grippers, process tools, or sensors. They range from simple two-fingered grippers for pick-
and-place tasks to complex sensor systems for robotic inspection.

 The term “End of Arm Tooling” (EOAT) may also be used.

 Basically, an end effector is the “business end of the robot.”

Without an end effector, most robots are practically useless. An articulated robotic arm
can be programmed to a particular location within its workspace, but without some sort of
end effector, it has no way to perform any operation.


There are so many different types of end effector that it would be almost impossible (or at
least unhelpful) to list all of them here. However, there are 3 basic types that you are likely to
come across in most situations.

The 3 Basic Types of End Effector is

1. Gripper
2. Process tool
3. Sensors

1. Gripper: The most
common robot end effector is
the humble gripper. It
allows you to pick up and
manipulate objects, which
makes it best suited to tasks
like pick-and- place,
assembly, and machine

There are possibly more

different types of gripper than there is any other type of end effector. By far the most popular
are fingered grippers, which come with 2, 3, 4, or 5 fingers — it is possible to use 6 fingers or
more but it is rarely necessary.

Then, there are vacuum grippers, magnetic grippers, needle grippers, and there are amazing
new gripper technologies being developed all the time.

2. Process Figure 3.19 : A two finger gripper actuated by motor tool: A simplistic
way to think of process tools is
like a worker operating a power tool. While a gripper can only grasp the work piece, a
process tool actually changes the work piece.

There are as many different process tools as there are different operations in
manufacturing. Examples include, robot welding tools, robot machining tools, robot painting
tools, 3D printing tools, and the list goes on and on.

If you can do it with a power tool, you can probably do it with a robot.

If you can do it with another automated machine, you might be able to do it with a robot.

3. Sensors: Figure 3.20 : An robot end effector as process tool (spot You can also
attach a sensor to use
the robot as a programmable sensor-orientation device. This is particularly useful for
applications like robotic inspection which reduce the amount of hands-on time that inspection
engineers need to spend collecting data.

Figure 3.21 : A robot handling a force sensor at end effector


Fanuc is a Japanese group of companies that provide automation products and services such

as robotics and computer numerical control wireless systems. These companies are
principally FANUC Corporation of Japan, Fanuc America Corporation of Rochester Hill,
Michigan, USA, and FANUC Europe Corporation S.A. of Luxembourg.

Fanuc is the largest maker of industrial robots in the world. FANUC had its beginnings
as part of Fujitsu developing early numerical control (NC) and servo systems. FANUC
is acronym for Fuji Automatic Numerical Control.

4.1 FANUC M-710iC/50 ROBOT

The FANUC M-710iC/50 is battle-ready and one of FANUC's intelligent robots. Performing
dispensing, material-handling and packaging applications are no problem for this industrial
robot arm. What distinguishes the M-710iC 50? The robot is coated with a protective epoxy.
Its wrist, which is often subjected to the worst condition, can withstand high-pressure
washing. Each joint has extra oil seals and every bolt is coated. The 710iC 50 can be
immersed in 15cm to 1m of liquid and is certifiably protected from all dust, cutting down on
wear and tear. Even the robot\'s base is safeguarded, designed to expel air, thus preventing
outside air from seeping into the robotic arm.

4.1.1 ABOUT
FANUC M- 710iC/50

The FANUC 710ic-50

has a wrist flange and
base mounting that is
standard for the series,
allowing for seamless
compatibility and a leaner
manufacturing process. The
robot is robust and speedy.
The M- 710iC/50
can lift a 50kg payload and
reach 2050mm horizontally.
The M-710iC/50 is perfect for foundry settings it can perform an array of applications,
including material handling, machine loading, and assembly, grinding, polishing and
deburring. The flexibility makes it very attractive to consumers as a way to increase
productivity while saving money.

There are a variety of controllers that the new and used FANUC M-710iC/50 can be paired
with: the R-30iA, RJ3iC, R-30iB Mate cabinet, R-30iB A-cabinet, or the R-30iB B-cabinet,
and R-30iB.

Figure 4.22 : 6-axis Fanuc M-710iC/50 robot
4.1.2 FANUC M-

The specifications of FANUC M-710iC/50 series robot are as follows

Table 4.2 : Technical specifications of Fanuc M-710iC/50 series robot


Axes 6-Axis

Payload 50 Kg

H-Reach 2050 mm

Repeatability ±0.07 mm

Robot Mass 560 kg

Structure Articulated

Mounting Floor, Inverted, Angle


The Fanuc M-710iC/50 series robot has six separated servo motors which drive the each link
of the robot. Each servo motor has a motion speed based upon the rating of the servo motor
and weight of the arm or manipulator. The following readings ae robot motion speed of a
each servo motor is as follows.

Table 4.3: Motion speed of a Fanuc M-710iC/50 series robot

Axis motor Motion Speed

J1 175°/s (3.05 rad/sec)

J2 175°/s (3.05 rad/sec)

J3 175°/s (3.05 rad/sec)

J4 250°/s (4.36 rad/sec)

J5 250°/s (4.36 rad/sec)

J6 355°/s (6.02 rad/sec)


An industrial robot's range of motion determines the movements it is capable of. Range of

motion for a robot depends upon the degrees of freedom (DOF) it has. Each degree of
freedom is represented by an axis. Each axis contains a motor that is responsible for
producing a specific motion.

The table shows that robot range of each axis for Fanuc M-710iC/50 series robot is

Table 4.4: Motion range of a Fanuc M-710iC/50 series robot

Axis motor Motion range

J1 ±360°

J2 ±225°

J3 ±440°

J4 ±720°

J5 ±250°

J6 ±720°


The applications of Fanuc M-710iC/50 series robot are

 Dispensing Robots.
 Machine Loading Robots.
 Material Handling Robot.
 Cutting Robots
 Fiberglass Cutting Robots.

 Foundry Robots.
 Material Removal Robots.
 Meat Processing Automation Robot.
 Arc welding Robots.
 Water jet Robots.


A robotic controller is one of the main components of an industrial robot. The robot

controller is a computer system that connects to the robot in order to control the movements
of the industrial robot arm. In addition to the robot arm, the controller is also responsible for
the end-effector and to prevent interference from occurring within the robots work area.
All industrial robots are paired with a controller in order to be able to operate. The Fanuc M-
710iC/50 series is paired with the R-30ib controller, while the Fanuc M-710iC/50 series is
paired with the R30ib controller.

The robotic controller is often referred to as the “brains” of a robot. This is because it
interrupts coding that serves as the program for a given robotic application. The controller
deciphers the code into instructions for the articulated robot to use in order to operate and
carry out the steps of the application. Robotic programs are coded into the controller through
the controller’s teach pendant.

The teach pendant is a key component of the control system as is serves as the
main programming method for the robot. This handheld device consists of buttons, switches,
or a touch screen to allow for the input of programming commands. These commands are
inputted through the pendant’s keyboard by a robot operator. Once the program has been
entered into the teach pendant, the controller sends the coded instructions to the robot’s CPU.
The CPU is a small chip and is the central processing unit of the robot. The CPU receives the
programming code, processes the code, and then instructs the robot how to operate according
to the application program. Using a controller and teach pendant is the preferred
programming method for the
majority of robotic users.

Figure4.2: Architecture of Industrial Robot Controller



The new R-30iB Plus robot controller was developed to make automation more user-friendly
through improved user interfaces. The main features of the new R-30iB Plus controller

 Easier to use iPendant with improved screen resolution and processing power

 Improved processing performance of hardware and software

 The iHMI has an icon based user interface for more intuitive navigation through setup
and programming (tutorials are also available)

 Signal processing cycle is shorter and signal output timing has been improved

The R-30iB Plus cabinet types available

 A-Cabinet – FANUC’s standard cabinet that is both stackable and compact

 B-Cabinet – Same as the A-Cabinet but has space for extra amplifiers or I/O modules

 Mate Cabinet – This stackable cabinet is for use with LRMate and other smaller robots

 Open Air Cabinet – Also for smaller robots and can be installed in dirty environments.

Figure 4.3: Architecture of Industrial Robot Controller



There are many ways to generate power but sometimes it is not possible to generate power
where it’s needed or in the right form, direction, or magnitude. Hence electrical &
mechanical power transmissions are vital for any engineering product design. This article is
solely about mechanical power transmission and its elements excluding electrical power
transmission. Mechanical power transmission and its elements are used for the following

1. Generated power or energy can be converted into a useful form.

2. Physical constraints limit the power generation at the place where it is used hence it
can be transferred from source to a place where it is needed.

3. It can be used to change direction and magnitude such as speed or torque.

4. It can be used to change the type of energy i.e. rotational to linear and vice versa.


A gear is a wheel with evenly sized and spaced teeth machined or formed around its
perimeter. Gears are used in rotating machinery not only to transmit motion from one point to
another, but also for the mechanical advantage they offer. Two or more gears transmitting
motion from one shaft to another is called a gear train, and gearing is a system of wheels or
cylinders with meshing teeth. Gearing is chiefly used to transmit rotating motion but can also
be adapted to translate reciprocating motion into rotating motion and vice versa.

Gears are versatile mechanical components capable of performing many different

kinds of power transmission or motion control.

Examples of these are:

 Changing Rotational Speed.
 Changing Rotational Direction.
 Changing the angular orientation of rotational motion.
 Multiplication or division of torque or magnitude of rotation.
 Converting rotational to linear motion and its reverse Off setting or changing the
location of rotating motion

The various types of gear units are used in robots are

 Planetary Gear Box

 Simple Harmonic Drive

1. Planetary Gearbox:

A simple planetary gear set is made up of three main components:

 The sun gear that sits in the centre (central gear).

 Multiple planet gears.
 The ring gear (outer gear).

The three components make

up a stage within a planetary gearbox.
For higher ratios we can offer
double or triple stages are shown
in figure 5.1


Figure 5.23 : An inside view of planetary gear unit

Planetary gearboxes can be powered by electric servo motors, hydraulic motors or petrol
or diesel combustion engines.

The load from the sun gear is distributed to several planetary gears which can either be
used to drive an outer ring or a shaft or spindle. The central sun gear takes a high-speed, low-
torque input. It drives several rotating external gears which increases the torque.

The simple design is a highly efficient and effective way of transferring power from a
motor to an output. Approximately 97% of the energy input is delivered as an output.

2. Simple Harmonic Drive:

The harmonic drive is a type of gear arrangement often referred to as a strain wave gear
because of the way it works. It is a kind of reduction gear mechanism consisting of a
minimum of three main components. These components interact in a way that allows for very
high precision reduction ratios that would otherwise require much more complex and
voluminous mechanisms.

As a product, the harmonic drive was invented by the American engineer Clarence

Walton Musser in 1957, and it quickly conquered the industry with the countless advantages
that it brought to the table. Musser identified the potential of his invention at an early stage
and in 1960 began selling licenses to manufacturers so they could use his patented product.
Nowadays, there are only a handful of manufacturers in the USA, Germany, and Japan who
are holding the license to produce harmonic drives, doing so at their top-notch facilities and
producing ultimate quality strain gears for the whole world.

Figure 5.24: An outline sketch of simple harmonic
While drive industrial robots
have been used to manipulate parts, tools, material, and specialized devices for half a century,
industrial robot manufacturers face a range of new challenges associated with increased
demand for greater levels of adaptability, agility, and flexibility. Therefore to increase a
accuracy of movement to eliminate the backlash the lead screw is designed to minimize the

Lead Screw or Ball Screw:

Ball screws are mechanical linear actuators that consist of a screw shaft and a nut that
contain a ball that rolls between their matching helical grooves. The primary function of ball
screws is to convert rotational motion to linear motion. Ball nuts are used in transmitting
forces to a stationary or dynamic load with high accuracy, precision, and repeatability.

The unique element of ball screws is the rolling balls in the helical groove which reduces
the mechanical contact inside the screw assembly and replaces sliding friction with rolling
friction. This mechanism significantly lessens the friction generated, which results in highly
efficient power conversion. The efficiency of screws is measured by their capability to
transform power utilized in exerting rotational force to the linear distance covered.

Ball screws have more complex structures and components and appear to be bulkier than
other types of screws. They are more expensive than other screw types, but their benefits and
capability outweigh their cost.

The main components of ball screws are the screw shaft, the nut, and the ball bearings

(or balls). We will discuss their

important specifications and their impact

on the operation.

Figure 5.25: Main components of ball screw

The screw shaft is the component of the ball screw that receives rotational force for it to
rotate about its axis; this is translated to linear motion. The power to rotate the shaft is
supplied by a motor, which is situated on its end.

The screw shaft is a long cylindrical shaft that has a continuous groove, called the ball groove
that runs helically around the length of its shaft, which is referred to as the thread of the

The ball groove serves as the pathway for the rolling ball bearings. The ball groove profile of
a ball screw may either be a semi-circular arc or a gothic arc. The semi-circular arc profile is
formed from a single arc, while the gothic arc profile has an ogival shape formed from two
arcs. The two groove profiles differ on the contact points they touch on the ball.

Figure 5.26: Direction of turn of ball screws threads

The ball screw is identified as a right-hand ball screw if the groove is traced in a clockwise
direction around the screw shaft and slants to the right. It is a left-hand ball screw if the
groove runs in a counterclockwise direction and it slants to the left. SPECIFICATIONS OF SCREW SHAFT

1. Nominal Diameter
The nominal diameter is the maximum diameter of the screw shaft excluding the ball

2. Ball Circle Diameter

Ball circle diameter (or pitch circle diameter) is the center-to-center distance of

two opposite balls measured when the ball bearings are in contact with the


 Root Diameter: Root diameter is the distance between the bottommost sections of
the groove to the bottommost section of the opposite groove as shown in figure 5.5. It
is the minimum diameter of the screw shaft.

Figure 5.27 : Parts of screw shaft root diameter

The nominal diameter, ball circle diameter, and root diameter are used in

calculating the application characteristics and in sizing the screw.

 Pitch: Pitch is the axial distance between two adjacent threads.

 Lead: Lead is the linear distance along the axis of the screw that is covered
by one complete rotation (3600) of the screw. It is an important

specification of a ball screw which determines linear travel and speed and

load capacity.

As the lead of ball screws increases, the linear distance covered and

the speed increase. However, the number of balls accommodated around

the screw shaft decreases, resulting also in a decrease in load capacity.

 Nut: The nut of a ball screw is a cylinder that houses the ball bearing and
its recirculation system as shown in figure 5.6. Ball grooves are also

present in the internals of the nut that match the grooves of the screw


Figure 5.28 : A typical picture of ball circuit in screw nut



A robot is an autonomous machine which has 3 main parts. All of these parts work together
to make a robot work.

1. Controller – The robot controller controls the movements and functions of the robot. The
robot controller which is a feedback control system, run by a computer program which gives
commands for the moving parts of the robot to follow. The controller stores information
about the robot and its work environment and contains programs which operate the robot;

2. Actuator – The Actuators (such as motors, pistons, grippers, wheels, and gears) are used
to produce mechanical movements of the robot elements to make the robot move, grab, turn
or lift. The source of energy which the actuators require to create motion is usually
electricity, hydraulic fluid or pneumatic pressure;

3. Sensors – The sensors give the robots the awareness of its environment or surroundings
and other important information. The sensing elements feed measurements and details like
sizes, shapes, space between objects, direction etc. to the robot controller which processes
them and then sends back the control signal making necessary changes, to activate the
actuators to enable appropriate movements of the robot.

Figure 6.29: A Robot control System


A sensor is a device that detects the change in the environment and responds to some output
on the other system. A sensor converts a physical phenomenon into a measurable analog

voltage (or sometimes a digital signal) converted into a human-readable display or
transmitted for reading or further processing.

One of the best-known sensors is the microphone, which converts sound energy to an
electrical signal that can be amplified, transmitted, recorded, and reproduced.

Sensors are used in our everyday lives. For example, the common mercury
thermometer is a very old type of sensor used for measuring temperature. Using colored
mercury in a closed tube, it relies on the fact that this chemical has a consistent and linear
reaction to changes in temperature.

By marking the tube with temperature values, we can look at the thermometer and see
what the temperature is. The precision is somewhat limited due to the visual size of the scale
markings, but it is sufficient for its intended purpose.


Robotic sensors are used to estimate a robot’s condition and environment. These signals are
passed to a controller to enable appropriate behavior.

Sensors in robots are based on the functions of human sensory organs. Robots require
extensive information about their environment in order to function effectively.

Robot sensor ensures the smooth functioning of a robot. These sensors help robots
react to the commands received. These sensors help create a feel-and-see feature in them,
which provides the effortless accomplishment of various tasks. Understanding the
environment can help a robot determine the temperature, object proximity, sound, or
chemical reaction and act accordingly.  

To achieve reliable solutions with efficient calibrate, quick response, accuracy, and
cost-effectiveness, we need to incorporate many sensors in robots. Let us take a look at
various sensors and their uses.


The sensors are broadly classified into

1. Tactile sensors
1. Micro Switches

3. Resolvers
4. Encoders
2. Non-Tactile Sensors
1. Proximity Sensors
2. Magnetic Sensors Tactile Sensors:

A tactile sensor can measure any physical interaction with its environment. This sensor is
capable to measure the parameters related to the contact of the sensor with an object. These
sensors are designed according to the biological sense of coetaneous touch, which is able to
detect the stimuli from mechanical stimulation, temperature, and pain. A tactile sensor will
receive and respond to a signal and this signal could be a force or a physical contact. The
figure 6.2 shows that physical appearance of tactile sensor

Figure 6.30 : A typical picture of tactile sensor Basically a tactile

sensor is a touch sensor that
can provide information about the object which it’s in contact with it. The information about
the object could be the shape, size, and type of material. Tactile sensors are able to detect the
pressure in mobile phones finger-TPS is used to sense the force applied by the human hand.

1. Micro switch: A micro switch is a snap-action precision changeover switch with a very
small contact gap. The snap-action defines a changeover switch whereby contact making and
breaking speed is independent of the operating speed of the actuator. It is also referred to as a
miniature snap-action switch.

Compared to conventional switches, micro switches have the following distinctive


 Reduced size.

 Reduced operating travel: tenths of a millimeter.

 Increased electrical properties.

 Increased service life.

 Reduced sensitivity to vibrations and high accelerations.

Micro switches are often best suited for presence and absence detection where physical
contact with an object is permissible. They also excel in applications requiring simple on-
and-off actions. Each switch contains a spring and a set of contacts that convert mechanical
energy applied to an actuator/plunger into an electrical output.

Construction of Micro switch

Figure 6.31 : A Cut View of Micro switch

The construction of a micro switch is really simple. The main parts of the switch are:

1. Plunger (Actuator)
2. Cover
3. Moving piece
4. Support
5. Case
6. NO terminal
7. NC terminal
8. Contact
9. Moving arm

2. LVDT: The term LVDT stands for the Linear Variable Differential Transformer. It is
the most widely used inductive transducer that converts the linear motion into the electrical

The output across secondary of this transformer is the differential thus it is called so. It is
very accurate inductive transducer as compared to other inductive transducers.

Main Features of Construction

 The transformer consists of a primary winding P and two secondary windings

S1 and S2 wound on a cylindrical former (which is hollow in nature and contains the

 Both the secondary windings have an equal number of turns, and we place them on
either side of primary winding

 The primary winding is connected to an AC source which produces a flux in the air
gap and voltages are induced in secondary windings.

 A movable soft iron core is placed inside the former and displacement to be
measured is connected to the iron core.

 The iron core is generally of high permeability which helps in

reducing harmonics and high sensitivity of LVDT.

 The LVDT is placed inside stainless steel housing because it will provide
electrostatic and electromagnetic shielding.

 The both the secondary windings are connected in such a way that resulted output is
the difference between the voltages of two windings.

3. Resolvers: A resolver is an electrical transformer used to measure the angle of rotation.

Many resolvers look somewhat like an electric motor comprising of copper windings on the
stator and a machined metal rotor.

Resolvers are absolute angle sensors that use entirely passive transformer technology.
Resolver offer reliability benefits over other technologies and are perfectly suited in extreme
temperature, oily, dusty or even radioactive environment.

Resolvers are an analog position sensor that is absolute over a single turn. A resolver
is a rotary transformer where the magnitude of the energy through the resolver windings
varies sinusoid ally as the shaft rotates. A resolver control transmitter has one primary
winding, the Reference Winding, and two secondary windings, the SIN and COS Windings.
The Reference Winding is located in the rotor of the resolver, the SIN and COS Windings in
the stator. The SIN and COS Windings are mechanically displaced 90 degrees from each

other. In a brushless resolver, energy is supplied to the Reference Winding (rotor) through a
rotary transformer. This eliminates brushes and slip rings in the resolver and the reliability
problems associated with them.

Figure 6.32 : Construction of resolver

4. Encoders: An encoder is a sensing device that provides feedback. Encoders convert

motion to an electrical signal that can be read by some type of control device in a motion
control system, such as a counter or PLC. The encoder sends a feedback signal that can be
used to determine position, count, speed, or direction. A control device can use this
information to send a command for a particular function. 

Encoders use different types of technologies to create a signal, including: mechanical,

magnetic, resistive and optical – optical being the most common. In optical sensing, the
encoder provides feedback based on the interruption of light.

The graphic below outlines the basic construction of an incremental rotary encoder
using optical technology. A beam of light emitted from an LED passes through the Code
Disk, which is patterned with opaque lines (much like the spokes on a bike wheel). As the
encoder shaft rotates, the light beam from the LED is interrupted by the opaque lines on the
Code Disk before being picked up by the Photo detector Assembly. This produces a pulse
signal: light = on; no light = off. The signal is sent to the counter or controller, which will
then send the signal to produce the desired function.

Figure 6.33 : Inside view of Encoder NON-TACTILE SENSORS

A non-contact sensor uses technology which doesn't come into physical contact. The
technology within a contacting position sensor will consist of a track and a slider. The slider
will move along the track to measure position of an object. This method of measuring
position often causes wear and tear within the sensor and although contacting sensors are
lower cost, they can cost more long term as they require more frequent replacement.

Within non-contacting sensors, the moving parts do not touch, this means there is no
wear and tear on the sensor giving them a mechanical virtually infinite life and consistent
excellent performance. Various different types of non-contacting sensors use different
technologies; a magnetic field, lasers, ultrasonic sounds waves, to name a few. Each type of
technology is used for different types of applications with different specifications.

1. Proximity Sensor: "Proximity Sensor" includes all sensors that perform non-contact
detection in comparison to sensors, such as limit switches, that detect objects by physically
contacting them. Proximity Sensors convert information on the movement or presence of an
object into an electrical signal.

There are three types of detection systems that do this conversion: systems that use
the eddy currents that are generated in metallic sensing objects by electromagnetic induction,
systems that detect changes in electrical capacity when approaching the sensing object, and
systems that use magnets and reed switches.

The Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS) define Proximity Sensors in JIS C 8201-5-2

(Low-voltage switchgear and control gear, Part 5: Control circuit devices and switching
elements, Section 2: Proximity switches), which conforms to the IEC 60947-5-2 definition of
non-contact position detection switches. JIS gives the generic name "proximity switch" to all
sensors that provide non-contact detection of target objects that are close by or within the
general vicinity of the sensor, and classifies them as inductive, capacitive, ultrasonic,
photoelectric, magnetic, etc.

Figure 6.34 : A Inductive Proximity sensor

2. Magnetic Sensors: A magnetic sensor is a sensor that detects the magnitude of

magnetism and geomagnetism generated by a magnet or current.  There are many
different types of magnetic sensors.

Magnetic sensor definition is a sensor which is used to notice disturbances as well as

changes within a magnetic field such as strength, direction, and flux. There are different
types of detection sensors which can work on some of the characteristics like light,
pressure, temperature. These sensors are separated into two groups. The first one is used
to calculate the total magnetic field, whereas the second one is used to calculate vector
components of the field.

Figure 6.35 : Magnetic Sensor


The actuator is a mechanical or electro-mechanical device which is used to offer controlled,

positioning and sometimes limited movements which are functioned manually, electrically, or
by a variety of fluids like air, hydraulic, etc. The two necessary motions are rotary and linear,
where linear actuators vary the power into straight line motions, normal for positioning
electrical actuator applications, and generally, have two tasks namely push and pull. Some
linear actuators are not power driven and functioned manually by utilizing a rotating handle
or hand wheel. Rotary actuators alter energy to provide motion of rotary. The main purpose
of this is the control of several valves like a butterfly or ball. For various power
configurations, each kind of actuator has different versions and available in various sizes and
styles based on the application. Different types of electric actuators have versions for various
power configurations and come in many styles and sizes depending on the application.


A stepper motor is an electromechanical device it converts electrical power into mechanical

power. Also, it is a brushless, synchronous electric motor that can divide a full rotation into
an expansive number of steps.

The motor’s position can be controlled accurately without any feedback mechanism,
as long as the motor is carefully sized to the application. Stepper motors are similar to
switched Reluctance motor. 

The stepper motor uses the theory of operation for magnets to make the motor shaft
turn a precise distance when a pulse of electricity is provided. The stator has eight poles, and
the rotor has six poles.

The rotor will require 24 pulses of electricity to move the 24 steps to make one
complete revolution. Another way to say this is that the rotor will move precisely 15° for
each pulse of electricity that the motor receives.

Figure 6.36 : Stepper Motor

The stepper motor can be controlled by energizing every stator one by one. So the stator will
magnetize & works like an electromagnetic pole which uses repulsive energy on the rotor to
move forward. The stator’s alternative magnetizing as well as demagnetizing will shift the
rotor gradually &allows it to turn through great control.

The stepper motor working principle is Electro-Magnetism. It includes a rotor

which is made with a permanent magnet whereas a stator is with electromagnets. Once the
supply is provided to the winding of the stator then the magnetic field will be developed
within the stator. Now rotor in the motor will start to move with the rotating magnetic field of
the stator. So this is the fundamental working principle of this motor.

Figure 6.37: Constructional view of stepper motor


A servomotor (or servo motor) is a rotary actuator or linear actuator that allows for
precise control of angular or linear position, velocity, and acceleration. It consists of a
suitable motor coupled to a sensor for position feedback. Servomotors are used in
applications such as robotics, CNC machinery, or automated manufacturing

It also requires a relatively sophisticated controller, often a dedicated module

designed specifically for use with servomotors. Servomotors are not a specific class of motor,
although the term servomotor is often used to refer to a motor suitable for use in a closed-
loop control system.

Servo motors are part of a closed-loop control system and consist of several parts
namely a control circuit, a servo motor, a shaft, a potentiometer, a drive gear, an amplifier,
and either an encoder or a resolver. A servomotor is a self-contained electrical device that
rotates parts of a machine with high efficiency and great precision.

A servo motor is an electromechanical device that generates torque and velocity based
on the supplied current and voltage. A servo motor operates as part of closed-loop control,
providing torque and velocity as commanded by a servo controller which uses a feedback
device to close the loop.

The feedback device provides information such as current, velocity, or position to the
servo controller, which adjusts the motor action depending on the commanded parameters.

Servos are controlled by sending a variable width electrical pulse or pulse width
modulation (PWM) over the control cable. There is a minimum heart rate, a maximum heart
rate, and a repetition rate. A servo motor cans normally only rotate 90 ° in each direction.
This adds up to a total of 180 ° of movement

The neutral position of the motor is defined as the position where the servo has the
same potential rotation in both clockwise and counterclockwise directions. The PWM sent to
the motor determines the position of the shaft and is based on the duration of the pulse sent
over the control cable; the rotor turns into the desired position.

The servo motor expects a pulse every 20 milliseconds and the length of the pulse
determines how far the motor turns. A pulse of 1.5ms, for example, causes the motor to turn
to the 90 ° position.

For less than 1.5ms it moves counterclockwise towards the 0 ° position, and longer
than 1.5ms rotates the servo clockwise towards the 180 ° position.

When a move command is given to these servos, they will move into position and
hold that position. If an external force is pressing against the servo while the servo is holding
a position, the servo will resist moving from that position.

The maximum force the servo can exert is called the servo’s torque. Servos won’t
hold their position forever, however; The position pulse must be repeated to tell the servo to
stay in position.


Automation describes a wide range of technologies that reduce human intervention in

processes. Human intervention is reduced by predetermining decision criteria, sub process
relationships, and related actions — and embodying those predeterminations in machines.

Automation includes the use of various equipment and control systems such

as machinery, processes in factories, boilers and heat-treating ovens, switching on telephone
networks, steering, and stabilization of ships, aircraft, and other applications
and vehicles with reduced human intervention.

Automation has been achieved by various means including mechanical, 

Figure 6.38 : Servo motor and its parts
hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, electronic devices, and computers, usually in combination.
Complicated systems, such as modern factories, airplanes, and ships typically use all these
combined techniques. The benefit of automation includes labor savings, reducing waste,
savings in electricity costs, savings in material costs, and improvements to quality, accuracy,
and precision.


The servo drive is a kind of controller to control the servo system. Its function is similar to
the frequency effect on ordinary AC motor, which belongs to a part of the servo system and is
mainly applied in high-accuracy positioning system. Generally, the servo motor is controlled
by three ways, location, speed and torque, so as to realize high precision positioning of
transmission system.

The servo driver adopts digital signal processor (DSP) as the control core, an realize
the complex control algorithm, digitization, networking and intelligentialization. The power

device generally adopts intelligent power module (IPM) as the driving circuit of the core
design. IPM integrated drive circuit with over-voltage and over-current, overheating, under
voltage fault detection and protection circuit.

First, the power drive unit is rectified by the three-phase full bridge rectifier circuit to
input the three-phase electric or municipal power, and the corresponding DC power is
obtained. The three-phase power or electric supply after rectifying can drive the AC servo
motor through three-phase sine PWM voltage source inverter frequency conversion. The
whole process of the power drive unit can be simply described as the process of AC-DC-AC.
The main topology of the rectifier unit (AC-DC) is the three-phase full bridge uncontrolled
rectifier circuit.

Control methods of servo drive

Servo drive generally has three control methods: position control mode, torque control mode
and speed control method.

1. The position control mode can determine the rotational speed generally through the
external input pulse frequency and the rotation angle by the number of pulses. Some servo
systems can assign velocity and displacement directly by means of communication.
Because the position mode can control the speed and position strictly, it is generally used in
the positioning device.

2. Torque control mode is assigned by the external analog input or direct address to set
the external output torque of motor shaft. The torque can be changed by changing the
setting of the analog immediately and the corresponding address value can be realized by
the change of communication mode. The main application has strict requirement for the
material on stress in the winding and unwinding device, such as winding device or fiber
optic equipment. The setting of the torque should be changed at any time according to the
radius of the winding so as to ensure that the force of the material does not change with the
of the


Figure 6.39 : Servo motor and Drive

3. Speed mode can have control for the rotation speed through the input of the analog
quantity or the pulse frequency. The outer loop PID with the upper control device can be
positioned. But the position signal of the motor or the position signal of the direct load
should be sent to the upper feedback for calculation. The position mode also supports direct
load loop detection position signal. At this moment, the coder at the motor shaft end can
only detect the motor speed and the position signal is provided by the detection device
directly of the final load end. The advantage of this method is that it can reduce the error in
the intermediate transmission process and increase the positioning accuracy in the whole


A PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER (PLC) is an industrial computer control

system that continuously monitors the state of input devices and makes decisions based upon
a custom program to control the state of output devices.

Almost any production line, machine function, or process can be greatly enhanced using this
type of control system. However, the biggest benefit in using a PLC is the ability to change
and replicate the operation or process while collecting and communicating vital information.

Figure 6.40 : Mistubushi PLC
Another advantage of a PLC system is that it is
modular. That is, you can mix and match the types of Input and Output devices to best suit
your application.

Figure 6.41 : Simple block diagram of PLC

The Central Processing Unit, the CPU, contains an internal program that tells the PLC how to
perform the following functions:

 Execute the Control Instructions contained in the User's Programs. This program is
stored in "nonvolatile" memory, meaning that the program will not be lost if power is

 Communicate with other devices, which can include I/O Devices, Programming
Devices, Networks, and even other PLCs.

 Perform Housekeeping activities such as Communications, Internal Diagnostics, etc.


The current focus of the industry tends to be on giving robots vision. Specifically, the rise of
machine vision technology. This, combined with the advancement of the Internet of Things
(IoT), gives machines the ability to process images and understand what they are “seeing.”

As this technology continues to proliferate, the next step is giving robots the ability to
apply these things to learn on their own. For example, a robot can currently be programmed

to pick up and place items, but in the future, it will combine machine vision with machine
learning to figure out its own programming through trial and error.

Another major trend that will continue into the future, are collaborative robots. This
reflects the focus of the industry towards creating robots that are simpler, easier to program,
and able to integrate into current processes.

To make these robots safe, there’s a large market for safety sensors that ensure
humans can work alongside the robots without any significant risks. Machine vision will
contribute to this as well, offering robots the ability to “see” when someone is in their

All of these things contribute to robots that can be placed anywhere on the
manufacturing floor. The future will continue to enhance technology like 3D embedded
vision, multispectral, and hyper spectral imaging. This, combined with artificial intelligence
and deep learning, will empower industrial robots to improve themselves and keep pace with
the human workers around them.

We’re already seeing companies like Fanuc working on robots that can teach
themselves, so this aspect of the future is already becoming a reality. All of this will also be
fueled by massive growth in the industry as whole. 

The industrial robot industry is expected to grow 175% over the next nine years,
which will result in more competition and innovation, which will drive these modern
technologies forward. Collaborative robots will continue to become safer and their costs will
go down as the industry expands and offers more options.

By 2025, it’s expected that the demand for electronics manufacturing robots will
match the automotive industry. We’re already seeing growth across all robotics industries.



1. Better quality and consistency

Along with other tech — such as the industrial internet of things (IIoT) or 3D printing
robots — industrial robots are able to provide better production quality and more precise and
reliable processes. Added benefits also include reduced cycle times and real-time monitoring
to improve preventive maintenance practices.

2. Maximum productivity and throughput

An industrial robot increases speed for manufacturing processes, in part by operating

24/7. Robots don’t need breaks or shift changes. The speed and dependability of robots
ultimately reduces cycle time and maximizes throughput.

3. Greater safety

Using robots for repetitive tasks means fewer risks of injury for workers, especially
when manufacturing has to take place under hostile conditions. In addition, supervisors can
oversee the process online or from a remote location.

4. Reduced direct labor costs

The cost of having a person handle many manufacturing operations is often more
expensive than robot. This can also free up workers so their skills and expertise can be used
in other business areas, such as engineering, programming and maintenance.

5. Keeping manufacturing in the U.S.

Some argue that robots are taking jobs away from U.S. workers, but that's not
necessarily the case. Industrial robots there are typically integrated into a series of operations
that require human expertise. For example, you could have a robot welding parts that are
handed off to a person to perform a task that requires a human's intuitive "if, then" thinking.


1. High initial investment

Robots typically require a large upfront investment. As you research your business
case for purchasing, consider all the costs of industrial robots, including installation and
configuration. You should also evaluate whether your robot can be easily modified if you
need to alter operation in the future.

2. Expertise can be scarce

Industrial robots need sophisticated operation, maintenance and programming. While

the numbers of people with these skills are growing, it's currently limited. As a result, it's
important to consider the personnel investment you'll need to make to bring in that expertise
or “retool” your existing staff to take on the task.

3. Ongoing costs

While industrial robots may reduce some manufacturing labor costs, they do come
with their own ongoing expenses, such as maintenance. In addition, you’ll want to consider
the costs to keep your robot and any related IIoT connected devices protected from cyber


Today we find most robots working for people in industries, factories, warehouses, and
laboratories. Robots are useful in many ways. For instance, it boosts economy because
businesses need to be efficient to keep up with the industry competition. Therefore, having
robots helps business owners to be competitive, because robots can do jobs better and faster
than humans can, e.g. robot can built, assemble a car. Yet robots cannot perform every job;
today robots roles include assisting research and industry. Finally, as the technology
improves, there will be new ways to use robots which will bring new hopes and new


1. INEEL website [online]. Available from:

http://www.inel.gov/adaptiverobotics/humanoidrobotics/ Access 12 June 2005.

2. Foerst Anne, (1999) Artificial sociability: from embodied AI toward new understandings
of personhood, Technology in Society, 21, pp. 373–386. T209 Resource CD-ROM,
Cyborg, part 2 – Robotics.

3. ASIMO Honda [online]. Available from: http://world.honda.com/HDTV/ASIMO/

Access 11 June 2005.

4. MIT website [online]. Available from: http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/humanoid-

robotics-group/ Access 11 June 2005

5. Jones, A.C. (2002) ‘Minds, matter and machines’, T209 Resource CD-ROM, Cyborg,
part 1 – Robotics.

6. Bruce, I.S. (1998) ‘Man Made’, The Scotsman, December 1, Spectrum, p. UP4, T209
Resource CD-ROM, Cyborg, part 1- Bionics.

7. ASIMO image - T209 Resource CD-ROM, Cyborg, part 1 – Robotics.

8. A Textbook of INDUSTRAIL ROBOTICS 2e by Mikell P Grover, Mitchel Weiss,

Roger N Nagel, Nicholas G Odrey, Asish dutta published by Mc Graw Hill higher


DEB, S. DEB published by Mc Graw Hill Professional.

10. FANUC M-710iC/50 robotic manual


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