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Science VI
Quarter 4
Learning Activity Sheet

Grade 6-Science Quarter 4
I. Introductory Concept
Earthquakes (or quake, tremors) are ground vibrations caused by the release of energy
that accompany fault movement, asteroid impact, volcanic eruptions, movement of magma, or
Earthquake can cause devastation on properties and can cause death and injury. The
magnitude which is the amount of energy released by an earthquake, and the intensity which
the extent of the damage caused by an earthquake, is usually reported on the Richter scale.
The activities given in this Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) will help you describe the
changes on earth’s surface as result of earthquake.

II. Learning Skills from the MELCs

Describe the changes on Earth’s surface as result of earthquake and volcanic eruptions. (S6ES

III. Activities
Directions: Prepare the materials indicated below, read and follow the procedures carefully
and observe what happens closely. Note your observations.
2 books
4 empty match boxes
1 table or a big box.
1. Get and prepare the materials needed.
2. Place the two books together side by side on a table or a big box.
3. Let the four empty match boxes stand on the books. Two matchboxes per book. (Note:
The boundary of the two books represents the fault.)
4. Shake the table or the big box to simulate an earthquake.
5. Repeat the shaking. Make it stronger this time, and observe what happen.

Directions: Prepare the materials indicated below, read and follow the procedures carefully
and observe what happens closely. Note your observations.
4 empty match boxes soil
1 plastic bowl water
1 basin
1. Get and prepare the materials needed.
2. Fill the plastic bowl with soil up to its edge with a slight mound on top. And place the 4
empty match boxes on the soil. (The match boxes portray the buildings or houses)
3. Place the plastic bowl with soil and match boxes inside the basin.
4. Pour the water into the basin until it reaches the top edge of the plastic bowl.
5. Shake the basin and observe what happen.
IV. Analysis
Directions: Answer the following guide questions.
1. What do the books represent?
2. What happens to the match boxes?
3. What does the shaking of the table or the big box represent?
4. How does earthquake occur?
5. What are the effects of earthquakes?

Directions: Answer the following guide questions.
1. What happens to the match boxes and to the soil mound?
2. What does the shaking of the basin represent?
3. What does the shaking of the basin produce?
4. What do you call the big wave produced after an earthquake occur under the ocean?
5. What are the effects of earthquake?

V. Abstraction
Earthquakes are classified as tectonic, or volcanic. When an earthquake occurs, some
places experience stronger tremors than others. Areas where stronger vibrations are felt are
usually near the epicenter of the earthquake. An epicenter is the point on the surface of the
Earth located directly above the center of the earthquake’s origin. The center or source of the
earthquake is called focus.
An earthquake under the ocean can cause a tsunami (Japanese term means, big wave).
This earthquake can cause a series of waves to travel at about 800 kilometers an hour. This
can cause just as much as death and destruction as the earthquake itself. Landslides and fire
can happen too. Landslide can destroy houses along the slopes, and kill people. Earthquake can also
cause fire. Where electric lines break due to the shaking of the earth, fire may result and destroyed
houses and buildings.
VI. Application
Direction: Describe the following picture below based on the given Richter Magnitude Scale.
Write only the Richter Magnitude for each.






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