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These are the tasks all nominees are required to complete and present to the Board of
Directors 2020/2021.

Firstly, congratulations on making it to the second phase of the election process! As you may know, there
are four phases to elect the Board of Directors of the Interact Club of Sri Aman, which are ;
• Nominations
• Assignments: Theory & Practical
• Interviews
• Elections

• Each page of your assignment must be typed in Times New Roman, font size 11 (excluding titles).
• Every sheet of paper handed in must include your name, class, year and post on the top right
corner. For example: NAME: CLASS: YEAR: POST:
• Assignments begin on 4th of October 2021, Monday and MUST be emailed to the BOD of the post
you are running for and the TOP 4 on the 25th of October 2021. There are 22 days to complete your
• The last date to pull out as a nominee for a specific post is 10th of October 2021, Sunday. Failure to
hand in assignments otherwise will threaten your likelihood of being a Board of Director.
• Late submissions will NOT be tolerated and will lead to IMMEDIATE ELIMINATION.
• Any foul play or disrespect to the Board of Directors 2020/2021 and/or fellow nominees will result in
immediate disqualification.

All the best!

Yours in Interact, Board of Directors 2020/2021 Interact Club of Sri Aman 2020/2021

Part One: Essays

Your content must be concise, original and wholehearted. No empty promises, we do not want to
hear about what you could possibly do, we need to hear about what you will do. If you strongly believe
you have a specific characteristic, provide an instance. Each essay should not be less than one page

1. Write an essay about being a President.

• Title
• Definition of the Interact President role
• Reasons why you would like to be the President of the Interact Club of Sri Aman 2021/2022
• Explain 5 of your strongest qualities that are consistently with you and the ways it may help you as
a President
• Your weaknesses and flaws that might threaten your integrity as a President and how to
overcome them
• Advantages you have among the other President/Vice President nominees and what makes you stand out
from them. How will those qualities help you in the quest as a President?
• Changes you think you could bring to the club as a President that will lift the club to greater heights

2. Write an essay about your experience since being a part of the Interact Club.
• What have you gained since joining Interact Club?
• What kind of projects would you suggest for each avenue to carry out that has not been done before?
• Your honest opinion on the Board of Directors 2020/2021
• Your favorite and least favorite moments from this term
• What would you have done differently this term?
• Explain your experience in organizing events
• How important is winning the Best Club award to you and why?
3. Write an essay about how to solve the following problems:

• What can you do to show others (i.e interactors, school administrators, rotarians) that you are trustworthy
to carry out the responsibilities as the President of ICSA? Describe how you would create a climate of trust
and facilitate relationships. Incorporate the 4-Way Test.
• What is the meaning of "Leadership is a Relationship"? How would you echo this statement
within the members of the club as well as the Board of Directors?
• Your Community Service/Club Service Director is long overdue in sending her proposals to
the school in order for the approval of the yearly major project/installation. You and your BODs
have countlessly reminded her to prepare the proposals. Nonetheless, your efforts are to no avail.
What actions would you take to overcome this problem?
• One of your board members, who is also one of your closest friends, has not been carrying out
her monthly projects for 2 months and has not been sending in her reports. How would you react to this?
• Unfortunately, the school administrators do not allow the intake of lower form students to join the Interact
Club. Meaning you are only left with form 4 and form 5 Interactors. What would you say to your school
administrators to convince them to allow lower form students to join the club?
• What would you do if a few Interactors have failed to show their commitment towards the club
and have not been participating in any projects?
• A few of your board members have not been sending in their reports to the Secretary even though she has
reminded them countless times about the due date. This might affect the overall QR. What actions would
you take towards your board members who have done so?
• Due to the latest covid-19 pandemic, your plans to carry out projects for the club has been ruined and it
has been difficult to come up with projects that will continue to benefit the members. How would
you overcome this situation? How would you ensure that the club does not start slacking?
• The COVID-19 pandemic has now become an endemic in Malaysia, which means certain activities are
still restricted to prevent infections. This has put a stop to many physical Interact Club projects around the
country, including yours. Not only that, but you are entering your Form 5 year with heavy pressure on
college entrance exams. How do you ensure your members aren't demotivated and bored with online
activities? What can you do to make the online projects unique and attractive?
• You find out that you and your Vice President do not get along with each other and this has affected the
flow of projects being carried out and is taking a toll on the other Board of Directors, what would you do
to solve this problem?
• An Interact club from another school decides to carry out a major community service project similar to
ours. They are attracting many participants, while our own major community service project is
not receiving a lot of support and response. What would you do to alter or improve the programme
while maintaining its main purpose of spreading awareness, to attract more participants? What is
an interesting element you think will save our club’s ticket sales?
Part Two: Tasks
This section provides you with a good base to begin the term.

1. Prepare a yearly planner. Aim for 100 projects. You may compile yearly planners of your ideal Board of
Directors 2021/2022 but must include at least 48 of your own ideas. Include BOD meeting dates, club
meeting dates and newsletters. Differentiate each idea and disclaim whom it belongs to.

2. Plan your very first project, which is the Annual Installation together with your ideal Club
Service Director. Include all necessary details of a proposal with a unique theme.

3. Plan your annual major community service project with your Community Service Director. Include the
details of the event and why did you decide to go with the chosen theme.

4. Create the following documents:

● Release of liability form
● Permission slip to attend a project out of school premises without an adult

5. Create a list of goals you would like to achieve as a club by the end of the term. Include
specific ways to achieve them (things you will do, NOT characteristics).

6. Select your eligible Board of Directors and provide elucidations for each of the based on their
key attributes.

Part Three: Understanding Your Job

This part requires you to build a social circle and reach out to other people from other schools to help you
understand your duty better. Evidence must be provided for this part.
1. You are required to interview all the ICCPJ Presidents and Vice Presidents and 3 other Presidents
to understand further the role of a President. Here are some compulsory questions, however do ask more for
more knowledge.
• What challenges did you face during your term and how did you overcome them?
Individually, within the BODs, and within the club.

• If you could do anything differently for your term, what would it be?

• What are aspects all Presidents and Vice Presidents should have and what are aspects they
should avoid?

• What is one piece of advice for a President and Vice President nominee?
Part Four: Practical Assignments

This part evaluates your capability to organize and carry out a project.

1. As a President and Vice President nominee, it is your duty to recruit other nominees to be a part of the
board. Work alongside your ideal Board of Directors.

2. Prepare a proposal of an original online project with your ideal Board of Directors 2021/2022. Include an
invitation letter for the Board of Directors 2020/2021. You may work with your ideal Editor for the poster
(if needed).

3. Execute your online project with the presence of the Board of Directors 2020/2021. Work
with your ideal Secretary for the project report.

Please send in your assignment in PDF form by the 25th of October 2021, Monday 12.00p.m. to the
TOP 4 : (Sarah Aiman), nekeyshanwong@hotmail .com (Nekeysha
Wong), (Hana Aydilla) and (Aileen Sofia).
All the best and Viva La Interact! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Sarah Aiman -012-4237190 and Nekeysha Wong – 019-2750521
Prepared by,
Int. Sarah Aiman and Int. Nekeysha Wong,
President and Vice President 2020/2021
Interact Club of Sri Aman

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