EDUC-5410 Written Assignment 2

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The Learning Process: Major Theories of Development 1

University of the People, Faculty of Education

EDUC 5410 – Child Development

Written Assignment 2

Instructor Dr. Dona Gudger

June 29, 2022

The Learning Process: Major Theories of Development 2

Learning Theorists

Over the decades many additional learning theorists have emerged but most educators

will agree that Piaget, Vygotsky and Skinner are leaders in their field. For this assignment,

we will be generating a Comparison Chart of these three theorists outlining their opinions

regarding: the view of knowledge, view of learning, view of motivation, and Implications for

Teaching. Additionally, we will be creating a narrative that discusses and explains the

research findings listed in the chart.

Learning Theorists Comparison Chart

Piaget Vygotsky Skinner

view of knowledge Knowledge is actively Knowledge is Knowledge is rules for
constructed by learners developed through action(Berkerley
in response to language and culture Graduate Division,n.d.).
interactions with (GSI Teaching Resource
environmental Center,n.d.).
stimuli(GSI Teaching
Resource Center,n.d.).
view of learning Learning is a response Learning is a response Learning is the
to interpretation of to interpretation of transmission of
stimuli(GSI Teaching stimuli. Learning is also information from
Resource Center,n.d.). a collaborative teacher to
process(GSI Teaching learner(Berkerley
Resource Center,n.d.). Graduate Division,n.d.).
View of Motivation Motivation is Motivation is Motivation responds to
intrinsically extrinsically positive and negative
achieved(Barnes, 2008). achieved(Barnes, reinforcement Berkerley
2008). Graduate Division,n.d.).
Implications for Teachers must assist Learning should be Uses skill and drill
Teaching learners to assimulate collaborative to exercises for
new information to develop teamwork reinforcement of
existing knowledge(GSI skills(GSI Teaching response
Teaching Resource Resource Center,n.d.). patterns(Berkerley
Center,n.d.). Graduate Division,n.d.).

View of knowledge

Piaget’s theory outlines knowledge as a process of continuous self-construction. It

further states that knowledge can be invented and re-invented as students develop and interact
The Learning Process: Major Theories of Development 3

with their environment(Corry,n.d.). Regarding knowledge, Vygotsky stated that knowledge is

acquired through culture as students mostly acquire knowledge from the beliefs and attitudes

that they see modelled in their respective culture(Kurt,2020). Skinner saw knowledge as a

stock of skills that represented rules for action that respond to environmental

stimuli(Berkerley Graduate Division, n.d.).

View of Learning

Students learn and develop at their own pace. In the Piagetian classroom the teacher

takes extra time to develop individualized lessons(prezi,n.d). According Vygotsky students

learn from their social environment, that is from each other(Neff, n.d.)and the classroom

teachers act as facilitators and create an environment for guided interactions(Neff,n.d.).

According to Skinner, rewards and punishment help to control student’s behaviour and teach

them new skills. In the Behaviorist classroom, the teacher facilitates observable


View of Motivation

Piaget believed that students were intrinsically motivated. This means that students

are motivated based on internal satisfaction or fulfilment. In order words students gain

knowledge and learn because they are interested in the area not because of any external force

or leading(Barnes,2008). Vygotsky believed that students were extrinsically motivated. This

means that students are motivated to learn or gain knowledge based on external forces or

influences. This means that students are motivated to learn or gain knowledge based on

external forces or influences. Vygotsky also noted that extrinsic motivated has more of an

impact than intrinsic motivation because extrinsic motivation allows students to interact with

each other which acts a motivation to learn naturally(Barnes , 2008). Skinner’s view of

motivation is termed as Reinforcement Motivation Theory. It holds that behavior is a function

The Learning Process: Major Theories of Development 4

of consequences. This means that students will avoid behaviours that had negative

consequences and be motivated by behaviors that brought about positive

consequences(Harappa Diaries, 2021).

Implications for Teaching

Piaget is considered to be a Cognitive Constructivist and although this theory also

uses the skill and drill teaching technique, in teaching, greater focus is placed on allowing the

student to learn how to actively assimilate or accommodate new learning material.

Additionally, during teaching, teachers play a major role in assisting students to implement

the necessary modifications to accommodate new information and use previous

knowledge(GSI Teaching Resource Center,n.d.). Vygotsky is a social constructivist and so

implications for teaching in this regard surrounds both individual learning and teamwork.

Vygotsky contends that the individual is responsible for learning so that he is able to

contribute to the success of the group. Collaborative learning is encouraged but in small

groups for optimal success(GSI Teaching Resource Center,n.d.). Behaviorism or Skinner’s

theory relies mostly on a “skill and drill” formula for teaching and may include questions and

answer exercises that increase in difficulty as the student gains competence. A criticism of

this though is that it this rigid method is not applicable to areas such as comprehension,

foreign language vocabulary and comprehension(Berkerley Graduate Division,n.d.).


In conclusion, in implementing any or a combination of the suggested practices of the

mentioned learning theorists, educators must ensure that all activities are done with the

student’s interest at the forefront.

The Learning Process: Major Theories of Development 5


Barnes, C. (2008, October 26). Piaget and Vygotsky’s Views on Motivation. Retrieved from

Berkerley Graduate Division. (n.d.). Behaviorism. GSI Teaching Resource Center. Retrieved
June 28, 2022, from

Corry, M. (n.d.). Jean Piaget's Genetic Epistemology. Jean Piaget's genetic epistemology.
Retrieved June 28, 2022, from's%20theory%20is%20based

Drew, C. (2022, June 10). Behaviorism - Skinner's education learning theory (27 facts)
(2022). Helpful Professor. Retrieved June 28, 2022, from

GSI Teaching Resource Center. (n.d.). Social constructivism. Retrieved June 29, 2022, from

GSI Teaching Resource Center. (n.d.). Cognitive constructivism. Retrieved June 29, 2022,

Harappa Diaries. (2021, August 12). The reinforcement theory of motivation. Retrieved June
28, 2022, from

Kurt, S. (2020, July 11). Lev Vygotsky - Sociocultural theory of cognitive development.
Educational Technology. Retrieved June 28, 2022, from

Neff, L. (n.d.). Lev Vygotsky and Social Learning Theories. Retrieved June 28, 2022, from (n.d.). Classroom concepts: Piaget, vygotsky, Skinner & Bandura. Retrieved June
28, 2022, from

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