NSTP Reflection

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June 11, 2022

At first I thought the class was boring and not interesting. But as the class started my
first impression was so wrong. During the orientation, we were told that we were going to do
the CWTS or Civic Welfare Training Service. At first I am not aware on what we are going to do
since me and the other 2nd years and 3rd years took LTS or Literacy Training Service in our NSTP
1, but as the orientation and explanation goes on, it slowly sink in to my mind. We were orient
what is CWTS, what are we going to do, and what are the things or requirements we should fill.
In the afternoon, those who have not yet have a group because of taking LTS in their NSTP1
were regroup to those group whose chosen community is near their area or location.
Throughout the orientation, our teacher shared some experiences he had when he was taking
CWTS. It gives us idea on what we should do, the proper behavior, and insights about CWTS.
We were also given time in the afternoon to talk as a group for the planning on what we would
do, what things should we bring, and the expenses we will incur. The orientation as a whole
was very valuable and in informing and giving an insight to my expectations in NSTP. It allows
me to be more familiar in NSTP, particularly in CWTS.

June 15, 2022

On this day, our adviser only met us for a short time and remind us about our 3-week
plan that we will implement in our chosen community. Those who still don’t have any groups
were assigned by our teacher and the groups were being finalized. We enter into the breakout
room to plan some things and continue it in our group chat in messenger. After planning, we
were assigned to our respective tasks that we will do in our first day in the community.

June 18, 2022

CWTS, an NSTP component makes us realize that it is not about fulfilling our academic
requirements but serving while we are still students, usually for the community welfare which
we all belong in. Community is a group of people, interconnected with each other and are living
in the same locality.
We can’t just invade a community and do whatever we can. It is important that we
know where we are going. We must also identify what help to give, one that would be
beneficial to all. Before going to the community, our group build a plan first on what we are
going to do for the days that we are going to the community. We agreed that for our first
Saturday in the community, we will do a clean-up drive, seminar, and seedlings distribution.
Upon arriving at the community carrying the seedlings, we arranged the seats for the seminar,
set up the necessary materials, and aligned the seedlings that we will distribute. After all the
preparations, we do a clean up drive first since the invited speaker has not yet arrived, to
manage our time well. With the help of our guest speaker, Mrs. Lea Cabrera, during the
seminar, we also learn something about gardening. She also said that despite not having
enough lot to plant, there are various ways to do it. She also taught how to properly disposed
waste products. After the seminar, we distribute the seedlings to the people in the area. After
the activities, we clean up the area and had a meeting on what we will do on our second day
and about our expenses. We learn how to be responsible, work as a team, and cooperate with
each other. Having this activity really helps us to develop our individual personality and give me
the willingness to help, able us to communicate effectively with each other, and teach us to
become a better person.

We are not in our own territory, therefore, we must know how to act the right way. As
students, we can learn from CWTS what simple things we can do by starting out with the
community. It is also good to be exposed in a different environment to learn how other people
live their lives . Through this little way of helping them, we all know that this is the great
opportunity to share what we have and to make them happy in our own ways.

June 25, 2022

Our teachers only met us in the morning to give us time to do our other activities and
give us time to review for our upcoming examination. They reminded us about our individual
reflection, check the attendance through google form, about the time frame of our community
service, and a preview of the grading system. Our teachers also told us about the virtual
visitation and physical visitation during our community service.

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