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A Taxonomy and Survey of Edge Cloud Computing

for Intelligent Transportation Systems
and Connected Vehicles
Peter Arthurs , Lee Gillam , Paul Krause , Ning Wang , Senior Member, IEEE,
Kaushik Halder , and Alexandros Mouzakitis
Abstract— Recent advances in smart connected vehicles and of a road network and then communicate control signals to
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are based upon the roadside systems and road users. Future ITS may need to com-
capture and processing of large amounts of sensor data. Mod- municate with users of the road network and roadside furniture
ern vehicles contain many internal sensors to monitor a wide
range of mechanical and electrical systems and the move to to share situation awareness and control messages. Vehicles
semi-autonomous vehicles adds outward looking sensors such may need to communicate with each other to exchange driving
as cameras, lidar, and radar. ITS is starting to connect existing intention information, such as emergency braking or road con-
sensors such as road cameras, traffic density sensors, traffic speed ditions. Vehicles may also need to communicate with roadside
sensors, emergency vehicle, and public transport transponders. units to get advance warning about upcoming road conditions,
This disparate range of data is then processed to produce a
fused situation awareness of the road network and used to or to send control signals so that controlled junctions can clear
provide real-time management, with much of the decision making lanes for emergency vehicles and public transport. Both ITS
automated. Road networks have quiet periods followed by peak and connected vehicles can take advantage of the scalability
traffic periods and cloud computing can provide a good solution and on-demand nature of cloud, however, limitations of the
for dealing with peaks by providing offloading of processing network infrastructure to cloud servers prevents some types
and scaling-up as required, but in some situations latency to
traditional cloud data centres is too high or bandwidth is too of services, such as those requiring ultra-low-latency or high
constrained. Cloud computing at the edge of the network, close bandwidth. Edge cloud is aimed at solving the issues of
to the vehicle and ITS sensor, can provide a solution for latency latency and bandwidth and when integrated with 5G networks,
and bandwidth constraints but the high mobility of vehicles and will offer new types of services not previously achievable
heterogeneity of infrastructure still needs to be addressed. This with traditional cloud, such as collective perception of the
paper surveys the literature for cloud computing use with ITS
and connected vehicles and provides taxonomies for that plus environment.
their use cases. We finish by identifying where further research Current cloud suppliers provide services from datacentres
is needed in order to enable vehicles and ITS to use edge cloud located in highly-connected areas of countries and regions with
computing in a fully managed and automated way. We surveyed a large commercial customer base. This has allowed the cloud
496 papers covering a seven-year timespan with the first paper suppliers to reduce cost through bulk supply and simplified
appearing in 2013 and ending at the conclusion of 2019.
management and maintenance, but network latency for end
Index Terms— Connected vehicles, autonomous vehicles, edge users can be high due to long distances between the user
cloud computing, intelligent transportation systems, multi-access and the cloud datacentre, and using mobile networks adds
edge computing.
additional latency overheads. The demands of end users are
growing beyond being based at permanent physical locations
I. I NTRODUCTION with hard network connections, to users with wireless network
connections, many of whom are actively mobile. This change
T HE modern Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) relies
on a range of remote sensors to determine the live state is amplified by the growing market for IoT devices that will
soon greatly outnumber people [1].
Manuscript received December 4, 2020; revised May 10, 2021; accepted Incumbent cloud suppliers are starting to experiment with
May 18, 2021. This work was supported by Jaguar Land Rover and the edge-cloud by providing products based upon their core
United Kingdom’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
(UK-EPSRC) as part of the jointly funded Towards Autonomy: Smart and cloud offering but which can operate on smaller compute
Connected Control (TASCC) Program under Grant EP/N01300X/1. The platforms while keeping compatibility with their core cloud
Associate Editor for this article was C. F. Mecklenbräuker. (Corresponding platforms. Several architectures have been proposed to address
author: Peter Arthurs.)
Peter Arthurs, Lee Gillam, and Paul Krause are with the Department of the ‘edge’ user and these are covered in more detail in this
Computer Science, University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, U.K. (e-mail: paper. These edge architectures have been defined to address different uses, but over time have started to overlap and
Ning Wang is with the 6G Innovation Centre, University of Surrey,
Guildford GU2 7XH, U.K. precise definitions have broadened as more researchers use
Kaushik Halder is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences, published architectures to address their own problems and
University of Surrey, Guildford GU2 7XH, U.K. use cases. It is apparent that a precise definition is required
Alexandros Mouzakitis is with Jaguar Land Rover, Coventry CV4 7AL,
U.K. for any paper covering edge cloud technologies to avoid
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TITS.2021.3084396 confusion.

1558-0016 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Downloaded on June 06,2022 at 19:53:15 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Fig. 1. Three Tier Architecture with connected vehicles at Tier 1, The edge cloud at Tier 2, and traditional cloud at Tier 3.

There are various definitions of edge computing and a TABLE I

simple definition is “technologies that allow computation to KPI S FOR S ERVER T IERS
be performed at the network edge so that computing happens
near data sources” [2]. Additionally, edge computing aims to
“provide context aware storage and distributed computing at
the edge of the networks” [3]. A further important requirement
for edge computing is location awareness. Mobile users need
to identify the most suitable compute resources and discover
local edge servers to determine that most suitable for the
tasks at hand, plus being able to predict future movements for
orchestration of cloud services as the current resource moves
out of suitable range. These are new requirement beyond the
remit of traditional cloud. For us, edge computing means
compute, memory, and storage facilities located within the
5G network, providing ultra-low-latency communications with
high bandwidth to the end user. As such, we equate edge
computing with the ETSI definition of Multi-access Edge
Computing (MEC) [4].
Architectures involving edge cloud tend to use three tiers
with the user at tier one, edge cloud at tier two, and traditional the bandwidth and protocols in use. Reducing geographical
cloud services at tier three. This is shown in Figure 1. coverage can increase the overall capacity if the medium
We have identified a list of key performance indicators (KPIs) allows it. Reducing coverage area for a given cell is a standard
which should be considered for any services or applications method for cellular networks but does lead to an increased
before determining the most suitable communications method number of cells. Quality of service (QoS) describes a method
and location for compute and storage. These are shown and of measuring a service so that guaranteed levels of service can
parameterised in Table I. be maintained. QoS may include any measurable parameter
Latency is the time delay between the source of data and such as latency, bandwidth, and server-side parameters such
the receiver of the data. It includes processing time to format as processor and memory availability. QoS is widely used in
and pack the data, transmission overheads, network delays, traditional cloud computing to define a level of availability of a
and processing time to decode the data at the receiving side. service and the move to edge cloud computing adds additional
In general, reducing the span of the network reduces latency. challenges due to the mobility of users and the need to select
End to end ultra-low-latency from vehicle, across 5G cellular edge cloud servers close to the user for lower latency. The
network, to edge cloud is surveyed in [5]. Latencies of 10ms expected heterogeneity of available edge clouds suggests that
are identified to allow for platooning and overtaking services QoS will be needed to allow live measurement of the cloud
to function, whilst raw video exchange needs less than 50ms. resource and network quality, to ensure migration to new edge
Road safety and traffic flow control services vary between clouds can occur in an orderly manner when the QoS of the
10ms and 100ms of acceptable latency. Reducing latency is a current service starts to decline. Orchestration is required if
key reason for using edge cloud computing and is the prompt applications are to be distributed across cloud tiers or when
for augmenting traditional cloud computing with edge cloud. deciding on the edge cloud to select. Migration of services and
In the context used here, bandwidth is the network band- data between edge clouds is needed for mobile users to ensure
width and higher bandwidth is normally better but is usually at QoS is maintained when the user starts to see increased latency
the cost of reducing the number of concurrent users. Capacity or other decreases in performance due to increased network
is the maximum number of users and is dependent upon paths or availability changes at the edge cloud server.

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


A. Motivation for Research the use-case. Surveys covering use cases that do consider
Achieving future ITS implies the integration of sensors, edge cloud include [9], [18], [19]. However, none of the
vehicles, and compute resources covering a geographical area surveys have considered edge cloud use specifically for ITS
such as a town or city [6]. This broad range of data covering and connected vehicles and none provide a taxonomy. This
a wide area will create a means to analyse, assess, and leaves a void covering future ITS and vehicle services that
coordinate entire transportation networks to minimise wasted rely upon lower latencies than are achievable by traditional
travel time and reduce pollution. Future ITS can be achieved cloud services. Our work aims to fill such a significant gap.
by using cloud services, as scalability of cloud allows for Our contributions are summarised as follows.
peak periods while reducing excess use for quiet periods of 1) We provide a comprehensive survey of edge cloud
the day. Offloading of applications from vehicles into the computing for ITS and connected vehicles; to the best
cloud can reduce energy usage and potentially reduce the of our knowledge is the first review of its kind.
total amount of compute power required on the vehicle. New 2) We provide a taxonomy for edge cloud usage with
types of driving services, such as platooning, may be made ITS and connected vehicles, and a taxonomy for their
possible, or improved using cloud computing to coordinate respective use cases.
communications and provide shared applications. However, 3) We identify key challenges needing solving to enable
these may suffer from latency or bandwidth constraints that edge cloud to support future ITS and connected vehicle
are not achievable using traditional cloud computing facilities, services, that should be of interest to future researchers.
and architectures that move cloud computing to the edge of
the network, thereby reducing latency, may provide a solution. C. Paper Organization
These issues are currently highly relevant due to the rush to
The rest of this paper is as follows. In Section II we review
automate many driving functions with the final goal of fully
and discuss the background to edge cloud. In Section III
autonomous vehicles.
we look at a range of use cases and provide a use case
There is a broad coverage of V2V and V2V ad-hoc net-
taxonomy for ITS and connected vehicles. In Section IV
working in the literature and there is an expectation that
we provide a taxonomy and carry out a detailed survey of
V2V will be used to provide a wide range of services for
the literature covering edge cloud computing for ITS and
connected vehicles. Edge cloud gets less coverage but may
connected vehicles. In Section V we consider important topics
offer additional benefits over V2V. There has also been limited
that the literature fails to cover in suitable depth and list the
research into ITS using cloud computing at this time and
challenges and opportunities that need to be researched to fully
therefore this paper identifies current research and lists gaps
enable the concepts.
in the literature that will need filling to achieve the broad aims
of future transportation solutions for both connected vehicles
In this section we compare V2V and cellular communica-
tions for connected vehicles and look at various forms of edge
B. Our Contributions
cloud computing.
In recent years there have been survey works in the areas
of cloud computing used for ITS [7], and connected vehicles
[8], [9]. Surveys covering fog and edge computing look at A. Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
various architectures addressing edge cloud and computational ITS is identified as the seamless integration of emerg-
offloading [10]–[13]. Challenges and research directions are ing technologies for connected vehicles, cloud computing,
identified for connected vehicles using MEC [14], [15]. In [14] and Internet of Things (IoT) with transportation infrastruc-
they describe the “electronic horizon” that is the agglomeration tures [20]. ITS will allow issues such as reducing fuel use, high
of cloud based virtual sensor data, map data, vehicle’s mobility CO2 emissions, traffic congestion, and improving road safety.
models, and additional data such as road conditions. They Current ITS has relied upon closed systems but must evolve
identify a range of relevant issues for edge cloud although to being fully open and integrated with other systems to allow
their research directions do not put sufficient emphasis on edge data fusion and analysis, leading to better decision making
cloud migration issues for highly mobile vehicles. Communi- and to regulate traffic flow to reduce accidents and divert traffic
cations using Vehicle to Everything (V2X), which incorpo- from road blockages [21]. These improvements have the added
rates all types of vehicle communications, is surveyed and benefit of reducing CO2 and particulate pollution by reducing
covers the three main protocol stacks, ITS standardisation overall congestion and travel time.
efforts, and radio access technologies [16]. [16] provides a Authorities responsible for managing transportation net-
good introduction to current and proposed communications works can use cloud-based ITS to manage vehicle traffic
standards, protocols, and technology. A taxonomy for resource and provide safety and other information to drivers to tackle
management of edge computing is provided in [17]. problems such as road congestion [22]. An ITS framework
There are many documented use-cases for connected vehi- is also provided to address these and other issues cover-
cles and ITS. The majority of those that consider commu- ing storage mechanisms, access, and information manage-
nications look at V2V, and very few have considered how ment, for the public, commercial vehicles, and emergency
cloud services can implement and improve effectiveness of services [22]. It includes the integration of vehicle ad-hoc

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


networks (VANETS) with other networks to extend the ITS. make use of sensor data or allow for remote management.
A key feature is that the vehicle is both a consumer of cloud Roadside infrastructure fitted with both V2V and either a wired
resources and a provider in a cooperative mode when V2I is connection or cellular to the internet may allow for a gateway
unavailable. The framework, called Vehicular Cloud Transport to the internet for vehicles only fitted with V2V.
Management (ViCTiM) provides for the management service V2V can provide an ad-hoc network covering local vehicles
and introduces Cooperation as a service (CaaS) and Informa- but suffers from limited range and capacity compared to
tion as a Service (INaaS). cellular networks. Ranges are very short, in the region of
Connected vehicles will play a central role in ITS [23], hundreds of metres rather than kilometres, and capacity is
allowing vehicles to act as “smart nodes” that collect and share limited in the order of one hundred vehicles before packet
information on other vehicles, roads, and their surroundings. loss starts to occur due to channel overcrowding.
This information can be collated, analysed, distributed, and 5G cellular can also provide a V2V style network called
acted upon either by other vehicles, or by more centralised Cellular-Vehicle to Everything (C-V2X). This uses the RAN
command and control systems. to coordinate members of the C-V2X network. Comparisons
The performance and cost benefits of placing ITS applica- of V2V using 802.11p versus C-V2X show that C-V2X gives
tions into the edge cloud using cellular networks is investigated greater range but at the potential cost of lower data capac-
and results suggest that growing performance requirements ity [26], [27]. 5G networks also feature network slicing [28].
will give cost-benefit improvements for offloading to the edge Network slicing provides the ability to divide the network
cloud [24]. into several logical networks, each having differing QoS
requirements. The dynamic provision of network slices will
B. Connected Vehicles enable ultra-reliable low-latency communications (URLLC)
Wireless communications for connected vehicles consist of that will be needed to provide some of the future services
either V2V, or cellular via a 4G or 5G network, often termed not possible under 4G or V2V networks.
Vehicle to Everything (V2X). Vehicles could be fitted with Success for connected vehicles involves sensing of the local
one or both technologies and different computing services are environment, access to external data, and processing of all
possible depending upon which is available. data to allow for accurate decision making. A local situation
V2V allows for broadcast messages, sent to all vehicles awareness of surrounding objects is essential for safe driving
within receiving range, or direct peer-to-peer (P2P) messages decision making. A wider ranged situation awareness allows
that are exchanged between two vehicles. Roadside units can for route planning with the ability to route around areas of slow
be fitted with V2V and this is referred to as Vehicle to traffic and road obstructions. Connectivity to roadside furniture
Infrastructure (V2I) communications. V2I allows for vehicles on the planned route may allow for careful timing of arrival
to communicate directly with roadside systems such as traffic at junctions to prevent the need for stopping. Finally, new
lights, which can be used to prioritise traffic lights for emer- services such as platooning may be enabled by connectivity
gency vehicles, or in the future, inform approaching vehicles of to cloud services for the planning and coordination of platoons,
the current light sequence, allowing for autonomous vehicles whilst live management of a platoon will need sharing of vehi-
to time their approach to coincide with a green light. Broadcast cle data and coordination of movement between all vehicles
messages may be used to inform all surrounding vehicles within the platoon.
of important and time-sensitive information such as emer-
gency braking in progress or obstacles in the road. Broadcast
messages allow for the periodic broadcast of each vehicle’s C. VANET
position, speed, and direction, which provides a localised A vehicle ad-hoc network (VANET) is defined as a set of
situational awareness. P2P may allow for ad-hoc networks to mobile vehicles communicating over a wireless network to
be formed, enabling new services such as sharing of sensor exchange data between themselves (V2V) and with local road-
data or platoon control. side units (V2I). This allows for the distribution of information
The internet of vehicles introduces the equivalent concept to increase the safety and comfort of passengers. A VANET
of the internet of things (IoT) and represents the agglomer- is a decentralised, self-organising, dynamic network that is
ation of all internet connected vehicles [25]. Content centric bandwidth constrained and limited in range to direct peer-
networking could give vehicles the ability to share relevant to-peer communications or extended range through use of
content with other vehicles while coping with the highly relay stations [29], [30]. Protocols allow for direct one-to-one
mobile nature of vehicles. Cellular networks communicate via communications or broadcast to all vehicles or a selection
a Radio Access Network (RAN), that connects several masts of vehicles. Safety related messages can be prioritised to
within a cell. A cell covers an area, and these vary in size minimise latency. Analysis of using cloud to store safety
depending upon user density. Using cells covering a smaller related messages and VANET to provide rapid dissemination
area can accommodate a higher number of users per given to the target area suggests that this approach can rapidly and
area as the limitation is the number of users and bandwidth efficiently disseminate messages while significantly reducing
per cell. In general, densely populated areas tend to have small the cost of cellular communications [31]. This provides for
cells and sparsely populated areas have large cells. suitably geolocated gateway equipped vehicles to forward or
Cellular radio is often fitted to roadside infrastructure which broadcast messages from cloud servers, over VANET to other
extends range beyond V2I and enables internet services to vehicles.

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D. Cloud Computing TABLE II

Cloud computing provides the ability to develop and
deploy computing services with minimal effort, equipment,
and up-front costs. At its core, cloud computing is a service
provided by third-party companies to deliver remotely hosted
computing resources. The main advantage is that organisations
deploy cloud applications without having to invest in hardware
and without having to predict future loading requirements up-
front. The cloud application, whether that is a dedicated tool
performing a rigid function, or an operating system running
the organisations own software, or some other variation, all
have in common the requirement to be run remotely with
the underlying physical equipment and location normally of
little interest beyond network bandwidth and latency consid- the user’s application requirements with regards to latency,
erations. There are a range of cloud services available with computational demand, etc. The user’s application will need
three principal service models recognised [32]. These are to determine what suitable cloud servers are available that
Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), meet its requirements based upon its current location plus
and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). A fourth type of service, that of its near future locations. The options available will
called Function as a Service (FaaS), is not included by NIST provide various hardware and software architectures and
and in reality, is a form of PaaS. FaaS adds the distinct the users applications will need to make decisions based
capability of serverless functions, which are components that upon its reconfigurability capabilities to meet those varying
can deploy and scale on demand and only use resources which edge-cloud architectures.
are billable when called. One form of edge computing is Vehicular Cloud that
E. Edge Cloud represents a development of the internet of vehicles and
enables local collaboration for distribution of applications and
There is much confusion as to what is meant by “the edge”
content [25]. A vehicle cloud is constructed from vehicles’
caused by the many competing architectures reusing the word.
compute resources and includes processing and storage with
Edge can mean the edge of the network, the device sitting
the aim of providing services that are not possible for indi-
at the edge, the edge of the permanent infrastructure sitting
vidual vehicles. It is a temporary merging of vehicle and
between the wireless network to the user and the rest of the
road-side units using peer-to-peer networking and requires a
internet, etc. A very broad definition is “enabling technologies
common virtual platform to be achievable. Table II provides a
that allow computation to be performed at the network edge
comparison of vehicular clouds over V2V versus edge cloud
so that computing happens near data sources” [2].
and a hybrid of both.
Toczé and Nadjm-Tehrani identify three categories of
edge [17]. Their first category is edge server. Edge server is
connected to the rest of the network, including the cloud. This F. Edge and Traditional Cloud Architectures
edge server has lower computational power than conventional There are a range of published architectures addressing
cloud but is still considered high power compared to the user several issues associated with mobile computing needs, such as
device. Covered in this category are Cloudlets, Micro/Nano lowering latency, pushing compute and power intensive func-
data centres and local cloud. They have not considered MEC tions off the mobile device, and reducing bandwidth usage.
Cloud which we include in this category. They do not define These architectures use n-tier cloud solutions with three tiers
what is meant by “high power” or go into detail with what being the most common. Three-tier designs have (a) mobile
types of cloud services are included or the architecture. user; (b) edge-cloud; (c) core-cloud. We explore the current
Their second category is called coordination device and is state of solutions for edge-type cloud in its various formats.
an architecture where one device acts as coordinator between Cloud for automotive use has limited treatment in the
other end devices and can also act as an interface to core cloud. literature but an architectural approach is covered which
Compared to edge server, this category can be portable and describes an automotive cloud architecture concept using a
has less computational power. This covers architectures such service-orientated architecture [33]. The architecture, called
as fog, vehicular clouds (using V2V), and local clouds with a DARWIN, is a two-tier architecture with the vehicle as one
resource coordinator. Their third category is device cloud and tier, and the external server as the second tier. The external
covers architectures where end devices communicate with each server is not defined but could be either edge or core cloud.
other to discover and deliver needed resources. This category They identify real-time performance as a critical parameter,
merges the device level and edge level into a single entity. This without which the system might fail. They assert that the
includes opportunistic computing, cooperative based mobile automotive software must be classed as safety critical to
cloud computing, and transient clouds. provide the assurance of safety, reliability and security.
The physical location of the edge server is normally not V-Cloud provides a three-layer architecture that combines
relevant from a services point of view. The important feature VANET, cyber physical systems (CPS), and cloud comput-
of edge cloud is the ability to select a cloud server that meets ing [34]. Vehicles form a network cluster over V2V and will

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join and leave the network according to distance and location monitoring of road conditions, such as traffic density, road
with other network participants. The expectation is that the congestion, and parking availability [40]. A self-organising
vehicle in front will communicate with the vehicle directly network of parked vehicles can act as a backbone for moving
behind, and vice versa. The network cluster is based upon road vehicles using V2V communications, with onboard sensors
segment covering a limited range and each cluster will allow and processing capability used, whilst rotating tasks between
information to be broadcast to all other cluster members as parked vehicles to minimise battery usage. Analysis suggests
well as neighbouring clusters. Clusters that have a base-station that this can serve as a viable alternative to fixed roadside
in proximity will allow for cluster information to be sent units [40].
to cloud computing resources. Traditional cloud computing Vehicular cloudlets that share resources using V2V/I/X can
provides the key component of the architecture to allow for be established to carry out specific tasks [41]. Called mobile
provision of services. cloudlets, they can consist of either cloudlets of moving
Urban traffic control using cloud computing to increase vehicles, or cloudlets of parked vehicles, and address different
throughput and optimise traffic to increase safety and reduce types of cloud services. Services can include: roadside-safety
fuel consumption and carbon emissions is described [35]. They for hazard notification; collision avoidance; harsh weather
treat each vehicle as a cloud service which uses cloud comput- conditions; improving traffic efficiency; and passenger comfort
ing methodology for discovery and invocation. Geographically services for internet, messaging, and infotainment. Vehicular
limited multicast addressing is used to coordinate traffic flow cloud challenges are identified as setup and management,
between intersections, with computation carried out at city or resource management, data processing, and security [42].
region wide cloud system. Their system gathers traffic data Vehicular cloud nodes are ephemeral as mobile units move out
from sensors at the intersection and from individual vehicles of range of other cloud participants, and even parked nodes
to create a dynamic situation map. This map can be used to eventually move away. For this reason, resource estimation,
assess road situation and make short term forecasts for vehicle resource allocation, load balancing, and data dissemination are
control. key to making vehicular clouds viable.
1) Fog Computing: Fog computing was devised to improve Combining IoV with MEC may reduce bottlenecks at
the cloud computing model to meet mobility support require- popular edge servers by offloading some compute to the
ments by providing location awareness and low-latency to IoV network [43]. Their framework is called Vehicular Edge
support utilising a massively distributed number of compute Multi-Access Network (VE-MAN) and provides for a hierar-
sources at the edge [36], [37]. Fog provides the same types chical network that allows redundant tasks to be completed in
of resources as traditional cloud, such as networking, com- a collaborative manner.
pute, and storage, and uses the same architectures providing Vehicle edge cloud provides a network of vehicles with
virtualisation and multi-tenancy. However, fog is designed to access to an edge cloud server [8]. Vehicles can network
deliver services and applications not normally addressed by V2V and a subset of these vehicles that have other network
the traditional cloud. connectivity to edge cloud, such as over 4G or 5G, can provide
A definition of fog is a large number of het- network as a service (NaaS) connectivity for those vehicles
erogeneous and decentralised devices that communicate that lack the connectivity.
and potentially cooperate among themselves to perform Offloading edge cloud to vehicular cloud is proposed to min-
processing tasks and storage, without intervention of imise response time and scheduling is identified as important
third-parties [38]. to allow efficient offloading of the computation tasks [44]. The
Useful characteristics are as follows [39]: problem is identified as a task allocation problem which is NP-
• Fog application code runs on fog nodes as part of a hard, and the proposed solution in [44] is a low-complexity
distributed cloud application. modified genetic algorithm.
• Fog nodes provide low and predictable latency. The ITS-Cloud proposes using cloud computing to remove
• Fog computing nodes provide geolocation awareness and the current situation where vehicles must have appropriate
device context. platform, hardware, and software, to achieve the desired ser-
• Fog nodes can orchestrate movement of fog applications vice by replacing that infrastructure with generic cloud-based
to new instances on different fog nodes, to cope with solutions charged as pay as you go [21]. ITS-Cloud offers
mobile users moving out of minimum latency range of the traditional cloud model with IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS but
the original server. also proposes a “temporary cloud” model where the connected
• Fog nodes are typically accessed over wireless networks. vehicles combine to provide a temporary vehicular cloud
Fog complements the cloud rather than replaces it, by pro- service to complement traditional cloud. Their main output is a
viding local compute resources where necessary but also method for load balancing across the ITS-Cloud. They propose
falling back to traditional cloud for services where more a V2V Cluster for an ad hoc network of local vehicles, and a
appropriate. V2I network for connectivity to cloud computing. The vehicle
2) Vehicular Cloud: Parked vehicles currently represent an cyber-physical system collates raw sensor data and provides
unused resource and as they become more capable, with necessary services to the user.
increased compute capability and additional sensors, it makes Cloud computing formed from spare compute capacity in
sense for these resources to be reutilised for ITS and edge nearby vehicles, called temporary cloud, and merged with
cloud purposes. Parked vehicles could be utilised for real-time traditional cloud services, called permanent cloud, is proposed

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and an architecture provided called VANET Cloud [45]. Sen- diverse infrastructures. Degradation of services caused by
sor as a Service (SenaaS) is introduced as a new service model mobility with effects such as varying network parameters:
where vehicles make their onboard components, including delay, bandwidth, jitter, are serious challenges which will
sensors, available. require management techniques to resolve.
3) Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC): MEC started life It is predicted that as the number of connected vehicles
called mobile edge computing and was focussed on utilising increases with the corresponding increase in data volume,
future 5G networks to provide edge cloud computing for the use cases will evolve the need to minimise latency and
mobile use cases. A name change to Multi-access Edge Com- optimise QoS [49]. MEC will be useful for vehicle applications
puting was made to recognise that a range of communications and data and will accelerate movement of services from core
methods will be utilised by future systems. The standards body cloud to the edge cloud for uses such as roadside units. This
ETSI defined MEC [46] to enable mobile edge applications to will help with keeping data and analytics applications closer
run on virtualised infrastructure, as per current cloud solutions. to vehicles. Communications from roadside units will also
MEC stands out from other edge cloud architectures because distribute useful information to nearby vehicles without delay,
it is defined and managed by an official organisation and is allowing reactions in a timely fashion to avoid accidents and
designed to be provisioned at the 5G network, integrated with improve road safety.
the network functions virtualisation (NFV) system. Many of the challenges concerning edge computing are
The MEC system consists of the edge hosts and manage- identified and include how to handle mobility of vehicles,
ment system required to run the mobile edge applications on how to scale, how to deploy and orchestrate ad-hoc services,
a 5G operators’ network or subset of their network [46]. The and how to maintain availability for externally deployed ser-
mobile edge host is a platform and virtualisation infrastructure vices [14]. Strategies are discussed on how these challenges
that provides the compute, storage, and network resources, and may be addressed.
essential functionality to allow running of the mobile edge The use of MEC to reduce latency and transmission cost
applications. Mobile edge applications run within a virtualised for computational offloading is considered and a framework
environment configured by a mobile edge management system. provided for use by vehicular networks [50]. They considered
Mobile edge management includes both system and host level resource-limited MECs located within roadside units, and
management. System level management includes a mobile which had variable range. For maximising value of the MEC
edge orchestrator and host level management has a platform service, a contract-based scheme for offloading and resource
manager and virtualisation infrastructure manager. allocations is recommended.
These combined systems provide a comprehensive archi- 4) Cloudlets: Cloudlets developed by Carnegie Mellon Uni-
tecture to provide localised multi-tenanted scalable cloud with versity can be considered as a mini datacentre. Cloudlets sit in
orchestration across different MEC installations and aims to the second tier of a three-tier architecture [39]. A cloudlet is
address the requirements of low-latency, location awareness, defined as a small-scale cloud data centre or “datacentre in a
and mobility support that is not normally available from box”, located geographically close to the user that provides a
traditional cloud [47]. resource rich compute service for nearby mobile devices [51].
MEC extends cloud computing to the edge of the radio A ‘datacentre in a box’ is a self-contained and self-managing
access network (RAN). It is envisioned that MEC cloud servers system with little more than power, internet connection, and
will be hosted within the RAN and at or very close to the access control for initial setup. Users are expected to be
5G radio mast to minimise latency. A MEC server may be mobile and therefore need a management service to seamlessly
dedicated to a single radio cell or amalgamate several cells, migrate to other cloudlets as the user moves away from the
depending upon the local topology. MEC design and standards current one in use. Additionally, the management service
are led by the ETSI organisation as part of their remit to needs to discover and select an appropriate cloudlet prior to
provide a standardised and open 5G environment [46]. provisioning for it.
MEC offers context awareness with real time informa- 5) Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC): The proliferation of
tion to applications and content suppliers, such as network mobile devices has created a market for offloading compu-
load and user’s location. This enables context aware ser- tation intensive applications and services from user to cloud.
vices that can improve QoS for users. A range of properties This helps improve battery life and storage capacity at the cost
that define MEC are listed [48], including (a) proximity; of network bandwidth. This offloading paradigm is generally
(b) low latency; (c) location awareness; (d) network context called mobile cloud computing (MCC) and utilises core cloud
information. Benefits for applications include (a) computation computing resources. The MCC forum defined MCC as an
offloading; (b) collaborative computing; (c) content delivery. infrastructure where both data storage and data processing hap-
These benefits allow applications to distribute compute tasks, pen outside of the mobile device. MCC moves the computing
providing claimed benefits for power savings and increased power and storage away from mobile devices and into the
processing capability, while enabling low-latency services for cloud.
the sharing of information. They [48] also identify several MCC is defined by [52] as an infrastructure where data
challenges including standardisation, mobility management, storage and data processing are offloaded from the device to
and heterogeneity. Heterogeneity includes diversity of radio more powerful and centralised computing platforms in the
networks and compute resources across MEC clouds and cloud. The two-tier architecture has mobile devices using a
is a significant concern with mobile users moving between network operators’ network for wireless access, which then

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connects the device to the public internet and on to the core

cloud. This architecture does not address use cases which have
low-latency requirements and cannot be considered as edge
computing architecture.
A survey of MCC identifies research that recognises the
Fig. 2. Taxonomy of use cases.
advantages of MCC [52]. These advantages are given as
(a) extending battery life; (b) improving data storage capacity
and processing power; (c) improving reliability. They also live route monitoring and dynamic changing of the route as
claim MCC inherits (d) dynamic provisioning; (e) scalability; road conditions alter. This is best suited to cloud services over
(f) multitenancy; (g) ease of integration. a cellular network. Driving enhancement services will enable
Extending battery life by application offloading has been vehicles to autonomously drive and includes services such as
shown to give energy savings up to 45% [53]. Supplementing platooning, lane changing and overtaking, and enhanced local
data storage capacity is an obvious advantage and improv- situation awareness for improved predictive and coordinated
ing processing power with code offloading has been shown behaviour. These services may use a combination of V2V and
by [54], [55], and [55] also shows energy saving advantages. cellular networks with edge cloud over cellular as a preferred
Reliability is suggested by the architecture of cloud computing solution for those services needing persistence. A taxonomy
providing high availability for storage and backup of data and for use cases is shown in Figure 2.
application, and hence reducing the chance of local data loss. Passenger entertainment covers any use by passengers that
Dynamic provisioning, scalability and multitenancy are core is not related to vehicle use and includes online gaming and
features of cloud computing, but multitenancy can also be video streaming. We do not provide any further coverage
considered a negative feature when considering security. for passenger entertainment as this is widely covered in the
Offloading of applications to reduce power consumption broader area covering mobile phone services.
and/or increase processing performance are of interest to
battery powered vehicles as battery life directly relates to the A. Emergency and Safety Use Cases
obtainable travel distance. The trade-off for manufacturers is in 1) Controlled Junctions and Traffic Lights: A controlled
reducing both power consumption and weight, so if offloading junction uses traffic lights to control when vehicles may
improves both these parameters by allowing for less capable enter the junction. This is used to streamline access to a
but lighter processing hardware, or temporary power saving by road chokepoint to attempt to smooth access. Traffic light
reducing processing functions, this may become a significant junctions are often controlled by sensors that detect where
use case for vehicular cloud computing. To enable offloading, traffic is building up at the approach to the junction, and
the research problems of cloud orchestration and migration then allow a longer period on green for those approaches so
need to be solved. that extra vehicles can pass through. Junctions can also have
transponders that detect when emergency services or public
III. I NTRODUCTION TO ITS AND C ONNECTED transport are approaching, and this can be used to prioritise
V EHICLE U SE C ASES access to the junction to speed up transit for those vehicles
In this section we investigate a range of use cases that may through the junction.
be enabled or improved by using cloud services or distributed Intersection control aims to optimise junction throughput
computing. The list of use cases is in no way exhaustive and and minimise stopping time by the careful control of traffic
we expect that many new use cases will be devised once the signal timing and the speed of approaching vehicles. CIVIC-
technology becomes more established. E2 researches this and provides an algorithm they show to
It is expected that vehicles will possess both V2V and significantly improve intersection performance under a range
5G connectivity allowing for a choice of how to exchange of traffic conditions [56]. They use a roadside unit at the
data with other vehicles and infrastructure. Either method intersection that communicates with approaching vehicles and
has a range of benefits and disadvantages and selecting the provides an approach strategy coordinated with other vehicles
best method for communications for the desired application is to minimise energy consumption for all vehicles. Results
important to ensure an acceptable quality of service (QoS). suggest that energy reductions of 31% and queue length
Use cases can be divided into several categories such as reductions of 95% are achievable. Fuel savings by CAVs at
entertainment, emergency/safety, traffic/route planning, and junctions are shown to increase when the ratio of CAV to
driving enhancement services. Emergency and safety services non-CAV increases [57], although this saving reduces as traffic
will increase the safety of driving through the use of emer- density increases. With 100% of CAV penetration, the optimal
gency and warning messages. These will predominately be fuel savings are realised.
broadcast messages sent to all vehicles within the vicin- Traffic lights can have a significant effect on fuel con-
ity. They will require low latencies to ensure messages are sumption and travel time. Using cloud to discover traffic light
received in time for other vehicles to take avoidance measures phasing can be used to predict traffic light state at arrival and
and will tend to use little bandwidth but will need priority then used to manage vehicle velocity to time the arrival to
over other less urgent types of message. Traffic and route minimise or avoid stopping time [58]. Detecting traffic light
planning services will need to have access to live data on road status by using mobile cameras and using cloud computing for
conditions such as traffic and average speeds. This will allow image recognition [59] was considered for blind and visually

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impaired pedestrians but could be equally useful for sharing vehicles [66]. Failing to maintain consistent spacing leads to
with other vehicles in the vicinity to provide advance warning. backwards moving shockwaves in speed called concertinaing
Sharing traffic light data with a central ITS and other road where the lead vehicle slows and following vehicles fail to
users may improve overall traffic flow through a region by react quickly, causing a knock-on effect as each vehicle in
synchronising several lights to reduce the overall amount of line brakes harder than the previous to ensure safe separation.
stopping and allowing vehicles to plan their approach. Vehicles Most platooning research relies upon CACC using V2V
may number in tens to hundreds at major junctions and may communications, but the limited range and capacity of V2V
want to interrogate the traffic light some kilometres away so means that cloud computing could provide more efficient
that the most optimal approach can be calculated. Traffic light management and broader coverage. A wide-area platoon
processing could be done at the roadside, at another edge discovery service would provide a means to find platoons that
cloud, at core cloud, or at a dedicated centre. Communications both cover a planned route and will be in the correct vicinity
to the traffic lights could utilise V2V or cellular. at the time needed.
Using cellular communications to edge cloud for inter- Fortelle et al [67] introduce a local cooperative area
section intelligence followed by V2V communications when for platooning, within which platoon management may be
within range of the intersection for shared intelligence shows undertaken, but provide little information on how the local
improvements in reducing congestion, fuel use, and emis- cooperative area communicates beyond mentioning several
sions [60]. Longer awareness of the intersection provided by protocols. They propose using Master and Platoon Leader
edge cloud allows greater analysis and management of the vehicles and distinguish platoons from convoys: a convoy does
approach to better ensure a timed approach that minimises not have a leader. Their definition of a platoon is characterised
stopped time. as two or more automated cooperative vehicles in line (in the
Using deep learning for the control of traffic lights shows same lane), typically spaced with a 0.25 second separation to
early promise for achieving a more optimal control of traffic reduce drag. A platoon has a platoon leader that coordinates
lights to improve vehicle throughput [61]. the platoon members and interacts within a larger local coop-
2) Intelligent Speed Adaption (ISA): Fuel efficiency can be erative area to extend coverage. They define a convoy as three
improved by considering the route and vehicle parameters to or more cooperative vehicles maintaining a formation using
find the optimal speed profile. A framework dealing with the cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) with separation
optimisation problem using cloud computing claims significant distances greater than 0.5 seconds. Their local cooperative
fuel saving in a simulated scenario [62]. Another comparative areas are defined as either static and controlled by a roadside
solution using cloud for computing purposes shows 5% to fixture; or dynamic and controlled by a moving vehicle.
15% saving when using parameters such as driving style, A dynamic local cooperative area is used to share manoeuvring
road geometry, and traffic conditions to determine the optimal data and can contain a group of vehicles including platoons
velocity profile [63]. and convoys. Finally, they have a Master which is an entity
3) Traffic Accident Rescue: Traffic management during a in charge of interactions between the local cooperative area
traffic accident rescue is explored [64]. The use of fog or and other areas and entities (e.g. platoons). How the master is
cloud reduces V2V burden whilst allowing for safety use agreed upon and managed, the motivation to be a Master, and
cases such as better traffic-signal control to reduce traffic how continuity of service is maintained when a Master leaves,
to improve emergency vehicle response times; accident is not defined.
notification to allow avoidance of congestion; fast rescue Cooperative adaptive driving (CAD) using MEC is proposed
route and traffic prioritisation; and live video analysis to in [68] for addressing concertinaing in platoons and their
allow remote assessments. numerical results show that using edge cloud does improve
4) Disaster Management: An Intelligent Cloud-based Dis- for the number of shockwaves, average vehicle velocity, and
aster Management System (ICDMS) is proposed in [65] with average travel time.
an architecture that uses cloud computing as the base platform 2) Collective Perception of Environment: Video streaming
and V2I to provide communication gateways to V2V networks. of vehicle camera sensors is described as a reverse content
Using cloud computing allows for control and management delivery network and a multi-tier approach is described to
of the distributed system for high-level queries and data provide for caching and storage together with aggregation and
validation. The system addresses how to acquire real-time data processing prior to distribution to core cloud services [69].
from VANETs and how to forward messages to the dynamic 3) Night Fog Detection: Detecting night-time fog can pro-
topology that make up VANETs. In a disaster scenario, this vide for significant accident prevention by giving advance
could be used to manage and communicate evacuation areas warning to drivers prior to entering the fog. A solution using
to civilians to improve response times for emergency services. in-car cameras to detect the halo effect could be an integral
element of an ITS system when combined with roadside
B. Autonomy and Driving Enhancements Use Cases warnings and direct messaging to vehicles that are heading
1) Platooning: Platooning is defined as a line of vehicles towards the fog [70].
with a leader and at least one following vehicle that is
controlled based upon the movements of the lead vehicle. C. Traffic and Route Planning Use Cases
The aim is to ensure all vehicles stay in the same lane whilst 1) Traffic Detection and Prediction: Navigation-based
maintaining a consistent speed and spacing between adjacent autonomous traffic avoidance.

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Fig. 3. Taxonomy for papers covering edge cloud where used with ITS or connected vehicles.

A solution to combine traffic data sources and use it to do

data analytics at the edge cloud is offered [71]. The solution
creates a “digital twin” from gathering data from roadside
cameras and combining with historical data to enable deep
learning techniques to predict driver intention.
2) Road & Parking Information and Toll Collection:
Improving the ability to discover available parking spaces prior
to arrival can reduce pollution and congestion by removing
the need to tour parking areas looking for a free space. Fig. 4. Publications by year covering edge cloud issues.
A VANET cloud-based parking information service (PIaaS) is
proposed using a privacy-based system for vehicles and RSUs that meet the QoS requirements; orchestration of services to
to share parking information whilst preserving privacy and manage where and when to run services at an edge cloud;
confidentiality for contributing vehicles [72]. migration of services between edge clouds as QoS changes
IV. TAXONOMY OF E DGE C LOUD C OMPUTING at the current edge cloud; and methods of maintaining QoS.
Security and Privacy is included in the taxonomy but is
considered an overhead with a latency cost in the context of
In this section we provide a taxonomy for edge cloud within this paper, and is therefore not considered any further.
the framework of ITS and connected vehicles. A search for
suitable taxonomies already available within the literature was
unsuccessful although a related taxonomy for road manage- A. Search Method
ment using vehicular cloud covers cloud formation, cloud Our research surveys the literature for taxonomies and the
types, and basic services [73]. A second related taxonomy current state of the art for edge cloud when used with either
covers mobile edge computing but is not focussed on ITS or ITS or connected vehicles. The method is based upon a full
connected vehicles [48]. search covering all words within a document. We use Google
Our taxonomy shown in Figure 3 identifies five main Scholar (, and the search includes
branches with subcategories. Our Deployment Levels branch patents and citations.
covers the various compute tiers where applications and The search phrase is designed to capture all papers that
services can be deployed. There are four tiers starting on cover “edge cloud” and either “intelligent transportation sys-
board the vehicle, followed by deployment at edge cloud tems” or “connected vehicles”. The Google Scholar results
over cellular, vehicle cloud over V2V, and core cloud using included many papers that did not contain the exact search
traditional cloud resources. The Deployment Methods branch terms and therefore papers were retained only if the paper was
covers application offloading and distributed applications. relevant for edge cloud within the context of ITS or vehicular
Offloading moves the application to one of the cloud tiers. use. Selected papers were categorised and summarised where
Distributed applications make use of multiple tiers and an appropriate within the relevant sections of this paper.
n-tier architecture may use some or all these tiers to deploy Google Scholar gave 496 results to the end of 2019 and
applications or make use of services. The Networks branch there are zero results prior to 2013. After removal of irrelevant
covers communications methods with short range peer-to-peer papers, the result drops to 333 papers. Figure 4 shows Google
communications involving V2V, and cellular communications Scholar results versus filtered results indicated by year. The
using either 4G or 5G technology. Service Delivery covers search results indicates the substantial growth in this new
issues revolving around using edge cloud for fast moving area of research with approximately half the papers published
vehicles. This includes heterogeneity of hardware, software, in 2019. Figure 5 indicates the volume of mentions of edge
and other resources at the edge cloud; discovery of edge clouds cloud issues.

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implement it. A method for object detection using edge cloud

for initial detection together with core cloud to improve the
performance of the detection model is shown to be more
accurate and faster [82].
(ii) Distributed Application: Distributing applications
involves dividing an application into multiple parts and then
offloading those parts to various tiers and nodes for compu-
tation. [74] considers how this may be beneficial for applica-
tions that depend upon low latency and information sharing
and provides a tool to optimise deployment of distributed
Fig. 5. Coverage in 113 papers that note edge cloud issues. applications. Edge Mesh is described to enable distributed
intelligence among IoT devices such as ITS [83]. It uses an
n-tier architecture to distribute compute tasks among edge
B. Taxonomic Definitions
cloud nodes and involves management of tasks, computation,
1) Deployment Nodes: This category covers the tier at communications, data, resource discovery, device information,
which an application or service can run, and the vehicle, and network information. A platform is described in [84] that
edge and core cloud tiers have been covered in depth in provides agents at edge nodes that carry out tasks. Agents
Section III. Local node is the connected vehicle using its are distinct from applications as they have restricted access to
own processing capability. This is clearly the best location local resources and this enables enforcement of security and
for time sensitive and safety-critical applications but may not access control policies at distributed nodes. Further frame-
be the best location to run applications that need data from works provide means to characterise the tasks, decide how
multiple sources, such as cooperative perception. Vehicles are to distribute, and provide scheduling and caching to meet
also likely to have less processing capability on-board and performance requirements [85], [86].
process intensive applications can benefit from offloading to 3) Networks: This covers the communications methods for
cloud nodes if speed of completion is important. connected vehicles and includes two technologies.
2) Deployment Methods: This covers the methods and (i) Short Range V2V and V2I Communications can provide
architectures used to offload applications onto networked com- a high speed with low-latency network but with very limited
pute devices and dividing an application into multiple smaller range and highly subject to signal loss through poor placement
instances for offloading to a distribution of compute resources. of antennas [87], or shadowing or blocking by high sided
(i) Offloading: Optimal placement of applications looks at vehicles and roadside features such as trees or buildings
how best to deploy elements of the application at differ- [88], [89]. Useable range is expected to be up to 1km subject
ent tiers [24], [74]–[77]. Partitioning of the application to to the highly dynamic local environment but with significant
best suit the resources available at each tier is required to packet loss increasing with range. A number of communica-
gain maximum benefit for power usage, compute resources, tions standards are published and in use and a comprehensive
and bandwidth. Latency aware proximity zones around MEC survey is available [16].
servers are proposed to enable optimisation of edge cloud (ii) Cellular Communications is only considered feasible on
deployment [78]. This will provide real-time network and 4G and 5G networks, with 4G not expected to be useable for
server performance information to allow informed selection ultra-low latency services due to lower bandwidth and higher
of edge clouds and timely migration if QoS is threatened. latency. The new 5G standard introduces ultra-low latency,
Awareness of load distribution at the edge server is shown to bandwidth in hundreds of Mbps and a much greater number
prevent overloading of the server caused due to the imbalance of concurrent users. We expect 5G to be essential for the full
of task arrivals [79]. These task arrivals are considered to be rollout of services for autonomous vehicles with 4G providing
underestimated by other research and the proposed scheme is an intermediate but reduced capability.
shown to reduce computation cost and increase task success 4) Service Delivery: When we look at the areas concerning
rates. Encapsulating the latency and other requirements into the management of cloud services and placement of applica-
the offloading request sent to the server could allow the server tions, we discover that the topic of offloading applications to
to only select tasks based upon its resource availability [80]. the cloud has the most coverage with 49% of papers, see Fig. 5.
This can ensure that the server is not overloaded by over These papers cover a wide range of offloading concerns.
resourcing and thereby provide greater guarantee of QoS. (i) Heterogeneity: Traditional cloud computing suffers from
Rejected offloading requests can look to other edge servers issues with heterogeneity in both hardware and software.
or decide to compute locally. A scheme to decide when and Individual cloud suppliers offer differing cloud services that
where to offload tasks, including using delayed offloading are not interchangeable. At the hardware level, suppliers have
to take advantage of an edge cloud currently outside the differing hardware advertised as the same price level of service
end-to-end latency requirements, is shown to reduce overall where newer versions have updated specifications that offer
delay compared against methods that use the nearest server differing levels of processing speed. Without ordering a service
offloading schemes [81]. and then measuring what has been supplied, it is not possible
Cooperative object detection is one of the most challenging to know absolutely the capabilities of the cloud resource,
use cases and edge cloud may provide the best means to although estimations can be made. Much of the literature

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researching heterogeneity is concerned with mobile cloud development of cost effective strategies for edge planning and
computing. design [97].
(ii) Edge Cloud Scheduling: Scheduling of tasks at edge (iv) Migration of Services: The migration problem for
cloud is considered challenging due to the high mobility of vehicular clouds is investigated and is defined as “the trade-off
vehicles causing them to need regular migration and therefore between the cost of migration, the network overhead, and the
carefully planned or scheduled transfer of operations at the latency for users” [98].
neccessary time. Scheduling is a trade-off between minimising Simulations are used to look at machine learning based
duplicate use of edge cloud resources and ensuring there is no migration schemes aimed at minimising the response time for
drop-off in service provision during the period of migration. offloading of computing tasks in vehicle clouds [98].
A scheduling scheme for balancing cost and benefits of A layered framework for migrating active edge cloud ser-
offloading for mobile users is proposed in [90] and claims to vices while minimising downtime is shown [99]. The layering
adapt to system context while maintaining QoS. They define divides a VM into components with the base layer containing
the problem as a utility optimisation problem and the model the guest OS, virtualisation data, and system kernel. Applica-
shows improved cloud QoS for mobile users together with tions and their running states are placed into an instance layer.
improved cloud resource utilisation and cost. A contract-based The base layer is transferred in advance and the instance layer
incentive system designed to optimize resource schedul- transferred at migration time. The instance layer can be further
ing among parked vehicles is shown to encourage partic- reduced by pre-loading an application layer that contains
ipation with parked vehicles providing idle computational idle versions of the applications. This layered approach is
resources [91]. Task scheduling with heterogeneous edges is shown to have downtimes for some example use cases of two
investigated and shows an improvement with trade-off between seconds or greater for containers and 56 seconds or greater
solution quality and computation time [92]. Scheduling algo- for VMs. A method of node resource allocation aimed at
rithms for smart city use are compared with the selected use minimising latency and energy use through avoiding redundant
case of vision processing of interest to both connected vehicles downloads is verified and shown to have low energy cost,
and ITS [93]. Multi-tier cloud architectures are considered to real-time migration without interruption by pre-configuring the
address scheduling and show efficient allocation of resources environment in advance, and high resource utilisation through
in bandwidth constrained environments [94], with job depen- analysing node usage globally [100]. A method for migration
dency and incentive mechanisms identified as areas for future of unfinished computing tasks from edge cloud on to vehicular
research [95]. cloud using a reinforced leaning based migration scheme is
(iii) Orchestration of Services: Offloading of applications shown to adapt to the heterogeneous environment in vehicular
moves a complete application into the cloud but it can be cloud, while guaranteeing low computing latency [98].
more efficient to divide the application into sub-applications, (v) Service Level Agreements (SLA) and Quality of Service
to run at multiple locations to make best use of the resources (QoS): Allocating resources in the cloud can be challenging
available at each. To enable this using multiple tiers requires due to the heterogeneity of cloud suppliers, the dynamic
orchestration of the application and, when using vehicular nature of infrastructure and systems, and common failure of
and edge clouds, is more complex due to the dynamic and resources [101]. Ensuring QoS is crucial to providing a reliable
heterogeneous nature of those clouds. A survey of current service running in the cloud and SLAs are used to provide
research up to 2017 is provided with a taxonomy for service guarantees of reliability on which to make decisions regarding
placement [96]. duplication of resources and locations of those resources to
Resource management is identified as an important objective ensure failure does not lead to outage of services. QoS aware-
to enable the effective use of edge resources and breaks ness allows for monitoring and measurement of the status of
that down with a number of sub-objectives [17]. These are all cloud and networking resources, and automatic resource
resource estimation, resource discovery, and resource allo- provision allows systems to repair and replace resources that
cation. Resource allocation covers both where to allocate a are failing to meet the QoS parameters [101].
resource, and also when and how to migrate the resource if 5) Security and Privacy: Both security and privacy are
necessary and take changes in location into account. They critical components of any system and are included in our
consider resource optimisation and decide that QoS (under- taxonomy for completeness. However, this paper is focused
stood as latency), energy, and operational cost are the deter- on service provision and therefore security and privacy are
mining factors. Various optimisation methods are identified not covered any further.
in the broader literature which may be of interest for edge
A proposed Platform for Smart Cyber Physical Sys-
tems (PsCPS) provides a means to integrate distributed sys-
tem and application agents across multiple edge and cloud Vehicular clouds are not feasible for any applications
nodes [84]. Agents operate on nodes to provide control and that require more than short-range and immediate exchange
processing capabilities as needed by applications. Another of information. The mobility of VANET assets means that
approach covering resource provisioning and workload assign- vehicular clouds will largely be of short duration and are
ment decomposes the computational task into delay-aware suited to applications that require immediate exchange of data,
and edge server resource selection sub-problems, allowing the such as safety messages, collective perception, or situation

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awareness at fixed infrastructure; such as junctions, traffic run in the most suitable location. However, aware-
lights, or roundabouts. ness of the current live level of functionality at each
Edge cloud provides for permanency as cloud services tier, which will change as the networking environment
can run indefinitely, allowing for the limited resources at changes, is needed to allow changes in the distribution
an edge cloud, but mobility of vehicles leads to latencies as required. A method of measuring QoS and predicting
increasing as vehicles move out of range of the RAN where changes in performance so that alternate configurations
the edge cloud resides. Additional issues concern the ability can be instigated prior to an unacceptable drop in
to identify and then select an edge cloud that is suitable and performance is needed to address this issue.
available, and orchestrate that selection over the entirety of a
road trip with regular migration of applications between edge
clouds. Edge cloud for connected vehicles and ITS is a new area
The hybrid approach of using vehicular cloud as appropriate that is starting to gain attention as indicated with the doubling
for immediate use by close-by vehicles, with edge cloud of papers in 2019. We have provided a taxonomy of use cases
providing more substantive and persistent applications reduces together with a broad review of the research covering those
cost of cloud services, but requires the ability to distribute use cases. We also provide a taxonomy and survey of edge
applications across tiers (local, vehicular cloud, edge cloud, cloud for ITS and connected vehicles that involved reviewing
and core cloud) and application context awareness; the ability 496 papers, and which we believe will provide a valuable
to determine the best division of an application across multiple resource for researchers of ITS and connected vehicles using
tiers and nodes, and manage that division as resources change. emerging edge cloud technology.
The change in resource can be at the vehicle tier – to save ACKNOWLEDGMENT
battery; at the vehicular cloud tier as vehicles move into and The authors would like to thank Peter Vermaat, UK Trans-
out of range; at the edge cloud tier as services are migrated
port Research Laboratory, Dr Mehrdad Dianti, University of
on to new servers that have differing resources, offering Warwick, Principle Investigator for CARMA, David Oxtoby,
varying compute, memory, storage, etc. The ability to deploy Jaguar Land Rover, Coventry, CV4 7AL, for support given
distributed applications across tiers and manage the variability
during the course of this research.
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[92] H. A. Alameddine, S. Sharafeddine, S. Sebbah, S. Ayoubi, and C. Assi, Science, collaborates strongly with other disciplines
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in multi-access edge computing,” IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., vol. 37, leading strong interdisciplinary teams since 2006 in
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transport scheduling for edge/cloud-based Internet of Things,” in Proc. in practical nature conservation projects. He has over 120 publications and the
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pp. 1–43. [Online]. Available:
[97] N. Kherraf, H. A. Alameddine, S. Sharafeddine, C. M. Assi, and Ning Wang (Senior Member, IEEE) received the
A. Ghrayeb, “Optimized provisioning of edge computing resources Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from the Cen-
with heterogeneous workload in IoT networks,” IEEE Trans. Netw. tre for Communication Systems Research (CCSR),
Service Manage., vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 459–474, Jun. 2019. University of Surrey, in 2004. He is currently a Full
[98] F. Sun, N. Cheng, S. Zhang, H. Zhou, L. Gui, and X. Shen, “Rein- Professor with the 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC),
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computing,” in Proc. IEEE Global Commun. Conf. (GLOBECOM), sity of Surrey. He has published over 150 research
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[99] A. Machen, S. Wang, K. K. Leung, B. J. Ko, and T. Salonidis, net of Things, and network and service manage-
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[101] S. Singh, I. Chana, and M. Singh, “The journey of QoS-aware auto-
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doi: 10.1109/MITP.2017.26. electronics and instrumentation engineering from
the Haldia Institute of Technology, Haldia, India,
in 2008, the M.E. degree in power engineering
and the Ph.D. degree in engineering from Jadavpur
Peter Arthurs received the M.Sc. degree in University, Kolkata, India, in 2010 and 2018, respec-
computer science from the University of Surrey,
tively. He was an Assistant Professor in electronics
Guildford, U.K., in 2017, where he is currently and instrumentation engineering with the National
pursuing the Ph.D. degree as part of the CARMA Institute of Science and Technology, Berhampur,
India, from 2010 to 2013. He is currently a Postdoc-
He previously worked with the aerospace and
toral Researcher with the Department of Mechanical
defence industries providing systems architect and Engineering and Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, U.K. He has
design engineering for communications and nav- authored or coauthored 20 research articles in refereed scientific journals and
igation systems. His main area of research is
papers in conferences. His research interests include control theory, networked
in edge-cloud computing over 5G networks for control systems, and vehicle platooning.
autonomous vehicles.

Lee Gillam received the Ph.D. degree in arti-

ficial intelligence from the University of Surrey
in 2004. He is currently a Senior Lecturer with Alexandros Mouzakitis is currently the Head of
the Department of Computer Science, University the Electrical, Electronics, and Software Engineer-
of Surrey, a Chartered IT Professional Fellow of ing Research Department, Jaguar Land Rover Ltd.
the British Computer Society (FBCS CITP), and He has over 15 years of technological and manage-
a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College. rial experience especially in automotive embedded
He is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of Open Access systems. In his current role, he is responsible
Journal of Cloud Computing Advances, Systems and for leading a multidisciplinary research and tech-
Applications (JoCCASA) (Springer), with its first nology department dedicated to deliver a port-
articles in April 2012, and which followed on from folio of advanced research projects in the areas
co-editorship of the first Springer book on cloud computing in 2010. He has of human–machine interface, digital transformation,
both led and contributed to government-funded research projects relating to self-learning vehicle, smart/connected systems, and
cloud computing and started three companies that are variously exploiting such onboard/off board data platforms. In his previous position within Jaguar
research. He has been a coauthor of reports for EPSRC on cloud computing Land Rover, he served as the Head of the Model-based Product Engineering
(research use cases and costs), has been teaching a bespoke module on cloud Department, responsible for model-based development, and automated testing
computing to the master’s students since 2010. standards, and processes.

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