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Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 1. Commercial Banks are

mandated for maintenance of
CRR with RBI according to --

Ans: Section 42(1) of RBI Act

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 2. SLR is required to
maintained by commercial
Banks as per which act and
section ?

Ans: BR Act, Section 24

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 3. In any single day the

minimum CRR to be
maintained by Banks against
the fortnightly average CRR
requirement ?

Ans: 80% (up to Sept 30, 2020)

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 4. Rate of interest given by

RBI for CRR Balance kept by
Bank ?

Ans: 0%
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 5. Repos shall be undertaken

for a minimum period of ------
and a maximum period of ------?

Ans: 1 day, 1 Year

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 6. Total Number of Sections

in NI Act …?

Ans: 148
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 7. How many days of Grace are

allowed for calculation of due date
in case of usance promisory note
and bill of exchange as per Section
22 of NI Act ?

Ans: 3 days
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 8. If maturity date of a bill

falls on public holiday, the bill
will become payable on ---- ?

Ans: Next preceeding business

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 9. Protection to paying
banker available u/s----- of NI
Act for payment of an
instrument where alteration is
not apparent ?

Ans: Under section 89 of NI Act

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 10. Protection to Collecting

Banker is available u/s ---- of NI
Act ?

Ans: Under section 131 of NI Act

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 11. Cheque dated prior to

opening of account can be-- ?

Ans: Paid if otherwise in order

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 12. Addition of two parallel

lines is must in case of which type
of crossing ?

Ans: General Crossing

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 13. As per Section 129 of NI

Act if a Bank pays a cheque in
violation of the crossing direction,
it will be liable to--- ?

Ans: True Owner of the cheque

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 14. Punishment for dishonor

of cheques due to insufficient

Ans: Fine up to twice the amount

of cheque or imprisonment up to
2 years or both
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 15. Condition for invoking u/s

138 for dishonour of cheque are ?

Ans: i)-Cheque presented within its validity period.

ii-Cheque had been received for consideration.
iii-Payee demands the drawer with in 30 days of receipt of
cheque return memo
iv-Drawer fails to make payment within 15 days from the
date of receipt of such notice.
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 16. Cheques sent for collection

and returned unpaid should be
returned to the payee within----- of
return ?

Ans: 24 Hrs
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 17. Banks should conduct

periodic review of risk
categorisation of accounts,
periodicity being at least once in:

Ans: 6 months
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 18. Periodic updation of KYC

shall be carried out at least once in
every ------ years for high risk
customers, medium risk customers
and for low risk customers
respectively ?
Ans: High Risk- 2 years
Medium Risk-8 years
Low Risk -10 years
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 19. Under KYC guidelines Banks to

keep record of all transaction/vouchers
and identification details after closure
of account, for at least what period of
the date of transaction/closure of
account ?
Ans: 5 years
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 20. CTR is submitted to which

agency by 15th of the succeeding
month ?

Ans: FIU
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 21. Minimum and maximum number

of members in a Pvt.Ltd. company is ?

Ans: Min- 2
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 22. Minimum and maximum number

of members in a Public Ltd. company
is ?

Ans: Min- 7
Max-No upper limit
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 23. Banks can pay differential

interest on SB deposits above
Rs…….. ?

Ans: Rs. 1.00 Lakh

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 24. If a customer is having any other

Savings account in that Bank, he/she
will be required to close it within how
many days from the date of opening of
BSBD Account?

Ans: 30 days
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 25. Bulk Deposit means ?

Ans: Single deposit of Rs.2.00 cr

and above
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 26. As per Section 269T of IT Act,

the Principal/Interest of Term deposit
amounting ----- should not be paid in
Cash ?

Ans: Rs.20,000.00 and above.

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 27. If depositor dies after maturity of

Term Deposit, interest to be paid for
overdue period at the rate of ?

Ans: Savings rate

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 28. Banks can refuse pre mature

withdrawal of Term Deposit in respect
of deposits of Rs…?

Ans: Rs.15.00 Lakh and above

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 29. RoI payable by banks to

depositors of unclaimed deposits
transferred to DEAF?

Ans: 3.50%
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 30. Relationship between a Bank

and payee of a draft is ?

Ans: Trustee and beneficiary

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 31. Relationship between Bank and

RBI in case of maintenance of
Currency Chest ?

Ans: Agent and Principal

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 32. Cheques sent for collection but

not yet realized, Whether Garnisee
order will be applicable on cheque

Ans: NO
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 33. Maximum award that can be

passed by ombudsman is ..?

Ans: Actual loss suffered with a

maximum of Rs.20.00 Lacs.
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 34. Maximum award that can be

passed by ombudsman for mental
agony is --- ?

Ans: Rs. 1 Lakh.

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 35. Banks should provide basic

banking facilities at door step to Sr,
citizens particularly to age group of---?

Ans: 70 Years and above

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 36. Limitation period for filing

complaint in consumer forum is ---?

Ans: 2 Years from the date of

cause of action
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 37. Death claim settlement should

be done within how many days from
receipt of application with all set of
documents ?

Ans: 15 days
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 38. Customers should given notice

for closure/shifting of Branch how
much period before closure/shifting ?

Ans: 2 Months (Where no other

bank branch is there) or 1 month
(where any other bank branch is
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 39. Closure of customer

account/transfer of account to another
branch at the request of customer to
be done maximum within--- ?

Ans: 3 working days of receiving

the request.
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 40. Maximum advance against

shares held in dematerialized form and
the minimum margin should be-- ?

Ans: Rs.20.00 Lacs, 25%

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 41. If any document executed

outside India it should be stamped
within how much time period of its
receipt in India ?

Ans: 3 Months
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 42. Limitation period for Mortgage

is--- ?

Ans: 12 Years from the date when

mortgage money becomes due
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 43. FIR to be made in case of

detection of counterfeit notes above---
in a single transaction ?

Ans: Above 4 notes

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 44. Bank notes of denomination of

Rs.----- and above should not be put
into recirculation without being
machine processed for authenticity ?

Ans: Rs.100 and above

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 45. Minimum deposit/withdrawal in

Currency Chest can be for Rs.---------
and in multiples of Rs……..?

Ans: Rs.1,00,000.00, Rs.50,000.00

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 46. Penalty for non-compliance with

operational guidelines of Currency
Chest ?

Ans: Rs.5000/- for each irregularity

and can be enhanced to Rs.10000/- in
case of repetition.
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 47. Where lockers remain un operated

for ------ years in case of high risk
customers and -------- years in case of
medium risk customers, bank should
immediately contact the customers ..?

Ans: 1 year, 3 year

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 48. Where lockers remain un operated

for ------ years in case of high risk
customers and -------- years in case of
medium risk customers, bank should
immediately contact the customers ..?

Ans: 1 year, 3 year

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 49. Pension should be credited during

which period of a month ?

Ans: During last 4 working days

(except for march)
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 50. Withdrawals in PPF is permitted

after----years ?

Ans: After expiry of 5 years from the

end of the year in which the account
was opened.
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 51. Commission on Govt. Business

Pension Payments Per transaction ?

Ans: Rs. 75/- per Txn.

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 52. Maximum investment under Sr.

Citizen Savings Scheme can be Rs……
and in multiples of Rs…. ?

Ans: Rs.15.00 Lacs, Rs.1000/-

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 53. Maturity period of Sukanya Samridhi

Deposit account is ?

Ans: 21 years from the date of

opening of account
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 54. Minimum and maximum age at entry

under PMJJBY is--- ?

Ans: 18 Years and 50 Years (can

continue as member up to 55 Years)
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 55. Minimum and maximum age for cover

under APY should be ?

Ans: 18-40 Years

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 56. Risk cover under PMJJBY will start

after ---- days of enrolment ?

Ans: 45 days
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 57. Premium breakup under PMJJBY is-- ?

Ans: Total Premium Rs.330/-

Rs.289/- to insurance company,
Rs.30/- to be paid to BC if sourced by
them and Rs.11/- as Bank commission
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 58. TDS on interest on time deposit to be

deducted if interest payment in a Financial
Year exceeds Rs… ?

Ans: Rs.40,000/- (Rs.50000/- for Sr.

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 59. A TDS of 2% (U/S 194N of IT Act) will

be levied by financial companies and post
offices on individuals for cash withdrawals
exceeding rupees------- in a year from a bank
account to promote less cash economy ?

Ans: Rs. 1 cr.

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 60. TDS on payment of Rent if the amount

paid in a Financial Year exceeds Rs….. and
the rate of TDS is… ?

Ans: Rs.2,40,000.00 @ 2% for Plant,

machinery & Equipment’s and @ 10% for
land and building
(* 25% concession given for FY 20-21 on
account of COVID19)
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 61. Fraud cases of Rs.3.00 crores and

above and up to Rs.25.00 cr where staff
involvement is prima facie found to be
reported to --- ?

Ans: CBI-Anti Corruption Branch

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 62. Cases of Banking frauds of Rs.25.00

cr to Rs.50.00 cr to be reported to ?

Ans: CBI-Banking Security and Fraud

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 63. Cases of Cash shortages of more than

Rs……. and Cash shortages more than
Rs………… if detected by
management/auditor shall be reported to
local police ?

Ans: Rs.10,000/- and Rs.5000/-

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 64. Priority Sector lending target for Small

and marginal farmers is --- ?

Ans: 10% of ANBC or COBE,

whichever is higher
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 65. Priority Sector lending target for Small

and marginal farmers is --- ?

Ans: 10% of ANBC or CEOBE,

whichever is higher
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 66. Priority Sector lending target for

Weaker Section is --- for commercial banks ?

Ans: 12% of ANBC or CEOBE,

whichever is higher
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 67. As per the new definition, a micro

enterprise is an enterprise, where the
investment in plant and machinery or
equipment does not exceed Rs. ______ and
turnover does not exceed Rs____?

Ans: Rs.1.00 cr and Rs.5.00 cr

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 68. As per the new definition, a medium

enterprise is an enterprise, where the
investment in plant and machinery or
equipment does not exceed Rs. ______ and
turnover does not exceed Rs____?

Ans: Rs.50.00 cr and Rs.250.00 cr

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 69. In terms of revised guidelines issued

by Department of Financial Services,
Overdraft limit to PMJDY account holder has
been raised to-------------, age limit has been
revised to ---------years and there will not be
any conditions attached for overdraft up to ---
------- ?
Ans: ₹ 10,000/-,
Age :18-65,
₹ 2,000/-
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 70. Criteria for export credit to be classified

as Priority sector advance by Domestic
Banks ?

Ans: up to ₹ 40 crore per borrower

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 71. Loans to individuals for educational

purposes including vocational courses upto --
-----------irrespective of the sanctioned
amount will be considered as eligible for
priority sector ?

Ans: up to ₹ 20 Lakhs per borrower

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 72. Loans for repairs to damaged dwelling

units of families up to -----------in metropolitan
centres and up to -------in other centres are
classified under Priority Sector advance ?

Ans: Rs. 10 Lakhs, Rs. 6 Lakhs

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 73. Bank loans to Housing Finance

Companies (HFCs), for their refinance, for
on-lending for the purpose of
purchase/construction/reconstruction of
individual dwelling units or for slum clearance
and rehabilitation of slum dwellers, subject to
an aggregate loan limit of ---?
Ans: Rs. 20 Lakhs
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 74. Bank loans up to a limit of ------------to

borrowers for purposes like solar based
power generators, biomass-based power
generators, wind mills, micro-hydel plants
and for non-conventional energy based
public utilities viz. street lighting systems, and
remote village electrification.
Ans: Rs. 30 cr.
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 75. Loans to distressed persons [other

than farmers] not exceeding ₹-------- per
borrower to prepay their debt to non-
institutional lenders are classified under
Priority Sector Lending ?

Ans: Rs. 1 Lakh

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 76. No margin and collateral required for

agriculture loans up to--- ?

Ans: Rs. Rs.1,60,000.00

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 77. In case of natural calamity, the

common thread to extend relief measure
towards agricultural loans including
rescheduling of loans by banks, is that the
crop loss assessed should be ---% or more?

Ans: 33%
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 78. Premium rates for Kharif

and Rabi under Pradhan Mantri
Fasal Bima Yojana is ---% of Sum
Insured ?

Ans: Kharif:2%, Rabi:1.50% or

actuarial rate whichever is less
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 79. Maximum Project cost for

projects by individual and group in
Agri clinic and Agri Business
Centre is--- ?

Ans: Rs.20.00 Lakh and Rs.100.00

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 80. Percentage of Capital

Subsidy for loans under Agri
Clinic and Agri Business Centre is
--- ?

Ans: 44% of project cost for SC/ST,

Women, other disadvantaged sections
and those from NE and hilly areas.
36% for others
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 81. Maximum coverage under

CGTMSE for loans availed under
MSME from Scheduled Commercial
Banks and select financial institutions
is---- and coverage of loans under
Retail Trade is---?
Ans: Rs.2.00 cr, Rs.1.00 cr
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 82. Under CGTMSE, The Annual

Guarantee Fee-Standard Rate
structure is Retail Trade (Up to
Rs.100.00 Lacs) ?

Ans: 2.00% + Risk Premium

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 83. The lock-in period under CGTMSE for

claim is ---- months from either the date of
last disbursement of the loan to the borrower
or the guarantee start date in respect of
credit facility to the borrower, whichever is
later, has lapsed ?

Ans: 18 months
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 84. For classification of Sishu, Kishor and

Tarun under PMMY, the loan amount should
be …?

Ans: Shishu : up to Rs.50,000/-,

Kishore- Above Rs.50.000/- up to
Tarun- Rs.5,00,000/- upto Rs.10,00,000/-
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 85. At least ---% of credit flow under

PMMY should go to Sishu category ?

Ans: 60%
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 86. Income ceiling under EWS and LIG


Ans: Rs.3.00 Lacs, and Rs.3-6 Lacs

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 87. Maximum carpet area for house under

MIG-I and MIG-II is ?

Ans: 160 square meters and 200 square

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 88. Margin in Education Loans ?

Ans: Up to Rs.4.00 Lakh : NIL

More than Rs.4.00 Lakh:5% for studies
in India and 15% for Studies abroad
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 89. Moratorium period interest subvention

under education loan available to students of
economically weaker section having annual
family income limit of Rs…. ?

Ans: Rs.4.50 Lakhs

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 90. Family income ceiling to avail benefit

under Padho pardesh scheme is--- ?

Ans: Rs.6.00 Lakhs

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 91. Maximum annual family income celling

to avail interest subsidy under Dr. Ambedkar
Central Sector Scheme of Interest Subsidy
on Education loans for overseas studies for
students belonging to OBCs ?

Ans: Rs.8.00 Lakhs

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 92. Maximum education loan amount

eligible for coverage under Credit Guarantee
Scheme for Education Loans is ?

Ans: Rs.7.50 Lakh

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 93. Annual Guarantee Fee under Credit

Guarantee Scheme for Education Loans is
and the same is to be borne by--- ?

Ans: 0.50%, Bank

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 94. Extent of Guarantee Cover under

Credit Guarantee Scheme for Education
Loans is--- ?

Ans: 75% of the amount in default.

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 95. Maximum amount of loan under DRI is


Ans: Rs.15000/- ( Rs.20,000/- in case of

housing loan to SC/ST under Indira
Awas Scheme)
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 96. 2nd Loan under PMEGP can be

provided to existing units up to maximum
project cost of --- ?

Ans: Rs.1.00 cr for manufacturing

and Rs.25.00 Lakh for Service sector
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 97. Maximum Subsidy in 2nd Loan under

PMEGP is -- ?

Ans: 15% (20% for NE and hilly areas)

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 98. Number of members in SHGs under

DAY-NRLM should be--- ?

Ans: 10-20 members (may be 5 in case

of difficult areas, disabled persons)
Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 99. Revolving fund assistance under

NRLM is ?

Ans: Rs.10000/- to a maximum of

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

Q 100. Minimum Amount of loan under

NRLM should be?

Ans: Rs 6.00 lakhs for 3 years

Top-100 Important questions

For Exam Dtd: 11.10.2020

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