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34 Unit 9 Learning for li Lesson 1 Exam time Language focus: Past continuous and past simple ‘Skills focus: Reading instructions Listening for main idea and detail Here is a quick test for you to check your English. Do it on your own. Check the results with your teacher. Did you pass or fail? ‘What was the purpose of the test? Was it: 1 to find out how good your English is? 2 to show you something else. (What?) ‘These people have just taken an examination. Which people have probably got good results and which have {got bad results? Complete the faces like this ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEST Instructions You have THREE minutes to do this test. Read through the whole test before you begin. 1 Which day comes after Monday? 2 Write the next number: two four = six eight __ 3 Fill in the gap: 1 ___ doing an English test 4 Circle the incorrect spelling. cheap good difficult espensive 5 What is a ‘kid’? bachild ca teacher aadog 6 Write seven English words that begin with ‘p’. 7 Name five sports that you play with a ball Do not answer questions 5, 6 or 7 in this test. Zo, Ao Azo Zo, A fa>| a 3 G3 ee ee ee my answers. my plan, to stop writing. 5 [Fea] Usten 0 four people talking about exams. Match Pree] cock sory to one ofthe situations in Activity 4, 1 Emma _6 3 Helen 2 Annie's brother 4 Mike UNIT 9 LESSON 1 [ize] Listen to Mike again and fil Work in pairs. Tell your partner about a time when you Pree] the gaps or someomte you know had a problem with an exam. In my first year at university I remember I had a @ who was taking the exam? maths (1) exam - It was on a Monday, so I decided e t0 (2) really hard all weekend in order to Sa ae @) e © what was the problem? e Well, I was just (4) work on the Saturday What happened afterwards? morning when the phone rang - the football team (5) __ for any revision that day. Complete this puzzle to find the most important thing ‘Then I was just sitting down to do some (6) ____on_in an exam. All the words come fom this lesson. the Sunday morning when the phone rang again = it ou_sil s was my grandmother's birthday and there was a big — 87m _ family party. So finally I started to (7) at 10.00 A_ WER on Sunday evening and (8) all night = But when I started the exam next morning, all the - fost (9) ___ were still going round and round in my head. = So Twalked out after half an hour and of course I mamxK (10) the exam, n_sMurs 419 cu_cx foe 10 66 4 rape Ree ees N Nt i ul 7 [Hoven = | Language Summary Homework ener eens [was just starting work on the Saturday morning. ‘Make up an English test for another student in when the phone rang. your class. Write five questions. You can test When I started the exam, all the numbers were grammar, spelling or vocabulary. Make sure YOU \ | going round and round. can answer the questions! Sarees ar 55 56 Lesson 2 Changing places Language focus: have fo and /iad to for obligation Skills focus: Reading a newspaper article for specific information Speaking: roleplaying a conversation Have you ever tried to raise mi ive vou eve *¢ money for charity? How © By selling things? e By doing something unusual so people would give you money? © By collecting money in the street? Read the newspaper arte throug! ; out hot Dovid vans dt rae money fo har —— Back to school | 1 Students in the sixth form at Stansted Secondary Schoo! gota big surprise last Friday when one of their classmates changed places with her father 2 To raise money for charity, David Evans went to school and sat through @ full day of lessons while his daughter Victoria, aged 17, stayed at jhome and did her father’s jobs inthe house. 3) At first I was nervous, but the school was great and the students made me very welcome,’ said Mr Evans. 4 Tm 44 and it's a Jong time since T was at school It's very different now but ten times fetter, The children have more freedom and they are more independent.” 5. While her father was at school, Victoria had to do the housework and work in the garden. She said, ‘It was lucky I wear trousers at School, s0 when we changed places Dad didn't have to wear a skirt!” Look at the article again. In which paragraphs can you find the following information? 1 the name of Victoria's school _1_ 2 what Mr Evans thinks of schools now __ 3 what Victoria wears at school __ 4 Mr Evans’ age 5 why the other students were surprised __ 6 why Victoria and her father changed places __ [rea] stem to Vieworia and her father describe their day and complete the table. good things bad things Victoria’s day do the housework ‘Mr Evans’ day Work in pairs. Student A — you are Mr Evans. You are going to tell your daughter about your day at her school. Make a list of the things that you did. Student B — you are Victoria. You want to find out about your father’s day. Make a list of questions to ask. Begin your conversation like this Student A: Hello Victoria ~ I'm home. Student B: Hi Dad [Homework | \ Imagine that you changed places with someone for a day ~ eg someone in your family, someone ype rec atacer ra fameurpenco. | Write your diary for that day. Look at Victoria's diary for the day she spent at home. Complete it using the words in the box. the dinner in the garden his homework. at home the housework a lot of money pia the paper the washing up Monday May 3rd Monday May 3rd No school today! Today Dad and T changed 1) places — 10 raise money for charity. I stayed Dad's jobs. In the morning I did 8 ‘and in the aflernoon I At four oclock he all day doing worked vane home and Tl wi aot is day a soho! had 10 mike 6) wa 1 ant have fo do) ed did for el flr dia fad Yodo y we Fwd 6 nd watched TYE dink (Tee good to hare change and ope ' we make (9) ____ Language Summary hhave to and had to for obligation Victoria had to do the housework. Dad didn’t have to wear a skirt. ‘make, do and have Thope we make a lot of money. ‘Mr Evans did his homework. it was good to have a change. 57 Lesson 3 Something new Language focus: -ing form or infinitive? Skills focus: Listening for main ideas Writing a formal letter Which of these things can you already do? Which would you like to learn? Compare with a partner. driveacar flyaplane _hang-glide playthe guitar ski swim usea computer _use a video camera Examples Yd like to learn to fly a plane. Tm not interested in learning ) to swim, Tean already ski. [rea] Rachel, Sheree and Bruce have each leamt one thing from the list in Activity 1 What do you think they learnt? Now listen and fill in the table. Rachel Sheree Bruce What did he/she learn? to use @ compuier Why? all her friends could do it 58 UNIT 9 LESSON 3 Rachel, Sheree and Bruce also talked about HOW they learned to do these things. Read the statements below and try to remember who said each one. 1 I think it’s very important to learn from a professional. Rachel 2 Lleamnt at college. 3 They teach you in easy stages and they build your confidence litle by little 4 You have to have an instructor for the practical part. 5 Task other people to help me if I have a problem. 6 Llearnt about the technical side from books ee Look at the advertisements. How many different courses are advertised? Which course would you like to do? Which would you NOT like to do? Now listen again and check your answers. Make home videos siren pao es Pres ond rsocn, Bm aeuipmet prone Fer ore loraton eo Fae Series, Hy Hose ee FRETS carrer Hinxton Community College (077 sam) 27 Cres Steet Histon HNO 180 Evening Classes Plas St avaabi onthe ffowing course: “rational Engish Cookery Tusecay evenings Uitestmercan dancing” ‘Tharey ovens ‘The Green Light School of Driving gfe dtvingeet (Les fom the pena ( Special fer ~ FREE lon for beginners hoe oat fi rede (Gren Ligh ving Schl 257 Medea, Hin HN? 180 (Homework =| Write a letter asking for information about another course from Activity 4 | ee Complete Rachel's letter asking for further information, about the course in traditional English cookery. Use words from the box. You do not have to use all, the words. about ask cookery course for Please send sie test your Yours aes r Se Hinxton HN2 1BD 1st September Hinxton Community College 27 Cross (l) Sixeet Hinxton HS TBD Dear Sir/Madam id you (8) me t __ could you (3) your further information 8 in Traditional English a faithfully Rachel King ee Language Summary ing form or infinitive? Tcan already ski. 1d like to learn to fly a plane. I'm not interested in learning the guitar 59 60. Unit 10 Let’s celebrate Lesson 1 What a lovely present! Language focus: Expressions for special occasions Skills focus: Listening for detail ‘Writing a letter of thanks Look at the cards. Which one would you send to each, of the following people? 1 Helen, who is 21 years old today. 2 Paul, who is in hospital 3 Mike and Emma, who are getting married, 4 Bruce and Jan, who had a baby yesterday. 5 John and Marjorie, who got married exactly 50 years ago. Match words from the two lists below to make a list of presents. chocolate disc pot lamp compact lasses bedside animal leather plant wine cake toy album, photograph. belt Example. ——— chocolate cake Choose presents from the list above for the people in Activity 1, Write your choices below, Your choice of present The present they received Helen Paul Mike and Emma Bruce and Jan John and Marjorie rz] Now listen and write down the presents they [ree] serally received Listen again and tick the phrases you hear. ( Happy birthday! Thar’ great 1 Thar’ really kind of you. 0 Thank you. 1 Thanks a lot (1 W's just what we wanted. CO tiike it 0 Congratulations! ] tsn't that sweet! 1 ws tovety. CO Thanks. C7 Aren't they beautiful! 1 How are you feeling? ( Thank you very much. 1 You're very kind. EE Dear fareh ‘Work in pairs. Plan a secret present for your partner. ank you very much for coming to see me ‘Write a short description of the present on a piece of and for bringing ne that delicious paper. Give the ‘present’ to your partner. Your partner will aso give you a ‘present’. Remember to thank him or her, using suitable expressions from Activity 4. Use the sentences below in the correct order to complete the ‘thank you’ letters to Sarah and Alison. 1 Sorry you couldn't come to the party but thank you very much for the belt Dear Aligon 2 It was good to see you and to hear how people at work are getting on without 3. Come and see me again soon - I've got lots of news and some new things to show you 4 [t looks great with my black jeans. 5 Many thanks again for the belt 6 really enjoyed it - the food here is horrible! A thank you very much for coming to see me and for bringing me that delicious Look back at Activity 1. Who fs leter A from? Who is chocolate cake. letter B from? Write the names at the end of the letters. @I hope I'11 be home again soon. 9 Thanks very much again. Language Summary Expressions for special occasions Homework Write a short letter of thanks to the person who gave you the ‘present’ in Activity 5. Relative clauses with who ‘Which card would you send to Helen, who is 21 years old today? fio 61 Lesson 2 Party time Language focus: Ways of describing people Skills focus: Listening for detail and main idea Speaking: roleplaying a phone conversation in pairs, What od and drink can you ata party? Make a list. Compare your list with her pair. Do you want to add anything to your list? Baz Wilson | FE] ryan ake notes abut te follwing ings Au 1 number of people abou! 30 __ 2 food Hope you can come! 3 drink From a 4 music 5 activities ira) one) Read the sentences and complete the table to find out about the people at Helen's party, 1 It’s Helen’s party - she’s a student. She does French and Business Studies. 2 Helen's sister is wearing black jeans and a T-shirt 3 The man in the striped sweater is called Steve. 4 Phil has got dark hair. He’s an old friend of Helen's 5 The girl who lives next door works in a dress shop. 6 The man with an ear-ring makes videos. 7 The man with dark hair studies German, 8 The girl in black jeans is a post-graduate student called Kathryn. 9 Baz was Kathryn's boyfriend but now they're just friends. He's got short hair and an ear-ring. 10 Janet’s wearing a white shirt, She lives next door. 11 Steve, who sells cars, is married to Janet. 12 The girl with long, hair is 21 today. Name _ [Description | Occupation |Who they are Helen student (French & Business) the girl having the party Kathryn Phil Janet Steve Imagine you were at Helen’s party. Write your diary entry for Saturday 6th April. Describe at least one person you met at the party, and say what you talked about, Work in pairs. After the party, Phil telephones Helen. Roleplay their conversation. Student A ~ you are Phil Student B ~ you are Helen. Begin the conversation like this: Student A: Hi, Helen, this is Phil. I'm ringing to ... student A - Phil Jen ‘you are phoning Hel fo thank ber for the party: Student B Helen Find out if Phil enjoyed the party. You found a pair of glasses after the party. Find out if they belong to Phil, “Arrange 10 see Phil soon. Language Summary Ways of describing people ‘The girl who lives next door works in a dress. shop. ‘The man in the striped sweater is called Steve. ‘The girl with long fair hair is 21 today. Invitations Would you like to come? ‘Can you come at about eight? fir 68 Lesson 3 It’s the end Language focus: Revision of verb forms Skills focus: Reading for main idea and detail Speaking: planning a celebration. Work in groups. Have you ever celebrated the end of something such as school, a job, a place you've lived in, or a holiday? Tell the other students in your group about it. Match the verbs to the places/events and find ten more ways to celebrate. (Some places can be used with both verbs.) go out for a party a‘drink adub the theatre a restaurant goto a nates the cinema ameal a disco adance isten to five people describing how [Fes] they celebrated a special ocaston sad complete the table. Reason for celebration What they did 1 end of school UNIT 10 LESSON 3 Read the newspaper article quickly. Which celebration Match these topics to the paragraphs of the article. is it about? P paragraphs of the artic 1 London booking ~ __ paragraph 5 2 TV 2000- 1 hen the clock strikes twelve on December Sst, 1999, people all | > celebrating ar sca over the world will celebrate in a very special way. Many people are already Fae peeit Make vara for New Year's Ewe | % sca reson to celebrate — 1900, and if you want to book a restaurant, Cancetall ov exhibition hall you will have to | <_TT do It soon. 2 ~ Some people are taking the event very seriously. The Millennium Society in the USA has booked the Queen Elizabeth Il for its 4 plant trees for peace ~ Decide from the article if these events are definite or not definite yet 6000 members. They are going on a ten-day Event Breen acai tour, sailing to Britain and then on to Egypt, a — e where they will spend New Year's Eve at the 1 The Millennium society wip] 7 Pyramids. 2 Tree planting 3 Another society called The World | | oe a Association for Celebrating the Year 2000 3 World TV link-up has a different project. They plan to plant ‘4 Buying the GseTv adver | trees in 250 towns in 29 different countries, of 2000 | ‘as symbols of a peaceful world. 4. Some people think we may see world | | 5 Royal Albert Hall Party leaders talking together in a world TV link-up at midnight on New Year's Eve. Businesses | > mmm are talking about buying the first TV advertisement of the year 2000, or taking | Work in groups. Either plana celebration for December over complete newspapers for January 1st, | 31st, 1999, or plan a celebration for the end of your 2000. English course. . 5 As long ago as 1974, a British company |)... booked the Royal Abert Hall in London for a jon't forget 10 think about: party on December 31st, 1999. So be quick - © ihe place plan your celebration now or you may be too the time late. © the food © the drink © the music e any special activities Language Summary Revision of verb forms Another society has a different project. As long ago as 1974 a British company booked the Royal Albert Hall in London. ‘They will spend New Year's Eve at the Pyramids. Talking about dates and ti ‘on 6th April? at twelve o'clock in the year 2000 65

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