Preparation Towards Becoming A CPA: Helpful Tips To Study Accounting Successfully

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Preparation Towards Becoming a CPA

The preparation to become a CPA does not start from the time of graduation
(which would probably be too late for the student to cope with the voluminous
contents of the CPA exam), but at the moment the student decided to take up
It cannot be ignored that some students think that after graduation, their
earnest preparation for the CPA Exam commences at the formal review classes.
Until then, they do not realize that the actual preparation for the examination
should start from the first day they attended their classes in college. The
focus on preparation must be reinforced with serious dedication and commitment.

By far, the most important ingredient to becoming a CPA is the student’s strong
desire to become one of the Accounting Professionals. This desire must be
reinforced and carried throughout all of his subjects.

The student aiming to be a CPA must focus his learning process in order to be
solidly equipped with fundamental knowledge which he must retain to be able to
tackle the CPA exam. Many accounting graduates, even if graduated with honors,
fail the CPA exam because of wrong focus. They intend to become “grade-
conscious” rather than “CPA-board conscious.”

Helpful Tips to Study Accounting Successfully

Most students are at a loss when studying accounting subjects. The
following tips, if followed, may help you in your study activities.
1. Set goals, have a schedule and stick to it.
2. Have a positive mental attitude that you can understand the subject with a
clearest thought.
3. Read to understand “why,” and work on problems to understand “how.”
4. Use the “Six R’s” Method.
a. Record – have a note or outline of the subject matter.
b. Reduce – reduce your notes into phrases or key words.
c. Recite – restate the idea in your own words.
d. Reflect – debate yourself. Ask yourself about all possibilities.
e. Review – recall daily what you’ve learned in the past.
f. Recapitulate – have a whole picture of the topic.
5. Take control of your time. Spend some time for study each day so work will
not pile up.
6. Simplify complex concepts by using diagram, shortcut methods, etc.
7. Reward system – reward yourself for your accomplishments.
8. Maintain your health by exercising and eating quality, healthy and memory
9. Strive for excellence.
10. Always ask for God’s help (Philippians 4:6)

“CPAs are not born, they are made. To become a CPA, you need discipline,
perseverance, diligence and sacrifice.”

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