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Evaluate yourself starting from the moment you realize the world up to today
and answer the questions below.

1. Based on your deeds, what world from Dante's Divine Comedy you

Based on my deeds, I think I belong to the world of Purgatorio (purgatory). I

still have a lot to learn from this life. I know that I have sinned so many times
and I need to reflect and repent on it. I also think that Inferno is too much for
me since I am still young and I have not committed crimes and all of that.
Heaven is after I have learned to follow all the good ways that I should do. So I
believe that I need to be cleansed first and look at my life and assessed my

Dante's poem, The Divine Comedy, is one of the most important works of
medieval literature. An imaginary journey through Hell, Purgatory and
Paradise, the work explores ideas of the afterlife in medieval Christian belief.

2. What specific circle will you be in that world?

No. Neither do points or lines. These are mathematical abstractions which

idealize certain experiences in the real physical world. A mathematical line
idealizes the graphite streak you make on your paper with a graphite point o.5
mm in width. A point is an idealization you make out of the dot on a paper you
make with the same pencil point Etc.

3. Do you think the world you should be will change as you grow older?

Yes, it will change.

Some things aren't permanent, as we grow, everything and even our own body
changes. It is normal because as time passes, changes are being made.

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