Journal 4 Fababaer, Cate de Jesus

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Romblon State University

Human Resource Management

Cate De Jesus Fababaer Journal

MAED English

Here we are again, talking about the endless journey of having a journal in life as
an educator gaining knowledge for growth and development. Learning takes place when
there is focus of listening and concentration and of course, I learned some lesson here.
The lessons in this chapter is indeed quite important in every organization that we are in
regardless of what positions and roles we are holding. Human resource management is
still vivid enough to be our guiding principle as we continue to shape and establish a
working environment wherein a good rapport to colleagues, a conducive and
harmonious environment are present.
Satisfaction of the client is one of the most important goals of an organization.
Seeing the clients happy with the best service or products that we offer is a great
fulfillment on the part of the company or organization. In addition, if the clients are
satisfied and happy to the service of the company or organization they will be of course
enjoy and compensated as well and that trust will be established, thereby many will be
encouraged to patronized and avail the product or services an organization have. Also,
there would be many people who will promote and encouraged others to visit and
support the products or services of that certain company. I believe that the increase
number of clients is the barometer of the success of the company or organization.
The next salient point that I want to give emphasis is the nature of Human
Resource Management. This topic reflects on the behavioral and socio psychological
aspect of every individual in an organization. Establishing a good relationship between
colleagues and co-workers greatly affect each other’s work. Being surrounded by those
people who are positive and good, those people who are lifting you up when you feel
down, and most of all those people who believes in your strength and capabilities
makes our work more easier and less pressured.
In every organization, having a conflict is inevitable. It is not surprising to hear or
to know that this organization or company is experiencing conflict, it only depends on
how they will address this problem. As what I have read, workplace conflict is inevitable
when employees of various backgrounds and different work styles are brought together
for a shared business purpose. Conflict can and should be managed and resolved. With
tensions and anxieties at an all-time high due to the current political divide and racial
inequity discussions at work, the chances for workplace conflict have increased. Conflict
can be expressed in numerous ways such as insults, noncooperation, bullying and
anger. Its causes can range from personality clashes and misunderstood
communication to organizational mismanagement. The negative effects of workplace
conflict can include work disruptions, decreased productivity, project failure,
absenteeism, turnover and termination. Emotional stress can be both a cause and an
effect of workplace conflict.
Generally, I have learned that as an employee, in order to handle and manage
conflicts in an organization or company we need to be more open-minded, be sensitive
enough in dealing with your co-workers, seek to understand the people around you and
of course be transparent, and the most important thing is we must be a skilled
communicator, that includes creating an open communication environment in your

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