English Lit

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Studying English literature provides opportunities for inspiration and creativity, as well as the
development of skills that are necessary in today's global environment. It's an opportunity to
see how stories, poems, novels, and plays use literature to make sense of the world. It's also an
opportunity to improve your writing, reading, analyzing, and persuasion skills.   Literature is a
component of our cultural heritage that is accessible to all and has the potential to enrich our
lives in numerous ways. We learn that literary works may be joyful, beautiful, amusing, or sad if
we break down the obstacles that make studying literature appear frightening. They have the
ability to communicate depth of thinking, a wide range of emotions, and a thorough
comprehension of characters. They push us past our comfort zones.
2. The reasons for studying literature are inextricably linked to the way you should live your life on
a daily basis. The value of empathy in society is enormous. Students will have a better time if
they make it a habit to read it through literature. You will feel a connection to the outside world
and its positive ideas when reading great literature. Literature is an excellent instrument for
teaching a youngster about the ills and benefits of society. People who read a lot have a good
ability to deduce people's thoughts and feelings in the most logical way. After reading literature,
students are more likely to apply what they have learned to their own lives. They get more
mature as they become older.
3. Yes, in the sense that it assists me in grasping the history of literature. Furthermore, because
they are interconnected, the study of literature helps us understand our history, society, and, on
occasion, ourselves. Literature allows us to see countries and people as they were. We are
exposed to a wide range of environments, languages, and tones.


1. Geoffrey Chaucer Middle English Period The canterbury tales an
enduring literary legacy.
John Milton Puritan Age 2. The literature of
early seventeenth
3. William Shakespeare The Elizabethan Period The measure of greatness in
his universality.
Wordsworth and Samuel Romanic Age 4. Tintern Abbey and
Taylor Rime of the Ancient
Alfred The Great 5. Old English Period 6. His works are
considered perfect in
lyric qualities,
beautiful in
imaginary, and
truthful in their
Portrayal of
William Shakespeare 7. Romantic age 8. Romanticism was a
literary movement
9. Robert Browning 10. The Victorian Age Perfected The monologue

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