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A Detailed Lesson Plan of Grade 7 MUSIC

Name:__________________________________ Section:_______________

Subject:_________________________ Schedule:____________


At the end of the lesson, students must have to;

a. Identify the musical characteristics of representative music selections
from Mindanao after listening
b. Analyze the musical elements of some Mindanao vocal and
instrumental music.
c. Sing/ create their own chant or lullaby
I. Subject Matter:
Main Topic: Music of Mindanao
Reference: Physical Education and Health Grade 7 page 87-108
Materials: videos, pictures, activity sheets, ppt,

II. Procedure:
Before the Lesson
A. Preliminary Classroom Routines/Activities
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Giving of reminders/announcements (if any)

B. Motivation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Assessment/

Strategy Used
Class, I have here a music and you will
listen it, and identify what kind of music it
is? Where does the music originated?
(the students will listen
to the music)
Music analysis
Music of Mindanao
Okay! Very good class, ma’am

C. Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Assessment/

Strategy Used
Students, what is Islamic community?
ma’am Islamic Question and
community is the group answer method
of people who consist of
Very good! They are the person who consist
of ethno-linguistics.

Who among you here know, what are the

places in the Philippines that have Islamic
Cotabato ma’am

Okay very! Good. there are many places

here in the Philippines have Islamic

(During the lesson)

d. lesson proper/ presentation

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Assessment/

Strategy Used
Today, we will tackle about vocal music of
(the students will listen
There are 5 Islamic community in the to the discussion of the
Philippines consist of ethno-linguistic teacher)
1. the Maguindanao of Cotabato
2. the Maranao of Lanao and Cotabato
3. The Samal and Jama Mapun of the Sulu Discussion
Islands of Sibutu and Cagayan De Sulu method/
4. the Tausug of the Sulu Islands of Jolo, Question and
and Tawi-tawi answer method.
5. the Yakan of Basilan and Zamboanga

Who among you here is familiar with them

or have a blood of this people?

Okay! Class, you be proud of your cultures

don’t mind those people who discriminates
you. Stand straight, taas noon a
ipagmamalaki mo na you are a unique
person with unique culture.
So, class get a piece of paper and work by
(3) three and you will watch and listen
music of Maguindanao Bangsamoro: vocal (students will watch and
culture and tradition. After you will answer listen to the music)
this question. Music analysis

(after the student listen to the music they

will answer this questions and they will
(student will answer the
share their answers in the class)
1. what do you think is the message of the
2. How were the musical instruments used
in bringing about the message?

(the teacher will call a student to share

their answer)

There are two kinds of vocal music of

Mindanao it is the chants and lullaby.
Chant is a lyrical
So, class who among you here knows what rendition of different
Question and
is a chant? improvised text.
answer method

Okay! Exactly chants is a lyrical rendition

of different improvised text. It have different
kinds of chants.
In Yakans they usually do his/her chanting
through solo and counter or group singing.
They have 3 famous everyday style chants

1. Lugu- this chants that they use in

reading his/her Qur’an and other books Qur’an is literally
they use in his/her Islam religion. Question and
meaning “the recitation”
answer method
the central religious text
Class, what is Qur’an? of Islam, which the
Muslims believe to be
revelation from Allah.

2. Kalangan- songs that they use for

serenading his/her loved ones.
3. Sa-il/ Lunsey- an important chant to be
sung by the wife-to-be= during the
ceremony that talks about married life.

In Maranaos they have an extensive vocal


1. Dikker- sacred songs highlighted by

quotations from the Qur’an
2. bayok- Semi- genetic term for a lyrical (the students will listen Music analysis
rendition of different improvised text. to the music)

(the teacher will lay a music about lunsey) Maam the mood of the
music is about love.

What is the mood of the music?

Okay! Very good. now let’s move on to Lullaby is a chant

lullaby. formula use in rocking a
baby to sleep.
So, class what is lullaby?

Very good! lullaby is a music for the baby.

There are 2 kinds of lullaby.

1. Ya-ya – is a song of the Yakans to put

They will chant a lullaby
the baby sleep, song in a relax/slow
manner, soft and soothing while rocking
the baby.

How would Yakans do when they are

rocking a baby?

Exactly! So next is a bayok is also a

maranao term for lullaby.

so, class those are the different voval music

of Mindanao.

E. Generalization

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Assessment/

Strategy Used
Class, get ¼ sheet of papers and listen to
the music that I will play and you will
identify is it is a chants or a lullaby. (students will listen to
the music) Music analysis

F. Evaluation
The students will group into 5 members and create their own chants or a lullaby.





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