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Dear parents/carers,

We hope you are all keeping safe and well! Remember these learning packs are just
here to help. Use them as you need to but feel free to carry on with your own
learning journey! Please keep sending us your lovely pictures, videos and messages
to or the Langley Primary Facebook
Send us a message if you need support with anything, work or well-being and we
will try to help!
Thank you-The Year 2 team.
Reading Spelling/Punctuation/Grammar Maths/Science
 Read a book of your choice for 20  Practise weekly spellings.
minutes. Put your spellings into sentences using con-  Over the past few weeks, we have
junctions like because, when, if, so, that etc included a Science link to ‘Living Things
 Complete the Fiction Reading Revision and Their Habitats’ module which we
Mat- ‘Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue’  Following on from revisiting ‘using cover in Year 2. We would like you to
included in this pack. Parents, use the commas in a list’ last week, have a go have a go at the end of topic test
‘Reading Mat Guidance’ to really home in at the mini challenge included in this included as an attachment this week.
on those essential skills for reading pack ‘Using Commas to Separate Items Feel free to spread this across the week
comprehension. Talk with your child to in a List Mini Test’. If you can’t do it all and see what you can remember from
find out what types of questions they find today, don’t worry! Fit it in when you what we have learnt in school and
more difficult. can! whilst at home!

Maths with Carol Vorderman!
Reading Creative Writing/Spelling Maths/Science
 Read a book of your choice for 20   Continue with ‘Y2 Science Topic Test-
minutes. rule/84/7-The-l-sound- Living Things and Their Habitats’ and
spelt%E2%80%93le-at-the-end-of- mark your answers along the way!
 Complete the Non-Fiction Reading words-
Revision Mat- ‘The Amazing Amazon Revisit: Click on the ‘Spelling Tiles’ activity tab 
River’ included in this pack. Parents, use to have to practice the spelling rule- words that Maths with Carol Vorderman!
the ‘Reading Mat Guidance’ to really end with the spelling ‘le’.
home in on those essential skills for 
reading comprehension. Talk with your  Pick a ‘Story Setting Writing Prompt’ ng/year-2/- Lesson 1- Measure Mass in
child to find out what types of questions (included in pack) to use to write grams. Follow the link to Bitesize for
they find more difficult. creatively. You might want to pick one more activities/worksheets to
prompt to use over the next 3 days to consolidate, if needed (W/c- 29th June).
write a story in that setting or, you may
want to write 3 short stories/ 3 setting
descriptions! See if you can use the key
words next to the picture to include in
your writing to make it more interesting
for your reader! We would love to hear
some of the writing you have produced
so please, send them to us and put a
smile on our faces 

Reading Creative Writing/Spelling Maths/Science
 Read a book of your choice for 20   Continue with ‘Y2 Science Topic Test-
minutes. rule/84/7-The-l-sound- Living Things and Their Habitats’ and
spelt%E2%80%93le-at-the-end-of- mark your answers along the way!
 Complete the Poetry Reading Revision words-
Mat- ‘Bear in a Cave’ included in this Revisit: Click on the ‘Spelling Tiles’ activity tab 
pack. Parents, use the ‘Reading Mat to have to practice the spelling rule- words that Maths with Carol Vorderman!
Guidance’ to really home in on those end with the spelling ‘le’.
essential skills for reading 
comprehension. Talk with your child to  Continue with/ pick a new story writing ng/year-2/- Lesson 2- Measure mass in
find out what types of questions they find prompt picture to continue with your kilograms. Follow the link to Bitesize for
more difficult. creative writing! more activities/worksheets to

Reading Creative Writing/ Spelling Maths/Science
 Read a book of your choice for 20   Continue with ‘Y2 Science Topic Test-
minutes. rule/84/7-The-l-sound- Living Things and Their Habitats’ and
spelt%E2%80%93le-at-the-end-of- mark your answers.
 Complete ‘Lighthouse Town’ words-
comprehension questions included in this Revisit: Click on the ‘Spelling Tiles’ activity tab 
pack. Can you recognise any of the skills to have to practice the spelling rule- words that Maths with Carol Vorderman!
you had to use to answer the questions end with the spelling ‘le’. You may want to
e.g. inference, retrieval… have a go at the ‘practice/Test’ tab today! 
ng/year-2/- Lesson 3- Compare volume.
 Continue with/ pick a new story writing Follow the link to Bitesize for more
prompt picture to continue with your activities/worksheets to consolidate.
creative writing!
Reading/ ART Writing Maths/Science
 Enjoy a story- ‘What the Ladybird Heard  Weekly spelling test. - Times table rock
at the Seaside’ by Julia Donaldson and stars practise.
Lydia Monks (see YouTube link in ‘extra  Any spellings that were incorrect, 
resources’). tables-check/#/menu
practise them using the different
strategies you know. Pyramid, Times table check- you can take the timer
 Create a seaside inspired picture using off if time table rock stars is too quick!
segmentation, rainbow writing.
colour skills you have learnt from
watching Ricky Wilson’s Art video 
(Celebrity Supply Remember: pre-cursive handwriting, correct
letter size and formation, correct ng/year-2/- Lesson 4- Millilitres. Follow
Teacher) Listed in
the link to Bitesize for more
the links below! punctuation. Reread and check spellings.
activities/worksheets to consolidate.
Remember the colour
wheel to help you
when choosing
colours to use. This
could be a drawing
using wax/crayons or a painting. Most
importantly, have fun creating!
Curriculum/extra resources -MFL: Daily lessons available. Why not have a go at learning a bit of Spanish or German? - Reading: Parents, for inspiration and ideas as to what your child could
read over the Summer holidays, you can search the Book Trust website by age and category to find something your child might like to
read! – ‘What the Ladybird Heard at the Seaside’- by Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks -ART: with Ricky Wilson, Celebrity
Supply Teacher! - Maths: Extra maths games. –PE: with Joe Wicks- challenge yourself in your daily
workout! - Information: Newsround- Catch up on the latest news!
Year 2 Reading Revision Mat Guidance
To complete each reading revision mat, you will need to read a short passage of writing;
these will be taken from either a fictional story, a non-fiction text or a poem. Once you
have read and understood the passage, you will have to answer five different types of
question based on what you have read.
Each of the five different question types has its own helper to remind you of what to do:

Vocabulary Questions with Vocabulary Victor

Vocabulary Victor will help you to look at how authors
and poets have chosen to use certain words and phrases.

Retrieval Questions with Rex Retriever

Rex Retriever will help you to go into a text and
retrieve the facts.

Sequence Questions with Sequencing Suki

Sequencing Suki likes everything in order! She will
help you sequence the events in a text.

Inference Questions with Inference Iggy

Inference Iggy will help you hunt for clues in a text
about how someone might be feeling or why something is

Prediction Questions ○with Predicting Pip

Predicting Pip tries to see the future and she will help you
work out what might happen next.
Bunny Brown and His Sister Sue by Laura Lee Hope
“Bunny! Bunny! Wake up! It’s time!”

“Wha—what’s matter?” sleepily mumbled little Bunny Brown, making his words all run together,
like stringy, sticky toffee that has been out in the hot sun. “What’s the matter, Sue?” Bunny
asked, now that he had his eyes open. He looked over the side of his small bed to see his sister
standing beside it. She had left her own little room and had run into her brother’s.

“Why, it’s time to get up, Bunny,” and Sue opened her brown eyes more widely, as she tried to
get the ‘sleepy feeling’ out of them. “It’s time to get up!”

“Time to get up—so early? Oh, Sue! It isn’t Christmas morning, is it, Sue?” and
with that thought, Bunny sat up suddenly in his bed.

“Christmas? No, of course not!” said Sue, who, though only five years of age
(a year younger than Bunny), sometimes acted as though she was older than

“Well, if it isn’t Christmas, and we don’t have to go to school, because it’s closed,
why do I have to get up so early?” Bunny wanted to know.

1. Tick the two things that Bunny knows are not the reason for getting up early.

a sunny day breakfast

going to school going on holiday

Christmas seeing Grandma

2. Why do you think the author described Bunny Brown’s words as ‘like
stringy, sticky toffee that has been left out in the hot sun’?

3. Who is the oldest: Bunny or Sue? Explain how you know.

4. What do you think is the real reason for Bunny and Sue getting up so
Bunny Brown and his Sister Sue Answers
1. Tick the two things that Bunny knows are not the reason for getting up early.

a sunny day breakfast

going to school going on holiday

Christmas seeing Grandma

2. Why do you think the author described Bunny Brown’s words as ‘like stringy, sticky
toffee that has been left out in the hot sun’?
Accept any reasonable answers relating to the fact that Bunny’s words were ‘all
running together’.

• He was speaking so quickly it all sounded like one long word.

• His words were not clear because he had just woken up.
3. Who is the oldest: Bunny or Sue? Explain how you know.
Bunny is the oldest.
Accept any reasonable answer relating to this line of the text, ‘Sue,
who, though only five years of age (a year younger than Bunny)’.

4. What do you think is the real reason for Bunny and Sue getting up so early?
DO NOT accept ‘to go to school’ or ‘to open their Christmas presents’.
Accept any reasonable answer relating to the children’s knowledge and
experiences of getting up early.

• to go on a surprise trip or holiday

• to see a relative

• to go for an appointment

• for a special event, e.g. a sibling’s or parent’s birthday.

The Amazing Amazon River
Flowing from the Andes Mountains, the Amazon River
is the second longest river in the world, measuring in at
6,347 km. The river runs through Ecuador, Venezuela,
Brazil, Colombia, Guyana, Peru and Bolivia in South
America. During the wet season, the Amazon River grows
and can reach over 190 kilometres in width, however
there are no bridges that cross the river. The largest city Crossing the Amazon must
along the Amazon is Manaus in Brazil. The city is home be done by boat because
to around 1.7 million people. there are no bridges.

Amazingly, there are 3,000 species of fish that live in

the river with new species being discovered all the time. The Amazon River is also
home to the piranha, which is a meat-eating fish!

1. Number the countries below from 1 to 7 to show the order that they are listed in
the text. The first one has been done for you.

Brazil Guyana Bolivia

Peru 1 Ecuador Colombia


2. How many species of fish live in the Amazon River? Tick one.
1.7 million 6,347

3,000 190

3. Find and copy two words the author uses to talk about the
river’s movement.

4. Would it be safe to swim in the Amazon River?

Explain your answer.

The Amazing Amazon River Answers
1. Number the countries below from 1 to 7 to show the order that they are listed in
the text. The first one has been done for you.

3 Brazil 5 Guyana 7 Bolivia

6 Peru 1 Ecuador 4 Colombia
2 Venezuela

2. How many species of fish live in the Amazon River? Tick one.

1.7 million 6,347

3,000 190

3. Find and copy two words the author uses to talk about the river’s movement.
• flowing

• runs

4. Would it be safe to swim in the Amazon River?

Accept any reasonable answer relating to information from the text:

• No – because there are meat-eating fish in the river.

• No – because it flows fast and it might be dangerous.

• No – because it is very wide and it would be very difficult to cross.

Bear in a Cave
Here is a cave, inside is a bear.
Now he comes out to get some fresh air.
He stays out all summer in sunshine and heat,
He hunts in the forest for berries to eat.
When snow starts to fall, he hurries inside
His warm little cave and there he will hide.
When spring comes again the snow melts away,
And out comes the bear, ready to play.
He stays out all summer in sunshine and heat,
He hunts in the forest for berries to eat.

1. What does bear do when the snow starts to fall?

he comes out to play  he gets some fresh air
he hunts for berries  he hurries inside

2. Find and copy the two adjectives that the poet uses to
describe bear’s cave.

3. Why do you think that bear likes the summer?

4. The poem does not mention the season of autumn. Can

you predict one thing that bear might do in the autumn?
1. What does bear do when the snow starts to fall?
he comes out to play  he gets some fresh air 
he hunts for berries  he hurries inside
2. Find and copy the two adjectives that the poet uses to describe bear’s cave.
little warm
3. Why do you think that bear likes the summer?
Accept answers relating to that section of the poem, e.g:
• he gets to stay out of his cave
• he likes the sunshine and the heat
• there are lots of berries growing in the forest
for him to eat during the summer
4. The poem does not mention the season of autumn. Can you
predict one thing that bear might do in the autumn?
Accept any sensible prediction relating to the pupil’s knowledge of
autumn, e.g.
• he plays in the fallen leaves
• he eats pumpkins
• he likes looking at all the colourful leaves
• he spends more time in his cave as the weather starts to get colder

 What happened here?

 Why are the buildings under water?
 Why are the lights still on in the buildings?
 Who is the person on the street below? What are they doing there?
 Why did they build a lighthouse in the middle of a town?
 Why is the girl standing on top of the lighthouse?
 What is the ‘break’ in the sky?
 What do you think is going to happen?
 Tell the story of the Lighthouse Town.
Story Settings Description
Key Words

spooky dark quiet damp

freezing gloomy creepy

calm peaceful lonely

wild leafy cold terrifying


Can you write a paragraph about this setting?

Story Settings Description
Key Words

sandy dusty hot

scorching bright

dry warm old wild

wooden old-fashioned

unattractive dirty filthy


Can you write a paragraph about this setting?

Story Settings Description
Key Words

cold freezing snowy

icy bright white lonely

quiet beautiful dangerous

chilly bitter remote

breathtaking arctic

Can you write a paragraph about this setting?

Story Settings Description
Key Words

beautiful fantastic

lovely green leafy

noisy crowded lively

fun entertaining busy

enjoyable relaxing

wonderful pleasant

Can you write a paragraph about this setting?

Story Settings Description
Key Words

spooky haunted gloomy

scary frightening

terrifying dark cold

dangerous mysterious

eerie lonely creepy foggy


Can you write a paragraph about this setting?

Story Settings Description
Key Words

windy warm hot tropical

beautiful magnificent

noisy dangerous

ferocious swashbuckling

daring sandy exciting

adventurous frightening

Can you write a paragraph about this setting?

Story Settings Description
Key Words

beautiful magical

enchanting glowing

glistening glittering stunning

fantastic magnificent starry

quiet bright majestic

glamorous elegant

Can you write a paragraph about this setting?

Story Settings Description
Key Words

alien weird strange

unusual mysterious

futuristic glowing

gleaming amazing

fantastic metallic bizarre

unsettling odd exciting

Can you write a paragraph about this setting?

Story Settings Description
Key Words

noisy busy crowded wild

fantastic beautiful majestic

fantastic fascinating

dangerous roaring wonderful

exciting interesting

entertaining enjoyable

Can you write a paragraph about this setting?

Story Settings Description
Key Words

beautiful unsettling

giant calm wild lovely

dangerous fantastic

scorching freezing windy

spooky magnificent quiet

noisy tense lonely

Can you write a paragraph about this setting?

Year 2
Topic Test
Living things and their habitats




Raw Score
Year 2 Science Topic Test: Living things and their habitats
1 Living, non-living, never lived

television fallen leaves bus

meat dog wasp

Look at the objects above and complete the following:

a Write down 2 objects which are living.

………………………………… ………………………………… 1 mark

b Write down 2 objects which are non-living.

………………………………… ………………………………… 1 mark

c Write down 2 objects which have never lived.

………………………………… ………………………………… 1 mark

Page Total

YEAR 2 1 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

Year 2 Science Topic Test: Living things and their habitats

2 Rainforest or ocean?

monkey whale snake

algae seaweed

Put the living things into their correct habitats in the table
below. One has been done for you:

ocean rainforest


2 marks

Page Total

YEAR 2 2 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

Year 2 Science Topic Test: Living things and their habitats

3 Food chains

worm bird cat

grass cow human

Look at the two food chains above and answer these


a What eats the grass? ……………………………. 1 mark

b What does the bird eat? ……………………………. 1 mark

Circle the correct word to answer the question below:

c In the first food chain, which animal is the predator?

worm bird cat 1 mark

Page Total

YEAR 2 3 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

Year 2 Science Topic Test: Living things and their habitats

4 Habitats

Circle true or false next to the statements below:

Water is a habitat. true / false


b A habitat is a place where

true / false
animals or plants live.

c A river is a habitat for a fox. true / false

2 marks

Complete the following:

d Circle two things that live in an ocean habitat.

rose octopus eagle

seaweed cow 1 mark

Page Total

YEAR 2 4 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

Year 2 Science Topic Test: Living things and their habitats

5 Life processes

Circle the correct life process for each description below:

a These have never grown, breathed or eaten.

living non-living never lived

b These reproduce, drink water and remove waste products

from themselves.

living non-living never lived

c These do not breathe or move but come from something

which used to.

living non-living never lived

2 marks

Living things need to find a way of getting oxygen into

their bodies. Use this information to answer the following:

d Where do fish get their oxygen from?

1 mark
Page Total

YEAR 2 5 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

Year 2 Science Topic Test: Living things and their habitats

6 Minibeasts and microhabitats

Identify the minibeasts by circling the correct word:

slug worm woodlouse

bee snail ladybird
1 mark

Complete the following:

c Which one of the following is not a natural microhabitat

for woodlice? Circle your answer.

under stones on top of a desk

under leaves under a log

1 mark

d Which one of the following do earthworms need to survive?

Circle your answer.

sunlight people

moisture plant pots 1 mark

Page Total

YEAR 2 6 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

Year 2 Science Topic Test: Living things and their habitats

7 Woodlands and coastlines

puffin starfish deer

squirrel owl clam

Put the living things above in the table below.

Two have been done for you:

a most likely habitat

woodland coastline
owl starfish

2 marks

b Circle two reasons why a woodland is a good habitat for an owl.

plenty of food open and grassy

calm and quiet trees to nest in 2 marks

Page Total

YEAR 2 7 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

Year 2 Science Topic Test: Living things and their habitats

8 Dependency

oak tree


Complete the following:

The oak tree and the squirrel depend upon each other.
a Circle one way in which the squirrel helps the oak tree.

spreads leaves digs holes spreads acorns

1 mark

b Circle two ways in which the oak tree helps the squirrel.

provides food shelters predators

provides sunlight provides shelter

2 marks

Page Total

YEAR 2 8 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

Year 2 Science Topic Test: Living things and their habitats

9 Who eats what?




Complete the following:

a Write what happens in the food chain above.

The first part has been done for you.
The plankton are eaten by the krill.
1 ……………………………………………………………

2 ……………………………………………………………

3 …………………………………………………………… 1 mark

b Draw lines to match each word to the correct meaning.

predator It eats another animal.

prey It is eaten by another animal.

1 mark

Page Total Test Total   /26

YEAR 2 9 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

Year 2
Topic Test
Living things and their habitats



Raw Score
TopicTest: Living
Test: things
Living and and
things theirtheir
habitats - ANSWERS

1 Living, non-living, never lived

television fallen leaves bus

meat dog wasp

Look at the objects above and complete the following:

a Write down 2 objects which are living.

………………………………… wasp
………………………………… 1 mark

b Write down 2 objects which are non-living.

………………………………… fallen leaves
………………………………… 1 mark

c Write down 2 objects which have never lived.

………………………………… bus
………………………………… 1 mark

(For a, b and c both answers must be correct for 1 mark.)

Page Total 3

YEAR 2 1 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

TopicTest: Living
Test: things
Living and and
things theirtheir
habitats - ANSWERS

2 Rainforest or ocean?

monkey whale snake

algae seaweed

Put the living things into their correct habitats in the table
below. One has been done for you:

ocean rainforest

algae monkey

whale snake

seaweed 2
2 marks

(2 marks for all 4 correct, 1 mark for 3 correct.)

Page Total 2

YEAR 2 2 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

TopicTest: Living
Test: things
Living and and
things theirtheir
habitats - ANSWERS

3 Food chains

worm bird cat

grass cow human

Look at the two food chains above and answer these

a What eats the grass? cow
……………………………. 1 mark

b What does the bird eat? worm
……………………………. 1 mark

Circle the correct word to answer the question below:

c In the first food chain, which animal is the predator?

worm bird cat 1 mark

Page Total 3

YEAR 2 3 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

TopicTest: Living
Test: things
Living and and
things theirtheir
habitats - ANSWERS

4 Habitats

Circle true or false next to the statements below:

Water is a habitat. true / false


b A habitat is a place where

true / false
animals or plants live.

c A river is a habitat for a fox. true / false 2

(2 marks for all 3 correct, 1 mark for 2 correct.) 2 marks

Complete the following:

d Circle two things that live in an ocean habitat.

rose octopus eagle

seaweed cow 1 mark

(Both must be correct for 1 mark.)

Page Total 3

YEAR 2 4 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

TopicTest: Living
Test: things
Living and and
things theirtheir
habitats - ANSWERS

5 Life processes

Circle the correct life process for each description below:

a These have never grown, breathed or eaten.

living non-living never lived

b These reproduce, drink water and remove waste products

from themselves.

living non-living never lived

c These do not breathe or move but come from something

which used to.

living non-living never lived 2

2 marks
(2 marks for all 3 correct, 1 mark for 2 correct.)

Living things need to find a way of getting oxygen into

their bodies. Use this information to answer the following:

d Where do fish get their oxygen from? 1

1 mark
from the water (Accept other appropriate answers.)
Page Total 3

YEAR 2 5 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

TopicTest: Living
Test: things
Living and and
things theirtheir
habitats - ANSWERS

6 Minibeasts and microhabitats

Identify the minibeasts by circling the correct word:

slug worm woodlouse

b 1
bee snail ladybird
1 mark

(Both must be correct for 1 mark.)

Complete the following:

c Which one of the following is not a natural microhabitat

for woodlice? Circle your answer.

under stones on top of a desk

under leaves under a log
1 mark

d Which one of the following do earthworms need to survive?

Circle your answer.

sunlight people
moisture plant pots 1 mark

Page Total 3

YEAR 2 6 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

TopicTest: Living
Test: things
Living and and
things theirtheir
habitats - ANSWERS

7 Woodlands and coastlines

puffin starfish deer

squirrel owl clam

Put the living things above in the table below.

Two have been done for you:

a most likely habitat

woodland coastline
owl starfish
squirrel puffin
deer clam
2 marks

(2 marks for all 4 correct, 1 mark for 3 correct.)

b Circle two reasons why a woodland is a good habitat for an owl.

plenty of food open and grassy

calm and quiet trees to nest in 2 marks

Page Total 4

YEAR 2 7 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

TopicTest: Living
Test: things
Living and and
things theirtheir
habitats - ANSWERS

8 Dependency

oak tree


Complete the following:

The oak tree and the squirrel depend upon each other.
a Circle one way in which the squirrel helps the oak tree.

spreads leaves digs holes spreads acorns 1

1 mark

b Circle two ways in which the oak tree helps the squirrel.

provides food shelters predators

provides sunlight provides shelter 2

2 marks

Page Total 3

YEAR 2 8 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

TopicTest: Living
Test: things
Living and and
things theirtheir
habitats - ANSWERS

9 Who eats what?




Complete the following:

a Write what happens in the food chain above.

The first part has been done for you.
The plankton are eaten by the krill.
1 ……………………………………………………………

2 ……………………………………………………………
The krill are eaten by fish.
Fish are eaten by seals.
3 …………………………………………………………… 1 mark
(Both must be correct for 1 mark.)

b Draw lines to match each word to the correct meaning.

predator It eats another animal.

prey It is eaten by another animal. 1

1 mark

(Both must be correct for 1 mark.)

Page Total 2 Test Total 26  /26

YEAR 2 9 © Copyright HeadStart Primary Ltd

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