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Topic: Internet Basics

Network is a group of computers that are joined.

Three types of Network

1. LAN (local area network) is a group of computers that are joined in a small group.
Examples: school computer lab or business office
2. WAN (wide are network) is a group of computers that are joined over a large area.
Example: a city
3. INTERNET (International Network of computers) the internet is sometimes called
cyberspace, the net or the cloud.


1969—the first Internet is small– only four computers. This network is called ARPANET.
1980– A VIRUS! - the first virus makes the ARPANET stop working.
1993– the first graphical web browsers, “Mosaic” is released.
1995– JAVA is a code that makes items move on a web page
1997—Jorn Barger coins the term web log, which later shortened to blog. Blogs are similar to
online diaries, posted in reverse chronological order.
2003—iTunes Store was launched. It is an online store where people could purchase and
download music l legally
2004– Facebook is created allowing people tom join its online community to share messages,
photos, videos, links and more with members
2005-Youtube– a video sharing site is created that allows people to post and view videos.
2006– Twitter– the first 140 character text messages or “tweet” is sent by Jack Dorsey, the
inventor of Twitter.

What is WWW?
World Wide Web (www) is a group of web pages. The web pages are joined together by
A hyperlinks is a spot on a web page that when clicked will display a web page.
What is a URL?
URL means Uniform Resource Locator is the address bar at the top of the web browser window.

Who invented HTML?

Tim Berners-Lee developed HTML. He started working on his idea for www and HTML code in

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