Personal Evaluation Checklist

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Take time to remember the height from which you have fallen.

Spend a few moments to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you remember the kindness and goodness
of the Lord, to remember the height from which you have fallen and to remember the great love of the
Lord expressed through His death on Calvary.
1. Can you remember the first moment when you met the Lord Jesus at the Cross when you
understood the gospel?
2. Can you remember the revelation of how great God’s love, mercy and grace for you in Christ Jesus?
3. Can you remember how much you loved Him and wanted to obey Him and share Him to others?
4. Can you remember your hunger for God’s word and desire for constant prayer?
5. Can you remember the sweet moments of fellowship with God?
6. Can you remember all the goodness of the Lord in your life in His provisions, protection and
7. Can you remember all the prayers that God has answered in your life?
8. Can you remember all the promises of God that He fulfilled in your life?
9. Does the Lord deserve to be treated the way you treat Him now, considering how good and kind and
loving and faithful He has been in your life?
10. Should we not love the Lord with our whole being considering all that He has done for us?
11. Should we not think of how we can repay the Lord for all the goodness He has done for us?
12. Let the kindness of the Lord lead us to repentance now…

Take time to repent of all your sins.

Take time to ask the Holy Spirit to search your hearts and reveal to you all sins that grieve Him and that
you need to repent and confess before the Lord. You may pray the Psalmist’s prayer: “Search me O God
and know my heart, try me and know my anxious thoughts, see if there be any wicked way in me, and
lead me in the way everlasting.”

Take time to go over the CHECKLIST and allow the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the sins in your life that
you need to confess.
1. Can you identify yourself in Hebrews 6:1 who by this time ought to be teachers but need to be
taught the elementary truths of God’s word all over again? Have you been a Christian for a very long
time and still have not matured or bore much fruit? Are you always starting all over again? What is
the Lord revealing to you at this moment why you have not been growing and bearing much fruit?
2. Are you Backslidden in Heart? Are you Hardworking and Persevering but Has Forsaken First Love?
3. Are you currently experiencing Lukewarmness, Mediocrity and Plateau? Are you just maintaining
you BS and Cell and other ministry activities?
4. Are you still doing ministry but no longer out of a passionate love for Jesus but out of Duty/
Legalism/ and Righteousness by works?
5. Are you acting like a hired hand (running away and leaving the sheep when there is danger) rather
than a good shepherd like Christ (willing to lay down own life for the sheep)?
6. Are you weary and burdened by your busy schedules and numerous responsibilities?
7. Do you compromise with sin (Impure Thoughts, Evil Desires)? Have you believed the lie that it’s ok
to compromise since you can easily repent and ask for forgiveness and continue from where you left
8. Do you deliberately keep on sinning even after you continue to receive teaching and knowledge of
the truth?
9. Have you lost your reverent fear and submission to God?
10. Do you claim to know God but by your actions you deny Him? Is God in your lips but your heart is far
from Him?
11. Are you living a self-centered, self-pleasing, self-dependent, self-glorifying life?
12. Do you have Addictions: Pornography, Games, Telenovela, Sports, Hobbies, Vices, etc.?
a. What is the Condition of your heart according to the 4 Kinds of Soil?(Mark 4:1-20; Matt
13. Is it a Pathway soil heart: You hear and receive God’s word but it does not bear fruit in your life
(Word of God is stolen by the enemy, Word of God is forgotten and not applied)
14. Is it a Rocky Soil heart? Your commitment to Christ is shallow, you seek blessings and happiness but
unwilling to suffer hardships for Jesus sake, you are living in your own comfort zone. You do ministry
on your own terms.
15. Are there tares (weeds) that choke God’s word in your life making it unfruitful?
a. Are you burdened by the Worries of this life (Advancing in years and desire to get married,
worrying financial security for the future, worrying for the future of immediate family,
worrying for personal health, busy schedule and deadlines in work, etc)
b. Are you ensnared by the Deceitfulness of riches (Desire to get rich, Pre-occupied with
gaining more income, Desire for material things, house, car, gadgets, etc) God’s word tells us
that people who want to get rich fall into a temptation and a trap.
c. Are you pre-occupied by your desire for other things (Entertainment, Social media, Hobbies,
Sports, etc.)
16. Are there idols in my life? What are the ‘Isaac’s’ in my life that I love so much and God wants offered
and slain before His altar? (husband, wife, son, daughter, work, favorite sport or hobby, etc). Is
there anything in your life that stands between you and your God? Is there anything in your life that
you find hard to surrender or give up to God?
a. Do you end up worshipping created things rather than the Creator who is forever praised?

17. Do you have a sinful unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God? Do you have any
unbelief concerning JLMP and imitating Jesus’ Life and Ministry Pattern?

The reason for all the sins and compromises listed above is UNBELIEF. The root of all sin is unbelief. We
have failed to believe that Christ is our All-Sufficiency, that He is able to give us life and love and love
and provisions and everything. We have failed to believe that we can live the life He lived and do the
ministry He did because we have been united with Him. Repent of your UNBELIEF before the Lord and
BELIEVE Christ all the way.
The key to healing and revival is written in 2 Chronicles 7:14. Let us take time to do the following:
1) HUMBLE YOURSELF. Humble yourself before the Lord. See how great, lofty and highly exalted
God is and how small, frail and unworthy you are. The Lord promised that He gives grace to the
humble and that he exalts all who humble themselves before Him.
2) PRAY. Do not just pray ritually like speaking words in the air. Seek to focus your heart and soul
to God and communicate with Him as a Person with your whole heart and with sincerity. Seek to
connect with God…spirit to Spirit. Believe that He is there and that He is now looking at you,
listening to every word you say and searching the deepest contents of your heart.
3) SEEK HIS FACE. Seek the face of God, not just His blessing. Do not seek your happiness or
freedom from guilt or personal revival. Seek HIS face. See that God has been offended and
grieved by your sins. See that you have crucified the Son of God all over again and subjected Him
to public disgrace. See that you have insulted and grieved the Spirit of grace by our consistent
practice of ignoring Him.
4) REPENT and TURN FROM YOUR WICKED WAYS. Sincerely repent, ask for forgiveness for all your
sins and turn away from your self-centered life and worldliness.

Take time to return to the Lord and surrender your life anew.

1. Surrender your whole life to Jesus and let Him be enthroned in your heart as your Lord, Master and
King. (But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord, 1 Peter 3:15) Turn over your whole life to Him: your
past-present-and future including all that you are and all that you have.
2. Receive His gift of righteousness and that God declares you righteous in His sight by virtue of your
union with Christ. Believe that you are loved and accepted as Christ is loved and accepted by the
3. Believe that you have been fully united with Him in His crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection and
ascension. Believe that you have been fully delivered from self, sin and Satan and that you fully
belong to Jesus.
4. Humbly take His yoke upon you and learn from Him, for He is gentle and humble in heart, and allow
Him to give rest to your soul.
5. Let your soul rest in Christ, fully trusting Him that He will be the One to work in you to will and to act
according to His good purpose.
6. Fully entrust your future to Him and the future of your family to Him.
7. Offer your life and body to Him as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Him as your spiritual act of
8. Embrace the Great Commission of winning souls and making disciples as your life work and calling
from Christ.
9. Humbly ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and empower you. Begin to walk by the Spirit, having constant
fellowship with Him in prayer.
10. Set your heart fully on the hope to be given you in Christ. Fix your eyes on Jesus and set your heart
heavenward. See yourself as an alien and stranger in this world.
11. Recommit your life afresh to Jesus remembering the truth we have entered into a covenant
relationship with Christ, similar to marriage.

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