Concept Map 3 1

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Signs & Symptoms

1. Unintentional weight loss

2. Rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) Signs & Symptoms
3. Irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia)
4. Pounding of your heart (palpitations) 1. Fatigue

Thyroid Gland Disorders

5. Nervousness, anxiety and irritability 2. Increased sensitivity to cold
6. Tremor 3. Constipation
7. Sweating
4. Dry skin
8. Changes in menstrual patterns
9. Increased sensitivity to heat 5. Weight gain
10. Changes in bowel patterns, especially more frequent bowel 6. Puffy face
movements 7. Hoarseness
11. An enlarged thyroid gland (goiter), which may appear as a
By: Kate Cambel, Alessia Catequista, and Nicole Penit
8. Muscle weakness
swelling at the base of your neck 9. Elevated blood cholesterol level
12. Fatigue, muscle weakness
10. Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness
13. Difficulty sleeping
11. Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints
14. Skin thinning
15. Fine, brittle hair 12. Heavier than normal or irregular menstrual periods
Etiology 13.
Thinning hair
Slowed heart rate
• 15. Depression
Grave's Disease
Laboratory Results • Thyroiditis 16. Impaired memory
• Overreactive thyroid • Autoimmune disease.
17. Enlarged thyroid gland (goiter)
1. TSH nearly undetectable • Increased thyroid hormone medicine
2. Elevated FT4 or FT3
3. Mild leukopenia
4. N/N anemia
ESR elevated
↑LFT’s and alkphosph Hyperthyroidism Hypothyroidism Laboratory Results
7. Mild ↑ Ca++ 1. Elevated TSH
8. ↓Albumin a condition in which there a condition in which a 2. Low FT4
9. ↓Cholesterol 3. TPO Ab(+)
is an excessive amount person has too little thyroid 4. Macrocyticanemia due to VIT B12 deficiency
5. ↑CPK-MB
of thyroid hormones hormone or underproduction 6. ↑LDL,↑Chol (↓ lipid clearance)
Medical Management of thyroid hormones 7. Hyponatremia

1. Propylthiouracil (PTU)

Risk Factors Risk Factors

2. Sodium Iodide

Medical Management
3. Saturated solution of potassium iodide (SSKI)
4. Propanolol
5. Thyroidectomy ✓ Family History ✓ Female
1. Levothyroxine
✓ Female ✓ Are older than 60 2. Liothyronine
✓ A personal history of certain chronic ✓ Causaian or Asian
3. Dessicated Thyroid
Nursing Responsibilities illnesses
✓ Family history of Hashimoto’s thyoiditis
1. Provide adequate rest. ✓ History of Pregnancy
✓ Family history of thyroid disease
2. Obtain weight daily.
✓ Smoking
✓ Nursing Responsibilities
3. Provide a high-calorie diet. Have an autoimmune disease,
4. Administer antithyroid medications as prescribed. ✓ Taking iodine intake or an iodine-
✓ Have been treated with radioactive iodine
5. Administer iodine preparations that inhibit the release of containing medication 1. Promote rest.
thyroid hormone as prescribed. or anti-thyroid medications
6. Administer propranolol (Inderal) for tachycardia as ✓ Experiencing trauma to the thyroid gland
✓ Received radiation to your neck or upper
Protect against coldness.
Avoid external heat exposure.
7. Keep the patient comfortable: cool, quiet environment, calm ✓ Deficient in Vitamin D and selenium chest 4. Mind the temperature.
5. Increase fluid intake..
(administer prescribed sedatives as needed)
Obtain daily weights (need to watch weigh due to weight
✓ Experiencing psychological stress ✓ Had thyroid surgery (partial thyroidectomy) 6. Provide foods high in fiber.
loss from the increased metabolic rate) ✓ History of Pregnancy
Manage respiratory symptoms..
Pulmonary exercises.
9. Monitor EKG, heart rate, blood pressure
9. Orient to present surroundings.
10. Educate about medications and treatment (radioactive
iodine therapy and thyroidectomy)
11. Monitor for Thyroid Storm: life-threatening that presents
with exaggerated signs/symptoms of hyperthyroidism, such
as fever, fast heart rate, HTN.

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