Science Daily: Lesson Plan

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SCIENCE Teaching Dates Learning Area SCIENCE

Daily Teaching Time Quarter 1
Lesson Plan
I. Learning Targets/
Specific Objectives
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of changes that materials undergo when exposed to certain conditions.

B. Performance Standards The learners should be able to evaluate whether changes in materials are useful or harmful to one’s environment
The learners shall:
1. use the properties of materials whether they are useful or harmful;
C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives (L.C. Code) 2. identify changes in materials whether useful or harmful to one’s environment.

4MTIa-b-1, 4MTIi-j-7
At the end of the lesson learners must be able to:

Specific (Daily) Objective/s a. Identify the materials which are useful and harmful to the environment.
b. Explain what are the useful and harmful to the environment.
c. Create a project plan that can identify the benefits the useful and harmful to the community.
II. Learning Content Changes in materials that are useful and harmful in the environment
III. Learning Resources
A. References Curriculum Guide science
1. Teacher's Guide Pages
2. Learner's Materials Pages
3. Textbook Pp. Science Beyond Borders; Arradaza, Dela Cruz, Garcis, et al., p
4. Additional Materials from LR portal
B. Other Learning Resources

IV. PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity

“Good morning class…”
A. Reviewing previous Engage: “Good morning ma’am.”
lesson or presenting (The activities in this section will evoke or draw
out prior concepts or prior experiences from the
the new lesson students) “Let us pray first…”

(One student will lead the prayer)
(Checking of attendance)
“Say present…” (Pupils raise their hand and say “present” as the teacher calls in
“So how was your weekend?”
“It was great ma’am.”
“We had a lot of fun”
“It so hot, we play under the heat “
” That’s good!
“Yes, its so hot, pollution changes the environment.”
“Did you segregate and maintain the cleanliness in the place that
you go?” “Yes ma’am”

“Very good”
“Can you still remember our previous topic/ discussion? “yes ma’am, it’s about the kinds of pollution”

“Okay, very good”

“Let see if you still remember the kinds of pollutions.”
“When garbage like plastic and other types of waste are dump on
the piece of land it becomes polluted. This kind of
pollution is called?” “land pollution”

(show picture)

“Things that caused pollution like garbage are called? “pollutants”

(showing picture of water pollution)

“what can you see in the picture? “garbage, some used detergents “

“very good”
“The river becomes polluted because of the pollutant which are
chemicals to fishes that will destroy their habitats.”

(showing picture of air pollution)

“What can you see in the picture?” “smoke, burning”

“Burning our garbage is harmful to the environment. Burning

plastic release toxic material and makes the air we breathe
harmful to us and to our environment. “

“Job well done kids.”

“You still know our previous topic “

B. Establishing a purpose Engage:

for the lesson
(The activities in this section will stimulate their
thinking and help them access and connect prior You will have your pre-activity”
knowledge as a jumpstart to the present

“Iam going to show you some pictures, study the pictures and after
that I will ask something.”

(show the picture of meat)

Picture 1

C. Presenting examples/
instances of the new

(Show the picture of trash)

Picture 2

“What did you see in the picture 1?”
“frozen product”

“Why are those meat frozen?”

“to keep”
“to preserve the freshness of the meat”

‘very good”

“In the second picture, what can you see about it?”
“trash that are not segregated”

“okay this picture of different chemically dumped. “

“what do you think? How do this chemical affect our

environment?” “It can cause pollution”

“Then, how can pollution affect us?” “It can cause different kinds of diseases.”

“Wow, very good! Good Job kids “

“Our lesson for today is about identifying changes in the

environment that are useful and harmful”

Explore: ‘Our world constantly change it undergoes physical and chemical

D. Discussing new concepts (In this section, students will be given time to
changes often times this change are caused by human activities and
think, plan, investigate, and organize collected
& practicing new skills information; or the performance of the
#1 planned/prepared activities from the students’ they may have good and bad effects on the environment. “
manual with data gathering with Guide

“Physical change is a change that takes place only in the

appearance of a material. Its composition remains the same.”

“Chemical change is the change when a new material is formed. “

“How do this physical changes and chemical changes become

useful? “

“I will show you some picture”

(show picture 1)

“What can you see in the picture?”

“Cans and kitchen utensils”

‘How are the materials of this different items made?”

“Molded by means of melting”

“What is melting?”
“Do you have any idea what melting is?”
“changes solid to liquid”

“Very good, Melting is a physical process that change solid to

liquid through heating. Through this process we are able to make
useful things that make our work easier. “

(show picture 2)

“what can you see in the picture?” ‘Water cycle “

“what do you think water cycle is useful process in our daily life?”
“It involves evaporation and condensation”

“The important process involve in water cycle are evaporation and

condensation. Theses process are example of physical change.
Through these, water from all areas on Earth are recycled. “

“Evaporation is the process by which water change into gas.”

“Condensation occur when heat is removed from water vapor.”

“Next picture)

(show picture)

E. Discussing new
concepts & practicing
new skills #2

‘This picture shows picture of milk, biscuits, cheese, clothes and

paper. The product in the picture make use of chemical change in
order to manufactured them. Chemical change occurs in making
milk, biscuits, cheese, clothes and paper. By making chemical
change, important products are manufactured to meet the needs of
the people.”

(show picture)

“what can you see in the picture?”

“a tree being cut “

“how does the cutting of trees affect our environment?’

“it can cause landslide “

“Okay, the uncontrolled cutting of trees results in deforestation.

Because of deforestation, wildlife may become endangered and
extinct. Flashflood may also occur in the lowlands and landslides
in the mountain’s areas. “

“Do you know what climate change is? And how it affects are
mother earth?”
“the change of temperature “

‘very good, climate change is the change in weather patterns. It
means a change in the average conditions of temperature seawater
level and rainfall over a long period of time. “

(show picture)

“Do you know why climate change happen?’ “Because of the human.”

“Climate change is usually a result of human activities like the

conversion of land. Mountains and forest are denuded. Agricultural
lands are converted into industrial and residential areas. This is a
because of the growing population of the earth. “

“Chemical changes like the burning of fossil fuels, smoke from
factories and vehicle lead to the increase of greenhouse gasses trap
heat. They let the sunlight passthrough the earths atmosphere but
prevents the heat from escaping in the atmosphere. The heat is
trapped in our atmosphere thus results to global warming.”

(show picture)

“What do you think? How global warming affects us?’

“It can increase heat’

“very well said, global warming can lead to increased heat and
droughts, insect outbreaks, a decline in water supply, reduced
agricultural products or pandemics. “

(In this section, students will be involved in an
analysis of their exploration. Their understanding “Make four groups and do the activity in 5 minutes.”
is clarified and modified because of reflective
activities)/Analysis of the gathered data and
results and be able to answer the Guide
Questions leading to the focus concept or topic ‘I will post picture and your going to identify the benefits of the
for the day.)
changes in the materials or in the environment. “

“planting trees will help us to remove harmful substances

presents in the air. It reduces floods and help avoid soil erosion.”

“Recycling of plastic will help us preserve or natural resources.”

F. Developing mastery

“Cleaning the canal will help us to keep away from diseases like
malaria and dengue.”

“Great job everyone”

G. Finding practical
applications of “Draw the changes in material that are useful and harmful in our
(The students will pass their output paper)
concepts and skills in environment.”
daily living
Elaborate: “Now, who will volunteer to make a summary or generalization for “Today we learn that our environment undergoes physical and
(This section will give students the opportunity to
expand and solidify/concretize their
understanding of the concept and/or apply it to a
what chemical changes. These can be either be useful or harmful. “
H. Making real-world situation) we had discussed this morning?” “Useful if they add value or have a good effect.”
generalizations and
“Harmful if they cause damage or harm”

“Very good”
(This section will provide opportunities for
concept check test items and answer key which “Get your paper and pencil and write your reaction or response on
are aligned to the learning objectives
– content and performance standards and address the given situation “
misconceptions- if any)
“Are you ready?”
“yes mam “
Situation 1
-Rusting of metal is one of the bad effects of chemical change. The
window grills of your house are rusting. How are you going to
I. Evaluating Learning
prevent it?

Situation 2
-The burning of a candle is an example of physical change. The
candle was melted as its burn. So, it changes from solid to
liquid. How are you going to maximize the effects of this
physical change.?”

(This section gives situation that explains the “Now, for your project. You are going to create a simple project
topic in a new context, or integrate it to another
discipline/societal concern) plan on
how you identify the benefits of the changes in material in your

J. Additional activities PROJECT PLAN

for application and
remediation I. Background of the topic
II. Materials needed
III. Action plan
IV. Timeline

“You can submit your project plan on or before our examination. Is
“I hope you learned. Thank you and God bless.”

“Goodbye kids “
“Goodbye mam, goodbye classmates”


A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the

D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me


G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share

with other teachers?

Submitted to:

Instructor I


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