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Module 2 Activity 1: Essay Writing

Write a 600-word essay to discuss at least one advantage and one disadvantage of globalization within the
context of communication. Provide examples to substantiate your discussion.

One of the advantages of globalization is that it allows people from different countries to have the
opportunity to acquire better education and study in other countries. Globalization, through the help of the
internet and other modern communication technologies, allows to be able to share knowledge and information
almost in real time. Before the advent of these modern communication tools, information from one part of the
world would take days, months, and even years to reach the other side of the world. This, in turn, makes the
sharing of knowledge delayed, and once that information or knowledge reaches the target audience, it might
be obsolete already.

Globalization also makes it easier for people from one country to be able to study in another country.
One very good example of this are the Koreans, who recently have been flocking into the Philippines to study
English. English is the primary language used in global communications and trade, so it is very important that
someone understands and speak the English language for them to have an advantage over those who cannot
speak it. It is known that Koreans and other Southeast Asian countries are not that good when it comes to
speaking English. The Philippines, on the other hand, through several years of colonization by the Americans,
are known to have a very good grasp of the English language. In fact, studies show that Filipinos are one of the
best non-native speakers of the English language. It is through this fact, and globalization, that allows these
students from different nationalities to come to our country to get better English education that they can not
otherwise get if they just stay in their home country.

On the other hand, one of the disadvantages of globalization is that it results to environmental
degradation. With globalization came the ability of people to travel to different countries for business or
tourism. With more frequent travels come more carbon footprint that contributes to global warming. While
consumption of products and goods is essential to boost the economies, it also leaves behind a lot of
byproducts that are harmful to the environment. This includes plastic trash and other garbage that contribute
to pollution. To add to that, tourist who frequent different places may leave garbage and other forms of
environmental damage that will eventually cause widespread problems. Tourists, especially those that are not
careful when visiting places, may leave garbage behind and worse, some even vandalizes the otherwise pristine
status of these tourist spots. With these tourist also comes the need to travel. The demand of fuel to allow
these tourist to travel, also causes more environmental damage. The development of industries in countries
with lower income threshold by large multinational corporations is also one of the big factors that can have
adverse effects to the environment. These corporations typically opt to build their factories in third world
countries since labor and overall production cost are considerably lower than in the more developed countries.
These in turn results in cutting down of trees and deforestation to give way for these factories to be built, and
at the expense of the natural habitat of some wildlife. What is more alarming is that some of these wildlife are
endemic to a particular country or location, and may eventually result to the extinction of these vulnerable

All in all, globalization is good since it has many advantages, but to prevent or minimize the adverse
effects of the rapid change and globalization, everyone must be responsible and ensure that natural resources
and the environment are not exploited so that the future generations can still enjoy nature.
Module 2 Activity 2: Reflective Essay

Write a 600-word reflective essay about the importance of culturally sensitive and bias-free language in

We live in an era where there are rapid changes in the world brought about by globalization and the
advent of modern communication technologies that allow people to communicate more efficiently and faster
than ever before. The invention of the internet and the rise of social media platforms made an unprecedented
impact on how people communicate.

With these changes, a lot of things also happened when it comes to how we communicate with people
of different nationalities, backgrounds, and belief. Gone are the times when one race is considered superior to
the other, and when one religion is considered more appropriate than the others. Nowadays, it is very
important that when we communicate, we are sensitive to the other people’s beliefs to make sure that we
don’t hurt their feelings. We must ensure that we are using the proper words when dealing with other people.
This ensures that the communication is more effective and that would result to a better understanding of the
other person. It would also ensure that peace is maintained, and no untoward incident would happen.

When we use culturally sensitive and bias-free language in communication, we also respect the other
person. In return, we can expect that they will also respect us as individuals with different cultures and set of
beliefs. This will prevent conflict ant promote world peace in the long run, and an overall peaceful way of living.
Gone are the days when racial discrimination was rampant, and people are being prejudiced or are being
judged by their skin color. Time has proven that this does not bring us any good at all.

Better understanding of the other person’s interest and the common good for all is also one of the
benefits of being culturally sensitive and engaging in a bias-free language when communicating. We can have a
better outlook at other’s points of view when we understand where they are coming from. In a way, listening
and understanding the others pave the way for a much more engaging conversation and exchange of ideas.
When we are not prejudiced, we tend to look beyond our own experiences, and start thinking outside the box.
This could eventually give us a wider perspective when it comes to dealing with different issues.

It also allows us to be inclusive – having no prejudice against race, age, gender, and color ultimately
gives us a more objective point of view. If we factor out these facts, then we can have a better understanding
of the other person’s plight.

It also doesn’t matter what is the gender and sexual orientation of a person. While there are industries
that have long been dominated by a certain gender for millennia, these are evolving fast in recent years. For
example, the fields of hard sciences such as mathematics, engineering, physics, and medicine, have long been
attributed to the male gender taking a lead in these undertakings. But at the turn of the century, women
started to gain acknowledgement for their contributions in these fields. Similarly, female-dominated industries
are becoming attenuated to the male populations as well, such as cosmetics, fashion, and the likes. One’s
sexual orientation doesn’t have any heavy effects as well when it comes to industries that have been
stereotypically linked to a certain gender. Now we do see members of the LGBTQIA+ community becoming
active servicer personnel in the police and the military, as an example. We have members of the “third sex”
gaining worldwide acclaim in their respective careers, and these people have opened up the minds of people
and eliminated the prejudice that come with being a member of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Module 2 Activity 3: Article Analysis

Read and analyze the article below about the impact of globalization on communication and education. Then,
answer the following questions below based on the article. (At least two paragraphs each question composed
of 5 sentences per paragraph).

What is the importance of Globalization?

Globalization impacts the way we communicate and learn. Before the advent of technology, our man
method learning something new is limited to what is printed on paper like books, magazines, encyclopedia, and
newspapers. But with globalization and modern technology, we can now know what is happening around the
country in an instant, through social media, online news publications, and the likes. Gone are the days when
we have to wait for a long time before news and information from the other parts of the world become
accessible to us. With a few clicks of a button and typing in a few words on a search engine or browser, we get
access to these information in an instant.

Globalization also made the world more accessible and equitable in general. Before the advent of
globalization, access to knowledge is limited only to those who can afford it. If you don’t have the money to
buy magazines or newspapers, you are left out on the latest information. If your family can’t buy encyclopedia,
you don’t have access to many interesting information about a wide range of topics. With globalization and
modern communication tools like the internet, almost everyone gets an equal change to get education since
information are available to almost everyone.

In what specific ways does globalization affect communication?

Globalization expands our understanding of fellowship and deepen our education experiences. We can
now relate to other people’s experiences that are otherwise almost impossible before. We get to have a better
understanding of other people’s cultures. We also get to enjoy new methods of learning not limited to the full
walls of the classroom. Globalization also allows us to learn in ways that would have otherwise been boring,
through the use of mixed media like videos, audio, and other methods.

It also paved the way for a very rapid dissemination of information. We have the opportunity to view
diverse perspectives from different people. We are able to connect with someone who is thousands of miles
away in real time. It allows to learn things that used to be only accessible to people of certain social classes.
Communication also became more inclusive and interactive with globalization.

What are the things that people do now which could not be done before globalization?

Globalization changed the way we communicate with other people across the planet. Right now, we
can communicate with people across the globe with a touch of a button. This allows for a very rapid
transmission of information. The rise of the internet has been instrumental in improving the ways in which we
connect with one another. It lays the foundation for an evolved worldview.

Also, with globalization, information isn’t as restricted. It allows us the opportunity not only to receive
information, but to enter into academic spaces and contribute. Globalization creates a space for ideas to
transcend borders and social status. Right now, for as long as you have Internet access you do have access to a
vast knowledge information. These things would not have been possible if not for the advent of globalization.

Are the effects of globalization on communication positive or negative? Support your answer with concrete

I believe that in general the effects of globalization on communication are a positive one. a lot of recent
world events would not have been brought to our attention if not due to globalization. Since globalization
allows news and information to travel faster than before, we are now more connected than ever in the history
of humanity. a good example of how globalization has a positive effect is the rise of COVID. W I know. Without
globalization, we would not have been made aware of what is going on, and in turn, we would not have found
ways to ensure that the spread of the virus is contained.

Globalization also allows us to empathize with the people of Ukraine with the ongoing war between
Ukraine and Russia. With the Internet, we are able to update ourselves it what is going on. At the same time, it
gives us context on why things such as this happened. Our response to calamities such as the recent typhoon
Odette became more successful and swift because of globalization. This in turn helped those who are affected
faster than ever before since we have access to information in real time.
Module 1 Activity 1: Word Bank

There are 10 terminologies or words listed in the first column that were used in the discussion and in the
module. Select the appropriate definition from column three for each word by using the context clues in column

Words Context Clues Definitions

Her training has equipped her to deal with 1. containing more words than necessary
9 Equipped
emergencies. 2. a movement usually of the body or limbs
8 Decode Readers can easily decode the novel's imagery. that expresses or emphasizes an idea or
The disease can play havoc with the body's attitude.
3 Havoc
immune system. 3. wide and general destruction
1 Verbose He is a verbose speaker. 4. marked by brevity of expression or
The best quality a graduation speech can have is statement, free from all elaboration and
7 Brevity superfluous details
A concise article on violence in the media that 5. a state of utter confusion
4 Concise manages to say more than most books on the 6. to declare to be reprehensible, wrong, or
subject. evil, usually after weighing evidence and
10 Coercion They used coercion to obtain the confession. without reservation
We strongly condemn this attack against our 7. shortness of duration
6 Condemn 8. to convert (something, such as a coded
When the police arrived, the street was in total message) into intelligible form
5 Chaos 9. To furnish for service or action by
appropriate provisioning
2 Gestures Specific gestures can indicate particular moods. 10.the act of, process, or power of cursing or
to compel to an act or choice
Module 1 Activity 2: Concept Mapping

Prepare a concept map using the Spider Web Approach to describe at least one of the communication models
discussed in the module.
Identify at least five types of communication and provide an example based on your personal experience. Use
the following format

Type of Communication Example based on personal experience

Informal Communication
Formal Communication
Module 1 Activity 4: Essay Writing

Write a 1000-word essay to discuss on the things that you will do to effectively communicate with others.

Communication is a two-way process. When you communicate with somebody or to an audience, it is

very important that you enunciate your words properly, by carefully selecting the correct words to use
depending on the situation. However, it is also very important that the meaning of your words is also
appropriate for the person who you are speaking to. To be able to communicate effectively with other people
there are a few things that I will have to do.

First – and this is the most important: I have to make sure that I and the person I am talking to are on
the same page. Meaning that we have a common understanding of what are we talking about. Communication
is only as effective if the person you are communicating with is ready to listen to what you are saying. If the
mind of that person is not ready to accept new ideas or what I am saying, then we may not be able to
communicate effectively.

It is also very important that we speak a language that we both understand properly. If the person you
are speaking with does not have adequate knowledge or cannot speak the language properly then we have a
very big problem. Again, one of the most important things about communication is that the person you are
speaking with should be able to understand the message that you are trying to convey. What you are saying, or
the words that you actually speak make up only half of the total communication process. the other important
aspect of communication is understanding.

Second, if there is a language barrier or if the person can barely understand the language that we are
talking, then I will have to supplement that with gestures and body language. Having the right posture, facial
expressions, hand gestures, and other nuances are very important to ensure that I convey properly the
message that I want to get across. Again, the message that I am trying to convey must be understood by the
receiver. I should refrain from using a words with very deep meaning, or words that are not common and
instead use simple words as possible. I should also ensure that the words are sentences that I use does not
create confusion that may lead to misunderstanding.

One of the other things that I will have to ensure is that I must carefully consider the information that I
will communicate is complete. This is to ensure that the message does not lead to confusion and delays should
there be actions that need to be taken. Also, my body language would say a lot about what I am trying to say so
it is also very important to take note of my body language. make sure that the movements of my hands such as
the gestures should be welcoming and should be open for a healthy and a two-way discussion.

When I communicate it is also very important that I took take care of my outside appearance. When
you are presentable the person you are delivering the message will be more attentive and you will also get a
respectable command. Although the outside appearance is not the be all of the overall communication
process, it wouldn't hurt to be presentable and be very easy to dice for your audience.

Establishing eye contact he's also very important when communicating as it gives the person the notion
that you are sincere with what you are trying to say. it is also a good tool to gauge whether the person you are
speaking with understands what you are saying.

And lastly, I should also consider the feedback of the listener or the person I am communicating with. it
is very important for me to get a feedback so that I know if the person actually understands what I'm trying to
say, as I mentioned earlier since communication is a two-way process, that person should also provide
feedback or information to me - information that are meaningful to the conversations that we are having.

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