Activity 3 Olval02 - Joemar Dela Cruz

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Instruction: Please do the following activities below.
1, Look for a newspaper article that tackles an ethical issue. Consider the following questions:
A) What makes this a matter of ethics? - This article introduces and explores the ethical situation and
feature of a national decision-maker. As discussed in Chapter III, the beginning point of subjectivism is
the awareness that the subject, the thinking individual, is at the center of all moral evaluations. The
headline notifies those who will be running in the election that they must make a choice or judgment. In
the next presidential elections, we, the American electorate, must make an essential decision. We must
have a thorough understanding of who deserves to be the nation's leader, and who really has the best
interests of his constituency and the welfare of every individual in mind. It plays a significant part in the
present scenario, as it pertains to the Ethical concerns of each and every individual. 
B) What is your own ethical judgment on this case? - In this instance, I am unable to pass judgment
since every Filipino has the right to run in the future elections while turning their backs on the people. I
only want to bring out that the citizens of the community should choose who among them has the true
desire to aid those who really want assistance. Determine which candidate displays the characteristics of a
genuine national leader. Everyone may express their ideologies, but few are actually realized and
C. What are your reasons for this judgment? - It was the foundation of my judgment, as mentioned in
chapter III: "No one can tell me what is wrong and what is right." No one can convince another to accept
a value judgment if she disagrees with it herself. They chose to flee because they are aware of the world
they are entering. They will be aware of what they must do regardless of whether it is right or bad. It is
believed that we have our own Morals in life, meaning that we have our own perspective on what is good
and bad and act accordingly. 
2, Is looking after the benefit of your own family over all other aspects considered as another form
of egoism? Discuss. - We Filipinos are renowned for our commitment to family. Prioritizing the welfare
of one's own family above that of others is NOT an example of egoism. Unless our action would help
your "ego," we may classify it as an instance of egoism. However, this act of caring for your family is
more indicative of altruism, which is the unselfish care for the welfare of others. Even as we age, we will
never abandon our family, and we will always remember and consider their wellbeing. Therefore, valuing
the well-being of one's own family is not egocentric. Each of us want to provide joy to our families.
3, In your opinion, discuss “What is justice?” - Giving each individual what he or she deserves, or, in
more conventional words, giving each person his or her due, is the definition of justice. In the legal and
political sectors, justice is one of the most fundamental moral ideals. When individuals disagree about
what they feel should be provided or when judgments must be made on the distribution of advantages and
costs among a group of people, problems of justice or fairness always emerge. In fact, the majority of
contemporary ethicists believe that it would be meaningless to discuss justice or fairness if it were not for
the conflicts of interest that arise when commodities and services are limited and people disagree about
who should get what. When such disagreements develop in our society, we need justice concepts that we
can all accept as reasonable and fair benchmarks for judging what individuals deserve.
4, What are your self-possessions? Explain in 5 to 10 sentences. - My confidence is based on the belief
that no one can evaluate whether my views and opinions are correct or incorrect. My personal life
experiences have shaped me and taught me valuable lessons. People around us are always insistent on
dictating our actions and behavior. This kind of behavior towards us should not influence us. As long as
we do no damage and only kindness to others, we are justified. Despite several critiques, we have been
able to maintain our convictions and express ourselves. 
5, Make a short story showing Psychological Egoism. - Tyron is constantly helpful to people in their
community. Every time he passed by the beggars on the street, he offered them alms. Assisting the elderly
in crossing the street. But the purpose of all his nice deeds was for others to notice him. Because of his
desire for power, he sought to draw the attention of everyone in the neighborhood. He aspired to be the
barangay chairman. 

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