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2SEM.2014 E.C
I. Choose the correct answer from the given alternatives.
1. Let p ,q and r be propositions such that p is false and q is true. Which of the following is FALSE?

A) p  q B) p  r C) r  q D) r  q

2. Which of the following is a true statement on the set of real numbers?

A) xyx  y  3 B) x y x+y= 5 C)  x X2+1=0) D) xyx  y y  x

3. Which of the following propositions is equivalent to (p  q)?

A) p   q B) p  q C)  p  q D) p  q

4.Suppose proposition p  q is false (F), which of the following is true?

A) q   p  q B) q  p  q C) p  q  p D) p  q  p

5.Which of the following is a correct statement about the compound proposition

 p  q  p  q ?
A) The proposition is false only when q is false. B) The proposition is true only when q is true.
C) The proposition is true regardless of the truth values of p and q .
D) All
6. Let p, q and r be propositions such that p  r  q is false. Then, which one of the following
propositions is true? A) p  r B) p  q C) r  q D) q  r

II. Workout (show all necessarily steps)

1.Construct a truth table and determine whether each statement is a tautology, contradiction, or
a. [ ( p → q ) ^ p ] → q b. ( p v q ) ^ ( ~p ^ ~ q )
2. Suppose p is true, q is true, r is false, s is false. Find the truth value of (s ∨ p) ∧ (r ∨s)
3. Use De Morgan's Laws to write the negation of each statement:
a. You study or you don't get a good grade.
4. Write each of the following statements in its equivalent contrapositive form:
a. I am taking a mathematics class but I'm not a mathematics major.
5.Write the basic logical connectives and symbol at least five.

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