Kunkle Mailer

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Pol. Adv Paid For By Kunkle For Mayor Campaign, 4447 N.

Central Expressway, Suite 110-424, Dallas, Texas 75205


I will protect the publics interest, not special interests.

- David Kunkle, former Dallas Police Chief

C ourage . I ntegrIty. L eadershIp

Run-Off Early Voting June 6-14 Run-Off Election Day Saturday, June 18th

No more business as usual.

I believe its time to have someone looking out for the citizens at dallas City hall. as your Mayor, it will not be business as usual at city hall. We have tried the big projects, now its time to get back to basics and improve our neighborhoods. I will demand the highest ethics and transparency from our elected leaders and city staff.
est the young , rs. From ors r forty yea f in Grand Prairie d Neighb lic eye fo ie king riends an in the pub epartment, to ch y life d e d a t ma e , Dear F e lived m lice D d succee llas Po y courag me. I hav lt jobs an of the Da tegrity, m on difficu You know e history ys taken and my in ken many people th th lwa captain in d Dallas - I have a You have seen firs was so bro anges. gton an ment that Arlin gful ch depart ugh, d meanin d a police I made to lasting an ess turning aroun rge city. c and la uc fixed. lt job in a rutiny of the public and my s never be ost difficu sc uld elcome f is the m said it co der the w up. olice chie ns - all un p and then clean being a p y cisio all. Some sa versial de fess u up, ntro g at city h etimes co a is, If you mess are lackin e have som ething we e here. W antr ility is som se who liv get shortfalls. dia. My m me ccountab est for tho icant bud t works b ess and a local signif A city tha at openn Th improving ple: years of record of llas is sim ave still had four for Da a proven My vision ayors, yet we h tually has r who ac OM a stark yo had CE me. It is lect a Ma nent and me w e e conomic po Isnt it ti n my op trongest e ts our ent? e betwee orhoods are our s en c governm l differen hb r our resid - why ndamenta elieve vibrant neig e quality of life fo at e fu th cities gre This is th philosophy. I b improving dying what makes ods. in ake ighborho difference believe we must m my career stu strong ne le: dest nt dI a d e a mo d very simp have spe driver an Dallas m nswer is priority. I ea ne lly owne he city of number o and others die. Th ent. Loca ample. T eir developm stellar ex thrive created th anic ff is a some on for org ave moved in and t admired h Oak Cli foundati h rts in Nort nd mos vided the d, young families Bishop A and coolest a which pro borhoods e e opene tment, e of the inves our neigh ow on ops hav f , Th ts and sh nd it is n the uniqueness o ock Lake restauran of community, a . White R ce f our city st embra se livability o n. We mu own sen ods in tow at contribute to the le assets. o round ib re built a neighborh services th all incred y at cities a lebrate each cit s. Gre Trail are invest in e suburb and ce Santa Fe us from th n come together will find is a focus Trail, The Katy eparate a at s ens c erity. h a t yo u jewels th here citiz States. W d economic prosp These are ds and places w e United an oo across th r growth neighborh t the great cities d driver fo ka dation an o n ity Hall. other. Lo Dallas C as the fou siness first. orhoods itizens at u c on neighb ds first, not big b t for the o oking ou ighborho meone lo Ne h a ve so r vote. s time to believe it nored to have you I e ho I would b

www.DavidKunkle.com Early Voting Run-Off June 6-14 Election Day Saturday, June 18th

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