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21st Century Literature

Activity 1
September 20,2021
Name : Ehm Margreth W. Cabiscuelas Date : September 24 2021
Section: STEM 12-KEPLER Score_____________

Research/read on the following topic and write your answer on the space provided.
1. Theories of Literature.

 Literature most commonly refers to works of the creative imagination

including poetry, drama, fiction, nonfiction and in some instances journalism
and songs. It is defined as books and other written works especially those
considered to have creative or an artistic merit. It is often viewed as a
collection of made-up stories designed to entertain us, to amuse us, or to
simply provide us with an escape from the real world. Literature allows a
person to step back in time and learn about life on earth from the ones who
walk before us.

2. Subjects of Literature.

 The use of a subject gives the readers a complete idea of what the fictional
work is about, or whom the author is writing. In Literature a subject is the
universal topic of a literary work. The subject of the Literary work is tied to
the works theme. As the theme is the author’s universal statement on the
subject. Examples of subjects include love, reality, sorrow, heroism, and
family. A subject is an important part of a sentence, which indicates an
action and shows who is performing the action.

3. Standards of Literature.
 There are seven standards of literature first the ARTISTRY, it describes
literature that is aesthetically appealing and reveals or conveys hidden truth
and beauty. Second the SUGGESTIVENESS, this is the quality associated
with the emotional power of literature. Third the PERMANENCE, cause a
great work of literature endures which means it appeal is lasting and can be
read again and again. Fourth the INTELLECTUAL VALUE, a literary
works stimulates thought. It enriches our mental life by making as realize
fundamental truths about life and human nature. Fifth the SPIRITUAL
VALUES, the capacity to inspire is part of the spiritual value of literature.
Sixth the UNIVERSALITY, a great literature is timeless and timely. And the
last one will be the STYLE, this is the peculiar way in which writer sees life
forms, form his ideas and expresses them.

4. What is revolution?

 Revolution is a dramatic and wide reaching change in the way something

works or organize in peoples ideas about it. It is original works diverse
perspectives and multiple disciplines intersects in a Literary Revolution. A
Literary Revolution examines significant issues that are generally overlooked
or that have not been fully explored through the analyses of selected subject
and innovative creative writing.

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