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Submitted by

Harsh Jai (21BCS2393)

Jiya Sehgal (21BCS2711)
Md Sharjil Alam (21BCS2854)
Ananya Sarin(21BCS2123)
Yatin Kumar Tyagi (21BCS2960)
in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering

Mentor : Mr. Vivek Kanwar Coordinator : Dr.Prabhu Omer

Chandigarh University

MAY 2022


Certified that this project report “ STUDENT REPORT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ” is

the bonafide work of “ Jiya Sehgal, Harsh Jai, Ananya Sarin, Md Sharjil Alam , Yatin
Tyagi ” who carried out the project work under my/our supervision.


Mr.Vivek Kanwar Mr. Manoj Singla


Submitted for the project viva-voce examination held on


Dr.Prabhu Omer


1. Abstract
2. Introduction

3. Literature Survey
4. Design Flow / Process
5. Result Analysis

6. Conclusion And future work

• Student Management System is software which is helpful for students as well as
the school authorities. 

• In the current system all the activities are done manually. Its time saving and scalable.

• Our Student Management System deals with the various activities related to

the students 

• In the software we can register as a user and user has two types student

and administrator. 

• Administrator has the power to add new user and can edit the student's details entered. 

• An admin can add students record ,attendance status with department wise. 

• All students can search his/her basics details and attendance status with their

respective roll numbers. 

• Store multiple records all in one go and this project also allows us to display and
modify the records of students with just entering their UID.

• This system reduces the cost and workforce required for this job. As the system is
online the information is globally present to everyone.
• It'll make easier for administration to track what work is completed and by whom, and
what's pending . the best thing about this is that you'll get all the necessary details and
info on a single screen.

• It will eliminate the hassle of paperwork,the administration  is seen with bundles of

paper lying everywhere and not keeping track of documents of students.  

1.1 Purpose
As for the existing system, people use to maintain their data manually which was not only
time consuming but it was outdated as well.
It required paper, files, and binders, which will require the human workforce to maintain
them and also the usage of millions of papers daily was also a big hazard to the environment.
So designing an automated report system became the need of time. And we aimed at
designing a system that will not only save time but it will also reduce Human work and we
will be to serve this environment by minimizing the use of paper.

1.2 Problem Identification

Existing System was totally a human dependent system. It required a consistent human
workforce to maintain things and get them running smoothly.

For an Example :- In the existing If a Student has To get registered in the institute, then
he/she should come to the university. Getting the forms from the counter while standing in
the queue which consumes a lot of the student’s time as well as of the management team.As
the number of the student increases in the institute manually managing the strength becomes
a hectic job for the administrator. This computerized system stores all the data in the
database which makes it easy to fetch and update whenever needed.

With the help of this project, we can store multiple records all in one go and this project also
allows us to display and modify the records of students with just entering their UID. This
system saves the time of the student and of the administrator. It includes processes like
registration of the student’s details, assigning the grade based on their marks, and
maintenance of the record. This system reduces the cost and workforce required for this job.
As the system is online the information is globally present to everyone.
1.3 Task Identification

This is a project for Student Report Management System in c++. A user can perform many
kinds of operations to manage student’s report like adding a new report as well as modifying
and removing it. Also, users can view one individual report or report of all students.

The system automates the basic student report management functions to aid the day-to-day
operations of a school/college teacher or a staff. Also, the goal of the system is to
allow storing details of a large number of students and to add, retrieve and update details of
any student.

1.4 Contemporray Issues

1. The project supports manual addition of attendance, but attendance can’t be fetched
automatically as for online classes.
Entering attendance manually may also lead to error or wrong entry of attendance.

Therefore, our project doesn’t keep record of attendance of student.

2. Calculating cgpa based on relative marking .

3. The requisites for the project was c++ , therefore uploading any kind of image and picture
is not supported
4. Every user must be comfortable using computer .
5.All operations and arguments are in English so user must have basic knowledge of English.
1.5 Timeline:

From the very beginning of this project timeline has been set after regular discussions in
meeting to meet our desired outcomes.

This report was also successfully prepared before the timeline given to us by the Supervisor.

1.6 Organization of report

This report has been organized with 5 chapters. Chapter-1 : Introduction stating
identification of task and problems.Chapter-2: highlighting the Literature survey ,Chapter-3 :
Deign /Flow process which give briefing about selection and finalizing of features.Chapter-
4: Result Analysis which tells about implementation using modern design and project
amanagement. Chapter-5 : Conclusion and future work including references and appendix.

The work for the Independent project was equally divided among all the members.

S.No Members Role Distribution

1. Jiya Sehgal Leader Worked on code .

Content searching for
files and ppt.

2. Ananya Sarim Member PPT for Phase -4 ,

searched for content
for file and reports.

3. Harsh Jai Member Synopsis for Phase-1.

Gathered content for
file making in all

4. Md Sharjil Alam Member Major Contribution

in code.Provided
content in files and

5. Yatin Tyagi Member PPT for Phase-3.

Surfed content for
ppt and file.
2.3 Problem Definition

The initially existing system was totally a human dependent system. It required a consistent
human workforce to maintain things and get them running smoothly.
As the number of the student increases in the institute manually managing the strength
becomes a hectic job for the administrator. This computerized system stores all the data in
the database which makes it easy to fetch and update whenever needed.With the help of this
project, we can store multiple records all in one go and this project also allows us to display
and modify the records of students with just entering their UID.

2.4 Problem Solution

• This project serve solution in all ways possible.

• It eliminate the hassle of paperwork-The administration  is seen with bundles of paper

lying everywhere and not keeping track of documents of students.

• It’ll provide a seamless work check workflow.It'll make easier for administration to
track what work is completed and by whom, and what's pending . the best thing about
this is that you'll get all the necessary details and info on a single screen.

2.5 Objectives

The soul purpose of the Student Report Management system is to allow for storing
information of a large number of students.

• Keep administration  organized and save time-It will keep records of students in
different segments and  will make it easily accessible to save time

• Provides a seamless work check workflow-It'll make easier for administration to track
what work is completed and by whom, and what's pending . the best thing about this is
that you'll get all the necessary details and info on a single screen.
• Evaluate and improve students' performance-It will give an analysis of students marks
and attendance and will further reflect how much student is benefiting from the
academic plans

• With the help of this project, we can store multiple records all in one go and this
project also allows us to display and modify the records of students with just entering
their UID. And therefore this system can be used by education institutes to maintain
the records of students easily.

Design Flow/Process
3.1Selection of Feature and Characteristic

For our project there are two different users

1. Administrator have access to view and edit the details of any students.

2. Students - access to view their details as well as edit their details.

#To get the access as Administrator choose option as administrator and then proceed.

Administrator - The administrator has the right to view and edit the details of any students
which he she wants.

1. Edit student Information

Any change in the student information like change of section or any other functionality can
be done by the administrator whenever needed.

2. Edit Student Information

Administrator can anytime time alter and edit the record and information of student like
change in marks or grade .The option to make any changes is given only to user who choose
to join in as Administrator.

3. Search for a specific student.

This feature allows the administrator to search for any student ,and this can be done through
multiple ways . Administrator can look for a particular student either through his/her uid
name or contact details.

4. Access all the details of the student.

The details of any student can be accessed by the administrator whenever required. This
could be done to check the performance of the students or any other reason.

5. Update and store attendance

The attendance can be updated or entered by the administrator .Keeping a record of

attendance in online section is important to keep in track the activity of student

6. Add and update student record.

In case there is a new entry in the record and or any kind of update is required in the record
of the student , the needful can be done by administrator simply by looking for uid of the
particular student.

#To get the access as student choose option as student and then proceed.

Students – Our project provides the access to student to view as well as edit their details
whenever required.

1. View and edit his/her personal details.

Student can anytime view his/her personal details which includes name ,uid, marks etc. And
can also change these details.

Eg: If a student has to update his contact details he may be simply view his profile and make
the required changes by clicking on the respective option.

2. Check fee and scholarship details

The feature to check the fee to be paid per semester according to the grade achieved in that
particular semester. This feature will ask for the scholarship amount you have earned and
input the amount of fee to be paid after subtracting the scholarship amount.

3. Upload images and certificates.

Any certificate and images that a student might need to upload can be done and will be
stored in the record of that particular student.

4. Check attendance.

To keep a check on the attendance ,as there is a criteria to maintain attendance to a certain
percentage to appear in exam.

Attendance in each subject in terms of percentage .

5. Calculate total marks and cgpa

Once the marks are uploaded by the mentor ,or the student is aware of the marks achieved in
each subject he/she can easily calculates the grade and marks achieved in that particular

Cgpa of a student is calculated according to marks awarded in each subject ,but the criteria
of relative marking can’t be fulfilled. The project calculates the cgpa of student as
average/9.5 and average is calculated according to the marks a particular child gains in every

3.2Design Constraints

1. Uploading certificates and images.

Our present model doesn’t support image insertion feature. Since the requisites for the
project was c++ , therefore uploading any kind of image and picture is not supported.

2. Updating and adding attendance

The project supports manual addition of attendance but attendance can’t be fetched
automatically as for online classes. But keeping a record of student attendance in every
subject is very cumbersome and entering this would consume a lot of time.

This might also lead to error or wrong entry of attendance. Therefore our project doesn’t
keep record of attendance of student.Scope - The project can be enhanced to include online
class functionality with other requisites..

3. Calculation of Cgpa

Cgpa of a student is calculated according to marks awarded in each subject ,but the criteria
of relative marking can’t be fulfilled. The project calculates the cgpa of student as
average/9.5 and average is calculated according to the marks a particular child gains in every
subject.Marks and Grade are also calculated in similar way. But calculating the cgpa based
on relative marking can’t be done.

Other Limitations

• Every user must be comfortable using computer .

• All operations and arguments are in English so user must have basic knowledge of

3.3 Analysis of feature and finalization subject to constraints.

Final Feature selection after analyzing and catering to constraints:

For user as Administrator:

1. Edit student Information-Any change in the student information like change of section or
any other functionality can be done by the administrator whenever needed.

2. Edit Student Information-Administrator can anytime time alter and edit the record and
information of student like change in marks or grade .The option to make any changes is
given only to user who choose to join in as Administrator.
3. Search for a specific student.-This feature allows the administrator to search for any
student ,and this can be done through multiple ways . Administrator can look for a particular
student either through his/her uid ,name or contact details.

4. Access all the details of the student.-The details of any student can be accessed by the
administrator whenever required. This could be done to check the performance of the
students or any other reason.

5. Add and update student record.-In case there is a new entry in the record and or any kind
of update is required in the record of the student , the needful can be done by administrator
simply by looking for uid of the particular student.

For user as Student:

1. View and edit his/her personal details.

Student can anytime view his/her personal details which includes name ,uid, marks etc. And
can also change these details

Eg: If a student has to update his contact details he may be simply view his profile and make
the required changes by clicking on the respective option.

2. Check fee and scholarship details

The feature to check the fee to be paid per semester according to the grade achieved in that
particular semester. This feature will ask for the scholarship amount you have earned and
input the amount of fee to be paid after subtracting the scholarship amount.

3. Calculate total marks and cgpa-Once the marks are uploaded by the mentor , the student is
can easily calculates the grade and marks achieved in that particular semester.

After catering constraits ,features not finalised are:

1. Update and store attendance

2. Upload images and certificates.

3. Check attendance.

After considering the constraints the final feature selection for users are :

Administrator - Edit student information.

Search for a specific student.

Access all the details of the student.

Add and update student record.

Students - View and edit his/her personal details.

Check fee and scholarship details

Calculate total marks.

3.4 Design Flow

The proposed model can be created in any of the following libraries.

1. C++
2. Python
3. Java

We have these 3 libraries in mind before we settles working with one . And after taking in
consideration the ease of coding we setted down for C++.

3.5 Design Selection

The final library decided for our project is C++. And this has been selected keeping in mind
our knowledge about the subject and also the language. C++ is a human readable languages
with very simple code and algorithm development. It’s also easy to make amendements in
the code in case of any error. The compiler used in completing the program for this project is
GDB online compiler. It aims to provide tools that a developer needs for a quick code-build-
debug cycle and leaves more complex workflows to fuller featured IDEs, such as Visual
Studio IDE.

Result Analysis and Validation

4.1 Use of Modern Tools

Student report management system is a command-driven application that helps to maintain

student records. This system has two sections i.e Administration and Student. The
administration portal is used to add, modify and delete student data. The student portal is
used by students to view their marks, grade, and scholarship.

We have used very few header files to keep this project simple and easy to understand at our
present level.

Header files used:Commonly used header file are :

#include<iostream>: iostream stands for standard input-output stream. This header file
contains definitions of objects like cin, cout, cerr, etc

#include<string>:The string header defines one variable type, one macro, and various

functions for manipulating arrays of characters.

Header file used specifically for this project

 ofstream: This Stream class signifies the output file stream and is applied to create
files for writing information to files
 ifstream: This Stream class signifies the input file stream and is applied for reading
information from files
 fstream: This Stream class can be used for both read and write from/to files.

#include<iomanip>:The header file iomanip provides a set of functions called manipulators

which can be used to manipulate the output formats.

Compiler used:GDB online compiler. GDB stands for GNU Project Debugger and is a
powerful debugger for languages like C and C++. It allows user to perform various functions
and provides tools for a quick code-build-debug cycle .

4.2 Design Drawing

Pictorial Representation of Program

Student Report management


1. Adminstrator 2. Student

Features available for users of program

Create Student

Search Student View Record

View Student
Record Scholarship Detail

Edit Student record

Search Record
Delete Student

Conclusion and future work

5.1 Outcome/Conclusions
I. Student Report Management System can be used by educational institutions to keep track of
their student records easily.
II. This system helps in maintaining the information of pupils of the organization. It can be
easily accessed by the manager and kept safe for a long period of time without any changes.
III. Saves a lot of time which kight earlier be wasted in manually storing data and keeping track
of student’s record.
IV. Reduces the hassle for mentors as it helps to ease their work and data saved remains safe.
V. Features for Administrator - View and edit the details of any students.

Edit student information.

Search for a specific student.

Access all the details of the student.

Add and update student record.

VI. Students - View as well as edit their details.

Check fee and scholarship details

Calculate total marks

5.2 Future Work

1. Adding Images and certificates can be done by working on with more libraries.

2. Another section could be added to add acheivements in non-academic field.

3. Can also be prepared as a login system ,working with HTML and CSS.

5.3 User Manual

Our project Allows to enrol as 2 types of user :

1. As Administrator
2. As Student

Once you enrol as one of the user ,multiple features wlll be provided to you .

User has to enter the number against the feature he/she wants to use or make changes to.

Like if you login as a student and you want to view your marks/grade. He/She has to etner
the number against the feature ..let it be 2 .After entering number 2nd the user will be able to
see his/her marks obtained in the subjects uploaded by their respective Mentor’s.

5.4 References




• file:///C:/Users/dell/Downloads/lorgat2018.pdf



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