How To Write A More Effective Email

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How to Write a More Effective Email

Writing effective emails can be a challenge. You've written an important message that you know
your audience could use. But they seem to ignore your emails. Start by deciding what results you
want from your email. Then, write your email with that goal in mind. Your email can't achieve its
purpose if you don't know why you're writing it.
When choosing a goal for your email, it's best to keep the goal simple. It'll be less confusing for the
audience. For example, which email do you think would be more likely to meet its goal?
1. An email with the goal of getting the reader to click through to a landing page (one goal).
2. An email with the goal of getting the reader to click through to a landing page, share information
on social media, and watch a YouTube video (three goals).
The first email is more likely to be successful because there's only one simple goal. While the second
email might succeed in getting a reader to perform one of the desired actions, they're unlikely to do
all three.
Use the Right Email Subject Line
* The subject line is the first thing your reader sees. A poor subject line could get your email deleted
or even worse, sent directly to the Spam folder.
*Keep your email subject line concise, but be specific. Don't mislead your reader either or you'll
leave a bad impression.
*Your subject line should also be relevant to your recipient. Everyone hates getting a generic email
that has nothing to do with them. If you can, take it a step further and personalize the subject line.
Relevancy is by far the most important factor in whether or not your emails will be opened. Relevant
subject lines are what make your subscribers care.
Personalize, Personalize,  Personalize.
Dale Carnegie, author of the classic self  development  book How to Win Friends and Influence
People, famously said: "A person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in
any language." That includes the language of email. Most email marketing services allow you to
easily personalize every subject line to include the name of the recipient. Depending on the data you
have on your subscribers, you can also personalize subject lines based on the city or state where
they live.
Ask questions
Few people ask questions in email subject lines, so questions can really stand out. Questions are also
great for prompting a reaction.
In Summary
5 Strategies for Writing Effective Email:
1. Write a meaningful subject line.
2. Keep the message focused.
3. Identify yourself clearly.
4. Distinguish between formal and informal situations
5. Proofread.

You  can come up with great ideas by harvesting subject lines from the world around you.
Assignment: Send me an email concerning some details and information about your what you have
leant from  the chapter about Report Writing from  ‘Business Communication Today’ book for your
Midterm assignment  preparations (Report Writing).

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