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Billings Township Board Meeting May 9,2011 MINUTES Meeting called to order by Sue Brancaleone, Clerk, Pledge of Allegiance

Agenda Adopted Motion made to elect Larry Grell as Supervisor, all yeas. Minutes approved from prior meetings Bills approved for payment Fire Chief gave update for prior month WWTP Dave DeGrand discussed Flooding on Denton Creek, and the need to correct wash out situation. Larry Grell, Brian and Dave to inspect and make recommendation. Also, discussed the sewer treatment plant and the need to detemine a radius, 25 miles was being recommended. Also, discussed was what would be charged between 6 and 8 cent. Ordinance Officer Report - Provided written report on # of Citations issued


Zoning Administrators Report - Update by ~ Park & Recreation Report - No update given, absent Commissions Report - Update given by AI Hannah regarding FEMA. Old Business: Audit Update, Clerk met with accounting Firm, decision made to ask for volunteers to help in setting up material for the 10/11 Audit. Sign-up sheet prepared with names of volunteers to be contacted by Sue to set up times. Reviewed Resolution #061208 regarding copying charges, confirmed OK to charge 25 cents per copy for copies of tax returns, etc. FEMA - Update by Larry Grell, recommendation to fund the $27,000 the re-mapping from the General Fund. Board agreed, Resolution to be prepared. Siflrup sheet circulated to form a

committee to assist with the FEMA project. List available in the Township Hall showing residents in the Flood Plain. New Business: All committee members are required to submit monthly reports to the Board Public Comment: All public comments heard Board Comment: No Comments Meeting Adjouned @8:40 pm

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