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Programme Name: BCS

Course Code: MPU 3263

Course Name: Office Application

Assignment: First Assignment

Date of Submission: 15 April 2022

Submitted By: Submitted To:

Student Name: Achyut Neupane Faculty Name: Dhirendra Mohan Mishra

IUKL ID: 042103900002 Department: PO

Semester: 2nd Semester

Intake: September 2021

Q1. Define the software. Discuss application and system software’s for the importance to
computer system with appropriate examples.
A A set of instructions or programs developed by programmers/developers in various languages
for a computer to do a certain operation is referred to as software. It is the set of instructions
and data that tells the computer how to operate. This is in contrast to physical hardware, which
is used to build the system and actually does the task.
Software is a definitive terminology that defines programs, data structures, documentation
developed during the software development life cycle, and installation files needed to complete
a computing operation. To complete a task, one or more programs are performed sequentially
or concurrently.
A program is a collection of lines of code that accepts input and works with the computer's
instructions to create an output. A program is a set of instructions that, when executed, provide
a logical output.
There are two types of software:
a. System Software
→ System software is the software that acts as the interface between application
software and the operating system. The system software is written in low-level
programming languages. System software manages system resources and provides a
path for application software to execute on. The system cannot function without
system software. It is a general-purpose piece of software.
→ System software is used in the operation of computer hardware.
→ When the operating system is installed on the computer, system software are also
→ Because system software operates in the background, the user is unable to engage
with it.
→ System software can run on its own. It serves as a platform for the execution of
application software.
→ Compiler, assembler, debugger, driver, and other types of system software are
b. Application Software
→ Application software is a type of productivity software or end-user application that
allows a user to do tasks such as writing documents, spreadsheets, databases, and
publishing, conducting online research, sending email, designing graphics, operating
a business, and even playing games! Application software is designed to the task at
hand and might be as simple as a calculator app or as complicated as a word
processing app.
→ The user employs application software to do a specified task.
→ Application software is installed based on the needs of the user.
→ In general, the user interacts with software applications.
→ Application software cannot function on its own. They are unable to function in the
absence of system software.
→ Word processors, web browsers, music players, and other types of application
software are examples.
Q2. What is Volatile memory? Describe impact of addition RAM on the performance of the
computer. Briefly explain types of memory.
A Volatile refers to something that is changeable or unstable. Volatile memory is computer
storage that only stores data while the machine is turned on. Once the power is turned off, the
data in volatile memory is lost. RAM is the best example of volatile memory.

The speed of a laptop or other computer equipment is determined by a variety of parameters

such as RAM, Processor, Hard Drive R/W speed, and so on. If a device has a high-speed
processor and an SSD or M.2 drive but only has 2GB of RAM, the performance of the laptop
suffers. In general, the speed of every computer equipment is determined by the weakest link
in the hardware.
RAM is utilized to store the operating system, program instructions, and data that is now being
utilized by the CPU. When a program is loaded from a hard disk drive, the program instructions
are transferred into RAM.
With more RAM, more program instructions may be loaded, and there is less need to constantly
shifting data in and out of the hard disk drives’ swap file. Because continual data shifting slows
down the pace at which applications can execute, boosting RAM speeds up the computer's
performance. An increase in RAM improves the computer's multitasking capabilities since the
instructions of many applications may be stored in RAM at the same time.
In general, the more RAM a computer has, the greater the digital surface that can be worked
on and the faster the applications execute. If a computer is running slowly due to a limitation
of RAM, increasing virtual memory is less expensive. Adding RAM, on the other hand, is a better
option since the CPU can read data from RAM faster than from a hard drive.

The types of memory are:

a. Primary Memory
→ Primary memory is the memory that stores very minimal amounts of data when the
computer is in power mode and can be retrieved very quickly. This memory type
contains both RAM (Random Access Memory) and ROM (Read Only Memory) (Read-
Only Memory).
(a) RAM
(i) The information saved in the RAM memory can be accessed at any time.
(ii) It is expensive.
(iii) It is highly fast and responsive, but it requires electricity to run and
communicate and share data stored in its memory.
(iv) There are two kinds: SRAM (Static Random-Access Memory) and DRAM
(Dynamic Random-Access Memory)

(b) ROM
(i) It has the Bootstrap code, which allows the computer to communicate with
hardware systems and understand their operations and functions in response
to commands.
(ii) It can only read data and not write to it.
(iii) It is the fast type of memory.
(iv) It is a kind of non-volatile memory.
(v) In the case of power failure, the data is stored in it and accessible by the
computer once the power is restored.

b. Secondary Memory
→ It is physically stored in a separate storage device that is then connected to the
computer for access. In most cases, the most often used secondary memory devices
in a computer are hard disk drives (HDD) and solid-state drives (SSD). They are less
costly than RAM and ROM and are a good value. Their read and write speeds are also
slower. It can keep the data that is kept inside it without the need for electricity as it
is a separate device.
Q3. Explain on your word how analog and digital system differ from each other also include
advantages and disadvantages with examples.
A The difference between digital and analog lies in how the system is represented and analyzed,
not in the system itself.
Digital systems manipulate data in the form of bits (binary 0 or 1), which are often represented
in circuits by electrical signals of low or high voltage. In digital system, data are processed
by modifying binary representations of data in memory. Software determines how data is
processed and in what sequence, and numerical algorithms may execute any mathematical
function of any complexity, limited only by the computer's memory and speed.

Digital systems have the following advantages:

• They are less costly
• They are more dependable.
• Flexible
• Easy to work with
• Other digital systems compatibility
• Networks with several components

Digital systems have the following disadvantages:

• Error While Sampling
• More bandwidth is needed for digital communications.
• The communications system must be synced in order to identify digital signals.

The examples of digital system are: computer, calculator, digital clock, automobiles, smart
phone, etc.

Analog systems use signals that can have any voltage that the circuit's components can handle.
Analog computers execute mathematical operations by directly reacting to constantly varying
input signals using resistors, capacitors, and op-amps to design modules that can add, multiply,
differentiate, and integrate, among other things. The ability to design modules with particular
behavior, as well as the quantity of modules required, are consequently limitations of analog

Analog systems have the following advantages:

• Consumes less data/bandwidth.
• Precise

Analog systems have the following disadvantages:

• It is not viable to upgrade to a digital interface.
• High expense of signal conversion inside the display.

The most common example of an analog signal is human voice. Other analog systems include
AM radio, wired telephone, mercury thermometer, audio amplifier, and so on.
Q4. Explain Computer-based Information Systems (CBIS)? A business person having different
types of business. Monitoring and managing the daily task is hectic for him. Finally, he decided
to hires you as computer professional consultant for ease of his business. What Step you
suggest to perform for smooth operation and his freedom for hectic schedule.
A Computer-based information systems (CBIS) are systems that convert data into high-quality
information that may be utilized as decision-making, coordination, and control tools, as well as
visualization and analysis. A computer-based information system is the one that stores,
processes, and protects data using or through computers. In the shape of a digital economy and
a growing research area, computer-based information systems (CBIS) play a critical role in
government, society, and industry. It is the only platform that provides tools and capabilities
for consumer marketing, communication, and retention.
Unlike supply chains, an enterprise CBIS is an inter-organizational technology and online
information system that enables contributing buyers and vendors in a variety of marketplaces
to exchange cost and products assistance information and conduct business transactions.
CBIS has been viewed as a substitute in terms of 'automation', which has been employed to
increase efficiency. CBIS is used in government and business for planning, coordinating,
directing, controlling, and making decisions to improve organizational performance. The
aviation industry, academic research, and the banking sector all benefit from CBIS' statistical
packages, which help with efficiency, integration, E-commerce strategy, communications, and
organizational performance.

A computer professional consultant is a person who has specific knowledge in the field of
computers. When a company's in-house resources (its own IT staff) are unable to finish a task,
they hire consultants. It is also proved that hiring a consultant is less expensive than hiring full-
time staff because there is no need to give training, perks, or other benefits.
Computer professional consultants are responsible for understanding the problem from a
business standpoint and designing the system's architecture and structure. Depending on their
field of work, such as supply chain, finance, or customer relationship management, they have
good business basics.
If I was hired as a computer professional consultant, I would perform these operations for
smooth operations and freedom in hectic solution:
• I'd identify the company's requirements, and be able to provide the business with
objective suggestions on how to improve particular processes or the entire company.
• I'd analyze the problem from a commercial standpoint and design the framework's
engineering and structure.
• Employee benefits, not just salary, would be part of my comprehensive compensation
• I would offer immediate and realistic solutions to the company's challenging issues.
• I'd schedule regular training sessions to keep the staff busy during downtime.
• I would make sure that all team members are aware of any deadlines.

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